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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

Page 18

by Jaime Marks

She met Mythos’ gaze as he climbed over her to sit beside her.

  “I will tend to your wounds, Lady Stephynia. They will heal far faster that way.” She approached the bed carefully lifting her long floor length robe to avoid the mess she had made and sat beside her on the bed. She placed her hand over the gash that cut violently through her leg. “There are no fragments and the flesh should knit quickly,” she murmured seemingly to herself.

  Mythos bowed his head in reverence. “Thank you, High Priestess.”

  The warmth that spread through her eased even the knot in her stomach. She relaxed immensely, melting into the pillows and Mythos lifted her, positioning himself so she lay against his chest. His strong arms wrapped around her and she felt safe and loved in a way that she had never felt. It was over too soon. She opened her eyes to meet that strange white gaze and Alysse gave her an apologetic smile. She watched as she grimaced and waved her hand over the mess on the floor causing it to disappear with a satisfied nod.

  Looking over she saw Marcus and Cymeryn were leaning against the wall on either side of the window seat where Reyana sat. When Alysse rose from the bed the Kings of Balance bowed, but to her surprise Alysse bowed to Reyana who shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

  “Please rise, Alysse,” she motioned awkwardly.

  “It is a pleasure to see you, Lady Lunya,” the Priestess smiled softly.

  Steph looked down at her leg. The wound was completely sealed as if it had never even been there. She moved it slowly and winced slightly but she was pretty sure she could walk on it. She looked up in surprise and met the strange Fae’s gaze.

  “You have much of the Light of Lucerna in you, it was an easy task,” she replied in response to the thoughts in Steph’s mind and she rose a brow. The Fae smiled warmly with a small laugh, “I forget how very human your existence has been in your eyes. Yes, I am able to hear your thoughts clearly, as well as with any other Fae in existence, even those who do not yet know what they truly are.”

  It was an odd and cryptic statement to make and Reyana and her mates were studying the weird woman closely now, but Steph was just confused about what was happening. There was something so familiar about her and glimpses of memories that she assumed where her Grandfather’s rolled through her mind but it was more than that. She just couldn’t remember.

  Steph nodded in response but remained silent. She had no idea why but she felt as though it was improper to ask questions. This conversation was meant to be one sided and respected as such. It was strange and unsettling but she accepted it.

  “It is your ancestral knowledge that guides you. Your line has always been very respectful of the formalities between us,” Alysse explained with a smile but then became serious. “There is a reason for how intensely the binds have formed in the relations amongst you. As well as between the Princess of Balance and the soon to be Prince.”

  Marcus and Cymeryn glanced at each other but said nothing. Reyana reached up and they each took her hand and sat beside her. Mythos slowly caressed Steph’s arms seeming to embrace her tighter. It was almost like they were all bracing for something.

  Alysse glanced to Reyana. “As you have been told, your Father foresaw the events that were to occur. He took measures to try to prevent them, but knew that sometimes destiny is outside of even his control. While you slept he took some of your blood and essence. He separated it into the Light and the Night and reached into the womb of the Lady Melydia a Cerulyion, bonded mate of Lord Cymarcion, son of Lucerna.”

  Steph’s brows rose in shock as her head snapped to meet their gaze. They both nodded and offered her a lopsided grin. Why hadn’t they told her she wondered?

  “Upon their next mating they conceived twins. The Protectors of Balance. Being born of the Fae, if the events the Divine Being foresaw came to pass too soon he knew he could send you there to them. You were bonded before any of you were born as Fae and nothing could break those bonds.”

  Steph watched them move closer to one another. The revelation didn’t seem to faze them. Reyana simply kissed them both in turn. Mythos shifted uncomfortably next to her and she couldn’t help but smile. It was still going to take some time for him to get used to their relationship, but he was trying to accept it. She let her essence flow over him and he returned the gesture as he kissed her head.

  Alysse turned to face him. “Lord Mythos, King of the Fae. The ruler who would not be persuaded to take a mate to further his lines. You would only mate out of love, but you have known such great pain and strife that you could not open your heart enough to soothe it. Lucerna felt your pain, your loneliness that you hid so well. No King before you had seen such loss, such pain and she knew there would be far more before things improved. As you slept she reached into your very heart and took some of your essence and blood implanting it in the Lady Madelyna a Grifyion the soon to be bonded mate of Ceryn a Cerulyion. The pain he was to face would surpass even your own and the daughter he was to bear would be a gift that allowed him to hold on through the Darkest of nights.”

  Steph’s breath was caught in her chest. It was beyond her understanding and she couldn’t even fathom the meaning. Alysse focused on her a moment. “It means, my lady, that you must stop questioning if you have a right to be Queen. You were born as the Queen. There is a piece of the King’s heart in your very soul. None have ever had the power to taint that love and when your awakening peaks, you will understand that clearly, but only you can accept this life.

  “As far as your symptoms, it is the nature of your bond. The bond between you is so intense because you were separated for so long. You always knew in your heart there was more for you out there but it was beyond your perception. The moment you entered this world the bond between you sought one another and as with your physical and metaphysical abilities it was, in a sense, accelerated. You could not have fought it or delayed it at that point if you tried. Nor could any of the Sacred Borne. Had you tried the pain and emptiness would have been profound.”

  Steph turned to look to him and he drew her into an intensely passionate kiss that left her blushing in its absence. She lay there against him knowing that it didn’t matter what the reasons were. She knew she loved him and she didn’t want to be without him. It was enough for her.

  “I want to know about Star and Byryn but you will hold until they’re present,” Reyana demanded. Everyone looked at her in surprise at the command in her voice but Alysse only bowed.

  She had no idea what Reyana expected to hear, but she had always been very protective of Star. Her concern set Steph slightly on edge. Besides that there was something about Alysse that kind of made her leery. She didn’t think she would hurt her, but she had a feeling her actions focused more on what was best for the Fae as a whole and not so much on any individual. That had its drawbacks. Sometimes when people focused on the greater good sacrifices were made without consideration.

  The knowledge she had about her, her line, and her memories kind of made her wonder as well. Someone or something had screwed with her memories and she still didn’t have them straight. She knew it had been meant to protect her but if that was the case why was she sent to someone as cold and uncaring as her Grandmother? Why was she left unprotected for John to find? There was a lot she still didn’t understand about this world and a lot more that she didn’t trust.

  Mythos squeezed her tightly and she sighed letting it go for now. She might not trust this place or whoever had messed with her head but she knew that what Alysse had said about her connection to Mythos was true. She was meant to be with him. No one in her life had ever made her feel this safe and loved. It didn’t matter what happened, she knew he was her mate. It was too fast, too sudden, but she loved him and she wasn’t afraid of it. Everything else might seem crazy to her but as long as he was by her side she could handle anything.

  Chapter 15

  Byryn rolled over kissing her passionately. “I love you, brightness.”

  “I love you too, Byryn,” she murmured stretching. />
  He pulled one of her coils of curls and watched as it sprung back. It was lighter now, closer to golden brown of her uncle’s with silver highlights dancing throughout it. Her eyes were now a light hazel green with little diamond flecks that swirled through them and a white Light seemed to emanate from them. To him she had always been the most beautiful female he’d ever known, but now she was so exquisitely gorgeous that she stole his breath. He had no idea what he’d done in this life to deserve her but whatever it was he needed to make sure he kept doing it because he couldn’t bear the idea of ever losing her.

  “You sure you’re ready to deal with the rest of the world?” He whispered. “I wouldn’t mind locking you in here with me for the next week or two.”

  She smiled playfully. “As much as I would like that, someone taught our son to be sneaky and sooner or later he’ll come looking for us. Besides, I’m actually really hungry.”

  That curbed his need immediately. As much as he wanted to enjoy her pleasure at the moment, he needed to attend to her needs more. He kissed her more chastely and rolled onto his side. “Alright baby, then we had better hurry if we’re gonna make dinner. It should be half over by now.”

  She rose slowly and he knew by how she moved it was because her body ached in all the right places. It brought him great satisfaction. He took in the beauty of her. She was about five, six now, a little taller than her Mother and her body was slightly leaner. Delicate muscles sculpted her form adding to the lovely curves of her body. He watched the gentle sway of her hips as she went into the closet. Divines he wanted to take her again. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her.

  She gasped and he jumped out of the bed. He was at her side in an instant. “Sorry Byryn, it just surprised me,” she said motioning to their robes.

  They weren’t their usual robes though. Hanging in the middle of the closet was a shimmering gown of slate grey. It was a somewhat lighter tone than Cymeryn’s robes but far darker than Marcus’. The gown was a shortened princess cut that would rest just below her knee. It had a shimmering silver almost diamond belt around the waist and the same shimmering accent lined the v of the gown. It was beautiful. Aside of it were matching dress robes that would fit him in the same colors. The shimmering diamond accents bordered the cut lines of the robes.

  “Try it on, baby. It looks perfect for you,” he murmured as he grabbed his robes. He watched white essence flow randomly over her skin similarly to how it flowed over her Mother’s as he dressed. The gown contoured her features beautifully. “You are so beautiful, Staryana,” he breathed fighting the urge to take her back to the bed and strip the gown right off her again.

  She smiled knowingly at him. “If you keep looking at me like that and thinking those thoughts, we’re never going to get to dinner.”

  He smirked, “Don’t you worry, I fully plan on seeing you to dinner.” He walked over pulling her into a deep kiss that took her breathe away before he whispered, “I’m just planning ahead to dessert.” Her breathe hitched slightly and he felt her desire but he forced himself to pull back letting his arm slide around her waist. “Come on baby, let’s go see our son and face the taunting of your Dads and your uncle.”

  She smiled warmly at him. “They love you, ya know.”

  “Yeah, I know they do. I love them too but don’t go telling them that,” Byryn laughed.

  “Good to know.” Marcus chuckled as they jumped a mile. “Sorry to startle you. I did sense first to make sure you were decent.”

  Byryn shot him an annoyed look but just shrugged. “What’s up?”

  “There were some issues, but I’ll have to fill you in later. Alysse is here and she was discussing the bonds between us. She was about to discuss you and Star, but Reyana insisted if we are going to learn about your bond that you be present for it.”

  Byryn’s brow rose. “Alright.”

  Marcus placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “First…let me look at you both.” He pulled Staryana away from him a moment. “You look lovely mine bonded-daughter. I am so proud of the Fae you have become.”

  “Thanks Dad,” she whispered and a broad smile spread across his face. It was something she’d nearly slipped on several times, but it was the first time she’d ever called him Dad and meant it.

  “And you…Byryn you really have come far from that scared boy in the hotel room I met.” He clasped arms with him, “I’m proud of you, son.”

  “Thanks, Marcus,” he smiled.

  “Now come on, before they send Cymeryn to get us.” They blinked and they were in the King’s bed chambers.

  Byryn glanced around reorienting himself and froze when he saw the blood on the sheet under Steph’s leg. Cymeryn rested a hand on his shoulder. “Relax Byryn, she is alright now. We will explain later, but first,” he motioned to the High Priestess and Byryn went to his knees with Staryana beside him.

  “Arise Princess Staryana a Reyana, blooded born of Lunya, you have no need to bow to me. It is I who must pay you respect.”

  Byryn smirked as he watched her rise and shift uncomfortably as Alysse bowed before her. She never really handled the formalities of her station well and it was endearing. She would need to get used to it though, she was awakened now. The Fae would expect her to claim her rightful place as Princess.

  He heard Reyana whisper to her, “You have to grant her permission to rise, Starshine.”

  “Oh…Please rise, Alysse,” she offered in confusion.

  “You may also rise, Lord Byryn a Grifyn,” Alysse granted.

  Rising to his feet he pulled Staryana with him as he leaned into a corner and wrapped his arms around her. While neither of them had ever had any real interaction with Alysse, he’d heard that the kind of bombshells the High Priestess of the Fae often dropped. That kind of information could leave you shell-shocked and he wanted his baby close in case the female upset her. Besides, he enjoyed the feel of her in his arms.

  “God Byryn,” Steph murmured looking between him and the Kings of Balance. “You could be their son, or even their brother.”

  He glanced around to see everyfae in the room aside from Alysse was staring at him with odd looks. They had been so focused on making it to dinner that he hadn’t bothered to stop and look at himself. Ignoring them he kissed the side of Staryana’s head and watched Alysse waiting to hear what she had to say. He wanted to get this over with.

  Alysse nodded seeming to understand his sentiment and began to speak. “Staryana’s conception was foretold. Marcus was sent to Reyana early to foster the bonds between them and it did work for a time, but without revealing Lunya to all there was no way to prevent it. Forgive me this Lord Cymeryn, but if you had known she existed you would have taken her in that instance and her essence was too well masked. You both would have been lost to the Darkness.”

  “There is no cause for apologies when you speak the truth, my lady,” Cymeryn shrugged. “We all already know this.” He turned kissing her without apology.

  Alysse nodded. “The only hope to save you was through Lunya in the form of Reyana as Fae and it was uncertain after all the time that had passed if it would be enough...Knowing the future of your lineage Staryana, and the struggles you would potentially face, a part of Lunya’s essence, in her form as Reyn, was taken and merged with your Father’s essence. The lady Crystal Verithyous, was born dormant Fae. It would never manifest in her. Her fate was already at hand as she was in Trevyn’s grasp. She was to bear Trevyn a son of great strength. In her blood lie the dormant essences of both the Verthyrion and Cerulyion lines as her father Verithyous was the blooded born of Verthyrion and Meridythia a Cerulyion. It was a dangerous choice.”

  They all looked to one another in shock but Byryn just stared unsure how to react or feel. He couldn’t remember his Mother. He had never known any of his family outside of his Father’s line that he could remember. His lines were now Grifyion. He wasn’t sure how his ancestry fit into his life or what to make of it.

  Alysse turned to Reyana.
“To protect your young from my brother and the Darkest Darkness of his heart, a strong warrior of Night needed to be born. He would need to understand and be able to accept the Darkness in her, he would need the strength to protect her, and he would need protection in both worlds so he could survive to claim her. By placing him as Trevyn’s he was close enough to garner your attention, Lord Cymeryn, as well as the benefit of your strength and inadvertently your training. Even if you did not realize it, you recognized Lunya’s essence in Byryn and protected him. When the time came for him to enter the world of the Fae, both Lord Marcus and Lunya sensed it, even if they did not know it for what it was.”

  Cymeryn studied him. “It makes sense now. You were always defying Shade, breaking protocol with those who held rank above you, but you did so from a strength I respected. I allowed it, despite my laws, and instead saw you elevated. I laughed at those who complained, mocking them for not having the power to tame a single unawakened. As I was your Grandsire, I made it known that you should bow to none but Trevyn and my progeny unless they had the strength to force your submission. When you defied Trevyn however, I should by all rights have killed you, but I did not. Even when you defied me I was prepared to spare your life, provided you lived through the punishment of course,” he smirked.

  “Certainly explains why I haven’t killed the boy,” Marcus supplied and Reyana and Cymeryn laughed quietly. Byryn just glanced at him raising a brow. Marcus winked at him and he had to shake his head. If the Fae wasn’t absolutely beaming with pride he might be tempted to give him shit, but there were more pertinent issues to attend to he supposed. He just wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the rest of this.

  “Lord Byryn’s path was to be difficult but he was indeed chosen and upon her conception, a small portion of his essence was bonded to Staryana’s heart. To prepare him for what was to come he was left to the Darkness but in order to survive in that world he could never know the Light. His Mother died at his Father’s hand on his third birthday. She had encountered the Fae, knew them for who they were, and recognized it in herself. They agreed to take the boy and attempt to spare him his fate.”


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