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Connections (Mists of the Fae Book 5)

Page 26

by Jaime Marks

  He turned to meet Cymeryn’s amused gaze. He rested a hand on his shoulder as they walked from the room. “Worry not, Byryn, I fully intend to keep him detained and supervised.” He nodded to the Guardians that stood at attention just outside the cell as they exited. “I sense there is more at work as well though I believe he spoke the truth. My concern is more what we saw in Staryana today. It is something I would not have suspected existed in the girl.”

  He nodded considering it. “She didn’t shift, Cymeryn. She was in complete control the entire time. I’ll admit it was a bit unsettling and I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself, but I’m sure you’ve seen some of the things that Alayne has exposed her to.”

  “Hmm,” Cymeryn pondered. “Keep an eye on her, son. I am proud of her control and the fact that she healed him. It shows a strength of character that not all possess. It could also be a precursor to other things, however, and you and I must keep a close watch for signs of the Darkness emerging within her.”

  Byryn glanced over at him. “What about the others?”

  He shrugged. “Let us not readily volunteer this information. I do not believe it is anything of concern just yet but we should be vigilant in the event an issue arises. I see no point in upsetting her or the others unless something further occurs. You and I both knew there was a great Darkness present in Staryana and it is to be expected. Her Grandfather is Alayne. I am her Grandsire and her Father’s essence flows through their connection.”

  Byryn nodded cringing at the reference. “It was definitely…unexpected, but he wouldn’t have talked otherwise. If he didn’t break from mere threats from you, Cymeryn, and a few hits from me only goaded him on, trust me he had no intention of talking. Torture was the only way.” Even though he wondered if there wasn’t some other reason he told her. Something in his eyes when he mentioned Kyle in reference to their brothers…

  “Yes, well I already knew this, but I also promised that we would not take that avenue.” He sighed, “I would have likely stopped her if I did not wish to see how far she would go. In truth I was about to step in.”

  “So was I.”

  “Go, see to her. Sense her. If you think anything is off let me know, but I did not get a sense of that. She remained in complete control, did not shift, and while she used the means she felt was necessary she afforded him kindness and wisdom after. Perhaps we are simply not used to allowing her to step up in such a way.”

  Byryn nodded and headed up towards his quarters considering it. Staryana had possessed a Darkness to her that she kept tightly under wraps these last few months. She was afraid to allow it to emerge for several reasons, the least of which was how the others might react. The primary reason however was that she didn’t wish to feed the strength she felt rising in her from Alayne. She was awakened now, however, and he was closely bound to her. This was a strength she hadn’t allowed herself the luxury of and he quite frankly found it hot as hell that she held that amount of confidence and strength of will. He understood Cymeryn’s concerns but at the end of the day, she was his mate, they were Gray and if she wanted to unleash her Darker side a little…he didn’t really see a problem with it. Especially not when it came to scum like John.

  Chapter 22

  Steph stood in the dressing area of their suite. Standing in the mirror she felt like she must really be dreaming. She took in the image in front of her and wondered who this was she was seeing. The woman in the mirror stood in a sleek, gold, shimmering gown that elegantly contoured her figure. It rested down to her ankle and was slit up the right side of her leg to her thigh. The top was a corset and she had a sheer gold shawl over her shoulders. The woman looked delicate and refined and if it wasn’t for the blond springy curls and topaz eyes that stared back at her, Steph would never believe it was her.

  A heavy knock sounded on the door and she turned towards it nervously. It almost made her laugh. She had never been nervous about how she looked or what anyone would think about her. Really she never gave it a second thought.

  Turning toward the door she braced herself incase this wasn’t appropriate and called him in before holding her breath. It had taken her all morning to find something to wear that fit her station. “Come in.”

  Mythos opened the door to the dressing area while fixing the cuff of his sleeve but as he glanced up he froze staring at her and she tried not to fidget as his eyes ran over her in silence. His voice was a whisper as he approached her, “Stephynia, my beautiful Queen.” He took her hand and turned her slowly around bringing her back to face him. “You look stunning, my caria.”

  She blushed at his words and took him in as he stood before her in regal gold robes and silk pants. A jeweled belt sat around his waist and a golden, ornate sword rested at his hip. His hair was combed back over his shoulders and a gold crown adorned in diamonds and sunstones sat on his head. She had to clear her throat to be able to talk. “Thank you, my handsome King. Here let me help you.”

  He smiled at her as she took his hand and finished buttoning his cuff. “Are you alright? If you have changer your mind and today is too soon we can hold off on presenting the betrothal until you are ready.”

  She looked up and met his gaze, offering him a coy smile. “I already gave you my answer, Mythos. I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous about being in front of so many people like that, but seeing as how I have to do that regardless I don’t see any point in delaying it.” Besides she’d cheered at the games, it wasn’t really the same but it wasn’t as if she’d never been on display for a crowd before.

  He kissed her softly on her head as his arms wrapped around her, drawing her against his chest. “As long as you are certain, caria. I want nothing more than your happiness and there is nothing that will please me more than to present you as my beloved, future Queen.”

  Steph stood there in his strong arms unwilling to pull away. There was something churning in the pit of her stomach but she wasn’t sure what it was or even what it meant. She just knew she had to enjoy this moment because she felt like time was about to close in on her. Taking a deep breath as he pulled back she met his gaze.

  “What is it, Stephynia? Is there something troubling you? I can sense your tension,” He asked as his discerning gaze ran over her.

  She nodded trying to gather her words. “There’s something coming. I just don’t know how to explain it…but I feel it.”

  His brow lowered. “What exactly are you feeling?”

  “Like we’re about to be separated,” she murmured looking at her feet. “It’s this ache in my chest and nausea in the pit of my stomach.”

  He nodded and Marcus and Cymeryn appeared behind him. “Stephynia says there is something coming.”

  She looked up at them as she felt Light pulse over her being and felt Mythos’ essence flow between them as they balanced it. It was coming regularly enough now that she was getting used to balancing the pulses.

  “What precisely do you feel, my lady, and how long have you felt it?” Cymeryn requested as he studied her.

  “I, I don’t know. It started as a knot in my stomach when I woke up. At first I thought it might just be butterflies or something because of the presentations today…”

  “Butterflies?” Marcus requested interrupting her.

  “Nervousness,” she giggled shaking her head at his confusion. “When someone is nervous and gets an upset stomach we call it butterflies in your stomach.”

  “Continue please,” Cymeryn motioned.

  “Anyway, as I got up and started getting ready the feeling got worse even though I felt better about the presentation. Then I noticed this…longing to stay in Mythos’ arms and this gnawing feeling like it was the last time I’ll see him for a long time.”

  Cymeryn nodded as he crossed his arms. “We will have to scan our guests closely. I will not deny I feel something myself but nothing quite that specific. I just know that if it were I, and I received information on this banquet, you can be sure there would be an atta
ck.” He shrugged, “I can assume Alayne has something up his sleeve. He was wounded last eve but there was no way to truly discern the extent of his injuries, nor would he need to take part in the battle himself.”

  She merely nodded. There wasn’t much to be said or done. They could take every precaution they were able to and it wouldn’t stop the events of the day from unfolding. Something was going to happen but she didn’t know what.

  Mythos drew her close again and she allowed it despite the presence of the others. “No matter what occurs, caria, I will protect you with all my power; and if we are indeed separated in some way you must know that I will always find you.”

  She nodded but wasn’t really sure what else she could say. Fate sometimes stepped in and changed the course of things. She glanced around at the robes on either side of the closet now half hers, half his. It felt right. Being in his arms felt right. No place ever felt like home to her before, but here with him she knew she was home for the first time in her life. It wasn’t so much about the place, it was him. He completed her in a way that no one else could and anywhere they were together was instantly home. It had only been a few days but it felt like she had been here for an eternity in his arms and she wasn’t ready to leave him.

  Devyn stepped out of the entryway and looked around taking in this new realm. The mists that rolled over everything muted all color and even sound in some odd way. This was not his home and he did not in truth wish to be in this dull place amongst so many he could not trust but situations had required his presence.

  He stood beside the King’s Guard who had been sent for him in what appeared to be an unending forest but as he glanced to the right he could almost make out a building in the distance. “What resides there?” He demanded.

  “That is the Colony of the Tainted, Commander Devyn. It is nearing completion but not yet in use. I believe his lord, King Mythos, said it would be ready in perhaps a week,” Guardian Meryn offered.

  He nodded. “Lead the way, if you would.”

  He followed Meryn and Facious. He was not pleased to be entering this new realm. Generally when he took reprieve it meant returning home, to the Palace of Light. He understood the necessities of change but it did not mean he welcomed it. Since the Princess Reyana a Mythion had been reborn there had been nothing but a continual flow of endless changes and now that she had taken her place as the Queen of Balance it seemed that those changes were continually increasing.

  He had never been a believer in destiny or fate on a grander scale. He was told he was destined to fight in the battle for his race and that he believed. War he could understand, but the rest? He had seen far too much tragedy and violence in this existence to believe there ever had been anything good in this world. He wanted to believe that the Queen was indeed Reyana reborn, returned to them after all this time, but he was not sure he believed the truth of it and needed to see it for his own eyes. This could all be some game the Umbra had enacted to gain control of the realms; especially now that he knew Cymeryn was somehow involved in it.

  That boy had been trouble ever since he was cut from his Mother’s womb. There had always been a tinge of Darkness too him. The fights he used to get into, the schemes he plotted, he had even caught him stealing once. It had not surprised Devyn in the least when he had turned. Now they wanted him to buy into the fact that he was in some way Redeemed? The entire situation was deplorable. He could not believe, of all Fae, Mythos believed this fallacy. Marcus should have known better as well but the bonded relations between he and Cymeryn had always been a complex entity.

  A large mountainous form emerged and the trees began to clear. He followed Meryn behind a large boulder where he reached into a crack and triggered some form of a doorway that slid open to reveal a stone stairwell. There were no torches but the passage was not Dark per say, just dim, and when they reached the top Meryn triggered an opening in the ceiling.

  Stepping onto the plateau he had to be somewhat impressed with the defenses he saw. A large wall encircled the compound with turret posts where he observed Guardians in the archer positions. Patrols marched along the Palace and guards held positions at various potential entry points. Marcus had indeed reclaimed the position as Praetor. Kato was a Fae of Honor and had served the post with honor in his stead, but Marcus a Cymarcion was born for his rank. He held the Guardians to a higher standard and had always excelled in the post. Cerulyion has chosen well in his appointment.

  He was led up the Palace stairs and into a grand foyer. Everything seemed to be in a subdued décor but it was not unpleasant. In fact, he had to admit that it would have been well suited to Reyana a Mythion’s tastes. Marbled floors accented in silver spread out across the ground from the long red carpet that led from the entrance up a large staircase. Five sets of corridors branched off from the stairs before he reached the top floor and headed down the right corridor. Small marble columns formed enclaves for crystal statues in between the entrances of what were obviously suites.

  He was to be joining the Lucerna Lines for breakfast this morn. It would be the first time he would see many of them in a hundred cycles. He was not entirely looking forward to it. It was not that he did not want to see them well and together after so much time, but he had such distrust for the changes that were occurring. He was looking forward to seeing Grifyn, Mythos and Marcus. Kato was always welcome as the bonded mate of the Lady Demytria a Grifyn as well, but it was the rest of this that he did not trust including Demytria herself. There had never been such a thing as Redemption in all of his cycles. They had lost so many Fae to the Shade. How was he to trust this? He wished Cerulyion and Grifyion were still alive to aid him in deciphering this and bringing those they loved back in course to the path of Light.

  “Would you like us to announce you, Commander Devyn?” Meryn requested as he stopped in front of a door that bore an insignia of a silver crescent moon laid over a large golden disc of the sun.

  “If you would, Guardian Meryn,” he requested. It was time to find the truth of what was occurring in his family.

  Marcus shifted nervously as Meryn entered the sitting room and everyfae seemed to tense somewhat. They all knew Devyn was here. They had sensed him upon his arrival to the realm.

  The Guardian knelt before them. “My lords, ladies, might I present Devyn a Devyion of the Lines of Lucerna, Commander of the Fronts.”

  Devyn walked in with his hands behind his back and offered a small bow. In his cobalt and gold robes he looked almost regal, but the hardened soldier in him shone through with a hardened edge. He stood six, nine, almost as tall as the King and strongly built, his short dark hair barely long enough to see the golden highlights in it. He gazed around the room with that almost angry, discerning stare, taking them in with his yellow eyes that Marcus had always found a bit eerie. He was still as ever an intimidating Fae. Marcus watched as Mythos rose to greet him and waited to see what the fallout would be. The tension waving off Devyn was palpable.

  “You are dismissed, Meryn, you and Facious both have my schedule for the day.” He watched as the Guardian rose and nodded respectfully before taking his leave. “It is good to see you, Devyn. I was pleased to hear that you had taken reprieve. It has been too long since you have had a break from your post.”

  He nodded, “I must admit I wanted to direct my full attention here, Mythos. Some of the recent communicaes I have received were less than elaborating and left some questions and concerns.” That shrewd stare narrowed in on Cymeryn, Demytria, and then Reyana. “I see we have much to discuss.”

  Mythos tensed slightly but clasped his arm. “It was difficult to convey in writing, my friend. There are simply some things you need to see and sense for yourself. I am sure you have many concerns, but I assure you, things are better than they have been in many years…although perhaps a bit unorthodox in some cases.”

  Devyn’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Perhaps you should allow me to be the judge of that, my lord.”

  Mythos sighed momentarily but simpl
y stepped back and motioned for Reyana. Marcus rose with her and approached at her side. He glanced to Cymeryn but he merely shook his head. His brother had no wish to engage Devyn directly. In truth they had agreed that he would attempt to allow Marcus to address their Patryarch primarily as the Fae was often quick to anger.

  “Might I present my blooded sister, Reyana a Mythion, reborn to us after all this time?” Mythos smiled.

  “It is good to see you again, Devyn,” Reyana curtsied then allowed him to kiss her hand, but he did not release it. Instead he gripped it tightly as his essence flowed through her while he studied her.

  “Devyn, I understand your distrust, and you have a right to ask questions and even to sense her, but you will respect your boundaries with my mate. She is the Queen of Balance. You will remember your place,” Marcus nearly spat when Reyana winced from the grip he held on her delicate hand. “Remove you hand or I will do it for you!”

  Devyn released her immediately, but did not withdraw his essence and Marcus could sense Reyana reluctantly open herself to his assessment. Marcus glanced back to Cymeryn in concern.

  Grifyn rose, trying to calm the situation. “Devyn, there’s much to discuss, and I understand your need to delve right in, but perhaps we should first take meal. Then we may fully explain what has been happening in recent weeks.”

  Devyn scoffed ignoring him, “I would never have believed it, Reyana. In truth I thought you to be some deception, but now I see you are indeed here in the flesh…however manipulated you may have allowed yourself to be.”

  “Excuse me?” Reyana responded in shock.

  “Devyn, I will not allow you to talk to address her in such a way. You are out of line, my friend,” Marcus shot back in frustration. “I know all of this is perhaps…confusing and unsettling to you, but you have no right to come in here and pass judgment on matters that you know nothing about as of yet.”


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