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Learning to Drive... Him Crazy

Page 18

by Misty Malone

  "A little of both," John answered with a grin. "She's handling it real well, I'm proud of her. I've encouraged her to talk to me about any concerns she has, and she has. Just about every time we spend a little time alone she's asked me a question or two about what's going on, and I've answered her honestly. But she was getting pretty moody and quick tempered there a few days ago. When I asked her about it she admitted it was driving her crazy knowing when we got back home, she had a sound spanking coming."

  "So what did you do about it?"

  "I gave her that sound spanking so she could quit worrying about it. She's a worrier, and the anticipation was hard on her."

  "You gave her a spanking a few days ago?"


  "How did you manage that without us hearing it? Did either of the agents?"

  "Nope. The office was soundproofed. This one is, as well. Tell Brad you really need some time with Kelli where you're sure you won't be overheard, and ask if you can use the office for a little while. I'm sure he'll be fine with it unless he needs it for some reason."

  "Do you think I'm out of line if I do spank her? Like I said, I know they're going through some difficult times."

  "I can't speak for Kelli, but a spanking settles Alana down. She's happier for a couple days. I think it kind of grounds her, reminds her I'm here and paying attention to her, watching out for her. I think it makes her feel secure. You know Kelli better than me, obviously, but that might be just what she needs right now."

  "It might be at that. Thanks, John."

  "No problem, little brother." The two of them shared a grin and a fist bump. When they left the exercise room, Cal went to find Brad.

  After dinner they were playing a game of Pictionary, and John saw what Cal was saying earlier. Kelli was having an attitude problem.

  Cal tried to solve the problem by suggesting, "You know what? I really feel more like swimming than playing this. I've got a bunch of restless energy I need to get rid of. Anyone else feel that way?"

  Alana quickly agreed. "I'm with you." She jumped up and headed to the pool, with the others following.

  The girls grabbed their swimsuits off the line they hung them on the night before, after their swim. Kelli complained, "It's still damp."

  "It's just going to get wet again in a few minutes," Alana said as she went into the dressing room to change."

  "I hate putting a damp suit on," Kelli complained as they came back out to the pool.

  "You don't have to wait on us, " Cal said as he and John headed for the dressing room. "You can go ahead and jump in. Then it won't be damp."

  Once they were in the dressing room and they heard Alana and Kelli splashing in the pool John quietly said, "I see what you mean, buddy. Did you talk to Brad about the office?"

  "I did," Cal answered, "and he said it'll be free all night. I might be using it."

  "And she might be happier for it," John said.

  "Yeah, we'll see," Cal said.

  "Not at the time, I'm sure, but later," John encouraged.

  They went out and dove in the pool.

  All four of them swam some laps, which was proving to be a good way of working off some of the stressful energy that seemed to be bothering them more the longer they were cooped up. After that they were relaxing in the shallower water when Agent Barstow appeared. "You guys all look like you're enjoying yourselves and I hate to interrupt, but John, could I talk to you a minute, please?"

  "Sure," John said, climbing out of the pool. "Let me dry off and get dressed and I'll be right there."

  "Thanks, John. I'll be in the office."

  John kissed Alana and said, "Enjoy yourselves as long as you want. When I'm done with Brad I'll come back and see if you're still here."

  He walked into the office five minutes later and Brad said, "Close the door and come on in."

  John was curious. He knew something had to have happened or Brad wouldn't have pulled him out of the pool and into the only totally secure, soundproof room. He closed the door and asked, "What happened, Brad?"

  "After we talked, I suggested they ask Decker a few more specific questions. His answers solved one of the questions we had, so I wanted to fill you in. You wondered why the charade of the stakeout?"

  "Yes. I never really felt comfortable with the explanation they gave. There had to have been some other reason."

  "There was. It turns out they were missing two stones, not just the one. The ruby Alana found was one, but they were still missing another one. The stakeout would make the whole thing public and explain the remaining missing stone in the event it surfaced. They knew it was possible that if it were in another shoebox, whoever got it wouldn't have seen it and it may have gotten thrown away. But they also knew it was possible someone would find it and come forward with it. If whoever found it went to the wrong person, it could start an investigation and they'd get caught. So they took the offensive so if another stone emerged it wouldn't be a red herring."

  John took a moment to consider this new information. "That would eliminate the worry over another missing gem being found."

  "Yes, it would," Brad agreed.

  After more thought, John admitted, "Yeah, with that added into the mix, the stakeout would potentially solve a lot of problems."

  "I agree," Brad said. "I'm satisfied now about that question, of why do that. That only leaves one question in my mind yet, and that's how they knew where you were. I'm told that everyone involved knows the search will happen tomorrow, and we have guys in place."

  "So if someone shows up tonight or tomorrow morning and they turn out to be a rat, that answers all our questions and we'll be free." As an afterthought he asked, "Or am I forgetting something?"

  "If you are, so am I. At this point, I'm not sure if I'm hoping someone shows up at Decker's house or not."

  "I was thinking the same thing. I hate to think of someone in the FBI being involved in this, but I'd like to know there's a good explanation for how he knew where we were," John said.

  "Me, too. Oh, we did learn one more thing. Apparently Detective Dan Moss was the king pin of this theft ring."

  "Moss? Are you sure?"

  "Not completely, but once Decker worked out a plea bargain with the prosecutor, he's answered everything we've asked. According to him, Moss was in charge. He said when they found a target, Moss would take a guy with him and watch it, get all the information they could about it, including when and how would be the best time to hit it. He also said Moss was the one that went to the judge to get Wilson out early, and he's the one that told Wilson he'd get him out early in exchange for working for them. We verified what we could so far. Moss is the one that went to Wilson's attorney and said if he'd file to get him out Moss would testify that he's changed since he's been in prison this time and that he helped Moss solve an old case."

  "I thought Jensen is the one that testified to get Wilson out."

  "He is the one that testified, but apparently that was because Moss was out of town at the time. Moss is the one that approached Wilson's attorney initially."

  "Interesting. I hadn't thought of him being in charge, but I guess it could be him as well as anyone else."

  "Decker said he's the one that gave the orders. At this point, we don't have anything to say any differently, but we have several things pointing in that direction."

  "Okay. Well, I assume if you hear anything else, or if anyone shows up at Decker's house, you'll let me know?"

  "Absolutely," Brad assured him.

  John went back to the pool just as the girls were coming out of the dressing room. Kelli told Cal, "Okay, we're out of the pool as you ordered. Now what are we going to do, sit and stare at each other?"

  Cal sighed and said, "Kelli, I didn't order everyone out of the pool. After you had your major temper tantrum no one was very comfortable in there and I suggested we get out. You didn't voice any objection until now."

  "It wouldn't have done any good anyway. And I didn't have a major temper tantrum. Not
hing like exaggerating."

  Alana had moved next to John and he could tell she was uncomfortable. She quietly suggested, "Maybe we should watch a movie?"

  "If I watch one more damn movie I'm going to go crazy."

  Cal looked at John. "Is the office free?"

  "Brad and I just left there. It should be free."

  "Good. I think we're going to go have a talk."

  "Okay. Tell Brad so he knows."

  Kelli looked at the two guys. "What the hell are you talking about?"

  John's eyebrows rose and he said, "Have a good talk."

  He took Alana's elbow and guided her toward the living room. When she asked, "What's going on," he kept walking and said, "Let's talk a little bit, too."

  They got to the living room and sat down on the couch. She turned to John. "Okay, what's going on?"

  "Did Kelli have a temper tantrum this evening?"

  "Oh, yeah," Alana confirmed.

  John smiled. She wasn't even trying to defend her friend. He said, "They're going to the office, just like you and I went to the office at the other house."

  A look of understanding spread over her face. "Is this office soundproof, too?"

  "Yes, it is," John answered.


  John's eyebrows shot up. "Good?"

  Alana's face blushed as she said, "Yes. I think she and Cal need to have a good talk. I think that's what she needs."

  John pulled her over against his shoulder. "Was it what you needed?" he whispered in her ear.

  "Yes, it was. I feel much better."

  "But you were having trouble with the anticipation aspect, honey. Is she?"

  "She says no, but I think she is. Maybe she won't admit it to herself, but I think she is. But it helped me more than just that. This whole situation had me wound so tight I was about ready to explode. After our talk, it reminded me that I'm not alone, but you're here looking out for me. That's helped calm me down a lot."

  "Good. I thought it had," John said.

  "Yeah. But I hope this is over soon, because every now and then I feel some of that stress creeping back in. I have to take a deep breath and remind myself you're still here for me."

  "That's my girl. We're getting closer every day now, honey, but if it takes a few more days, I'll keep a close eye on you. If you need my help, I'll remind you I'm still keeping my eye on you."

  "That should sound very ominous, I know, but you just made it sound sweet."

  They both laughed, but he was happy that she was able to admit it helped her. Their relationship was growing stronger every day.

  * * * * *

  Cal ran into Brad as he was leaving the pool area, Kelli in tow. "Hey, Brad, is the office free?"

  "It should be free all night, Cal. It's all yours."

  "Thanks," Cal said as he tugged Kelli in, shut the door and locked it.

  "What's so special about the office? We could have talked in the den," Kelli said.

  "The den isn't soundproof," Cal explained casually. "This office is."

  "Okay," Kelli said, obviously not seeing the importance of that statement. Then she remembered the night Alana and John went to the office to 'talk' at the other safe house. She sat up straight and said, "Oh, no. Don't even think about it," she said.

  "Think about what?"

  "Don't even think you're going to spank me in here," Kelli said, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "If you can convince me you haven't earned a good spanking, I won't give you one," Cal said. "But since we both know you've earned one dandy spanking, let's just get on with it."

  "What do you mean, I've earned a dandy one?"

  "Kelli, you've had a horrible attitude for the last four or five days. The temper tantrum you had tonight in the pool, which was after the one you had this evening while we played Pictionary, was enough to earn you a spanking. If you're still not convinced, should we talk about the book you threw this morning, or the shoe you threw last night? Let's talk about some of your language you've used lately, like when you asked what the hell I'm talking about not very long ago."

  "Okay, maybe I have lost my temper a little bit. But look what I've been going through."

  He reached over and pulled her against him. "Honey, I know you've been going through a lot lately. But that doesn't mean it's okay to use that language or behave badly. I think you'll find you feel better after this, honey."

  "What about during," she asked with a pout.

  "Nope. During, you won't like it a bit. But I'll be reminding you of what you did to earn this, so maybe that will keep your mind off whether you like it or not. Let's get started."

  He sat down and guided her over his lap. She started squirming immediately. "No, Cal, you can't."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I don't want you to. It'll hurt!"

  "Yes, it will," he confirmed. "And the more you fight me, the more it'll hurt. Now settle down." He reached underneath her to unzip her jeans and she reached back and tried to push his hand away. He caught her hand and held it with his left hand, against her side. He reached underneath her again, and she started squirming, determined to get off his lap.

  He gave her four quick but firm swats that did exactly what he'd hoped. It startled her and she froze, which gave him enough time to get her jeans unfastened and down to her knees. While he was doing that he said, "Settle down, Kelli. You've earned this spanking so many times over now that I expect you to settle down. If I have to tell you again, I'll be adding on extras."

  "You'll be what?"

  "I'll be adding on extras. You earn extras during a spanking by fighting it too much, or by cussing or biting or some other such behavior. Once you've earned a spanking, I expect you to behave. That doesn't mean you can't yell or cry or even scream. But unacceptable behavior will result in extras, and you need to understand that anytime you earn extras they will be given with something more than my hand."

  Kelli turned around and looked over her shoulder at him. He looked totally serious. "Like what?"

  "Like a paddle, or a ruler, or my belt."

  Her eyes were wide. "No!"

  "Then I suggest you settle down and accept this."

  "But Cal, I can't just lay still and not complain. I know I can't."

  "And I don't expect you to. Like I said, you can yell or scream, and you can squirm. But fighting too much, where I can't hold you on my lap, or cussing or biting or pinching, or not allowing me to get your jeans down," he paused to let that sink in, "will not be tolerated. Do you understand me, Kelli?"


  "Okay, good. Now, let's get started." He started the spanking, giving her ten or twelve smacks before saying, "Kelli, I know this has been difficult for you. It's been difficult for all of us, but let's talk about some of your behavior here the last few days." He continued the spanking as he named off several times she'd had a temper tantrum, twice that she'd thrown something, once when she was rude to Brad Barstow, three occasions when she'd used language she knew she wasn't to use, and once when John stopped her from going outside.

  He gave her a few swats each time he named a certain offense, before going on to the next one. Kelli yelled and hollered, and even screamed a couple times when Cal gave her three or four particularly hard swats in the same place after naming an act he was particularly upset with. She also squirmed and wriggled, but he could tell by her demeanor that she'd heard his warning. She settled down and was much more accepting of his discipline now. He was glad, because he certainly didn't want to have to give her any extras tonight.

  "Okay, Kelli, there's one more thing I want to say. I know this is a difficult situation. But it is for all of us. Instead of rebelling, of acting out, let me help you. If you're having a hard time, tell me. Let me hold you while we talk about it, or do something to get your mind off the situation. But you need to talk to me, so I can help you. Now, I'm going to give you ten more good swats and we'll be done. While I'm giving you those, I want you to remember that I'm here for you,
watching out for you, and I always will be. But you have to tell me when you have a problem. Do you hear what I'm saying, Kelli?"

  She was crying, and those last words had her crying harder. She struggled to answer, "Yes. I'm sorry, Cal."

  "Think about that while I give you these last ten, honey." He proceeded to give her ten solid swats on her sit spots. She jerked and yelled after each one, but took them all without earning extras. After the last one, Cal helped her up so she was sitting on his lap. He pulled her tight against his chest, with his arms around her. "Okay, Sweetie, it's over now. You're forgiven. Lay your head on my shoulder and cry it out while I hold you."

  Kelli did just that, and Cal held her. Once she was able to talk again he got her to talk to him about her feelings, being stuck in the house, and her fears. Afterward he asked, "Feel better, Sweetie?"

  "Yes, I do. Thank you, Cal. I feel much better, except for my butt. That really hurts."

  "That's only temporary," he whispered in her ear. "My caring about you isn't."

  She snuggled in as close as she could get. They talked a little longer before he escorted her to her room. "Will that sore bottom help you remember I'm here for you, Sweetie?"

  "Oh, yeah. I will definitely remember you're here, for a little while at least."

  "Good," he said, and leaned down to give her a goodnight kiss. And then he gave her another goodnight kiss. When he finally pulled away from the second kiss he said, "You need to go in your room now, Sweetie, while I'll still let you."

  "Are you sure?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

  "Get in there," he said with a playful slap on her bottom, which still got a yelp out of her.

  Chapter 15


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