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Heavy Hitter (Triple Play Series Book 1)

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by Stacy Borel

  Macon, Georgia, wasn’t my ideal place to be, but it was what life gave me. I was thrown a curveball that I wasn’t prepared for, and I’d since moved here in search of something.




  I didn’t have a single fucking clue when I packed my bags and announced that I was headed north. I just knew that this was what I needed to do. My parents tried to convince me to stay and finish college. You know, follow life’s natural progression.

  We weren’t rolling in the riches, but we had some money from inheritances. The truth be told, I didn’t know much about cars. The extent of my knowledge before I got here was how to change my own oil, replace an air filter, and replace a tire. I think the two other men here picked up on my lack of knowledge the moment I stepped through the doors and didn’t have a lick of dirt under my nails. It wasn’t a warm greeting at first, but when they saw my distaste for Mac, they were more than willing to take me under the wing and teach me all things carburetors and transmissions. They’d taught me quite a bit in the short time I’d been here. Turned out, nobody liked Mac. And these poor fools had no choice but to keep working for him because they had no other way to support themselves or their families.

  I sat up straight and looked up at the undercarriage of the 1966 Mustang that rolled in here this morning. This car would be any other car buff’s dream to work on, but it was the current source of my developing headache. I didn’t understand older vehicles. Most of the cars today used mostly electronics to run, but the older ones were more mechanical. Something was sputtering when the engine turned over, and the owner wanted it looked at. I’d have to ask Mike; he’d know more about it than I would.

  The rest of the day was uneventful. Mac stayed up in his luxury air-conditioned palace while we stayed down here in the sweltering heat till quitting time. I had no plans of staying a minute past five o’clock and was ready to get the hell out of here and wash the stench off me. I said bye to the guys and got in my own beater car and headed to the apartment. Thrilled to have the A/C blowing on me, I felt like my brain wasn’t so muddled, and I could think clearly. It was nice to be able to actually leave the shop and go somewhere that was my own. Sure, I shared it with someone else, but it beat living in one of the rooms above the garage at my uncle’s place. Seeing the ad at the grocery store for a roommate couldn’t have come at a better time. It was affordable, and before I went to check it out, I had decided that I didn’t care if the other person who lived there was a piece of shit. Anything was better than where I was. To my surprise, my roommate turned out pretty cool.

  Foster was a chill guy and didn’t seem to mind my odd hours. He was a couple of years younger than I was and a student at the college. I didn’t know what his major was, and maybe I should but having a “get to know you” conversation hadn’t really happened yet. I’d only been living with him for a few weeks now. It wasn’t that I was an asshole and didn’t give a shit about who he was, but I wasn’t going out of my way to get chummy with him

  The drive was short and sweet. I should have walked to work since it was only a few blocks away, but I liked the few minutes I had to myself, just me and the radio.

  When I came through the door, I saw Foster sitting on the couch with an Xbox controller in his hand. He was playing Madden, a football video game, and talking to someone on a headset. I dropped my keys in a bowl on the counter and made my way to the hall when he called my name. I turned around.

  “Hey, man.” He glanced at me. “Goddammit, Chase, you know that was pass interference,” he yelled into the mic. “Hold on, I’m going to mute you for a minute.” He gave me his attention. “How’s it going?”

  “Going good. How about yourself?”

  He looked back at the television, but I knew he was listening. “Pretty good.”

  I leaned my shoulder against the hallway entrance. My body feeling raged and desperate to get off my feet.

  “You settling in okay? Need anything?”

  I thought about it for a moment. The only thing I needed was sleep and my uncle to fall off a cliff in the Grand Canyon … after I pushed him. “Aside from some laziness unpacking two more boxes, I’m decent.”

  He was clicking his controller again. “Not to sound like I’m asking you on a date, but my family does these dinners every couple of weeks. Cat’s outta the bag that I found a roommate. Next time we get together, if you are free and would like to come with, they’d like to meet you.”

  Why didn’t they just come here? “Okay.”

  “They’d stop in, but my grandfather just had major surgery, and he’s still recovering.”

  My heart just had the smallest of daggers poke at it. Before he said that, I probably would have agreed but then backed out later. The mention of his grandparents was my weak spot, and I couldn’t make an excuse.

  “Okay.” I casually acknowledged.

  He stopped and set his controller down. “No pressure or anything. Not like you have to come with. But I just figured it might be easier for both of us to get it done in one painful afternoon instead of them stopping in and being all fucking weird.”

  My head felt heavy on my shoulders, but I chuckled. “I understand. Yeah man, it’s not a problem. I usually work on Saturdays, but if it’s on Sunday, I should be able to make it.”


  “Are they chill?”

  “You could come straight from the garage, and they wouldn’t care. Wear what you want, and we can ride over there together next weekend. You like sports?”

  I answered like it was the easiest question of my life. “I love basketball and golf.”

  He blinked. My tattoos didn’t exactly scream Tiger Woods. “What about baseball?”

  I frowned. “Nope. My dad put me in T-ball as a kid, and the coach was a real dick. Even though we were little, he played us like we were an older professional team. I was benched most of the time, so I’ve kind of hated the sport ever since.”

  Foster was looking at me as if he wasn’t sure what he let move into his house. If it didn’t take so much effort, I’d laugh. “Uh …” He opened his mouth, then shut it. “My family tends to obsess about it a bit, so this will be interesting.”

  Eh, I couldn’t care one way or the other about baseball. I loved golf because my dad always took me to the range, and it was where we’d talk about life, girls, and things going on at school. It was where we bonded. Basketball came naturally to me, and I played on my high school team, but I hadn’t touched a ball since my senior year. Who knows if I was still any good. If his family loved it, that was fine. I’d indulge them. But it wasn’t important to me if they liked it and I didn’t. I was doing him a favor.

  But I’d like seeing Ashton and her tight little body getting physical.

  She was a nice surprise that stumbled into my bathroom a few days ago, and I’d spent the better part of my quiet evenings getting hard to the thought of her and how her light blue eyes had raked over me like a starving timid mouse. From what I could tell, she was a bit reserved but not quiet. Her cheeks pinking from embarrassment were probably the most innocent thing I’d seen in a long time. The girls I’d been around were far from innocent. They were provocative at best. And almost always whores. Most were scantily dressed with pouty lips and “fuck me” bedroom eyes. I’d had my fair share of women in my twenty-three years, but none that interested me longer than scratching an itch. Some tried to stick around but got the hint when I wouldn’t return their calls or texts. I wasn’t sure if Ashton was very experienced, but if I had to place money on it, I’d say no. She was sexy without being aware of her own appeal. Or hell, maybe she just didn’t care. But I sure took notice when I didn’t need to.

  I wasn’t the happiest here. I hated my job, and I wanted nothing more than to drown my uncle in battery acid. My roommate seemed nice enough, and the place was comfortable, but it just wasn’t home. The tiny framed, dark-haired beauty who barged in on me was a wild card I wasn’t expecting. Wha
t shocked me more was the inability not to erase her as easily as every other female who batted their eyes at me. And let’s be real, I knew myself well enough to know that if Ashton continued to come around, it was going to be trouble.

  I was an aggressive motherfucker.

  When I wanted something, I didn’t sit on my hands. And when I caught a glimpse of her milky white skin, ass cheeks hanging out of her barely there shorts, and tits that would fit perfectly in my palms, I was unfortunately tempted.

  It was a problem.

  “Is this a family meeting like Thanksgiving? Like distant relatives are there and shit?” I asked.

  He was about to unmute whoever he was playing with. “Nah. Just a couple of aunts and uncles, my parents, Ashton, and a few cousins.”

  There it was … the confirmation I shouldn’t have asked for.

  I got the impression she and Foster were close, considering how comfortable she was when she was here. Chances were good that I’d see her before the weekend. I didn’t reply, and he didn’t wait for me to. He was knee-deep back in his game, so I walked down the hallway to my room. Stripping off my shirt, I tossed it on the pile near the closet and flung myself on the bed. My muscles were aching even though I hadn’t worked out or lifted weights. Working in the garage was taxing, and I was still getting used to it. I needed to shower, but I wanted to lie down more.

  I called my parents today. My dad was getting the house ready to have some friends over for poker night. And my mom was about to walk out the door to have dinner with the church ladies. It caused a pang in my heart. I was thinking far too much about my life back at home, and how I was my parents’ pride and joy. Aside from holding off school for two years while I decided what I wanted to do with my life, they were the typical proud, doting parents. But then I’d gotten news that stopped me dead in my tracks. I’d never forget their poor faces when I told them my intentions to move here. Like I was struggling with some life crisis.

  It was a life crisis.

  I was beginning my third year as an engineering student, and my life was finally going right. And then as if the universe said “fuck you, Crew,” I got my feet knocked out from under me. The man who had influenced me and was by my side from birth, my grandfather, took his last breath. For most, losing a grandparent might not be a life-altering event, but for me, it was like someone had chopped me off at the legs and kicked me over and over again while I lay helpless on the ground. He gave me life. Not long after, my grandmother followed him. Everyone said she died of a broken heart, and though it was a cute sentiment, I was sure the massive stroke was what took her life.

  I was here for reasons beyond their passing. I was here for him. Now that I was here, I wanted to call him and yell at him for making it sound like this place was full of magic. Give me a fucking break. All this place was, was irritation and a test of my ability not to commit murder.

  The ceiling fan blew cool air across my skin. I was exhausted, and I wanted nothing more than to pass out and sleep the rest of the week away, but I needed get up and shower, or I’d be stuck washing these bed sheets. Moving my stiff body to the bathroom, I turned on the water and welcomed the steam and hot liquid pelting my back. I stayed in there way longer than necessary, but it was exactly what the end of my day called for. When I got out and was shaking the excess water out of my hair, I heard female laughter on the other side of the door. It was a gentle chortle that grabbed my attention.

  I hadn’t heard her laugh before, but I didn’t need to open the door to recognize who owned it.

  I wasn’t even close to being on my game, and exhaustion pulled at me. I needed to get some sleep. Stepping out of the bathroom, I had my towel wrapped around my waist, and my nipples pebbled at the cool brisk air on the other side of the door. As much as I told myself not to, when I was crossing the hall to my room, I briefly peered into the living room for a pathetic look at the girl who had sparked my interest.

  She wore gray sweatpants entirely too large for her frame, and a light blue tank that hugged her breasts perfectly. Breasts I’d thought entirely too much about. One of her bra straps had slid to the edge of her shoulder, and I felt the need to go slip it back in place. Her coffee-colored hair cascaded down her back in waves, and I wondered if she would enjoy me winding it around my hand and tugging her head back. I didn’t realize I’d paused where I was until she turned. Her tiny almond-shaped blue eyes were looking back at me, and she blinked. Just like the first time I’d seen her, here we were almost in the exact some position. She glanced down me so quickly I almost missed it. Her chest started rising and falling a little faster, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d be willing to bet her palms were sweaty. I balled mine into fists at my side.

  She had desire written all over her face.

  My fucking dick twitched, and I made no move to hide it. It might have been wrong to allow her to see it, but I wanted to make her uncomfortable. I wanted to test the waters and see how she would react. My towel was making a nice tent in front of me, and I saw her peek exactly where I wanted her to. She made an audible gasp.

  That’s right, Ashton. Take a nice long look at what you fucking do to me, I thought.

  The corners of my mouth tipped up, and I knew my grin screamed come on down the hallway, little girl, and I’ll devour every inch of that delicious body. She sucked in her lower lip, and I wanted to spank her ass for teasing me. Would it be wrong to grip my cock right now, knowing damn well Foster was only a few feet away from her? She made the most subtle of steps forward.

  Look at the shy, clumsy girl succumbing to desire and curiosity.

  I shook my head, and her brows furrowed as confusion and mortification spread across her pinking cheeks. I had enough sense to know if she came down here, all this would be over. Foster would kick my ass out faster than I could empty myself inside her, and I’d be back at square one looking for a place to live. Instead of continuing the charade that would have me either dealing with blue balls for the rest of the night or jerking off to get some relief, I gave her my back and stepped into my room. Once my door was shut, I dropped my head.

  It was blatantly obvious if I allowed it, Ashton could be a liability.

  I just played with a spark that could blow up in my face. I might as well have grabbed a live wire out in a rainstorm. Get a fucking grip, Crew. My body’s aches were now more than simply being sore from work. I hadn’t even touched any of that beautiful skin, and she was making my damn blood supply shut off from my brain.

  “Goddammit, get it together, asshole,” I grumbled.

  Angrily, I tugged on a pair of briefs and shut off the lights. I flopped onto my bed and decided that neglecting my aching member was punishment enough. I never claimed to be a gentleman, but that was an asshole thing I just pulled. And with how my day was going so far, Ashton might be telling Foster that I didn’t belong here.


  I HAD A RARE DAY OFF from work in the middle of the week, and instead of studying for an economics test, I decided to spend some time at Foster’s. I hadn’t been there since dinner and hadn’t talked to him aside from a handful of texts. No way was I going to admit that I hoped to catch a glimpse of Crew.

  Attempting to relax on the couch, I was half watching Foster play a game and half looking at my notes for my exam. When I got up to grab a bottle of water from the fridge and walked back to sit down, I saw him. As if I was once again being tested, Crew stepped out of the bathroom. And for the second time, I was viewing him in just a towel wrapped low around his waist. He’s exceptional. He was still damp from his shower, and I was frozen in place. My feet were trapped in sinking sand in the middle of the apartment, and if I moved, I’d be sucked in deeper. His wolfish eyes held me captive as he stared at me, making every inch of my body come alive. I couldn’t even begin to tell you what was happening. My brain was pure chaos as one part tempted me to touch his sinewy skin while the other part was yelling for me to turn away and be a lady. The devil’s voice won.

; My eyes remained locked with his, and I was confused by my reaction to him. I didn’t know him at all, but I felt a pull to him. A curiosity that ran deep. Without him even touching me, I felt a dampness beginning to soak my panties. I sucked in my lower lip to avoid my need to squirm and create friction. I didn’t know what the fuck was happening, but I wanted to be closer to him. He cocked a perfect brow at me when he caught sight of my mouth. That was when I noticed something was off with how his towel was sitting.

  Oh my god, he was hard.

  My skin prickled, and as if I were sitting in a sauna, heat washed over me. Dampness was forming in my panties, and I was bewildered by my instantaneous reaction. I was flabbergasted by his brazenness not to dash off to his room and ignore what was happening. He was a complete enigma to me. Here was this man who clearly had confidence and zero qualms about showing me his body. God only knew what he would do when the towel came off. I shouldn’t even be thinking this way, but I was.

  I wasn’t the type of girl who jumped in bed with someone based solely on physical attraction. In fact, I wasn’t even that experienced, if I’m being honest. I’d only been with Cooper, and those encounters were awkward at best. He was my first, and I was his. The first time we tried, he hadn’t even pushed inside me before he came in the condom I’d clumsily helped him roll on. My friends had told me that sort of thing was common, and Cooper had been determined to try again. Our second time, he pushed past the barrier that was my virginity, which caused some serious discomfort, but he’d barely moved before he could contain his own excitement. We’d had sex a few more times, but none of those times had brought me any pleasure. Looking at Crew right now, I had a feeling I’d be in some very capable hands. I’d wondered what it would be like to be with a man who actually knew how to please a woman. One who knew his body and wasn’t afraid to explore things with partners. I never imagined past the capacity of a man who could take me to a level of pleasure that might possibly blow my mind.


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