Book Read Free

The Purple Heart

Page 14

by Christie Gucker

  “I’ll take it. And Cheryl?”

  “Yes, my dear?”

  “I wanted to thank you and G again for being there for me, this time in private. I know this whole thing is so not like me at all. Even when you were completely against Aiden and I jumping into things, you still helped me at my lowest point without telling me you told me so.”

  “Are you getting all sentimental with me? I’m so not going there,” she said, half kidding. Cheryl was not all about the warm fuzzies.

  “Cher, please. I want you to hear this. You’re my family, both you and Gina. I mean it. You’re like my sister.”

  “So that makes Gina your sister-in-law?” she chuckled.

  “No, she’s my sister, too. I feel like the bond we have is what I knew having siblings would be like. I want you to know my will states that if anything happens to me, you and Gina get this house.”

  “Stop it. You’re freaking me out. Don’t talk like that.”

  “But I want you to know. It’s a done deal. And I also want you to list me as the guardian for the baby, if something should happen to you both. I promise you I’ll raise your child like you would have,” I said, the words coming from deep within my heart.

  “Please don’t. I feel sorry for this kid already having me as one of its parents.”

  “Shut up. Don’t put yourself down. You showed me exactly the kind of parent you’re going to be. Both of you did. That is the luckiest child in the world, getting the two of you.”

  “Stop, you’re actually making me blush. And as you very well know, that’s not an easy thing to do.”

  “I most certainly will not stop. You need to hear this. This little baby will be surrounded by so much unconditional love. She will know what love really is. Not just by watching you and Gina together, but seeing how you come to her side, no matter what. Even if it’s something you don’t agree with, you’ll be there to hold her and make it all better. She’s so lucky.”

  “So your call is it’s going to be girl?” Out of everything I said; she focused on the one thing that wasn’t a compliment to her. So typical of Cheryl.

  “Oh I don’t know. It’s just what came out. It’s what I felt. She. I feel a little girl is on her way to us. Yeah, that’s my call. I just know it’s a little girl. It’s almost like there’s an angel whispering it into my ear.”

  “An angel, huh. That’s because you’ve been in heaven for the past few hours.”

  “Yeah, I have. What time are you coming over?” I asked.

  “I think somewhere around seven. Is that too late, too early?”

  “Nope, it’s perfect. Gives me a few more hours to have sex!”

  “Goodbye, Sydney. I can hear your bubbles popping.”

  “Goodbye, Cheryl.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Aiden

  It was the perfect day to stay home and in bed, especially with Aiden. The weather was terrible. I could hear the small pellets of sleet hitting the roof and windows. I moved the curtains back to take a peek outside. It was gray and somber.

  “Don’t look out there. It’s much warmer inside here with me,” Aiden whispered into my ear as he came up behind and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Warm would not be my choice of wording. I’d say it’s pretty hot in here and about to get a lot hotter.”

  “Yes, it is. Our bath awaits you, Madame.”

  “I’m very excited about it, too. You can reach all the hard to scrub spots.”

  “I plan on making sure every inch of you is squeaky clean.”

  * * *

  After we took our bath, we put on comfy clothes and then took them off again for sex, and then put them back on. This was the way it seemed to go. I ordered lunch in from the local deli, the only one that actually delivered.

  I was so happy to be cuddled up with Aiden the entire day. Presently, we sat in bed playing dirty scrabble.

  “That is not a word,” I said.

  “It most certainly is,” he countered.

  “What the hell does it mean?”

  He reached between my legs and pointed.

  “You’re kidding me? I never heard it called that before.”

  “You don’t get around much, do you?” he laughed.

  “Now that I have heard.”

  “I’m really glad you don’t have to go in to work. The weather looks really bad. The roads are probably treacherous.”

  “I agree. It’s really looking icy out there.” We were snuggled on the couch, feeding each other gooey homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies over our board game, when I received a phone call from work telling me I needed to pick up important paperwork for Aiden’s case. I had completely forgotten about him being a case at all. In my head, he was my lover, my boyfriend. Hell, he was my future husband.

  “I guess you spoke too soon. I have to run in to work. They have some of your final paperwork that needs to be signed so you can become civilian again. And officially mine and not the Army’s anymore.”

  “Sydney.” He looked distraught.

  “What’s wrong? I’ll be right back. Are you missing me already?”

  His face took on a tortured look and I was starting to worry about his reaction to my leaving.

  “Sydney, I would be so happy to stay like this forever with you. But...”

  “I’m already not liking the ‘but’ part.” I was now afraid that if I left, he’d be gone when I got back. I didn’t want to go through that again.

  “Sydney, you have a life here and I can be part of it to a certain capacity, but not completely. I want to start over. Start over completely from scratch with you. Come away with me.”

  “Aiden, I don’t understand what you’re saying. Why can’t you be a part of my life here? I hate the thought of leaving Cheryl and Gina, and of course, the baby is on the way, too. I want to experience the whole pregnancy and birth with them. I mean, you’re already here and you have nothing holding you to anywhere else, right? Is there something I’m not aware of? Should I be concerned about the paperwork I’m picking up? Is there a hidden wife somewhere?”

  The second I started to doubt him again, he flinched, like my words had burned him. He seriously looked in pain.

  “Aiden?” I rubbed my hand up and down his arm to console him.

  “Sydney, there’s no one but you. I promise you that. I just don’t think this is the best place for us. We can go anywhere we want to. Do anything we want. Just not here.”

  “I’m not opposed to it. I think we can talk about it more. I can’t imagine letting you walk away from me again, so yes, it’s a possibility.” This seemed to relieve him and he smiled and caressed my cheek.

  “My beautiful Sydney, I know you have to go. I hate to let you leave, though.”

  “I’ll be back before you know it. Gina and Cheryl are coming over to meet you tonight, so I really won’t be long because there’s no way I’m leaving you alone with those two. They’ll tear you to shreds!” I laughed so he’d know I was really only kidding, although they would have a blast with him.

  I threw on more appropriate clothing and when I got to the bottom of the stairs he was waiting for me. He pulled me tight and crushed his lips to mine.

  “Wow, that’s some hell of a goodbye kiss. I’ll only be gone an hour. Really. Unless … are you going to be here when I get back?” Now I really was worried he would leave again. I didn’t want him to. I was starting to feel panicked.

  “I’m never going to leave you. Not even if you asked me to. I can’t. It’s not possible. I’m bound to you.”

  “I feel the same way. I want to be with you forever.” I ran my hand down his cheek and softly kissed his lips in the sweetest way I possibly could to say goodbye for now. I wanted him to know I was coming back to him and soon.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Cheryl

  The roads were complete crap. I was driving as slowly as I could because there was black ice everywhere and my car was sliding at every turn I made. I hated driving in icy weather, especially in such a
small car. My fifteen-minute drive turned into half an hour. There was no way I was making it home in an hour as I had promised Aiden. He had looked so worried when I left the house. I thought about calling him to let him know I had arrived safely but it slipped my mind once I finally pulled into my parking space. I drew in a deep breath of relief. I hadn’t realized how scared I had been the entire trip here.

  When I finally reached my office, I ran to my desk, but there was no paperwork anywhere to be seen. I checked my inbox … nothing. I ran to the mailroom to check there. Nothing. What the hell?

  I took this opportunity to head over to see Cheryl.

  “Hey there, babe.”

  “What the hell are you doing here? I’m surprised you can even walk the way you said you were going at it.”

  “Ha. Ha. That’s very funny. You’re a laugh riot. Did you ever think of becoming a professional comedian? I received a call at home telling me that I needed to come in and pick up some paperwork for Aiden to sign. But I can’t seem to locate it.”

  “Isn’t it there?”

  “Nope, it’s MIA. So are you excited to meet him?”

  “Oh yeah, I want to meet the man who has my girl tied all up in goofy love knots.”

  “Well, you only have to wait a couple of hours now. I’m preparing him. So be nice!”

  “I promise to be nice. I’m always nice.” I shot her a who-the-hell-are-you-kidding look. “Whatever,” she said flatly.

  “Listen, I want to tell you something now, so you don’t freak out tonight if it comes up.”

  “What now? Let me guess, you’re pregnant?”

  “Right, I got pregnant sometime between this morning and last night, and I already know.” I rolled my eyes at her.

  “Fine. Tell me.”

  “Aiden and I are in love. I mean full-blown love. Words said and everything.”

  “Well, I figured that was coming so I’m not surprised. Is that the big news?”

  “No, but it’s a part of it. He asked me to move away with him so we can make fresh start for both of us. Together.”

  Cheryl’s face went blank. I found this completely disturbing. It meant she was about to blow a gasket.

  “What? Are you fucking kidding me? Why? Why in the hell would you do that? Why would you even consider it? Why would he even suggest that? Is he hiding something?”

  And there it was, the blown gasket.

  “I don’t think so. I think he just wants a fresh start. Together. No one’s past to get in the way. I’m even thinking it might be a good time for me to leave the military, too. I’ve been toying with the idea of opening a private practice. I think I’ve been spoiled lately, not having to come into the office.”

  “I don’t like this one bit. You meet this guy and in less than a week you’re in love, then he’s gone, then he’s back and now you’re moving away together? This doesn’t sound bizarre to you?”

  “It did. But then I thought about it and I don’t want to be without him. We’ve already seen what affect that had on me. I told him it was worth further discussion. I mean, I’m not tied to this place. I could rent out the house. Hell, you and Gina have been looking for a place. You can take my house over. It’s already going to you, anyway.”

  “I can’t believe I’m even having this discussion with you. This is ridiculous. When did this all happen? Last night? This morning?” she quizzed me.

  “Why does it matter? Look, Cher, I have no family left. I only have you and Gina here. I could have the chance to move someplace beautiful and warm all year round. You know how much I detest the snow and ice.”

  Cheryl just glared at me, shaking her head, while she tapped her finger on the table. She was most likely trying to think of what to say next.

  “Please, Cheryl. Just keep an open mind about all this. I’m not saying I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  “He just comes out of nowhere, with no past to speak of, moves into your life and your house, breaks your heart, and then shows up, only to want to kidnap you. Who the hell is this guy?”

  “Aiden,” I said flatly.

  “Aiden what? You never even told me his last name.” Cheryl was furious. She was no longer butting out of this situation.

  “Are you planning on running a background check on him or something?” I accused her.

  “Maybe. I do have the clearance, you know.”

  “Cheryl, it’s really not—” I wasn’t allowed to finish my sentence. I felt like a child being scolded by a parent.

  “Tell me his full, real name. I want to know exactly how it was listed on his paperwork,” she demanded.

  “Sergeant First Class Aiden Thane.”

  I watched as all the color drained from Cheryl’s face. She looked like she was going to throw up.

  “Are you okay? What’s wrong with you? You look really pale right now.” I was starting to seriously worry about why she was having that reaction. My stomach moved into my throat.

  “Sydney, did you just say Aiden Thane? Sergeant First Class Aiden Thane?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “I have his file,” Cheryl looked visibly upset.

  “What? That’s ridiculous. Why would you have his file? You only deal with the deceased. It has to be a mistake. He’s obviously not dead. He’s at my house. I just left him there.”

  She picked up a file from behind her. She started to read from it. Her hands were shaking.

  “Sergeant First Class Aiden Thane. Purple Heart. The Army Commendation Medal. The Army Achievement Medal. Army Distinguished Service Cross. Killed in the line of duty. Four shots to the chest. One taken directly to the heart. Fatal shot. Died protecting his troop.”

  Now I could feel the color draining from my face. I felt as though I was going to heave all over her desk. A sweat broke across my brow. I tried not to panic.

  “No, it’s a mistake! That can’t be right. He’s at my house. He is not dead.”

  “Sydney, it says he died the day you met him.” Cheryl could sense my panic and began speaking in a soft, calming tone. She was used to talking to frantic, grieving people. I wasn’t happy to be on the receiving end of her talents at the moment.

  “No, it’s a mistake!” I screamed at her.

  “I knew there was something wrong with this guy. He lied to you. He’s a gravedigger. Taking over someone else’s name so he can get all the benefits.”


  “Look, Sydney, here’s his picture. This is the real Aiden Thane.” She handed me the picture.

  My hand flew up to my mouth. I couldn’t breathe. I felt my entire body go cold.

  “See, I told you. Not the same guy.”

  “Cheryl …” I could barely get her name out. My voice was high-pitched and barely audible. I started to hyperventilate.

  “Sydney, what’s wrong?” Now Cheryl was panicking.

  “It’s him. That is Aiden. I don’t understand. I don’t understand! What the fuck is happening here?” I was shaking uncontrollably. My breathing was shallow. I felt like I was in the middle of a terrible nightmare.

  “What do you mean, that’s him? How can that be? I—”

  “Cheryl, I have to go. I have to talk to him. I have to find out what the hell is going on. How can he be dead? I made love to him this morning. I’ve spent every day with him.” Even I could hear the anxiety attack I was having in my voice.

  “Sydney, I’m sure there’s an explanation. Maybe it’s a mistake. I’ll call right now and confirm this.” Cheryl did her best to try and calm me. But there was nothing she could do. I was beyond reasoning with at the moment. All I could focus on was getting in my car and racing back home to confront Aiden.

  “No, I have to go. I have to go right now! I have to talk to Aiden.” I grabbed my purse and keys and started to fly out the door. I could hear Cheryl as I left.

  “Sydney, don’t rush off. Sydney! It’s icy out and you’re way too upset right now. You shouldn’t drive like this! Just call him. Sydney! Wait! Please!” She was screaming
after me.

  There wasn’t anything in hell that could stop me from getting back home to Aiden. What the fuck was happening? I had to know what was going on; I had to talk to him. I needed to see him, see that he was fine. I needed to find out why the hell he was listed as deceased. I had seen the papers. They were official. I had seen his picture and there was no doubting it was him.

  I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot like a banshee charging out of hell. I flew onto the exit ramp to get onto the highway. My hands were shaking and I was still having a very hard time breathing. There had to be some explanation. I mean, he obviously wasn’t dead. He wasn’t.

  I could feel my car sliding all over. I knew I was driving way too fast and the roads were ten times worse than they’d been on my trip in. I couldn’t find it in me to calm myself and slow down.

  I came around a turn way too fast and hit a patch of what could only have been black ice. My car began to skid up a hill. I felt the car spin and it became stuck, sliding in a straight line towards a light post. I watched in slow motion as the pole and my car neared each other. I was on a straight path to collide with it. I turned the wheel and pumped the brakes but there was nothing I could do. The car wasn’t responding. I was going to crash. My life didn’t flash before my eyes, as I would have expected, so I took it as a sign I was going to survive this unavoidable accident. I braced myself for anything that was about to happen.

  Right when impact should have occurred, my car careened to the right and I missed the pole by mere inches. I came to an abrupt stop right before an embankment. I sat there for a moment trying to catch my breath and get a hold of myself. I could have been killed.

  I noticed I was still holding onto the steering wheel. My knuckles were a pure white color. I slowly released them. I tried to slow my breathing, but I was still freaking out over what was happening with Aiden. I put my head in my hands and let the tears flow freely; hoping it would help me recover my senses.

  When I finally thought I was in a better position to drive again, I carefully veered my car back onto the highway. This time, I moved much slower until I reached my exit. I pulled off and jumped onto the back roads that led to my house. I sighed in relief.


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