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by Cathy McDavid

  A Reason To Stay

  Las Vegas casino manager Ruby McPhee needs to lay low while the police deal with a stalker at work. So she’s trading in her high heels for cowboy boots and assuming her twin sister’s identity at the Gold Nugget Ranch. Ruby only plans on staying in Sweetheart, Nevada, until the threat back home has passed. But then she discovers a detail her sister forgot to mention—the handsome sheriff she’s dating.

  It only takes a single kiss for Cliff Dempsey to realize the woman in his arms is someone entirely different…and completely irresistible. To protect Ruby’s secret, Cliff maintains her ruse, but soon the lines between duty and desire begin to blur. Ruby and Cliff know they have a once-in-a-lifetime connection, but will they have a chance to let their love grow?

  “I’m fine, Cliff.” Ruby tossed her purse on the table. “You can leave.”

  “I will. Soon.”

  Was it possible he didn’t want to go?

  It was entirely possible she didn’t want him to go.

  “Can I get you something?” She wasn’t thinking of water.

  Neither was he. Heat flared in his eyes. “I’m okay.”

  Seconds ticked by. Neither of them moved.

  This was stupid, Ruby thought. Any relationship they had was doomed from the start. Her home was in Vegas. His was in Sweetheart, three hours away. She was evading a stalker and would probably be a material witness in his upcoming trial. One of them needed to be the adult.

  “I’m pretty sure the coast is clear,” she said.

  “You’re right.” He inched slowly away.

  She buried her frustration. What did she expect? For him to sweep her into his arms? Hadn’t she just admitted the pointlessness of that?

  He hesitated on the porch. “I had a nice time tonight.”

  Her heart skipped. That was the kind of remark a man made to a woman at the end of a real date. Not a pretend one.

  Dear Reader,

  I often plot my books many months before I start writing them. In that time, the story outline sits tucked in a file underneath a lot of other files without me looking at it much. When I finally begin writing the book, it can be a little disconcerting. Did I really think this was a good story? Are these characters the least bit appealing?

  Once in a while, however, magic happens. That was the case for me with Most Eligible Sheriff, particularly with my hero Cliff Dempsey. As the words flowed and the story took shape, he became a different person than I first imagined him to be. Deeper. More complex. More interesting. More troubled. And let’s face it—a troubled hero makes for an interesting hero! Oh, and he has this great sidekick. A three-legged retired police dog named Sarge—who was a complete surprise when he suddenly appeared on the pages one day.


  While I’m sorry to think about my Sweetheart, Nevada series ending, I thoroughly enjoyed writing this last book. I hope you enjoy reading it, and that Cliff and Ruby’s struggle to find love touches your heart as it did mine.

  Warmest wishes,

  Cathy McDavid

  P.S. I always enjoy hearing from readers. Visit me at, or you can contact me at


  Cathy McDavid


  Cathy makes her home in Scottsdale, Arizona, near the breathtaking McDowell Mountains, where hawks fly overhead, javelina traipse across her front yard and mountain lions occasionally come calling. She embraced the country life at an early age, acquiring her first horse in eighth grade. Dozens of horses followed through the years, along with mules, an obscenely fat donkey, chickens, ducks, goats and a potbellied pig who had her own swimming pool. Nowadays, two spoiled dogs and two spoiled-er cats round out the McDavid pets. Cathy loves contemporary and historical ranch stories and often incorporates her own experiences into her books.

  When not writing, Cathy and her family and friends spend as much time as they can at her cabin in the small town of Young. Of course, she takes her laptop with her on the chance inspiration strikes.

  Books by Cathy McDavid

















  *Mustang Valley

  **Sweetheart, Nevada

  To my mother. I don’t tell you often enough how greatly you enrich my life and how much I value the lessons you’ve taught me. Love ya.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen



  Chapter One

  Seriously, who in their right mind hid a spare key under a flowerpot where any thief could find it? Ruby McPhee’s sister, apparently. Climbing the porch steps, Ruby counted the third chrysanthemum from the right. The key was there, exactly where Scarlett said it would be.

  Small-town living, Ruby told herself as she opened the trailer door—only one lock, no dead bolt—with shaking fingers. Inside, she felt less anxious than she had outdoors, but not much.

  At the front window, she pushed aside the curtain. Early morning sun cast lengthy shadows across the yard, the exaggerated silhouettes of tall ponderosa pines resembling daggers.

  Okay, she was letting her imagination get the best of her. No one, not even her boss at the Century Casino or her closest friends, knew her exact whereabouts. Just her sister and the Las Vegas police detective assigned to her case. The one who had recommended she lie low for a while after her stalker violated the order of protection against him and showed up at her work, looking for Ruby and threatening a coworker.

  Her case. Lie low. Order of protection. The words had a scary ring to them, and Ruby was tired of being scared. That was the whole reason she’d come to Sweetheart, Nevada, this out-of-the-way little mountain town. To be safe and to sleep through the night undisturbed by sudden noises and bad dreams.

  She let the curtain fall back in place and inspected the single-wide trailer. It was old and sparsely furnished with the barest of necessities. So typical of her sister, who rebelled at the thought of lingering too long in one place.

  Ruby sighed and started toward the narrow hall leading to the single bedroom. Despite a lack of creature comforts, the trailer would suit her purposes just fine.

  Something caught her eye as she passed the worn checkered sofa. A framed picture, the only one in the room, sat on an end table. She picked it up, recognizing the photo as one taken a few years ago at their mother’s birthday party. Her heart immediately softened

  Like most identical twins, Ruby and Scarlett were the spitting image of each other. So much so, they were nearly indistinguishable when dressed the same. But unlike most identical twins, they weren’t inseparable and didn’t share some sort of psychic connection. They’d grown apart during high school and had never quite bridged the gap that widened when their mother remarried.

  Until now. Scarlett had come to Ruby’s aid when she needed it most. Perhaps blood really was thicker than water after all.

  Replacing the picture, she removed her smart phone from her purse, sat on the sagging sofa and dialed her sister’s number. Scarlett answered on the first ring. She sounded so happy, Ruby almost forgot her own worries. Almost.

  “You made it,” Scarlett said. “Any problems?”

  “None. Thank you, MapQuest.”

  “I really, really appreciate this.”

  “I’m the one who owes you.”

  “They’re going to put that guy away, Rubes. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Right.” Ruby shivered at the reminder. How could she not worry?

  She saw herself coming home at 3:00 a.m. and walking unsuspectingly into her darkened condo. Heard again the strange scuffling sound, then heavy breathing as an inky figure emerged from behind a corner. Felt strong hands grab her by the throat and squeeze, cutting off her air supply.

  Only a miracle had enabled her to escape with minimal injury.

  Forcing a calming breath into her lungs, Ruby changed the subject. “Things okay with you and Demitri?”

  “Wonderful. Fantastic. It’s going to work this time.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Scarlett had left Sweetheart for San Diego around midnight. Three hours later Ruby was in her car and leaving the Vegas city limits.

  Her sister was meeting her off-and-on-again boyfriend for yet another reconciliation while Ruby was taking her sister’s place. Literally. Occupying her trailer and filling in for her at work.

  The two sisters had spent the better part of the previous evening on the phone, with Scarlett describing in detail her job, her boss and his wife, their family, the Gold Nugget Ranch where she worked as the only female wrangler, and the layout of the town.

  Ruby had asked endless questions and scribbled pages of notes. Still, she worried about her ability to pull off the switch. Especially the job part. While once an accomplished rider, she hadn’t been on a horse in eleven years. Hopefully, it was like riding a bike.

  “If things go well,” Scarlett continued, “and I’m sure they will, I won’t need my job anymore.”

  “Would you be happy living in San Diego? You’ve always been a country girl.”

  “I’ll be happy anywhere, as long as I’m with Demitri.”

  Scarlett’s boyfriend worked as a marine biologist at SeaWorld. Currently, Ruby corrected herself. He traveled extensively and often spent months at sea aboard a research vessel. Well, working in their favor, Scarlett wasn’t a homebody. Another distinction between the sisters.

  “You’d better hurry,” Scarlett said.

  Ruby glanced at her watch and mumbled a curse. She—Scarlett—was due at the Gold Nugget in twenty minutes.

  “Boots!” she blurted.

  “In the bedroom closet. Jeans are in the dresser. Good luck.”

  “What about—”

  “Gotta go, sis. Demitri’s leaving. Bye.”

  With that, Scarlett disconnected, and Ruby was left to manage on her own.

  She hit the bathroom first, washing the lack of sufficient sleep from her face and arranging her hair in a simple ponytail. Ruby, assistant manager of the casino’s exclusive VIP lounge, wore carefully applied makeup and elegantly styled her long tresses. Scarlett the cowgirl didn’t bother with makeup or styling her hair. Too much trouble.

  In the bedroom, Ruby ransacked the closet and bureau drawers, finding jeans, a shirt, a belt, socks and boots. As she dressed, she reviewed her pages of notes laid out on the bed.

  Scarlett had only worked at the Gold Nugget Ranch for three months. Nowhere near long enough to have earned vacation time. It was also May, the start of the guest ranch’s busy season and a month before some huge town-wide wedding event. The ranch couldn’t spare her.

  That didn’t matter to Scarlett, however. If Demitri wanted her to come to San Diego and give their relationship another go, she’d do it and damn the consequences.

  When Ruby had told her sister about the stalker and the detective’s recommendation that she leave Vegas, Scarlett, always the more daring of the two, proposed that they change places. No one would find Ruby, and Scarlett would have a chance to visit Demitri without losing her job.

  Ruby’s boss, sympathetic to her plight, had given her the time off, with the promise she return after her attacker’s arraignment. While it was doubtful her stalker would plead guilty, it was hoped he’d leave Ruby alone, not wanting to make his case worse by committing another crime.

  Crazy as it sounded, the old switching-places scheme might succeed. Ruby and Scarlett had done it before. Frequently, in fact, when they were younger.

  Once, Ruby had impersonated Scarlett and taken a difficult calculus test for her during their junior year in high school. Another time, Scarlett had broken up with Ruby’s boyfriend when Ruby didn’t have the nerve.

  This could work. Ruby just needed to stay focused and keep her wits about her. Not give anyone cause for suspicion.

  She didn’t require MapQuest to find the Gold Nugget Ranch. There were plenty of signs in town pointing the way. She read them in between looking anxiously in her rearview mirror or over her shoulder—habits that had become second nature last month when the stalking started, and increased last week after the attack in her condo.

  At the gas station where she filled up her car, she paid at the pump, in case someone inside was friends with Scarlett and would want to chat.

  Her car! Oh, no. She hadn’t thought about that until right this second. Scarlett drove a Jeep. Someone was bound to notice the strange vehicle and ask questions. The three-mile drive along the highway to the ranch gave Ruby time to concoct a plausible story.

  A rental car. Because her Jeep was in the shop. Yes, that sounded good. She repeated the fabrication three times over so it would flow more naturally off her tongue.

  Perspiration formed on her brow. This leading a double life wasn’t going to be as easy as she’d first thought. Maybe she—Scarlett—should call in sick for the week after all. Scarlett had actually suggested it, but Ruby dismissed the idea, not wanting to give her sister’s boss a reason to fire her.

  Ruby had her doubts about this rekindled romance with Demitri. If he and her sister broke up again, which was likely given their history, Scarlett would need a job.

  When Ruby pulled into the ranch, she drove slowly, visually comparing the buildings and landmarks with those her sister had described. Spotting the barn, she headed straight there and pulled in next to a pickup truck parked along the side. This, Scarlett had advised, was where the wranglers left their vehicles.

  Standing outside her car, she paused. The horse corrals were across the way. Beyond them, the arena, bunkhouse and, on the nearby hill, a half-dozen guest cabins. She should head toward the corrals. Scarlett had told Ruby to check in with the trail boss first thing upon arriving.

  At the sight of so many people gathered at the corrals, she momentarily lost her nerve and ducked into the barn instead. Just for a few minutes, she told herself. Until she felt calmer.

  The smell of hay and horses triggered memories of years gone by when riding had been part of Ruby’s daily life. She made her way to the four box stalls standing in a row. According to her sister, the working trail horses were housed in the corrals, and the barn served as a sort of infirmary.

  Two stalls were empty. A third contained an old, sw
aybacked mare and the fourth a pony that poked its nose over the side of the stall and nickered at her. She couldn’t resist and reached out to pet the whiskered face.

  “How you doing, little fellow?”

  In reply, the pony pressed its warm nose into her palm.

  “Hey, Scarlett, what’s going on?”

  Ruby spun, alarm shooting through her in waves, and faced the woman who had come up silently behind her. Hoping her smile didn’t appear too nervous, she tried to place the woman from her sister’s descriptions. The owner’s wife? In her current disconcerted state, Ruby couldn’t remember.

  “H-hi. I’m...ah...checking on the pony.”

  “Mooney’s fine.” The woman smiled in return. “Her thrush is much better.”

  Ruby mentally repeated the pony’s name and ailment for future reference.

  “Lyndsey’s been taking care of her,” the woman continued. “Cleansing the hoof and medicating it.”

  Lyndsey? That was one of the owner’s little girls. Could this woman be Annie, his wife? Ruby wished she could be sure. She didn’t dare call the woman by name for fear she was wrong.

  “Well, good,” Ruby replied. “I’ll just mosey on over to the, ah, corrals, then.”

  She shoved her hands in her jeans pockets, and then whipped them out, deciding the stance made her look uncomfortable. Which, she was, but she didn’t want to appear that way

  “Stop at the house first,” the woman instructed. “I got a call a minute ago. Someone’s here to see you.”


  There was a twinkle in her eyes. “Who do you think?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Cliff, of course.” The twinkle brightened. “He’s waiting in the kitchen. Come on, I’ll go with you. The first trail ride isn’t for another hour. You have plenty of time for a visit.”

  Time, but no desire. Not until she was more acclimated to her surroundings.

  The kitchen, Ruby recalled, was in the main house. Halfway there, she and the woman passed an SUV. She noticed the official logo on the side and came to a sudden stop, the alarm from earlier zapping the strength from her knees.


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