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A Werewolf's Saga Books 4, 5, & 6 (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 2)

Page 42

by Michael Lampman

  She actually smiled. Blood covered her lips. “I have always known that this day would come my dear Kalima. You who were the strongest, the most beautiful, would live without me. My only regret is that I have not lived with you longer than this.”

  He shook his head. “I will not let you leave me. I promised to love you forever.” He tried to smile but couldn’t. The pain was too great. The ache for her coming death felt too overwhelming to say anything at all.

  She kept the smile, but only briefly. “I love you Kalima. I will always love you.” The smile faded, as did her life.

  He saw her eyes dim. He felt her heart stop. He lost all control. “Nooooooo!” he screamed.

  He closed his eyes.

  He now saw himself standing over Devish as he held him in his hands. The spear that was plunged through his chest was just on his left side. He saw himself looking down into his eyes. “The end times will come soon enough. When they do, this will turn cold. Dust will dry.” He even heard himself tell him.

  “I will return. I will find you again. Next time, I will end you when I do.” Devish winced from his obvious pain. He then closed his eyes.

  He watched him fade. “I will be waiting for you when you do.” He looked up. The smoke filled the room. The fires burned around them. “I will be waiting by the fire. I will be waiting for you.”

  He blinked.

  He saw the flames burning within the clearing. He saw Michael pacing around the circle with all of them there. The brown wolf stood across from him.

  Sharlia stood on his right. “Kalima? Devish is coming.”

  He looked and across from him he came out from the trees. The wolf stepped aside for him.

  Michael stood silent.

  Devish came to him. “Please leave us. I have much to discuss with him.”

  Michael obviously didn’t agree. “My master, you know what he is. We must stay beside you. We must protect you from him.”

  Devish shook his head. “He will not harm me. He will do no such thing.” He smiled to Michael with confidence in his eyes.

  Michael nodded, begrudgingly. He turned and headed back to the darkness of the trees. Sharlia did too, as did the brown wolf at her feet.

  When they were gone, Devish turned to him. “You have seen much pain my friend. You have searched for a long time for the ones who have caused it. For too long you have lived for what I now have for you.”

  He watched Devish smile to him. His human mask was fully in place.

  He could see it clearly.

  “You have found the ones that removed her from this world?” he asked, unsure of how to talk. He didn’t know what to think. This was his enemy, or so he was told. If this was true, then could he trust him? If true, could he truly care?

  Devish nodded, keeping his smile. “Jameson is the one that took her away from you my friend. He is the cause of your pain. He is the reason that you have now come to me.”

  He saw himself nod. “What must I do?”

  Devish left his side of the fire and came to his. He stopped right beside him. “I can give you a new life. I can make you a new existence.”

  He doubted this. He felt it within him, but even then, he did need to hear more. “How?”

  Devish bowed his head shortly and looked up again. “Join us. Become one of us and take your revenge.” He held out his right hand for him. “Humans do not deserve to live.”

  He looked at the hand but only briefly. He still felt doubt, but the rage he felt couldn’t be contained. He wanted that revenge. He wanted them to suffer for what they did to him, so he took the hand. He then became what he would forever be.

  He blinked.

  The moonlight was brightly overhead. The cool breeze caressed over his naked body. The warmth of her touch felt warmer than the sun. He loved the feeling of her soft and smooth skin next to his.

  “I can live like this forever. I can lie with you for even longer than that.”

  Her voice always sounded strong but yet soft. Again he loved her more than ever before.

  He blinked, watching the blackness overcome his mind.

  When it slowly vanished, he now saw his face again in the mirror.

  He watched his blue eyes turn brown again.

  With it, seeing it, remembering it, he screamed, “No!”

  He bowed his head. He looked and saw himself. He now knew who he was. He was Kalima all over again.


  “How do you know what happened to your family?” Robert came up to Sharlia after Jimmy left, and after going upstairs and finding Richard Ross mangled and dead. Already knowing this, he now needed to know everything else about what happened. As for Sharlia, he felt for her. He felt for her loss. It seemed like everyone lost something on this night.

  Sharlia left the foyer and moved to Rochie. “Samantha was there. She told me.” She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. Inside she knew that she had to remain strong. She couldn’t show her fear. She had to keep it together, if only for her family. If only for their memories, and everything they meant to her.

  Robert turned and followed her into the living room. He reached out and took her left shoulder into his right hand and squeezed her gently. “I’m sorry Sharlia. I’m sorry for everything.”

  She welcomed his touch, but at the same time, she didn’t. “We must act on our own now Rochie. I need Kalima to fight with us.” She spun back around and faced him. Her eyes burned. Her mind roared.

  He saw the look in her eyes.

  Joseph listened to all of this and came to her too. “He will fight with you lady Sharlia. He will fight with all of us again.” He gave her a smile.

  She turned to his voice. Of course she recognized who he was. “I see that all of you are here.” She sounded whimsical and meant it. “I only hope that you are right about that Kenar. For all of our sakes, I hope that you are right.”

  Joseph nodded, heard, turned and saw Brandon and Sasha move into the room. He watched them stop just behind what he believed to be the sofa.

  Sasha listened to everything, and found the strength to get up and join them. Brandon held her closely under his right arm by the waist. “We’re all in this together.” She still felt winded but also started feeling stronger again too. Whatever Jimmy did to her, it seemed to be working. She felt better already.

  They all turned to her together.

  Robert shook his head. “You need to rest Sasha.” He smiled. He still felt awed that she was even standing.

  She shook her head. “I’ve rested enough. I have no intentions of just sitting here, out of this. I owe him.”

  Again Robert shook his head. “I’m sure that Jimmy would love to hear that but I also know what he’ll say. He would agree with me, I think.”

  Brandon didn’t want to hear any of this. “She’s right Robert. We’re not sitting out of this one.”

  Robert nodded. He understood, didn’t like it, but he did.

  Kalima did as well. “We’re all in this together.” He left the bathroom just in time to hear them. In doing so, he now understood everything. Devish tried to remove him from his friends, knowing how strong they were together. Devish hated this. He hated the love that they had for each other. Besides, he did all of this before. He expected as much.

  Hearing him, everyone turned to him at the same time. All of them looked shocked. All of them blinked, but only Sasha smiled.

  Robert moved to him first. He stopped right in front of him, just beneath the arch of the foyer. “How are you doing Jimmy?” He was dying to ask. He had no idea what to expect.

  Jimmy bowed his head some. “There are so many things running around inside my head right now. I see so many images. I feel so many different things that it’s hard to put everything together long enough to understand them all.” He breathed heavy and deep. After he finished it, he looked back up. “I can see everything though. I can remember everything.”

  Joseph moved to him and stopped directly behind Robert. “You remember everything th
en? You remember it all?”

  Jimmy looked at him and smiled. “I do, especially some crazy things an old blind man once told me.” Their eyes met. “Very crazy things.”

  Hearing this, Joseph smiled. A soft laugh followed it. “I hope it helped.”

  Jimmy nodded. He looked past him, past Sasha, and to the wall behind her. He saw the writing on the wall. “So—he’s come back again.” He passed Rochie and Kenar, and moved in towards the sofa and stopped. “He’s always had a trend for the dramatic.” He looked back to the others. He saw Sharlia standing there, and seeing her, he smiled. “Sharlia? What are you doing here?” He obviously felt surprised. Why a nightwalker was there with the wanderers was a reason that he needed to know. He never thought he’d ever see such a thing.

  Hearing him, she truly felt confused. “I told you why I came.” She looked at Rochie and then to Kenar, and then back to Kalima again. “I need your help.”

  He nodded. “That’s right.” He looked back to the wall. “I have so many things running through me right now that it’s hard to make any sense of it.” He walked closer to the dining room table and stopped. “I remember what I have to do.” He looked back to the others. He met Sharlia’s stare. “I will fight with you.” He looked back to Rochie. “I will fight with all of you.” He met Kenar’s curious gaze. “But we don’t have much time.” He turned and looked at Sasha and Brandon. “We’re all going to have to move fast together.” He smiled to both of them.

  They returned it firmly.

  He looked back to the wall.

  Sharlia felt her heart rise again. She felt pride again. She felt strength knowing that Kalima, the most powerful walker ever, was now by her side.

  Robert felt nothing but wonder with what must be roaming around inside his head. What he must be feeling was also there. The idea of having a thousand new memories there again must be overwhelming. It must be just as fascinating too.

  Joseph saw him look at the wall. “What does it mean?” It was all that he cared about knowing.

  Jimmy turned back. “He wants to meet me at the place where I first turned.” He looked at everyone before turning back to the wall. “He wants me to come home.”

  Brandon heard this and shrugged strongly. “Where is that?”

  Jimmy looked at him with a smile. “His ancestral home.”

  Brandon was surprised by this. “And that is where?”

  Sasha had no idea what he was talking about.

  Joseph shook his head.

  Robert looked back to Sharlia and their eyes met.

  Sharlia smiled.

  Danny, standing there with the man still holding him, had no idea what was even going on. Because of this, he said nothing. He just couldn’t, so he didn’t try.

  Jimmy smiled. “Scotland. He wants me to meet him in Scotland.”

  They all sighed with a nod. The fight was on and they now knew it too.


  Devish waited for Samantha to return. Vincent stood next to him on the steps. Rana stood beside both of them, keeping close to Devish.

  When Samantha arrived back at the house, Devish finally smiled. He even left the steps and joined her on the driveway as she turned back into her human form. “My dear Samantha, I do hope that all went well?” He even gave her a smile, one that didn’t last long, for when he read her mind, it disappeared all too fast. Hearing her thoughts he grew just as cold. He grew just as angry too. “What have you done?”

  Fear gripped her heart like a vise. “My master?” She didn’t know what he was talking about. She did everything he asked her to do. She and her people took out the Sharlia clan. They killed everyone in the house. Why would he be angry with her? What did she do wrong?

  “You allowed Sharlia to escape. You knew that she was at the meeting with the elders. You knew that you had to wait for her to return to the house before you attacked it. Why did you not wait?”

  She didn’t know what to say. Quite frankly, she didn’t have an answer for him. Now, understanding how disappointed he was, she truly feared what else she didn’t know. “My master, I’m sorry. She—she never returned.”

  This made him bow his head. He truly felt hurt by her mistake. “With her still alive we must now prepare for her and the wolf joining together. We must deal with this problem.” He turned back to Vincent and Rana with his head still down. “She will gather all of those who will resist me.”

  Samantha didn’t like any of this. “My master, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She tried to explain but Devish cut her off.

  “Rana, my dear, if you would please make her understand the mistake she has made.” He gave her a full smile as he looked up.

  Rana returned it, and let her eyes turn blue. Feeling her powers coming forward, she lifted her arm towards Samantha. She let that power flow through her hand. When it reached her fingers, she let it fly out.

  It struck Samantha hard. Pain raced through her chest, spilling up to her throat. Instantly her entire body grew weak. Instantly her legs gave out and she was spilled to the ground. She screamed with all of it. She yelled for the pain to stop.

  Vincent watched this and instantly felt for his love. He did love her. He did cherish her. He hoped that she would survive.

  Rana continued until Devish gave her a nod.

  The pain instantly stopped as Rana dropped her arm. Her eyes went back to normal, and with it, she took a deep breath.

  Samantha did the same, now sitting on the ground. She looked back to the others with tears now in her eyes. She truly felt thankful for the release.

  So was Vincent. All he did feel was refreshed.

  Devish turned back to Samantha and smiled. “I do hope that you have discovered your problems my dear Samantha. I do hope that you now see my point.”

  Samantha didn’t have an answer. All she could do was nod.

  He accepted it for what it was worth. Satisfied, he turned back to Vincent. “Sharlia has more than likely found Kalima. If this is true we must prepare. We must go back to my home.”

  Vincent nodded and with it, he also shrugged. “Your home has been repaired. The walls stand again, but we are not yet ready. The families will need the time to gather. Our forces need to be called. We need more time to prepare for this.”

  Devish now shrugged. “It is of no concern my friend. We have to go. We have to wait for him to come home.”

  After what happened to Samantha, Vincent didn’t intend to argue about any of this, so all he did was nod again. He left it at that, and watched Devish leave with Rana on his arm.

  As soon as he was gone, he turned back to Samantha and walked to her feet. He reached down with his right hand for her to take.

  She watched him come. She watched his hand open for her. “You stood and watched.” She now had tears flowing down her face. She truly hated what he did, or more importantly, what he didn’t do.

  All Vincent could do is shake his head. “What would you have me do Samantha? What could I have done?”

  Hearing his answer, she truly began to cry.

  He regretted the tears. He regretted her pain. He kept the hand to her.

  Thinking, feeling, knowing, she took his hand.

  He pulled her to her feet. “All will be right again my dear Samantha. All will be well. Until then, we must do as we are told without exception. We must also do it well.”

  Although she didn’t understand his reasons for letting him torture her, she did understand what he said. With it, she had nothing else to say.

  And neither did him.

  Together they turned and headed back to the steps.

  Together they climbed them and went back inside their home.

  They now knew what they had to do, and they were determined to do it. It was the best they could ever do.

  My Journal

  Who we are is sometimes a mystery within itself. We are nothing more than shadows, dancing along the walls. We find ourselves hollow as the night. We live with complete emptiness, void of life. Afte
r seeing everything that I was, I can now understand why I hid it from myself. The pain of what happened overtook my soul, and with it, I lost who I was supposed to be. My life was nothing but a nightmare of pain. The loves that I lost tortured my mind. The choices I made haunted my very soul. Having my past alive again, I now know what I must do. I know the path that I must take.

  I will go to the place of the fire. I will go and find Devish. I will move on and do what I am supposed to do. I will do what he has planned for me. But first, I will gather our armies. I will gather all of those who would stand against him. I will teach them everything they must do. I will teach them how to fight. Afterwards, I will then go home. I will return to the place where all of this began. I will find him and do what must be done. I will then end this once and for all time, and finish this the way it should have been done all of those years ago. It will be hard. The nights will be tough. The pain will be real.

  Will I win this upcoming battle? Can I beat him at his own game? Will I find a way to bring an end to all of this pain? I’m not sure, but I do know one thing. I do know the secret. I do know the truth. I know the reasons. I know where I came from, and most of all, I do know him.

  I am a walker.

  I am a wanderer.

  I am also human, and together, we will all do what we have to do.

  We are who we are.

  I am Kalima, and I now know who I am.

  The End Times

  A Werewolf’s Saga

  Michael Lampman

  © 2013-2016 by Michael Lampman

  All Rights Reserved

  Made in the U.S.A.

  Check out all of Michael Lampman’s

  books at

  My Journal

  Pain is a deep part of life. It blasts us with its overwhelming heat. It haunts us to our very core. However, it makes us who we really are. Without it, without that pain, we are not whole. Without it, we cannot truly know love. We cannot know the full truth of how to live. This is something that I now understand. I see the past. I see the pain. I see me. I see her.


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