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Desire Under the Dark Moon

Page 3

by Trinity Blacio

  “I warned you. Now look, it’s bleeding. Lie on the bed. I’ll get the bandages and we’ll patch you up,” Darwin ordered.

  “Get a washcloth because that crap is burning the hell out of my skin,” she grumbled, waving her hand back and forth over the wound.

  “Leave the medicine on, Allie. It will help.” He came back into the room, knelt next to bed, and proceeded to clean the blood dripping down her side. “Let me tell you a story of the Dark Moon. Maybe it will jar something in your memories that could help us.”

  “Could we do that later? I really don’t even want to think about it, Darwin. Why don’t you tell me about your family? It sounds like you are close.”

  “Why don’t I do both.” He bandaged her up and threw the cloth in the bathroom. “Scoot over and let me hold you.” Darwin slid out of his boots and shirt and climbed onto the bed with her. He carefully pulled her back against him. “Rest and listen.” He kissed the top of her head, resting his arm under her breast and cupping one with his hand.

  “And how am I supposed to rest if you’re touching me like that?” she grumbled and tried to move, but he never released her.

  “You need to get used to us touching you. Plus, I like feeling your delicate skin in my hands. Long ago, a breach happened one Hollow’s Eve, the realms of the fae, demons, and others collided, ripping open over earth, causing a Dark Moon. It is said power flows freely at certain axes around the earth when a Dark Moon comes. People who are born on this day have gifts that are hidden even to them, and these gifts can only be revealed at one of these axes.”

  Allie frowned and looked back at Darwin. “Do you know where these points are? Do you think I was born during one of these Dark Moons? Damn, now I have more questions than answers.”

  “I don’t understand. You don’t know the date of your birth? I thought that was one of the holidays humans celebrated.”

  “It is, but when Whitney’s parents found Marci and me, I couldn’t remember anything beyond hiding with Marci from those that would hurt us. I remember stumbling and freezing one night in an alley in upper Michigan. Don’t ask me how I got there because I don’t recall. Anyway, I feel over the large box Marci had taken shelter in. She was half-frozen too. Well, needless to say, I had enough power to find us a warm building that was empty. We stayed there for a good couple of months before someone bought it. That’s when Whitney’s parents found us. Anyway, since I didn’t know my birthdate and Marci didn’t know hers, we all celebrated on Whitney’s birthday, July third.”

  Darwin pulled the blanket up over her when she shivered. “We’ll find out soon enough. The Dark Moon is in three days, and it seems Frank’s house is right under one of those axis points.”

  Allie shot up and whimpered at the same time. “Fuck! Don’t you think it’s a little coincidental that his home is here? That I’m here?”

  “You have to stop jumping. You’re never going to heal if you keep it up.” Darwin gently pulled her back down into his arms.

  “But it is weird. I mean, what would the odds of the three sisters, each being bonded to men who are important to the other species of this world. We should name ourselves the Wicked Sisters, since we were all drawn together under some horrible circumstances.”

  “Are you wicked, my Allie?” Darwin asked, squeezing her breasts, rolling his palm over her nipples.

  Oh, she could feel his cock, hard and long against her ass. “I don’t know what I am anymore, Darwin. I know I’m not the person I was when I was taken.” She carefully turned and faced him. “I know Whitney and Marci wish I was, but inside I feel like a marshmallow afraid of any sound. I used to be wicked.” She smiled. “In some circles I was a mistress, but I’m afraid the mistress of pleasure has left the building for now.”

  Darwin cupped her cheeks. “The mistress is still there, but I think she’s learning there’s another part of herself, a wicked little girl who needs someone to take care of her. Because if I’m not mistaken, you have been the one taking care of Marci and Whitney?” he asked right before he kissed her lips.

  “Darwin,” she whispered when he released her.

  “Sleep, Allie, and rest knowing I won’t leave your side. You are safe in my arms.”

  She scooted closer to him and rested her head on his muscular arm. “You’re so warm,” she mumbled, closing her eyes, just meaning to catch a few minutes rest.

  * * *

  “Do you believe she was born on Hollow’s Eve?” Lance asked, staring down at the sleeping woman in Darwin’s arms. Whitney and Marci had come upstairs to check on Allie without disturbing her deep sleep, knowing she would need some time to heal mentally and physically.

  Darwin nodded. “We’ll find out for sure in three days, but it makes sense.” He adjusted his body and sat up, making sure she was covered. “Allie said something that had me thinking.” He smiled, staring at their woman. “She’s smart, analyzes things too. We’re going to have fun distracting her. Anyway, she thinks Whitney’s parents found Marci and her for a reason. That it was some kind of predestined thing. She even has a name for the three of them, the Wicked Sisters. But think about it. Whitney is mated to our King, Marci belongs to the most powerful group of gargoyles, and if this Dark Moon is right, our little Fae here might be something more than she even knows. For that matter, who’s to say we aren’t going to change in three days, what this Dark Moon will do to us?”

  “Damn, Darwin, when did you get all thinky…?” Steel said.

  “‘Thinky’? Is that a word?” Lance laughed and punched Steel’s arm.

  “You know what I mean,” he grumbled.

  “I think it’s cute, and quit punching him,” Allie said, swinging her legs to the side of the bed while hanging on to Darwin as she adjusted the blanket to cover her.

  Steel smiled and pushed him out of the way, then scooped Allie up into his arms.

  “Careful of her left side. I don’t want it opening up again,” Darwin grumbled as he stood and stretched. “It’s late, but I know you haven’t eaten. Feel like scoping out some food?” he asked her.

  “If I know Whitney, she is already cooking, and I bet Mom and Dad are on their way here. I really am sorry I scared you,” Allie said before placing a kiss on Steel’s chin. “I just couldn’t do an airport and all those people.”

  “You should have told us before you left, little Allie Cat,” Steel grumbled but placed a kiss on her head. “I don’t do well when scared.”

  Lance snorted and walked over to the closet, where he found a robe hanging. “That’s an understatement. I had to apologize to two of Frank’s staff when you scared them with your snarls.” He moved to the bed and held out her robe. “An angry grizzly bear on a plane isn’t a good thing. Come on, Allie, put this on and we’ll head downstairs.”

  “What time is it?” she asked, standing still and holding onto the blanket as Allie put her arms into the robe. She released the blanket when she closed the robe.

  “It’s close to midnight, I think?” Lance looked over his shoulder at the clock on the wall. “Yep, midnight.”

  “What the hell?” the king yelled.

  “Stay here with Allie, Darwin,” Lance snarled and moved toward the door.

  “What the fuck?” Darwin said from behind him. As Lance turned, he noticed Darwin shaking his hand back and forth.

  “What’s wrong?” Lance asked. Darwin lifted his hand, showing him. “Shit, you were burned. What the hell did you touch?”

  “Me,” Allie whispered. “I’m so, so sorry.” She moved to the door and threw it open. “Whitney!” she yelled.

  “In the kitchen, and, no, I didn’t do anything!” her sister called.

  Lance, Darwin, and Steel followed close behind Allie but didn’t touch her as they entered the kitchen. Frank and his mates were glaring at Whitney and Marci, and Marci’s mates didn’t look too happy either.

  “What is going on? Darwin went to hug me and his hand got burned,” Allie said.

  “He’s not the only o
ne. It seems Marci’s mates can’t touch her and mine can’t touch me. On top of that, they’re blaming me! I’ve called Mom. She and dad are on their way here. Dad is contacting all his contacts to see if they’ve heard anything,” Whitney said, glaring at her mates.

  Allie reached placed her hand on Whitney’s arm. “Well, I can touch you,” she said, frowning.

  “Yeah, same with Marci. We even had one of the guards try and touch us, and it was a no go. If any males try, they burn themselves. Talk about a dampener of the loving,” Whitney grumbled.

  Her parents came through the door, and before anyone could stop him, Whitney’s son ran to Allie.

  “No.” She tried to stop him, but he wasn’t listening as he wrapped his little arm around her leg and hugged her tight.

  “I missed you!” he cried, obviously not affected by what was going on.

  Allie sighed as she reached down and lifted Andrew into her arms. “I missed you too, little guy. You so don’t know how much.” She looked up at Lance with tears in her eyes.

  “Allie.” He stepped forward, but stopped with a growl. “This is not good. We can’t even touch our mates?” He looked at Frank, who nodded.

  “Tell me about it. Darwin, did you hear anything that might explain this from Randy’s mother?” Frank asked.

  “No, but I have a feeling it has to do with what I was discussing with Lance earlier. Allie thought it was weird not only that she and her sisters were brought together, but that they were mated to all of us, as if this were predestined.” Darwin moved to stand next to Allie but didn’t touch her.

  Frank looked over at Whitney’s mom as she took Andrew’s place and hugged Allie. “No, I have no idea what is going on.” She looked over at Frank. “We heard about your story, but even this is new to us. Darwin, right?” She asked, stepping back and looking at Darwin, who nodded. “Why don’t you tell us what you’ve learned? Maybe we can figure this out. Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Eve, and my husband is Bran.” She stepped closer and held out her hand to Darwin.

  “Darwin Wares. These are my partners, Lance and Steel,” Darwin said and motioned for Allie to take a seat at the table. “You need to rest.”

  “She needs to eat too. Bran, start the grill. We can throw on those steaks we brought with us. Our girl needs to be fattened up again,” Eve said. “Everyone sit while I throw some food together. Go on, Whitney, sit and feed your daughter while you’re at it.”

  Frank shook his head as Lance took a seat. “Get used to it. Even though this is my house, she always steps in and takes over,” his king said, winking at him. “Okay, Darwin, tell us the story.”

  Darwin frowned. “I don’t have a timeframe. All that Randy’s mother said was a long time ago, before…” His gaze met Lance’s. “Before different species ever stepped foot on earth. Do we know when our kind first came here?” he asked Frank.

  “Well, it would have to have been before the 1600s,” Eve’s mom said. “Our history mentions your kind back that far.”

  “I’ve seen reference to us all the way back to the 1200s, I believe,” Darwin said.

  “If this tale is that old, how could it be true?” Allie said and jumped when Lance touched her. “Damn it, Lance, why did you do that? Did you burn yourself?” she asked, trying to look at his finger that was aching.

  “Because I had to. You’re our mate. I needed to make sure and it’s true,” he grumbled.

  “Stupid.” She glared at him. “Don’t do that again.”

  Chapter Five

  Allie was furious as she turned her head to see Steel approaching her. She waved her hand and a pitcher of cold water dumped on his head. “Stop it! You will not get burned to0,” she snapped.

  “Why the hell did you dump water on me?” Steel growled.

  “Because I wanted to stop you from trying. I mean it, Steel, please don’t try. I have enough to deal with. I sure don’t need to worry about the three of you trying to touch me.”

  “Hot damn, now that is the old Allie,” Marci laughed.

  “Marci, that wasn’t funny. They’re just making sure they can’t touch her. You know mates need to touch each other,” Garth grumbled. “She needs her butt spanked,” he glared at her and that just pissed her off.

  “Cool off,” she hissed, watching him disappear and plop down into the pool.

  “You go, girl.” Marci stood and held her hand up.

  Allie rolled her eyes but high-fived Marci. “All males should know I’m testy here. I want to be in my mates’ arms and I can’t.” She sat back down in her seat.

  “Where the hell are the oven mitts?” Steel jumped up and went to the kitchen. “Allie, get a blanket and cover up. Let’s see if I can try to hold you that way,” he demanded.

  She frowned but ran into the living room and grabbed the throw off the back of the couch. Allie wrapped it around her as everyone followed her into the room. Steel had on a pair of cooking gloves, and she couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of the big man wearing bright pink gloves.

  “Come here, love,” Steel said.

  “Don’t hug me, just try your hand first. But if you get hurt, I’m going to kill whoever did this,” she growled.

  “Not before I get my hands on them,” Frank said, wearing a pair of grape-colored mitts. “Get another blanket, Whitney.”

  “Just wait and see, jeez,” Whitney grumbled. “Plus, I’m pissed at you for blaming me for this crap.”

  Allie’s gaze went to Frank’s. “Don’t you even, little sister,” he growled and she smiled.

  “Fine, I believe Whitney will take care of you.” Allie sucked in her breath as Steel moved in close and gently put his hand on her covered shoulder.

  Steel smiled. “Seems we can’t touch the skin,” he said and lifted her up in his arms.

  “Damn it, you’re wet,” Allie grumbled, feeling the water seep through the blanket.

  “And whose fault is that?” he said and moved to sit down on the sofa, but not before a towel appeared on it magically

  As soon as they were sitting, Garth stormed into the room all wet. He stood in front of them, his eyes blazing. “You are lucky you’ve been hurt or I’d turn you over my knee.”

  “You would not,” Marci growled. “You touch my sister and I’ll castrate you.” She whipped out one of her favorite knives.

  “Marci… What were you told about those knives?” Garth moved toward Marci slowly, stalking her.

  “Damn it, don’t you touch me. Do you want to fry too?” she growled and backed right into her other mate. He wrapped his hands around her middle, not touching skin. “Damn it, let go.”

  Allie started to move, but Steel shook his head. “No, it’s between them. Now let’s hear the rest of Darwin’s story,” he grumbled, holding her while Lance sat down next to them and put her feet in his lap.

  Frank pulled Whitney into his lap as her other men surrounded her. Marci and her men took up the other corner, waiting for Darwin.

  “Well, from what Randy’s mom told me, worlds collided one night. Supposedly doors opened and some of our kind stepped into this world, and energy from these worlds poured out to the neighborhoods around. Children born under this Dark Moon and near the opening doors were gifted, or special. She believes that if we mate with Allie on the Dark Moon in three days, something important would happen. She admits to not knowing the whole story, but that was the gist of what she had heard.”

  “Do you think your parents would know anything about it?” Lance asked.

  “I have no idea. Right now, my fathers are searching for the ones that took Allie. They will find me tomorrow with news. Until then they are in the other realm, and there is no way I can get hold of them. Even my mother can’t reach them.”

  “Is your mom all alone?” Allie asked. “Maybe you should have her come here. I don’t want her to be hurt.” She looked at Frank. “Sorry. Frank.” She rested her head against Steel’s chest.

  “No, don’t be. You’re right. Darwin, your mother shouldn’t
be alone, especially if your fathers are hunters. Please invite her here. We have the room,” Frank said.

  “Yes, please do. I’d love to meet her. Maybe she can help figure out what is going on,” Eve said, coming in and placing a plate in front of Allie. “Eat,” she ordered.

  “Yes, Mom.” Allie frowned, taking it. “Mom I want to thank you for being there for me,” Allie said, right before Darwin growled.

  “No, damn.” Darwin turned to Frank. “I will apologize now if you get offended,” he said right before two women and three men showed up. Darwin spun to face them. “You haven’t left your home in eons and now you decided to come here?”

  Lance stood and moved to Darwin’s side. “Darwin, who is this? I know your mother. Sara, it’s an honor to see you again.” He bowed his head.

  Allie cut her steak and took a bite, watching the show until the newcomers’ eyes shifted and landed on her. “Crap,” she mumbled.

  As if sensing her unease, Darwin stepped in front of her. “Eat, Allie,” he said, not taking his gaze off the people.

  “Lance, these are my grandparents. The man on the right is Alastor,” Darwin said.

  She peeked around Darwin at the man in question. Even she had heard tales of him, and they were not good. The demon was like the boogeyman to all Fae.

  Whitney and Marci moved toward her. “Why do I get the feeling we just invited someone big into our home?” Whitney asked through their link as Andrew raced into the room, running smack into Alastor.

  Allie jumped up and moved out in the open. “Come here, Andrew. I thought you were eating?” she asked, shaking.

  “I forgot to tell you I can eat now—real food.” He ran to her and crawled into her arms. “Mommy said I get to have a real birthday cake. Can you make it for me? You make better cake than Mommy.” Andrew covered his mouth with his hand. “Oops, sorry,” he said, forgetting to keep their secret.

  Whitney moved next to them. “Allie, what did you do?” She frowned at him, then at her.


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