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Peris Night: Terakon (Secret Language)

Page 13

by Eva Maria Klima

  Rubin studied me. “Michael, your girl is intriguing.”

  “Thank you, and let me return the compliment, yours is very alluring.”

  “If you’re interested, I would exchange her for your human any time,” Rubin offered, and Zarin agreed that he would do the same. I recalled that he had inhaled my scent when I had shaken his hand.

  “Both your companions are lovely, but no thank you, I prefer Melanie.”

  I disliked the way they discussed me. Michael had said I should be myself, but I suspected he might regret that later. “I don’t like to be labeled as Michael’s property. I may be a human, but I belong only to myself.”

  Rubin gave Michael a provoking smile. “Oh, I didn’t know you liked your humans wild. I prefer mine to be subservient.”

  “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. A strong personality frightens a lot of people.” I tried to feign a charming and sympathetic expression. Have I mentioned that I couldn’t stand the guy? Zarin chuckled at my comeback, and I saw Stefan and Michael suppress their grins.

  “If you didn’t enjoy Michael’s protection, I would teach you some manners. Michael, if you want me to, I can break her in for you.” His gaze was superior, challenging, and annoyed. It was also frightening as hell and sent a shiver down my back.

  Michael kissed me. “No thanks, I prefer her just the way she is.”

  I gave him my most joyful smile. He’d said he wanted to show me off, so I decided to really glow for him. I pictured the bliss I had felt with him the night before. Rubin’s head jerked in my direction and he stared at me in surprise, as if struck by lightning. “What the devil?” Stefan threw me a glance from the corner of his eye, while Michael acted all unimpressed. “She does that from time to time.”

  “What did I do?” I asked innocently, though I knew exactly what they meant. Rebekka studied me with genuine curiosity. “Michael, is this the girl who threw Nikelaus against the wall, using his own magic against him?” Michael was at least as miffed by the question as I was, but while my face fell, he didn’t let on.

  “Well done, girl,” she said with a gleeful laugh, before talking about all the other rumors that were circulating about me. Those supernatural creatures were even worse gossips than us human beings.

  “Not even half of those are true,” was all Michael had to say on the matter.

  After we had ordered food, Stefan suggested they should finally get down to business. Apparently Michael’s company Marado offered magical services. The purpose of this meeting was to come to an agreement regarding the price of certain services. They were talking four- to six-figure numbers.

  Rebekka and Michael were tough negotiators. He started out demanding 7.5 million, and she offered to pay three. After a lot of back and forth, they stood at 6.5 to 4.1 million. None of the two would budge. She called her superior, informed him about the current stalemate, and then said: “Alright, if I understand you correctly, we’re not ready to exceed 5.5 million. If we can’t find common ground on the next offer, I’ll call off the deal.” I was obviously the only person who could hear or understand her, since Michael and Stefan did not react at all to her words. They had been talking strategy the whole time as well. They had come to a similar conclusion: The next offer was crucial; otherwise the deal might be called off. They didn’t want that to happen, so they decided to demand 4.8 million. The woman put her phone away, and it was Michael’s turn again to name a new sum. Before he could do so, I cut in: “At home you said you wouldn’t accept less than 5.4 million.”

  We had never spoken about these things, and since the price I had just blurted out was higher than what they had quoted, Michael and Stefan knew exactly what they had to do. They looked irritated and brought up short. They threw me annoyed looks. Rebekka seized the moment, holding out her hand for Michael to seal the deal. “Agreed, 5.4 it is. Let’s cut this short,” she said quickly.

  The formalities were taken care of right away. Just like humans, they had a contract already drafted, which was only missing the amount and their respective signatures. Instead of signing however they synchronously spoke a few words in a foreign language, and then the paper on which the contract was printed slowly began showing a number of symbols in bright red. When that was done, Michael scolded me demonstratively in front of the others, telling me that one should never mention the lowest offer to the other party, since everyone hoped for a better bargain. I gave him the logical reaction: I played the embarrassed, humiliated simpleton. Rebekka called her boss again, told him about the successful conclusion, and added: “You know how those Peris are. It’s not usually intelligence they’re looking for in a human.” Once again, I was the only one to hear the unwarranted slight.

  They went back to negotiating and bargaining, and when all business had been taken care of to the satisfaction of both parties, the conversation turned to more private matters again. Zarin traded places with Melissa, who’d been sitting next to me. He wanted to comfort me regarding my alleged blunder, offering his protection in case I should ever need it. He put an arm around my shoulder, leaned closer so his face was level with my throat and neck, and inhaled my scent. Meanwhile Michael was engrossed in conversation with Rubin. Zarin took his arm away, but continued to chat me up. Once I had overcome my outrage at his behavior, I even enjoyed myself. We laughed together, but then he unexpectedly stroked my cheek and told me to consider his offer, before the Peri would suck me dry. He would protect me from Michael. Just at that moment, the Peri in question looked up from his chat with Rubin, and his gaze darkened. It was obvious that he didn’t wish any other male to touch me. He wished Zarin ill.

  It was close to midnight when I excused myself and went to the restroom. It was located down a remote, deserted corridor. The door next to the women’s restroom was labeled ‘Private.’ When I left the women’s again, someone was waiting for me in the corridor. It was Michael, who pushed me roughly against the wall, then kissed me and pulled up my dress. “Not here!” When I protested, he opened the ‘Private’ door with a spell and pushed me into the empty room. His body squashed me against the wall. I had never seen him this wild. His eyes were ablaze with pure desire and a generous helping of dominance. He kissed me hard, pulled up my dress with both hands. He wanted to possess me, right here and right now. At first I resisted his rough advance, but then it was as if I could feel his emotions. I couldn’t get there fast enough. I wanted to feel him inside me immediately. Infected by his passion, I unbuttoned his pants and freed his cock with a hectic motion. Without further ado, he slipped into me with such force, I moaned loudly. He pulled me more tightly against him by my shoulders. At first I tried to remain quiet, but the way he moved inside me, relentless and unremitting, his rhythm determined and commanding, made me lose all control quickly. My moans egged him on and drove him even wilder. He reached his climax right after I had experienced mine, panting and growling: “You are mine!” He held me tightly against him for a few more moments, while my whole body was still quivering with the aftershocks.

  What had just happened in here? Had that been me? Had that been him, or had somebody taken possession of us? Michael finally loosened his grip. His eyes were still smoldering when he kissed me lovingly. “If Zarin touches you again, I’ll kill him!” he threatened. An empty threat, but symbolic. His jealousy had gifted me with a very special, satisfying moment. He took a step backwards, smoothed my dress for me, and gave me a joyous smile. “I’m already looking forward to getting home and ripping that dress off your body. Come on, sweetheart, we should go back to the others.”

  Back in the private dining room, the others threw us knowing glances. “Okay, Michael, spill it. What is she?” Rubin demanded to know.

  “My friend, what are you talking about?”

  “Don’t insult my intelligence! No human being radiates more energy after sex than before.”

  “If it eases your mind, she gave off actual sparks only a minute ago.”

  Rubin studied me with a gaze that was unad
ulterated desire, but it wasn’t directed at me, it was generated by the idea of feasting on me, devouring me. His futile craving gave Michael enormous satisfaction.

  Nobody was scandalized by what had happened in that small room; they all seemed to think it was a perfectly normal thing to do. I was the only one shocked by my own behavior. I would never have thought that I was capable of having sex in the next room during a formal business meeting – and not just sex either, but an actual orgasm. It was one in the morning when we arrived back at Michael’s house, where he ripped the dress off my body, just as he’d promised. What a pity, for I really liked the dress, but I was compensated for its loss more than once.

  When I woke the next morning, I was alone yet again. I took a quick shower and got dressed, before I hurried to the bus stop. I would be late for my classes yet again. That had never once happened before I had met my Peri. Silvia called me while I was still on the bus. She was still staying at my place. Scared that Manuel might show up at work, she asked me to switch shifts with me. I hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep the last few nights, so I was planning on going to bed early tonight. I also needed to catch up on my homework. I tried to refuse, but after a little pleading and sobbing on her part, I gave in. She didn’t sound too thrilled that I would be staying at my own place either. Well, I didn’t look forward to sharing my bed with her, but if I returned to Michael’s house tonight, university work would take the back seat once again. I had barely reached the computer science institute, when Adelheid held me up at the main entrance, and literally snatched my homework from my hands. As was so often the case, she came up with a creative excuse for not getting her stuff done in time, and begged me to copy my answers. During the seminar, she was asked to present her answers, and was then lauded for their genius. I was overcome with frustration that she had received the praise that should have been mine. One glance in my direction told her how I felt in this matter. I could see that she was worried I wouldn’t help her out anymore in the future. She probably planned on soothing my ego after the seminar was finished, but I wasn’t in the mood for any of that. I was the first one to leave the room and the building once the professor was done. Outside I spied Michael’s car. Adelheid caught up with me before I reached the black Audi R8. She threw her arms around me. “I’m sorry, but what could I do? I could hardly say that those were your answers.”

  True, that would have required a little more backbone. I would have been content if she had claimed that we’d done the homework together, and the genius ideas had been mine. But I wouldn’t argue my case in the street. She wouldn’t get my answers to copy them ever again, and that was that. I left her standing there and got into Michael’s car. He greeted me by announcing: “I bought you a new dress.”

  Adelheid had managed to sour my mood and make me belligerent. “What do you think I am, your Barbie doll?”

  “I’m sorry, I thought you’d be glad. You might also need it tonight, since we’re going to another business dinner.”

  “Pardon me? Michael, I can’t. I have to work.”

  “Why? It’s Thursday.”

  “Silvia begged me to sub for her.”

  “Have you ever noticed that you tend to let other people take advantage of you?”

  “Says the man whom I made more than half a million Euros last night.”

  “I didn’t ask you to do that.”

  I knew my reaction was uncalled-for. I had regretted my words as soon as they left my lips. “I know. I helped you because I wanted to, and you are welcome. I can get snotty when I’m reminded of my weaknesses. I’m sorry I vented my frustration on you.”

  “A human woman who admits that she’s in the wrong is a rare thing. If you know how to do it, you can always vent your frustrations on me.” His gaze left no doubt what he imagined this venting would entail: Both of us naked, wherever and whenever I wished. He bit his lower lip. “You could make up for it by coming to this dinner with me tonight. I can talk to your boss.”

  “Michael, I can’t. First of all I need the money, second I have neglected my studies for an entire week, and third I am weirded out by these meetings.”

  His face fell and he looked deeply offended. I didn’t understand why that was. He punished me with silence all the way to my apartment, blocking countless attempts to start a conversation.

  “Michael, talk to me!”

  “You think that I’m weak.”

  He could just as well have spoken Mandarin, because I didn’t understand a word. “Weak, Michael, are you crazy?”

  “You’re under my protection, which means that anyone who tries to harm you picks a quarrel with me.”

  “I have no idea what this is about right now?”

  “You don’t want to come with me because you think I cannot protect you.” What made him think so? I opened my mouth to protest, but he was faster: “You don’t need the money. You said yourself that you made me half a million last night. I can give you those one hundred Euros or whatever they pay you for a shift at the cinema. This is ridiculous.” I wanted to earn my own money. I didn’t plan on sponging off him. I was beginning to see what his problem was. Injured male pride.

  I wrapped my arms around him. “If it means that much to you, I will come with you.” I tried to kiss him, but he pulled away, practically throwing me out of the car. Perplexed, I watched him speed away from the parking lot.

  I had an hour left to work on my stuff for the uni, but what I did was brood. Would he calm down again or was he seriously pissed? Had he just broken up with me? Would he take someone else to this dinner? If he didn’t want me anymore, would I get my old life back? I didn’t want my old life back. What did this all mean for me? Would I be left without protection in his world, becoming a pawn in the hands of whoever was the strongest or boldest? I almost lost track of time, asking myself too many worrying questions. I hastily put on my coat and hurried to the cinema. Around eight in the evening, a very drunken Manuel came in and headed straight for me. Silvia’s ex was so wasted you could hardly understand him. “Where’s she?”

  “Manuel, who are you talking about?”

  “Silvia!” He grabbed me aggressively by my upper arms and shook me. “Spit it out, where is she!”

  “How am I supposed to know?” Felix was working with me that day. He looked like your first choice for the part of a Russian killer in a B-movie, though he was really a loving, empathetic, genuine person. And if there was one thing that triggered his meaner nature, it was a man getting violent with a woman. When Felix loomed over Manuel, the drunkard took flight. I was certain he would lie in wait somewhere to catch me when my shift was finished, so I pulled out my phone and dialed Michael’s number. He didn’t answer, so I left a message on his mailbox. I went through the motions for the rest of my shift, constantly hoping he would walk through the door. Felix left half an hour before me. I left the building with a clear sense of being in trouble. Snow had fallen. As soon as I stood outside, a fist hit me right in my face. Manuel could barely stand, but he still packed a mean punch. I landed with my butt in the snow. The pain was blossoming in my head. He dragged me to my feet, but my legs wouldn’t carry me right away. “Where is she?”

  “How am I supposed to know?”

  He still had the sleeves of my coat in his grip, when Andreas showed up, warning him to let go of me. Drunken people rarely do as they’re told. Manual lunged at Andreas, but he’d seen that coming and evaded the blow. He gave him a right hook, and the asshole went down. Andreas ignored the man on the ground, examining the cut in my lip instead. He gingerly touched my cheek, checking for new fractures. “So this is the reason you’ve shown up injured so many times? What do you see in this guy?” he asked, incredulous.

  Did he think Manuel and I were a couple? “He isn’t my boyfriend. The guy is an alcoholic who used to be with a colleague of mine. She’s hiding from him and he’s looking for her.”

  “You’re a real magnet for trouble.”

  “You won’t believe me, but just t
hree months ago my life was anything but spectacular. I never got into an argument, was never threatened or hit, and there weren’t a lot of men who were interested in me. Well, that last bit you were probably aware of.”

  “Wrong. If I had met you outside of classes just once, I’d have tried to get into your pants right away. Why do you think that it took me months until I talked to you freely about my adventures?”

  Manuel was still on the ground, when suddenly two police officers came up from behind us. A passer-by must have called them. The worried woman was with them, telling them she had seen how Manuel had harassed me earlier, inside the cinema. That was lucky, and hence she also knew that Andreas had come to my aid, he wasn’t the aggressor. One of the cops started questioning me, while the other walked a few steps with Andreas, to talk to him separately. He called over his colleague, and they both conversed with Andreas. I was getting nervous. What was he telling them? As if my situation in the supernatural world wasn’t precarious enough, it would just be my luck to get in trouble with the law. The three of them were now looking in my direction, waving me over to join them. Intimidated, I trotted over. Andreas put an arm around me, while the policemen declared that it had clearly been self-defense, and that we could go. That was a weight off my mind. I was puzzled by the fact that they hadn’t even taken down our names and addresses, but got distracted by the sight of two paramedics putting Manuel on a stretcher and getting him into the ambulance. To apologize to Andreas for all this trouble, I invited him to have a slice of pizza with me. We went to the same place where I had gone with Sarah when she first visited me. He wasted no time, but wanted to know how I had gotten into the situation he had saved me from. When I had told him the whole story, he asked: “Why didn’t you call your Michael and ask him to pick you up?” The question stung like a knife to my chest. I didn’t know whether he was still ‘my Michael.’ He had ignored my calls after all.


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