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Dead Reckoning_HZA, Vol. 3

Page 2

by Marty Brockschmidt

  Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “So we are stealing drugs and food now. What aren't you telling me Andy?”

  Andy took a breath. “I will tell you all I know, I promise, just let me tell it slowly. It is a lot to take in, all at once.”

  She tossed him the backpack, to emphasize her frustration. “Okay, we'll do it your way. We need to go back, where you found me.”

  As they headed back, Andy started the story. “Like I said, the world has changed, a lot. Our money, it can't get us anything. The cities are too dangerous, to be in. You remember Paulie and Rita?”

  She nodded. “Yes I do, but if Walsh money isn't green enough, theirs can't be any better.”

  “No, however, Paulie's family does have a place, near the Alabama border. It's on a lake, Paulie says it is well supplied. Of course, to be honest, knowing Paulie, that might mean it has a well stocked wine cellar. It will buy us some time though.” Andy said.

  She stopped at a door. “Here is the pharmacy. At least, this is where they would hand out pills, each day.”

  While Andy went to work, figuring out a way past the locked door, Ria continued with her questions. “So the banks have collapsed, there is rioting in the streets and we are going to hole up with people, that have never done anything for themselves. Tell me, that at least Claudine will be there.”

  Andy decided to go with brute force and worked a pry bar, into the door jamb. “Ahh that's the ticket. Yes, Claudie will be there and Paulie has always,been a reliable friend. We need to focus on first aid supplies, antibiotics, painkillers and antiseptics. But maybe, some primo pharmaceuticals, will be worth something in a trade.”

  She found a cart and began loading it, with bandages and medicinals. “Andy, you are starting to scare me, how bad have things gotten?”

  Andy stopped his foraging. “Ria, however bad you’re thinking it is, it is way, way worse than that.”

  She looked at him quizzically and then chuckled. “Oh my God, you mean Paulie has invited, the rest of the Atlanta brat pack?”

  Andy got caught up in her laughter, realizing how ludicrous it was, to think that a group of spoiled socialites, were prepared, for the collapse of society. “Yes he has. Seriously though, things are really bad, it is just hard to explain, if you haven't seen it happening...” Andy sighed. “...I think we're done here, lead on to the kitchen.”

  The kitchen, was easier to get into, than the pharmacy and not nearly as well stocked, causing Ria, to offer an explanation. “They do pride themselves, on serving fresh food.”

  Andy shrugged. “Whatever we can get, it's a bonus. I am surprised, the power is still on here, the freezer has some things, worth grabbing.”

  Ria stopped foraging. “Andy, stop dropping these little bombs and tell me what is going on.”

  Andy closed the freezer door. “I'm sorry Ria, I've been trying to figure out a way, to tell you this and it is really hard, finding the words. It all happened so fast. At first, just weird reports and then boom, it was happening everywhere, all at once. The National Guard, called in the Army, but it didn't matter, they were overrun in no time. So many died so fast. It just seemed so impossible, nobody wanted to believe, what was happening. ”

  She gaped at her brother. “Andy we were attacked? By who?” Is there no resistance?”

  Andy shook his head, “As far as I know, this is happening everywhere, on the planet. Everyone is running scared. Those with the numbers, the guns and flexible morals, are taking everything, they can lay their hands on.”

  “Andy, you’re not making much sense. Was it some kind of sickness? Could it really spread... that fast?” She interrogated.

  Andy put up his hands. “Whoa, just hold on a minute. I don't know, if it was a disease, or what caused it. All I know is, when it happened, it happened everywhere. Ria, I know this, is going to sound crazy. I can hardly believe it myself and I've seen it happen. People who die, are no longer staying dead.”

  For a second, she froze, then anger crossed her face and she slapped her brother, with all her strength, “How could you? Do you think, this is even remotely funny? Andrew, the dead do not come back. That is something, I have had to deal with, every single day, for the past six months and for you to come here and say something like that, is the most horrible thing, you could ever do to me.”

  Andy rubbed the cheek she slapped, as he shook his head. “Ria, you know I would never, ever do anything, to hurt you. You know that. When the dead come back. they come back, as monsters, with only the thought, of eating anything alive. This place is deserted. Why do you think that is? Do you think I could somehow, pull that off?”

  She looked down sheepishly. “I'm sorry. It's just, that I miss her so much and I would give anything, to have her back.”

  Andy looked at her sadly, then hugged his sister. “No, not like this. It is like when people die, a monster takes their body. That noise in the hall, when you were changing, that was me taking down, one of those things. Someone, who had opted out, slit their wrists. When they come back, the only way to stop them, is to destroy the brain. So I beat its head in, with the door.”

  Ria pushed away, from her brother. “Andy, you killed someone? You beat them, to death? How could you do that?”

  “To keep you safe, that's how. It wasn't alive and soon enough, you will see for yourself, exactly, what I am talking about.” Andy replied gravely.

  “Always so quick to protect me. Would it be so bad, if I handled things, on my own?” She didn't give her brother, an opportunity to respond, turning to face him. “Let's just finish and get the hell out of here.”

  When they were done, with their salvage, Andy led his sister outside. Parked out there, was a shiny, new, Jeep Wrangler, towing a small, enclosed, Uhaul trailer. Andy opened the back, of the trailer, to reveal, a neatly, packed interior. How orderly, the trailer was packed, was pure Andy. What really struck Ria, was everything she could see inside, was so damn practical.

  “So little brother, this isn't your normal choice of rides.” She commented.

  “This, is my end of the world special. Drove it right off the lot. Not a lick of paperwork required.” Andy joked.

  “I'm still having a hard time, getting my head around this.” She replied.

  “You will see soon enough and you'll understand. It is the dead that are the hardest to come to grips with, but you have got to accept that truth.” Andy warned.

  “Alright Andrew.” She answered solemnly.

  “That's good, cause I want you to carry these.” Andy replied, pulling out a gun belt.

  Ria balked. “I don't know Andy, you and Dad were the ones into guns. Dad told me it wasn't a proper thing, for girls.”

  Andy smiled. “Like we always said, what Dad doesn't know, won't hurt him. I brought my old pellet pistol and 22. As soon as I can, I'll teach you to shoot, for now, get used to wearing it.”

  She pulled out the double edged knife, from its sheath. “Is there a particular reason, why you picked out this gun and knife for me?”

  Andy, put on his own gun belt. “The pistol is a Glock nine millimeter. One of the most widely used. in law enforcement and it has a seventeen round magazine. Mine is a Glock also, but in forty five caliber. Mine has more knock down power, but the bigger bullets limit me, to ten rounds.”

  She looked at him quizzically. “Which is better, more bullets, or more knock down?”

  Andy nodded. “Yep, that is a good question. The nine mil has less recoil, it will be easier for you to handle.”

  “Okay. What about this knife, why do I need it?” She asked.

  Andy grimaced. “This is a little gruesome. Remember what I said, the only way to stop one of the dead ones, is to take out its brain. The less noise you make, taking one out, the less likely it will be, to attract the attention of others. That knife is long, solid and double edged. Still, piercing a skull isn't an easy thing. You are better to stab through an eye, under the jaw, through an ear, or from the back through the base of the skull.”

  She gawked at her brother. “Andy, how many times have you taken out, one of the dead ones? God, how did you even learn to do such a thing?”

  Andy shrugged and gave her a crooked grin. “At this point, the only people left alive are either really lucky, or fast learners. My first one happened, when I was going to pick up Claudie. She was being attacked by one in the hall, when I came in. I threw it off her and put two 45's right into its chest. That rocked it back sure enough, but it kept on coming. Not knowing what else to do, I put the barrel under its chin, pulled the trigger and it dropped.”

  “Claudine is she... is she okay?” She asked cautiously.

  Andy smiled. “Oh yeah Claudie's alright. Scared, more than a little shook up, but no bites.”

  She pressed for more. “Andy, how long ago was this?”

  Andy slumped, then scoffed. “Seems like ages, so much has happened. It was three hours ago, when I left Claudie with Paulie and Rita. It's been a couple of weeks, since it was pretty obvious things were going south.”

  Suddenly she was in his arms, hugging him close. “Thank you.”

  Andy held his sister. “No matter what, it is you and me. Two sides of a coin, but always the same coin, right?”

  She nodded. “Right.”

  Andy gave her that lopsided grin, as he let her loose. “What do you say, we finish loading up and skedaddle out of here.”

  “Music to my ears little brother, I've been ready to leave this place, for six months now.” She stated.

  Once the food and medicines were carefully loaded, Andy pulled out a length of hose and a couple of gas cans, “One more thing to do, I noticed a couple of cars parked in the side lot, waste not want not.”

  Ria shook her head in dismay. “Andy, I can't believe this is you. Stealing food, siphoning gas, the world really got this way in two weeks?”

  “Ria, it really has gotten this bad, this fast. You either adapt, or you die, it is that simple.” Andy said seriously.

  Making their way to the small parking lot to the side of the building, they found two vehicles parked there. One was a minivan that belonged to the facility, used to occasionally take groups of patients to outings, or appointments. The other was a beat up sedan, missing all its hub caps, hood held down by a frayed elastic strap and one door was a different color than the rest.

  As they got close a man's face pressed up against the inside of the window and his hands clawed at the glass. The face of a painfully thin young woman soon joined the man's at the window. Concerned that the couple was trapped in an over hot car, Ria ran to release them.

  “Ria stop!” Andy yelled out.

  “Andy, they could be in trouble, we need to help them.” She argued.

  “Ria, they're dead already. Look at their eyes, how glazed over they are. Look at the ash grey skin, all their blood has pooled down.” Andy explained.

  “Andy I know...knew her. Whatever. She was here for drug rehab and was looking forward to getting released.” She said.

  Andy looked in through the windshield, at the paraphernalia on the dash. “Looks like she needed a bit more rehab.”

  “Andy, they are right here. You can't just take their gas, while they're watching.” She half whispered.

  Andy laughed. “Sis, the dead don't drive.”

  The sedan had barely a gallon of gas left, but the minivan was closer to full, allowing Andy to fill both his cans, nearly to the brim. With the cans stored and secured and the length of hose neatly coiled and hung, the twins climbed into the jeep.

  Trying to clear the image of the dead couple in the car, Ria attempted a lighter conversation. “So, where do we meet the brat pack?”

  Andy chuckled. “You remember where we would party, when we were in high school?”

  “Fellers Park? You are kidding me right? There's nothing around there.” She replied.

  Andy nodded. “That's the idea, fewer people, fewer dead.”

  “Well we got a bit of a drive ahead of us, tell me what's going on between you and Claudine?” She pried.

  Andy smiled. “We're good.”

  “That's all I get, you two are good? Details little brother, details, are you two back on?” She asked.

  “We were never really off, it’s just Dad got in the way. You know how he was, a couple of beers in him and he's flirting up anything in a skirt. Sober and nobody is good enough for him. Claudie needed breaks from that, but when Dad died three months ago, she made sure he had a better funeral than he deserved.” Andy began.

  Ria was amazed, she felt so little for the death of the man, who had shown her, so much disdain her entire life and yet she worked so hard, to garner his favor. “I'm happy Claudine was there, to help you.”

  “We hoped to tell you this together.” Andy stated

  “You gotta keep going now. I'll make sure I act duly surprised, when we join up with Claudine.” She pushed.

  Andy paused to take a deep breath. “After I knew where to find you, I asked Claudie to marry me. I slipped Momma's ring on her finger, to seal the deal. We kept it under wraps though, until we could share it with you.”

  Suddenly, all the scary stuff was out of her mind and she was kneeling on her seat, hugging her brother. “I'm so happy for you, Andrew Walsh, all grown up and getting himself married. I know Momma would be proud, to pass her ring on, to Claudine.”

  Andy's mood darkened in spite of his sister's infectious excitement. “Except, there is no happily ever after anymore. You just try to get through the day. without getting eaten, or shot. A good day is when you don't have to kill someone else, living or dead.”

  “Oh no little brother, you are not bringing me down on this. When we get settled in Paulie's place, I'm going to make sure you two have your day.” She stated resolutely.

  Andy brightened a little bit. “If you really want to make my day, quit calling me little brother. You are, only five minutes older than me.”

  She laughed. “ Sorry, it's part of my job as your big sister, to remind you, who got out of the chute first.”

  Andy had to hit the brakes suddenly, when three doe bolted across the road, causing his sister to slam into the dash. “Better get belted back in, you never know what you get on these back roads.”

  She rubbed her forehead. “You could've just asked.” She joked, but then screamed, as a man's blood covered face, appeared at her window. “Go, go, go.”

  The pair rode in silence after that, carefully scrutinizing the sides of the road, for further surprises. A few times, Andy stopped in the crossroad and verified his route, from a book of county maps. Finally, shortly after midday, Andy turned down the entrance, to Fellers park.

  “Here at last. Just a short ways down to the old party spot. Paulie got his hands on this big ass RV and stocked it up. The rest of the gang followed suit, with their own RV's. We're going to have the smallest vehicle in the group, I'm sure James is going to have to point that out to me.” Andy commented.

  “James is an idiot, trust me, he is hoping a big RV makes up, for what he is lacking in other areas.” She answered vehemently.

  Andy grinned. “Okay. Hey this is where we turn, isn't it?”

  She pursed her lips and scanned down the two track. “It's been awhile, but yes it looks right. Shouldn't we be seeing all those RV’s by now?”

  “That's what I was thinking. There is no way, they shouldn't be here by now.” Andy answered.

  She smiled at her brother. “Maybe they stopped, to siphon gas.”

  Anxious, Andy was in no mood to take the bait. “Smart ass.”

  “Not that smart, I'm stuck with you Grumpy.” She tried to joke.

  Andy reached in back and pulled out a tactical shotgun and pumped a round into the chamber. “This is serious, keep a lookout.”

  “Andy, you're scaring me.” She stammered.

  “Good, you should be.” Andy replied, as he drove slowly down the two track.

  Andy pulled down to the cleared, picnic area and turned the jeep around so
it was facing back up the two track. Shutting of the engine, he got out of the jeep, cradling the shotgun in his arm and stood there motionless.

  She got out of the jeep, “Well?”

  “I was listening, let’s take a quick look around.” Andy answered.

  The ground rose slightly, leading to a group of tables at the top. There were wine bottles and glasses on the tables, indicating someone had been here. They continued up, until they could see past the tables.

  She raised a trembling hand to her mouth. “Andy, oh my God. Who would do this?”

  Andy cursed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Paulie, I told you not to do it.”


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