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Heavy Hitter (Triple Play Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Stacy Borel

  I sighed; the only response I could muster.

  “Tell me you want this.”

  My eyes flashed open when he pressed his rough, jeans-clad knee against my thin panties. I was so near the edge of pure bliss. He was egging me on as he pulled me toward him, and I felt his mouth graze my ear.


  He chuckled sardonically. “Take what you need then.”

  We pushed and pulled, dancing in a crowd completely unaware that I was on the verge of a mind-blowing explosion. My breath grew raspy, and I was right at the peak of pleasure mountain when an unwanted voice cut in.

  “Yo, can I have a dance?”

  I heard a low growl come from Crew’s chest. “She’s good, man.”

  The fog in my head was real.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw Reece’s lazy smile, and eyes that were currently plastered to my ass. “She looks like she might want another drink. Hey, Ashton, wanna come with me to get some beer?” His words were slightly slurred.

  How was he still upright? I thought for sure he would have passed out by now.

  I opened my mouth but quickly shut it when Crew gently put me behind him and spoke for me. “She’s good on the alcohol too.”

  Reece stumbled forward but caught himself before he fell into us. He blinked and gave his head a small shake. He was so far gone I didn’t think he’d find the kitchen if he put in solid effort.

  “I think she would like another one,” he stated more assertively but with humor in his voice.

  Crew gave a small shove, so Reece was no longer gripping his forearms. He was getting in a defensive stance, and I stiffened. Were they about to fight or something?

  “What was your name again?”

  “Reece.” He said the S-sound like a snake. Spittle flying out of his mouth.

  “Reece, since you don’t seem to be picking up on basic language that we all learned back in preschool, let me be a little more clear. Ashton is here with me. She isn’t going outside to do any keg stands, fruit stands, kick stands, or any kind of whatever you think she needs to do to get her drunk enough to fuck with someone like you. Bark up another tree.”

  My mouth was hanging open. I tried to peer around Crew’s shoulder to see Reece’s reaction, but I couldn’t see much of anything. I imagine he must’ve gotten the picture because Crew turned back toward me like the tall skinny guy wasn’t a threat to him.

  When he laid his feral yellow eyes on me, I swallowed hard. “You okay?”

  I nodded. Of course, I was okay. I felt a little of the alcohol-induced stupor fade, but I was still just as turned on as I was five minutes ago before I brazenly dry humped him in a room full of people. The wetness was still there, and the need was just as strong.

  “Want to get out of here?”

  I nodded so vigorously that my brain felt like it sloshed around in my skull. I was more than ready. We’d only been here about an hour, and I’d hardly celebrated my birthday like I had anticipated, but this was so much better than spending the rest of my night unable to speak my own name outside of my face being in a toilet.

  I imagined if the devil grinned, it would match the one Crew just flashed at me. He grabbed my hand and started to lead me out. I hesitated for a moment, and he turned back to look at me. “We need to find Foster and let him know we’re leaving.”

  He agreed.

  Foster would see Crew and me together and would tease me relentlessly for days to come. But my moment was now, and I didn’t care how big of an asshole I knew he was going to be. I spotted him up against a wall with his tongue down Blow-up Barbie’s throat. He couldn’t possibly respond in that sort of condition. I smiled inwardly.

  Crew yelled to me over the music while we stood next to a speaker. “It’s fine. I don’t think he will be heading out anytime soon.”

  “Should I be concerned about how he’ll get home?”

  “He’s a big boy. This isn’t the first time he’s found company at a party.”

  I gave his hand a squeeze, and he kept his grip on mine till we were out of the house and crossing the lawn. Neither one of us uttered a word. My reason was nerves and the possibilities that waited for me when we got into his bedroom. You know when you were younger and you were asked if you could have one superpower for twenty-four hours, what would it be? I wanted to be a mind reader right at this very moment. He walked me up to the passenger side door of his remodeled Camaro and held it open for me. I sidled inside, and the smell of leather and the spicy scent of Crew invaded my nostrils. It was black trimmed everything, and the material was cold and smooth against my legs. He went around and got into the driver’s side.

  The engine came to life with a low purr. My heart was beating at a gallop, and my body felt alive with anticipation. I hadn’t been intimate with anybody since shortly after I graduated. What Crew didn’t know was that our little antics inside were the closest I’d gotten to an orgasm from someone other than myself. Cooper never succeeded in pushing the right combination of buttons that made me tick. We fumbled around like inexperienced teens who didn’t know the meaning of cunnilingus, and the magic of a clitoris. The first time I gave myself an orgasm, I knew I’d never be able to show Cooper how to pleasure me. I was young, and embarrassment was the front man to me verbalizing what I needed.

  Crew didn’t need a manual. He wrote the damn thing. A thrill shot through my stomach.

  We’d just started down the road while he carefully maneuvered around people mingling off the sidewalks. His gruff voice sounded like a boom in the quiet car. “How many people have you been with, Ashton?”

  “Excuse me?” His question took me by surprise.

  He kept his eyes forward as he drove to the other side of campus. “Answer the question.”


  He peered at me from the corner of his eyes. “One? How long ago was that?”

  I looked out my window. “Three years.”

  “Was he a virgin too?”

  What the fuck? I swung my body around to face him. “I don’t see how that is any of your business.”

  His jawline was sharp, and his questions even sharper. “Tonight it’s very much my business. Answer the question.”

  “Yes,” I hissed.

  “Did he pleasure you?”

  My eyes nearly popped out of my head. “Are you being serious right now?”

  “Idiot boys, they don’t give a shit about pleasing anybody but themselves. They love taking the virginity from little high school girls and talking about it in the locker room, but they don’t brag to their guy friends that they didn’t bother making your legs shake. Two-Pump Chumps. Yes, I’m being fucking serious.”

  I swallowed, unsure how to follow that up with a response. But I didn’t need to because he continued.

  “I warned you. I told you to be careful. You’re so fucking beautiful, and you had to waltz around with that dress and with your fuckable lips and sultry eyes. I can’t hold back anymore. You are so damn responsive, almost coming just from barely touching me.”

  My blood was rushing through my veins, heating me with every word. His yellow eyes were so dark under the streetlights that they almost looked deep orange. His pupils shot to the pulse on my neck, and I wondered if he’d strike like a viper. I wished he would.

  I licked my parched lips. “It wasn’t really like that with my last boyfriend. He was a good person.” I totally winced after I said the words. “Actually, no he wasn’t. And he was absolutely everything you described. I don’t parade around in skimpy things, begging for attention, and I probably shouldn’t have danced with you like that. It had to be the alcohol.”

  He slowly shook his head. “No. Drinking didn’t do that.”

  Crew took his foot off the brake, and we rolled forward. I was beginning to question whether I was making the right choice. I still wanted him like a kid in a candy store wanted every piece of chocolate, but I hadn’t thought through what it would cost me.

  Suddenly, there was
a loud pop, then a grinding sound that came from the front of the car. Both of us swung our heads in the direction of the noise, and Crew cursed. Pulling over to the side of the road, he unbuckled and got out of the car. Lifting the hood, he was tinkering around for a moment before I decided to get out and see if there was anything I could do. Not that I knew jack about vehicles.

  “What is it?”

  His forehead was scrunched, and he was staring down at some black piece of rubber in his hand. “The fan belt broke. I knew it needed to be replaced, but I thought I had a little more time.” He pulled on a part of it. And a section of it ripped off. It was cracked, all rotten dried rubber. “My goddamn uncle knew what he was selling me. Jesus, the timing of this couldn’t be more perfect.”

  He tossed the part he had in his hand off into the grass. We weren’t in a heavily populated spot, and we were still a few miles from the apartment. Too far for either of us to walk at this time of night. The college campus was a fairly safe place to mill about, but once you got a few blocks out, it was questionable. I didn’t doubt he’d keep me safe, but how much chance would he stand against someone with a weapon?

  “Can you fix it?” I said, hopeful.

  He put his hands on his hips and looked up at the sky. “Not here.” He exhaled. “I’ll have to call a tow for it in the morning.” He pulled out his cell, then stopped. “Shit, I forgot Foster isn’t going to be any help.”

  He was certainly right about that. Although if he were sober, he would in a heartbeat. Crew didn’t know anybody else he could contact to come give us a ride.

  I did.

  “I’ll call us a cab,” he said begrudgingly.

  Kicking a rock that was near the pointed part of my shoe, I said, “I know someone who can come get us.”

  I walked back to the passenger side and grabbed my cell. Hitting the first number I thought of, the one who would be there for me in any circumstance. If Crew knew who I was calling, he may have said he’d rather try his luck on these streets.

  A groggy, deep voice picked up on the other end. “Ash, baby, you okay?”

  I swallowed the knot that was in my throat. “Daddy … I need a favor.”



  Her fucking dad. Just perfect.

  First, the man already didn’t seem to like me looking at her longer than a millisecond, and now he was picking his daughter up on the side of the road. I had nothing to say to this. My uncle screwed me. He sold me a car that was supposed to be drivable, and I had no doubt he knew that the fan belt needed replacing. He told me that it would need to be done in the next year. I should have looked at it closer, but I trusted him.

  That was my mistake.

  Now here we were, leaning against my car as headlights pulled up beside us. Ashton seemed on edge, and I understood why. Camden Brooks was an intimidating man. She had him wrapped around every single finger and toe, but he wouldn’t hesitate to skin a man alive who put his child in a bad predicament. One such as this. Middle of the night, a buzzed baby girl, and a guy who had intentions of fucking her till she couldn’t breathe. Even I was one edge.

  I couldn’t see his face through the brightness of the lights, but I didn’t have to wonder what his face was going to look like for long. He put his massive Yukon in park and got out. As he rounded the vehicle, his eyes did a quick scan of Ashton, ensuring she was alive and breathing. He paused for a moment on her exposed skin, then he shifted his gaze to me. His dark eyes were stern and unapproving. He must’ve flown up out of bed because he was in a black T-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants. His slightly graying hair was disheveled, and deep frown lines marred his face.

  “What happened?” He cut to the chase.

  I stood upright and faced my broken car. “Fan belt snapped.”

  Camden walked to the passenger side of his SUV and got out a jacket. He handed it to Ashton, and said, “Cover up.”

  She began to protest, “Dad, I’m fine,” but then she stopped short when he gave her a pointed look.

  “So this fan belt, did you know it needed to be replaced?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Why didn’t you get it done?”

  “I was under the impression I had a bit more time to get it taken care of.”

  He gave me a side glance. “I’m not sure why you’d wait on something like this. Obviously, this is what happens when you do.”

  I grit my teeth. “I suppose so.”

  “Dad,” Ashton warned.

  Both of our responses were clipped. I wasn’t in the mood to listen to an overbearing father lecture me. I didn’t go off the road and crash my car. My list of problems was ever growing, and this was worse than listening to my own father bitch to me when I skipped school. I knew I needed to keep my cool for Ashton’s sake, but he was testing my resolve. She was standing somewhat behind him, and he hid her with his impressive size. When he stood and looked down at her, she gave him pleading eyes to chill out. It took all of a second to see his shoulders sag, and the fight leave his body.

  Incredible that this small female could control such a large, grumpy man. I’m sure if the roles were reversed, I’d do the same.

  “Alright.” He sighed. “What’s the plan here?”

  Ashton placed her hand on her dad’s arm. “I think Crew would like to be dropped off at the apartment.”

  I nodded. “If you don’t mind. I’ll call a tow in the morning.”

  “Get your things, then, and let’s go, kids.”

  Ashton didn’t have anything on her besides her phone, which she already had in her hand. I snagged my keys and locked up everything. Shutting the hood of my car, I was grateful I could park it on the side of the road because I wasn’t in the mood to push it somewhere it wouldn’t get impounded.

  Climbing in the back seat of the Yukon, I saw a silent exchange take place between father and daughter. Camden jerked his head toward the SUV, and she shook her head. Whatever they were arguing about was a tense standoff. I saw her shoulders drop, and she walked to the passenger side … in the front. Apparently, Daddy didn’t want her sitting in the back with me. I exhaled in frustration. Of course.

  When Camden got in, he squinted his knowing eyes at me in the rearview mirror. I had no choice but to sit expressionless. I get a dad being overprotective, but he really had a chip on his broad ass shoulders where I was concerned.

  “Where’s Foster?” he asked, still looking at me.

  “At the party,” Ashton responded.

  “Why is he still there and not with you?”

  She scoffed. “Why do you think? Boobs and blond trash.”

  “That boy,” Camden grumbled. “He wouldn’t know his ass from a hole in the wall. It was his responsibility to keep an eye on you.”

  Ashton sounded annoyed. “I’m not twelve, and I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “Did you have any drinks tonight?” he asked pointedly.


  “Okay then. You needed someone with you to make sure you were safe.”

  “Seriously, Dad? I did, and his name is Crew, and he’s currently sitting in the back seat. You know, the one you’re being rude to.”

  The car grew quiet. He was no longer looking at me like I was the devil reincarnated. I watched her, only seeing the side of her, as she pulled at the bottom of her dress. Her dad looked over at her and then asked the obvious question that I knew was coming.

  “Did you leave the house wearing that?”

  “Jesus, Dad,” she mumbled under her breath. “No, I put it in my bag and changed in a bathroom somewhere. Yes, I left the house in this. I borrowed it from Holly, and Mom saw me too.”

  He cursed under this breath. “Well, she shouldn’t have let you go. You’re practically naked. I can only imagine the looks you got tonight.”

  She blew a breath out of her mouth. “And groping, don’t forget the groping.” What the fuck was she doing? Ashton continued, “In fact, I was letting the boys take shots right
out of my cleavage. Talk about a fun night. You should’ve been there.”

  His jaw was working overtime as he white knuckled the steering wheel. “You are just like your mother, you know that?”

  “I’m kidding, Dad. No shots were taken. At least not off my body, and nobody groped me.”

  I smirked. That was a lie.

  “It was my birthday, and I just wanted to have fun.” Her voice grew softer. “I barely get out, and I wanted to let my hair down.”

  “Ash, it’s okay that you enjoyed yourself. I just want to make sure that you’re always safe and taken care of. If something happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do with myself.”

  I felt like an intruder sitting back here listening in on their conversation. While Camden pissed me off by making me feel worthless for not fixing my car, he was just being a good dad. He loved her. This entire interaction was all I needed to see to know that Ashton was his entire world. I think having her probably turned him upside down. She was a girl. A beautiful, caring girl who drew people in with her light. Dealing with her was like navigating through uncharted waters. The more she strayed from the route he wanted her to take, the tighter he pulled on her sails to maintain her course. He loved her too much to see that what he was really doing was pushing her to want to see what else was out there beyond the world he had created for her.

  Silence ensued again. We weren’t very far from the apartment. Leaning forward, Ashton pressed the media button and music from Camden’s Bluetooth filtered through the speakers. It was a voice I recognized but couldn’t put a name to. Ashton tried to push another button to change it, but her dad said, “No way, kid.” He turned it up, and she sank down into her chair. I felt like I was in an amphitheater.

  “Know any Celine Dion?”

  I realized he was speaking to me. “Uh, doesn’t she sing that famous song from Titanic?” I asked with uncertainty.

  “She doesn’t just sing that song; she owns that song.”

  Ashton rubbed her forehead with her fingertips. “Daddy, please.”

  “My wife and I went and saw her in concert while she was still in Vegas. Best day of my life. Well second to seeing my daughter being born.”


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