Wayward Dreams
Page 31
“Put that away.” Bianca slapped at the finger Julia was still wielding. “First of all, you don’t have any say in this, and you can’t forbid anything.” Pulling close to Harry, she laced her fingers with his. “I couldn’t care less about a big wedding or making any plans. As soon as he gets out of this bed, I’m going to the courthouse with this man before he changes his mind.”
“Not gonna happen,” Harry grinned, shaking his head. “I’ll marry you any day or time you say. If it’s the courthouse you want, then that’s where I’ll be.”
“Then we’re going with you.” Julia nudged Kemi and he nodded.
“You can come, but you don’t get an opinion,” Bianca warned her sister. “You don’t get to play the sister card, because I love this man. I swear I will walk on water to marry him, and run over you to do it, if I have to.”
“Then I guess it’s a done deal and you’re marrying him. When we got you two together, I never saw this coming.” Julia sulked, leaning on Kemi’s shoulder. “Maybe I should have though. Saru mo ki kara ochiru.“
“Because even monkeys fall out of trees, and everyone makes mistakes.” Kemi swung his hair back and smirked. “I could have told you that, but these two? This is no mistake.”
Harry’s grin stole another bit of her heart, and Bianca unfastened the Rolex at her wrist and held it out to her sister. Dropping the watch into Julia’s hand, she knew she had found her place in time and would never need the reminder again.
Julia turned the pretty watch over and admired it. “What is this for?”
“I don’t need it any more. Harry?” Bianca waited for his dark long-lashed eyes to hold her. “You’re going to have to buy me a new watch.”
Bianca stood in the center of the room, still wearing the beautiful white wedding kimono. The heavily embroidered uchikake covered her far more than Harry would have liked, and reading his mind, she removed the tsuno kakushi hood and smiled. “Your grandmother told me what this is for, you know. She said that this is worn to cover the bride’s horns. I was almost offended, until your mother told me that traditionally, this is my pledge of obedience to my new husband.”
“Really.” He sounded interested, and his smile was hypnotic as he took the tsuno kakushi from her hands. “You know I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy.”
“Says the man who told me he was just like every other black man in Atlanta.”
“But we’re not in Atlanta. We’re in Japan…” He brought his face close, found that unforgiving spot behind her ear.
“We are, aren’t we?” She smiled and thought of their weddings; the first in Atlanta, with only Julia and Akemi in attendance. The second, today in Tokyo, was a Shinto wedding with traditional music and attendants in red and white kimonos. “Don’t forget, I am a very married woman.”
“And I am your husband—twice.” His hand rose to cradle her face and when she swayed slightly from the heat of his intent, he thought of his mother’s words at their small family reception. Petite, with the same silky black hair as Akemi, she’d stood on her toes to kiss his cheek, and whispered in his ear: Remember, my son, all married women are not wives. But this one, I think you will have forever. His mother was wise, and even as he began to loosen Bianca’s uchikake, he knew she was right. “I will always be your husband, Bianca.”
“Then I guess I’d really better obey you, huh?” She stepped out of the kimono and into his arms. The La Perla underwear, a gift from Julia, wasn’t exactly traditional, but Harry had no intention of complaining. Warm and pliant, Bianca pressed herself against her husband knowing that if nothing beat a failure but a try, then only her future could ever beat the past and everything that had brought her to where she stood right then.
Harry’s cheek against her hair, his hands against her skin, his watch on her wrist, and his ring on her finger made her willing to promise much and deliver more. More content than she’d ever thought possible, her hazel eyes softened with desire and her fingers caught in the fabric of his kimono. “Since I’ve pledged obedience, what would you have me do?”
His face dropped and he loved the scent of her skin. They said that over time, you got used to little things about your mate, and he wondered how many lifetimes it would take to get used to his wife. Not caring, he caught her mouth with his as she ripped at the kimono, pulling it open and away from him. “Love me,” he said against her lips. “Love me.”
“Harry, I’m going to love you forever, and then maybe a day beyond that.” The kimono gave way and her softness heated as she melted into the formidable masculine hardness he offered her. “I might even learn to cook for you. And, just so you know, I’m going to love you in every room of every home we ever share, for the rest of our lives.”
His grin went crooked. “You’re going to be a great wife!”
Bianca screamed with delight when he swept her into their joined future.