Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5) Page 14

by Jaime Marks

  Sliding down her body he kissed and licked his way, stopping to pay proper respect to those luscious breasts of hers. He flicked his tongue over her nipple gently before drawing it into his mouth teasing and nipping at it before moving to the other. Her hands speared into his hair as he teased his way down to her core. Byryn flicked his tongue at her delicate folds watching as her body arched. When she moaned softly he gently slid a finger inside her and relished in the way she gasped. He worked her slowly enjoying how she writhed in pleasure. He’d never penetrated her in anyway before, well maybe just slightly with his tongue. He reveled in the pleasure that coursed through her. Slipping a second finger into her he drove her harder quickly taking her over the edge. She moaned loudly and her energy flowed over in him as her orgasm peaked. He drank in some of her sweet wine, groaning into her as he savored it.

  “Please Byryn,” she gasped and he smirked feeling all her emotions and thoughts. She didn’t even know what she was begging for she only wanted more and he would gladly give it to her.

  He balanced another flow of essence that surged through her. It was almost time. The pulses were coming quickly now. He slipped his fingers inside of her again driving her need and kissed his way to her breast nipping and sucking at her nipple as she arched off the bed. “Soon baby,” he murmured against her. “Let me take you higher.”

  They walked in a shroud of Darkness. It was impossible for them to be detected by most but Cymeryn would know. There was no way to mask the Dark Lord’s essence in his veins. He had not intended to make this journey, at least not until he had felt her awakening begin. He had to reach her before the peak of it; before that bastard boy defiled her purity. Not that it mattered if he had, he would claim what was his regardless. The key was reaching her before she awoke. She would still be useful if they failed but her power if she was awakened Dark, by his hand, would surpass even his own. It was essential.

  “Father, Kyle is not responding to my calls and I cannot find John,” Syneous spoke quietly.

  “It is no matter, even if they have polluted the boy’s mind we will bring him around. He is of our line. It will not take much to bring forth the strength of Darkness in his blood.” Alayne smiled wickedly contemplating the enjoyment of those consequences. He rather enjoyed breaking his grandson. It kept him in Kyle in his place…at his feet. “We will of course make it painful for him. Betrayal is not to be tolerated.”

  “Yes Father,” Syneous replied.

  “This entrance will take us into the Palace cellar and there is an access point into the dungeon there,” Tomas informed them as he opened the way.

  “How many unawakened do we have in place now?”

  “Counting John and Kyle there are five, Father,” Tomas replied, “but it might be best if we allow them to operate separately in case for some reason we fail.”

  They made their way carefully up the stairwell and into the cellar. Alayne watched as Tomas carefully made his way around the wine barrels and moved some crates of the sickly sweet fruits the Fae favored so much. Perhaps he should burn their fields. Could the Fae starve? How fun it would be to find out.

  Tomas triggered the corridor and they entered in silence. “Just a bit farther. Once the Shade are free we will be able to go directly to your bride, Father.”

  “I will take her in her own bed and seal her bond to us. I can already taste her,” he smirked envisioning it. He would slay the boy and reap the pain from her as he savaged her body beside his corpse. He would not allow him to live after all he had done.

  They reached what appeared a dead end in the passage and Tomas paused. “Be ready. There will be guards.”

  Alayne summoned a ball of Darkness to his palm. “Open the way and I shall clear our path.”

  Kyle was meditating in the room he had been brought to when he felt it and fear ran through him. They were here. Not only were they here, but Alayne was with them. He had to get to Star.

  He went to rush out the door but the Guardian, Gavyn he had said his name, was stopped him. “You aren’t permitted to leave.”

  “You don’t understand. I have to get to my sister. They’re here.” When the Fae didn’t move and he couldn’t push through the male he groaned. “At least get me Cymeryn.”

  Wycelion and another of Byryn’s brothers stepped up assessing him shrewdly. “Is he giving you a problem, Gavyn?”

  “He says he needs to reach Star or speak to Lord Cymeryn.”

  Scrubbing his face he cursed and met both of Byryn’s brothers in the eye. “Look, I know you don’t fucking trust me. I know you’d both kill me where I stand if you had the choice, but you have to believe me. If not for Star then for that prick of a brother of yours. My Grandfather is here. The only one who even has a hope of holding off Alayne is your Grandsire.”

  Wycelion’s brow arched in shock. “The High Priest is your Grandfather?”

  The other male cursed and drew his blade. “Gavyn, summon more guards. We’re going to guard Lord Byryn and the Lady Staryana.” He met his gaze with determination. “If you’re telling the truth then Lord Cymeryn already knows. He can sense Alayne even through his shields. Byryn is with your sister and whether you believe it or not, he’ll protect her with his life, as will we. The best thing you can do is stay here. Your room is shielded anyway. It’ll give you added protection and provide another target that will help to keep them away from the Princess.”

  He looked up in disbelief seeing the seals for the first time. He’d been so distracted that he hadn’t even noticed. “I…” His shoulders slumped in disbelief. He knew if he even tried to break through the shield is would be a distraction. He had no choice but to sit this out. “Please just keep her safe.” They studied him cautiously, it was clear they didn’t trust him, but they nodded and took off down the hall.

  Gavyn clasped his shoulder. “The Kings of Balance will deal with Alayne. I’m sure Lord Cymeryn will come to you when this is over.”

  He nodded reluctantly as he studied the seals again. They extended just past the door, encompassing the guard. “I’m curious, why did they seal you inside?”

  The Guardian smirked. “Cymeryn trusts you, Kyle. You may be the blood of his enemy and here under false pretenses, but it’s clear the Lords Cymeryn and Marcus see something in you. They knew you wouldn’t attack me and being that there are hidden passages throughout the Palace they didn’t want to leave you locked in alone and unprotected in case there’s some way in they haven’t foreseen.”

  He nodded and stepped back not really sure how to take all this. Right now there was too much to worry about anyway. Looking the Fae over as he knelt he explained, “They’re right. I won’t attack you but you’ll feel my essence surge. I’m going to tap into the mist and see if I can follow what the hell is going on. Otherwise I’ll go crazy just sitting here. At least then if they do find some way in here I’ll be ready…not that there’s much I can do against Alayne, but I won’t go down without a fight and I won’t let him take me.” He left the alive part of that unspoken. He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d rather die than face his Grandfather’s wrath.

  The only thing he could do now was hope that his rival took care of his sister and his line’s greatest enemy managed to win this time. Yeah, nothing hard about trusting that. He must be out of his damned mind. It would be a fucking miracle if they lived to see the next sunfall.

  Cymeryn froze feeling the Dark Lord’s echo within the halls of the Palace. It could mean only one thing. “We have a problem.”

  Marcus sensed him through their link and paled. “Can we move them? I know we shouldn’t interrupt them, but perhaps with her essence as it is and the way they are merging we can mist them to one of the groves?”

  He shook his head. “Unfortunately no. I do not believe her essence is stable enough to move her. She should be hitting the peak of the awakening soon. Perhaps if she were any other, but she is all but a demigoddess. There is no telling the result.”

  “What is it? Why would yo
u even consider such a thing?” Grifyn asked in concern.

  “Alayne is here,” Cymeryn whispered. They were just outside their chamber doors and it was something neither of them needed to be aware of. They needed to complete this between them and strengthen their bonds. It was the only way to weaken the Priest’s hold over Staryana.

  Grifyn drew his sword. “Then the war has come to us.”

  Cymeryn turned to Marcus. “We must face Alayne together and find some way to defeat him. I do not believe there is another way aside from our combined power. Even then he may well bring the castle down around us.”

  He had never been able to defeat the Shade on his own. He was centuries older and his strength was unfathomable, but he had been able to fight him to a standstill and had wounded him severely in the past. If they combined their abilities, their power, maybe they would be able to finally end this.

  Marcus nodded to his thoughts. “Reyana is in the grove. Hopefully she will stay there. She was quite tired. I left her resting against the side of a unicorn that came to see to her.”

  Cymeryn smiled a moment seeing the image in his mind but quickly became serious. There was no time. “We will summon more guards here and…”

  “Trycen and I will guard Byryn and his female,” Wycelion broke in, sword already drawn.

  “Kyle was arguing with Gavyn so we stopped to find out what his deal was. He claims the High Priest is here. I promised him we’ll protect his sister,” Trycen explained.

  “Sister?” Grifyn gaped.

  Cymeryn only nodded. There would be questions later but now was not the time. “Byryn is awakening her. Work with Grifyn and Trina to protect them and Kylion.” He faced his twin. “Let us go meet Alayne and hopefully put an end to this rivalry.”

  They clasped hands and formed at the head of the dungeon stairwell. Hearing the battle waging below, they moved swiftly in unison with blades drawn. When they reached the bottom they faced not only Alayne, but Syneous, Crytos, Tatyna, Tomas, and John. Guardian’s bodies littered the floor as two others fought for their lives. Seeing them the High Priest quickly threw out his essence killing the remaining guards. Marcus forced himself to keep his focus on the danger and not on his fallen Guardians. There would be time to mourn their sacrifice once the battle was won.

  “If it is not the famed Protectors of Balance come to protect their realm,” Alayne mused. “Tell me, what precisely is it you think you will be able to do against me?”

  Ignoring him his brother turned to his progeny. “Tatyna, Crytos, you know the offer I have made you. Make your choice. There will be no prisoners held in this battle. I do not wish to lose you but I cannot let you pass,” Cymeryn pleaded.

  Marcus measured their reactions. Something in his words seemed to reach Tatyna, but there was no telling what her decision would be. It was clear, however, Crytos would not be swayed. The Shade spat at the ground before them. “I will not suffer your weakness as my own. I served you in strength, Cymeryn. This!” He motioned around them. “This is not the power I know of you. I cannot believe you have fallen so far.”

  “You have yet to see my true strength, Crytos. Tatyna, what say you my progeny?”

  She said nothing, merely met his gaze and drew her blade.

  Alayne threw a ball of Dark essence and Cymeryn stepped ahead of Marcus absorbing it easily. “Would you like to trade blows, Priest?” He threw a ball of Light that the Shade easily deflected. “I can do this all day.”

  Alayne raised his hands causing the walls to shake and Cymeryn reached out taking Marcus’ hand. They encased Alayne in a bubble of Light and Gray essence. The Priest howled and Syneous and Crytos surged forth but Tatyna turned on the unawakened keeping them at bay.

  They broke their hold and engaged the Shade. They had summoned Demytria and Kato but it would take time for them to make their way. Cymeryn met Crytos’ blade and threw him back as he kept a lock on Alayne with his mind. Marcus hoped Cymeryn did not fall prey to his sentimentalities for a male he once considered something close to a friend. There was no time in this dire situation. If Alayne got passed them and reached Star…she would be lost.

  His brother allowed Crytos to lunge and misted taking form behind him landing his blade in his gut and dropping him to his knees. He swung swiftly taking the Shade’s head. Forming an energy ball he aimed directly for Alayne, but the Priest dodged it. Cymeryn lunged absorbing another orb meant for Marcus. He could feel his twin’s pain and regret as he fought Syneous but his brother was focused, determine to end the threat to their mate and their bonded daughter.

  Marcus stumbled back as Syneous landed a strike on his thigh, pivoting to land a strike in his gut. Darkness surged forth coating the dungeons in Shadows that writhed along the walls and floor. They grabbed hold of Marcus dragging him to the floor but he brought forth a bright Light that swirled around him driving them back while Syneous gaped at him.

  “Come now Syneous, did you really think I wasn’t prepared for your parlor tricks? Mine blooded twin was a far more adept Supryn than you.”

  “We shall see, Praetor.” Syneous thrust his blade forth with a lunge and Marcus deflected it easily pinning his sword. Since accepting their place as the Protectors of Balance and claiming their thrones their strength and power had grown. The Shade was no match for him in ability or prowess now and it was clear he did not share his Father’s ability to cast.

  Marcus threw his shoulder against the male knocking him off balance and Cymeryn misted in burying his blade in the Shade’s back.

  Darkness swirled around them pinning them down as Tomas pulled his brother back from them. They struggled to reach one another’s hands but Alayne used his essence to force them further apart. It was Tatyna who struck the Shade Priest from behind breaking his concentration. Her blade protruded from his gut having been buried to the hilt in his back.

  “I will never submit to you, Priest,” she spat in his ear.

  “I should have known better than to trust your progeny, Cymeryn. She is the last awakened of your essence aside from my own son, is she not?” A devilish sneer formed on Alayne’s face.

  Cymeryn threw an orb of Light as he misted before the Shade but even as fast as he was it was too late. Alayne stood with the sword still protruding through his stomach from the back. He had turned ripping the sword from her grasp and pulled her to his chest so that the blade now connected them. The orb of Light had hit Alayne but also infected Tatyna and the Shade held her by her throat as he faced Cymeryn with a mocking smile.

  “I wonder, will you kill her to destroy me, Cymeryn? Despite your Darkness she was always the most treasured amongst your progeny, but now, with the Light in you? She is nothing more than another weakness,” the Priest smirked as he backed away. “I may not be able to reach what’s mine, but I have what’s yours to enjoy until I return.”

  Tomas and John already had Syneous by the passageway. Cymeryn met Tatyna’s eyes. They were peeled wide in fear. Even without her connection to his twin Marcus could read her easily. She had not turned on them out of loyalty to Cymeryn but fear of Alayne and the world she would have to endure under his rule. His brother reached out asking her for permission for what he was about to do, she might not survive it.

  When he had what he needed he misted back to Marcus and took his hand sending out his essence. He did his best to coat Tatyna in Gray as he formed an orb or pure Light around Alayne. With the blade connecting them it was a pitiful effort but still he tried to ease her pain.

  “I will control the Light, brother, you the Gray,” Marcus ordered trying to alleviate the strain.

  Demytria and Kato entered fending off the Shadows. The Light surrounding Marcus and Cymeryn only kept them at bay, they could not be left to exist in this realm.

  “Go after Tomas, John, and Syneous,” Cymeryn ordered. “They went through the passage. Our Light should clear your way, we will deal with the Shadows when there is chance.”

  Before any of them could move a Dark orb formed within
the Light growing rapidly. The sphere erupted knocking everyone back. When they sat up, Alayne and Tatyna were gone. Cymeryn rose slowly but said nothing. He dimmed his Light and began to make short work of the Shadows as Marcus stood back allowing him to sate his rage while he kept himself, Kato, and Demytria surrounded in his Light.

  “The others will be gone as well,” Marcus explained to Demytria and Kato. “Apparently the Dark Lord somehow managed to pull them to him.”

  Demytria’s brow rose. “I didn’t think he could do that here. If he has such ability why would they not use it on Star, or even Byryn for that matter?”

  “He shouldn’t be able to,” Marcus agreed. “Perhaps they are too Light. We will have to discuss it with Reyana, but I believe Cymeryn knows why. He will tell me when he is more settled.”

  “What happened, Marcus? He doesn’t lose control this easily and he’s Gray now. I’d expect control would come easier,” she mused as they watched his brother submit fully to his rage, his own Darkness pulsing around him as he mercilessly slaughtered the Shadows.

  “Tatyna fought at our side. There was a point where the Priest had us pinned and she struck him through the back but he was able to gain control of the situation. She was pinned with him in that orb,” he explained grimly keeping a close watch on Cymeryn.

  Kato grimaced, “It would have been excruciating for her with the amount of Light that was flowing through Alayne.”

  He nodded. “She consented. She would rather risk her own death than live under Alayne’s rule as his personal play thing. As Cymeryn’s progeny it never mattered what choice she made. It would always have been her fate and she was very clear on where she stood. I don’t know if she would have accepted Redemption, but she had no desire to serve Alayne.”


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