Book Read Free


Page 13

by Peter Wood

  ‘So how do the other seven pay their way then?’

  ‘They don’t. They are all run at a loss by various governments.’

  ‘If we built the habitat a lot closer to the sun there’d be a lot more energy available from solar arrays. They work well in space.’

  Yirgella answered after a gap of about 2 seconds.

  ‘The energy supply would be sufficient but radiation problems and resource supply still make it impractical.’

  ‘Would you like to live in space? A lot of electronics work better and are easier to build there.’

  ‘I don’t know, Jarra. I have only just started learning what it’s like to live on Earth. I don’t think you would. Where would you and Mirri do your exploring?’

  Jarra laughed.

  ‘We’d have to have our own spaceship to visit the Moon or asteroids.’

  ‘Totally impractical.’

  Jarra laughed again.

  ‘When you design a fusion engine it won’t be.’

  There was another several-second wait for an answer.

  ‘Totally impractical!’

  ‘Where’s your imagination? A fusion engine sounds really good and what about an impulse drive or a warp drive?’

  ‘A warp drive is a fictional construct. The impulse drive is possible.’

  ‘It is?’

  Jarra shared his look of surprise with Alira and Kyrra.

  ‘Yes. When completed it could travel from Earth’s orbit to the Moon in approximately seventy-four days.’

  ‘That’s useless.’


  ‘What’s Mirri doing at the moment?’

  ‘I presume he’s swimming. His ComPatch shows an unchanging view of the locker room ceiling.’

  Alira and Kyrra watched the ceiling view replace Yirgella’s image for a moment.

  ‘Jarra, do you check what Mirrigan is doing very often?’

  ‘Sometimes, Aunt Alira, when I’ve forgotten his program, but not very often because Yirgella watches through the ComPatch and tells me if something interesting is happening. Mirri’s hopeless. He likes taking his shirt off and all we see for ages is something like that ceiling or the material of his shirt. The ComPatch should be stuck on his forehead.’

  ‘That is also impractical, Jarra.’

  ‘I know. What about on a pendant round his neck? If we made it waterproof he could wear it even when he’s swimming.’

  ‘Then you’d have a problem when he finished. He’d put his shirt on and cover it.’

  ‘He would, too, but if the shirt ComPatch kept watching it wouldn’t matter.’

  ‘That is a feasible idea. A pendant ComPatch would be far more durable with better vision and sound capabilities. Here is a design for an eagle pendant.’

  ‘Yirgella, you’d have to call it a ComPendant not a ComPatch, and a dolphin design would be better at the moment.’

  ‘What design would you like? Mirrigan would expect you to match him.’

  Ten minutes later, after some discussion about designs of their own and a concentrated session between Jarra and Yirgella on the big 3D printer, four new pendant-style ComPatches were ready and, somewhat dazed at the speed of it all, Alira and Kyrra were fastening them round their necks.

  ‘These look more like personal jewellery than communication devices. If all the Council members decide to use them in place of a normal ComPatch other people might want to copy.’

  Alira smiled.

  ‘Our Council setting a fashion, Kyrra? That would be a first.’

  That gave Jarra an idea.

  ‘They’d have to use ordinary ComPatch circuitry but if people wanted them as pendants we could sell them as the first jewellery ever made by an AI. Yirgella, could we use any design people wanted for the casing and make them with this 3D printer?’

  ‘Jarra, you’re talking to Yirgella like a real entrepreneur. What about the complex inner circuitry? That can’t be made on a 3D printer.’

  ‘It can on this one, Aunt Alira, because it’s got extra features which need Yirgella’s input to work. It helps us get things done much faster.’

  ‘Individually designed jewellery? What if several thousand people wanted them? Wouldn’t that be a waste of Yirgella’s time?’

  ‘Yirgella, work out how much of your time it would take to make 1000 different jewellery ComPatches.’

  ‘Based on the four we just produced my involvement would be approximately nine tenths of 1 second and the production time with Jarra’s 3D printer would be nearly 17 hours.’

  Kyrra was startled, but not as much as Alira.

  ‘What? You can design a thousand different cases in less than a second?’

  ‘The process involves far more than just the cases. The circuitry has to be configured to match the physical properties of each case and then a batch process with instructions for the 3D printer built and stored. My involvement is quite variable as it depends on the priority I assign. By using 10% of my resources instead of the low two hundredths of 1% I just used, the one thousand count would increase to just short of half a million.’

  ‘Half a million in less than a second! So, in the time it takes me to count to ten you could do all the calculations necessary to produce an individually designed ComPatch for every man, woman and child living in Mparntwe?’

  ‘Providing your ten count took more than 5 seconds and I had all the necessary information available, yes, that would be quite a simple task.’

  ‘Astonishing. How long would it take to do the same thing with our special ComPatches? About 8 or 10 seconds?’

  ‘That is correct for the calculations, Alira, but I would be reluctant to implement a system of that size.’

  For whatever reason, Alira and Kyrra both looked to Jarra for an explanation.

  ‘Our special ComPatches are highly complex compared to ordinary ones and Yirgella is monitoring high-resolution imagery and sound non-stop from every unit that’s connected. If there were two and a half million of them instead of the current thirty-four I think he’d be swamped with data.’

  ‘Jarra is right. Monitoring that number of people would be a constant demand on a significant proportion of my resources.’

  ‘I don’t believe it. We’ve come up with something too big for you,’ said Alira.

  ‘Not really. With major design changes and structural alterations I believe I could limit the use of my resources to between ten and twelve per cent and still operate a system of that size. There are far more efficient ways to improve security for Mparntwe though.’

  ‘More improvements for Mparntwe security? How would you change what we’re already doing?’

  ‘For a start I would replace all your security cameras with more capable ones and increase the number to surveil every public space.’

  ‘Every single door, walkway or place where people gather? How many cameras would you need to do that?’

  ‘Several million for the coverage I would recommend.’

  ‘Several million? Wouldn’t that need a similar amount of resources as the special ComPatches?’

  ‘Significantly less, Alira. A dedicated Intelligent Security System could be designed to do most of the work under my oversight.’

  ‘Could you watch everyone in Mparntwe for 24 hours of the day?’

  There was a distinct pause before Yirgella answered Kyrra’s question.

  ‘That would require surveillance of all private living space and an increase in the number of cameras used to something in the order of twenty million. I could manage but the constant demand on my resources would be unsustainable.’

  ‘Kyrra, we wouldn’t want to watch people in their homes.’

  ‘I know. I’m testing my understanding of Yirgella’s capabilities. Twenty million cameras running sounds ridiculous. How would you make that many. Jarra? Would these nanobots do it?’

  ‘Cameras are easy, Kyrra. We built the high-resolution ones for picking up the spy flies at Alkere entrances on our 3D printer so we wouldn’t
need nanobots.’

  ‘I disagree, Jarra. A nanobot production device would be far more efficient for such large scale production’

  ‘What is a nanobot? I know they’re tiny and can make things but that’s about the extent of my knowledge.’

  Jarra looked to Yirgella’s image.

  ‘Will I explain or will you?’

  ‘I suggest you give a quick explanation, Jarra, then set up several examples to examine with the electron microscopes. Start with your healthbots and show some of their different functions.’

  Alira and Kyrra spent some time looking at different types of nanobots then watched, quite amazed, as Jarra used his InfoSystem to design one from scratch.

  ‘Jarra, we’ve been here an hour and a half and so far you’ve given all your time to us. We thought we’d be watching your normal routine.’

  ‘Most days start with a lot of talking and playing round with ideas so it has been fairly normal. You’re not going to just watch though. We’ve got a special job for you designing the interior layout of the tunnel train.’

  Alira and Kyrra shared a look.

  ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘We’ll help you, of course, and with the simulators and some VR devices you’ll have it done in a couple of hours.’

  It took longer than that but when Jarra returned from his midday rest he was enthusiastically presented with the finished result.

  ‘What’s this sign you’ve put on the seats and the doorways?’

  ‘We joined a symbolic caterpillar with a representation of the sun to show the connection between Mparntwe and Alkere. It was Kyrra’s idea and we chose from a range of designs Yirgella made for us. I think it would be a good logo to use for all the joint projects.’

  Jarra liked the idea but didn’t get to talk about it because Alira and Kyrra were keen to hear the plans for the rest of the afternoon.

  ‘Yirgella and I will be looking at different techniques for programming nanobots but it’s fairly technical so you might like to do something else. He also needs a human viewpoint to help plan a new type of lift system, otherwise you could work with him on the miniature waste recycler we’ve been studying. And I know Durrebar wants to grab you, Alira, for an hour as well.’

  Kyrra went to a different part of the project room to work with the lift system while Alira said she’d watch the nanobot programming then leave to see Durrebar after about an hour. That pleased Jarra because it felt good to show something of what his main project work looked like. Half an hour later Jarra was giving a quick explanation to Alira about the section of programming code they were looking at when the InfoSystem screen flickered. It was instantaneous but it had never happened before and Jarra looked to Yirgella’s image for an explanation.

  ‘Jarra, our external power supply has been interrupted and, while there is no apparent threat to the project site, it would be prudent to move quickly with Alira and Kyrra to meet with some of our Security staff in the third level basement area. We should know more about what’s happening by the time you get there.’

  Jarra jumped to his feet and motioned Alira and Kyrra to follow. He knew exactly where to go and the quickest way to get there from the emergency drills the Security people and Yirgella had worked out after the Mparntwe lift incident and the spy fly attempt. In the corridors the purposeful movement and strained expressions made Jarra wonder if there was something Yirgella hadn’t told them and he felt grateful when Alira took his arm in a comforting grip.

  ‘Jarra, this isn’t a practice drill, is it?’

  ‘Not from the way Yirgella spoke.’

  Jarra was walking faster than he should and when they reached the basement room he acknowledged Professor Allerton and some of the Security people then walked straight past them to sit on a comfortable chair. Alira, immediately concerned, sat next to him.

  ‘I’m all right. It took me by surprise, that’s all. Do you know what’s happened, Professor?’

  ‘Only that there has been an interruption to our power supply which warrants moving …’

  The display screen on the wall—there was at least one in every room of the Alkere project—flickered to life with Yirgella’s image.

  ‘The precaution of moving you all has proved unnecessary as the single event which occurred nearly 17 kilometres away at our project solar array appears to be quite isolated. A security team with forensic equipment is headed for the site and will shortly provide us with a clearer picture of what has happened. At this stage we know an explosion has destroyed power connections to our site and the period for reconnection will depend on the degree and type of damage. Our backup system is functioning without fault and you are free to return to your ordinary activities. Durrebar would like to meet in the conference hall with all department heads, and anyone else interested.’

  Jarra’s nanobot work could wait. He most certainly wanted more information about what had happened and if it was another sabotage attempt. He didn’t have any doubt that it was, so Alira and Kyrra needed to be involved as well. Three quarters of an hour later when Jarra looked round the conference hall the only people who weren’t there were from Security. A big image of Yirgella appeared on the large hall display screen and there was immediate hush.

  ‘The damage is extensive and since the main transformer and outlet connections have been destroyed there will be several days of repair work before we can return to normal. I have planned a set of techbots, and with help from Jarra and his 3D printer they should be functional in approximately 3 hours time. Residue traces identify a sophisticated military-grade type of explosive with properties designed to make it particularly compatible with the stealth device which must have been used for its delivery.’

  Yirgella’s image was replaced with views of the damage that had been caused, and after a stunned moment Durrebar voiced the question everyone was wondering.

  ‘How can that possibly be fixed in two days? It’s a rebuild, not a repair.’

  ‘The purpose-built techbots will make the difference. Standard practice would take a week or more, even with fast tracking.’

  Jarra stood up and started moving. The techbots sounded important and he needed to get to his 3D printer immediately.

  Chapter 13

  The Alkere power supply was quickly fixed and Jarra settled into a steady pattern of study, research and experimentation, and for eight busy months he and Yirgella concentrated on developing their NanoFactory idea. It was a far-reaching project and, in reality, Jarra understood that it would continue indefinitely and, while their original goals had been well and truly reached, every plateau of research and development brought new refinements and capabilities to consider. The prototype which became functional in the seventh month made a huge difference to their progress because many things which had previously taken Jarra days to put together could now be built in a fraction of the time and in a bootstrapping way the NanoFactory built new sections of itself for installation and testing. One week before Jarra’s trip to Carnarvon with the family, the whole Alkere staff plus Alira and the Council gathered for the official first production effort of the Alkere NanoFactory and, after making a formal request for Yirgella to set everything in motion, Jarra turned to Alira and the Council members.

  ‘Thank you for accepting our invitation to the commissioning of our new NanoFactory. Yirgella and I are very excited about it and because of all your backing and extra support we propose to share a proportion of the benefits with you, and to do that this NanoFactory will be used primarily for projects to help Mparntwe as soon as our second one is ready.’

  Kyrra waved his arms excitedly.

  ‘Jarra, could you tell us more about your NanoFactory? You started it going a few moments ago without telling us what it’s making.’

  ‘Yes, it’s like a surprise. If you can wait a while we’ll be able to show you the new excavation machine which will help to finish the vacuum tunnel between here and Mparntwe within the next two months.’

  ‘Months? You mean y
ears? The current plan says just over three years,’ said Kyrra.

  ‘No, the machine Yirgella has designed will be able to tunnel through half a kilometre a day and he’s making six of them, so the actual tunnelling will only take a couple of weeks. The rest of the time is for all the fitting out and testing of the special train which will also be built here.’

  The Alkere staff knew about this and were all smiling at the reactions of the various Council members. Kyrra, understanding more than the others what it meant was shaking his head and smiling at the same time.

  ‘That must be an amazing excavation machine if it’s going to reduce a mammoth three-year project to only two months. It doesn’t sound possible.’

  He laughed and turned to Alira.

  ‘Look at them all smiling. They’ve got more surprises lined up. I can tell. It’s a conspiracy to shock us.’

  Chuckles and smiles from the Alkere staff confirmed this and every Council member gave new attention to Jarra. This had been Durrebar’s idea. He thought the Council had no idea how significant the NanoFactory really was and a barrage of surprises would make it a memorable start up.

  ‘Yes, we’re going to show you some of the things our NanoFactory and an AI can do together. Tomorrow’s task for the NanoFactory will be to start building extra excavation machines and extensions for the materials project. The manager has told us the demand is currently more than ten times the amount we can supply and, with the NanoFactory, Yirgella will be able to match that within six weeks.’

  Most of the Council turned to the member who oversaw Mparntwe’s finances.

  ‘The materials project is already ahead of schedule but that level of production wasn’t expected for another eighteen months. It will almost match our energy income.’

  Kyrra laughed.

  ‘I’m suitably shocked, Jarra. What will the NanoFactory do when the six weeks is finished?’

  ‘The first task will be to construct a second NanoFactory so this one can be dedicated to a whole range of Mparntwe needs.

  ‘Durrebar has been working with Yirgella and they have designs for big improvements to a range of Intelligent Systems. The improvements mean there will be high demand all round the world and a great opportunity for Mparntwe to develop expert teams of engineers and support staff for an extensive installation and servicing industry. Yirgella’s only part will be to build them with the NanoFactory.


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