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Hart To Hart

Page 8

by Vella Day

  The man was a master at making love. No one else could take her higher or faster. “Yes, I can.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  Damn. She had no answer. He squeezed her hand on top of his dick and a spray of lust hit her. The bed was rumpled from last night. The release might help push what happened to Charlotte out of her mind for a few minutes and provide some peace. God, she was so full of rationalization it was pathetic.

  Should she or shouldn’t she? Where was that daisy when she needed it?

  Chapter Ten

  “If I had my cuffs, I’d arrest you, and demand you do as I wish.” Vic stepped back and pawed through Ellie’s suitcase.

  She chuckled. Vic was his old crazy self today—the self that existed only during their first years of marriage. “What are you looking for?”

  “Something to tie you up with.” He whipped around and faced her. “You don’t have a flogger in there, do you? I think someone needs to be punished.”

  She suspected he was trying to lighten the mood. “You are a piece of work. I don’t need any of that stuff anymore.”

  “You like it the old-fashioned, boring way?” He moved closer.

  She opened her mouth. “Did you think what we did was boring? We didn’t use anything.”

  “True, but I was thinking more about you just now. You always appreciated a bit of spice.”

  Damn him for baiting her. She hadn’t decided if it would be wise to engage in sex with him again, but Vic knew what he was doing. The downside was that the more intimate they became, the harder it would be to leave—but leave she would. Ellie had her gallery to run.

  In the old days, she had liked to change thing up in the bedroom. “That was the old me.”

  He tugged her close. “Good to know. So, if you want me to crawl on top of you and do it missionary style, I can oblige. As long as I get to suck on your bountiful breasts and fuck your sweet pussy, I’ll be in heaven.”

  Now she actually laughed. “You have a dirty mouth.”

  “Oh, yeah? How about you help me wash up first then?”

  She wasn’t talking about physical dirt, but showering after rushing to make sure Charlotte was okay had caused her to perspire—and not in a good way. “Sure.”

  He grinned. “Since I’m so incapacitated, can you help me with my shirt?”

  “You mean your bloodstained shirt? Sure. You should have picked up a clean one when you were home.”

  “I was a bit preoccupied.”

  As was she. Once she removed his shirt, she pressed on his abs and directed him back to the bed. Being in control was a heady experience. “Boots are next.”

  She dropped to her knees and tugged them off.

  “You look good down there,” he said.

  Ellie gave him the finger. “Watch it.”

  He laughed. “If I recall, you used to like getting on your knees and sucking on my cock.”

  That was true. “I was young and stupid back then.” Giving him a bigger head wouldn’t help either of them.

  “Guess, you aren’t interested in a lick then.”

  She hadn’t meant that, but she wisely kept quiet as she took off his socks. She stood then leaned over to undo the button on his jeans. A moment later, she was on her back on the bed with Vic on top of her.

  “Your arm. Don’t hurt it.” He was leaning on his elbow.

  “It’s fine.” He dipped his head and placed feathery kisses on her lips.

  The soft touch surprised and delighted her, making her want more. Ellie cupped the back of his head and begged for entrance. He obliged. Boy, did he. With a passion she hadn’t experienced in a while, Vic plundered and demanded her submission, and Ellie gave herself willingly.

  As much as she wanted to get naked and make love with him, she needed the shower. “I thought I was going to wash you.”

  “Hmm. We do have all day to spend in bed, I guess.”

  No, they had a potential killer to catch, but she wouldn’t argue semantics. Her pussy was in too much need.

  Vic pushed up off the bed and held out his hand. “I’m ready.”

  So was she. “Get the water warm, while I undress.”

  “Let me help you,” Vic said. “It’ll be faster.”

  If he couldn’t manage to take off his own clothes, how could he take off hers? Sometimes, she suspected Vic acted contrary just to make her feistier. “Fine.”

  She sat on the bed and held her legs out straight. After two quick tugs, her boots landed on the floor. He slipped off her socks then pulled her to her feet using his uninjured arm.

  “Now for the good part.” He grinned. “Don’t move.”

  Oh God. She remembered all too well when he used to ask her to remain like a statue. The less she was able to move, the more she wanted to. “Just wait until it’s your turn.”

  The image of her sucking on his cock in the shower came to mind. He’d fold quicker than Kenny Rogers with a busted hand. This ought to be fun.

  Vic remained silent as he slipped off her shirt. Instead of letting it fall to the floor, the neat freak folded it and placed it on top of her suitcase. Why he left the shoes in the middle of the room was anyone’s guess.

  “I love your choice of lingerie.” He licked his lips and her damned nipples puckered.

  “No tasting until after I’ve washed.”

  “Did I say I was going to pounce on them or tug and tease them until your pussy dripped?”

  She glanced at the ceiling. “You are so going down.”

  “I can’t wait.” He slipped off her bra, set it on the bed, and then undid her jeans. “You can help me with the right side.”

  Together they lowered her pants. She stepped out of them, and as expected, he folded them, and then placed the bra and jeans with the shirt.

  “The panty removal is my favorite,” Vic said, his forefinger tracing a line across the top of the waistband. “I love to see what’s hidden underneath, even if I’ve just tasted it.”

  “Better hurry. The offer to wash you expires in three minutes.”

  “That so?”

  He stepped behind her, slipped his palm down her belly, and dipped two fingers into her very wet pussy. The man could make her come with a look. “You’re not being fair. You have your jeans on.”

  Which meant she couldn’t grab his cock. She didn’t care about his rule not to move and turned around to face him.

  “Fine.” By twisting his hips, he was able to get out of both his jeans and briefs using one hand.

  “You know, despite your advanced age, you still look good.” A hell of a lot better than she did.

  “Advanced age, huh? You’ll pay for that. Panties. Drop ’em.”

  He wanted her to do it? Fine. She turned her back, hooked her fingers in the waistband, and slowly lowered them. While she wasn’t proud of her rear, Brian always claimed it was her best feature. One more reason why she’d been smart to drop him. Once she stepped out of the bikini bottoms, she faced him again.

  Vic sucked in his bottom lip. “We need to shower fast because I’m not sure I can wait much longer.”

  He sure was good for her ego. Ellie held out her hand. “Then let me escort you to the cleansing chamber.”

  While the water warmed, he removed the bandage from his forehead while she pulled off the pad from his back. The area wasn’t as red as before and looked like it was healing nicely.

  They stepped into the tub, and while it was too small for sex, it would do for washing.

  “I can’t help with washing your hair, but I can do your pussy,” he offered.

  She cracked up. “It’s too tight in here to be doing stuff like that. Let me wash you first then you can do me.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  They slipped by each other until Vic was under the showerhead. He dipped his head to wet it then poured some shampoo on his hair. He’d kept it short, so lathering it with his good hand wasn’t difficult. Once his hair foamed, he rinsed quickly.

nbsp; “You want to do my back?” he asked over his shoulder.


  She lathered her palms and washed his shoulders, remembering very well that they used to do this every night. Vic’s muscles were more pronounced now. He was leaner and fitter. When her fingers edged close to his burn, she hesitated. “Will it hurt if I touch it?”

  “Can’t feel a thing.”

  She didn’t want him to be self-conscious, so she scrubbed that area the same as the other shoulder. When she cleaned his back, his muscles flexed. Oh my, how she loved his powerful body.

  His ass was next, and what a fine ass it was—two perfect round orbs that were hard as steel when he tightened his cheeks. She dragged the bar from hip to hip then dipped the bar in between his butt cheeks.


  She did it to see him clench. “You are such a girl.”

  He whipped around. “Your turn and we’ll see who’s a girl.”

  “I haven’t done your chest yet.” Or your cock.

  He let out an exasperated huff, but she could tell he was putting on a show. “Be quick.”

  She dragged her hands down his pecs and stopped to cop a squeeze. His body was pure heaven. She lowered her gaze to his rippled abs—abs that belonged in a magazine. “Don’t you eat bad stuff?”


  Ellie continued washing his body, moving closer to his cock.

  “That’s far enough.” He stepped around her and moved her under the spray.

  She hadn’t planned to wash her hair, but it was too late now. As she lowered her head, Vic moved close behind her, slid his palm down her belly, and dipped a finger into her pussy.

  “Ooh.” She hadn’t expected that. One finger shouldn’t excite her so much, but it did. Trying to ignore the pulses skipping up and down her body, she dumped some shampoo onto her head and lathered quickly.

  “I’m turning around now, so I can rinse.” He needed to move out of the way.

  “Go ahead. That way I can play with your tits.”

  He was incorrigible. Had he always been this playful? Somehow, all she remembered were the last few years that hadn’t been good between them. Vic was never home, and going undercover meant he couldn’t be with his family. At the time, she thought that was his way of saying he didn’t want to be married anymore. Now, she believed he truly wanted to serve his country, and she was merely a casualty of war.

  Ellie dipped back her head to rinse out the soap when Vic’s mouth captured a breast. “Yikes. You’ll get soap in your mouth.”

  As if he cared, Vic licked her other tit. She reached out and grabbed the bar. “How can I wash if your mouth is latched on to me?”

  He leaned back and held out his hand. “I’ll clean you then.” All kidding seemed to disappear.

  Now that he’d detached himself, she could do it, but Ellie handed him the soap anyway. Vic rubbed the edge from one nipple to the other. His actions implied this shower wasn’t about getting clean, which suited her fine. Vic wanted to make love to her the way he used to when they were happy, and that was all that mattered.

  He lathered his hands, set down the soap, and then massaged her breasts. She loved his gentle touch. Needing to do the same for him, she soaped up her palms then grabbed his already hard cock. “I forgot to wash it.”

  “No matter. It’s only been in your pussy.”

  “Uh-huh.” She stroked his hard shaft up and down while leaning into him, loving the pressure on her breasts. “I have more skin than on my breasts.”

  “You do. I’ll make sure all of you is clean.”

  He washed her arms and belly quickly, then dropped to one knee. With his good hand, he started with her foot and lathered her right leg. The closer he came to her pussy, the slower he went.

  “She’s very dirty, you know,” she said.

  He looked up. “I’ll be sure to be extra thorough.”

  Just as he reached the top of her right thigh, he began anew with her left leg. Anticipation built and Ellie bent her knees. “You missed a spot.”

  “I did?” Vic smiled then swiped the soap across her opening.

  That small amount of pressure helped relieve a bit of need. “You’re going slow on purpose, trying to drive me mad.”

  “Remember, I’m the master at being patient.”

  “Ha. We’ll see when I get a hold of your cock.”

  “Promises, promises.” Vic stood, rubbed his palm across her pussy a few times, and then rinsed her.

  Whether every inch of her body was clean or not didn’t matter. She wanted Vic on top of her, and then in her.

  She shut off the water. “I want to dry you.” Vic had a tendency to leave spots of his body wet when he climbed into bed.

  He stepped out and held out his arms. “I’m all yours.”

  With the tip of the towel, she swiped his chest then made sure to dry his cock and balls.

  He growled. “You’re asking for it.”

  She could go on for a while, but she wanted him plastered against her more. Because she was wet, she quickly dried. Without a word, she flung the towel at him and raced into the bedroom. She dropped onto her back on the bed and folded her arms behind her head.

  Vic strolled in a minute later. “Don’t you look comfy and inviting? Mind if I join you?”

  She tapped her chin. “That depends. Know anyone who’s a good lover?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Vic was scared he’d mess this up. El was in a spunky mood, and he didn’t want to disappoint her by turning serious. Sex had always been great between them—at least it had been when he managed to get home. He wanted to show her that he would put her first from now on, but if he pressured her too much, she might withdraw. Keeping it light seemed the best option.

  “I’d like to apply,” he said as he crawled onto the bed, careful not to put too much weight on his arm.

  “What can you do for me, mister?”

  He loved she was giving him an open invitation. “How about if I just show you?”

  Vic slipped between her legs and wished he could tie her ankles to the bedposts. He fondly recalled how every time she groaned then wiggled, trying to close her thighs, his cock went wild.

  Not wanting to delay her satisfaction any longer, he swiped his tongue across her slit, and sweetness assaulted him. No other woman tasted better.

  “Yes, that’s it.” Her back arched.

  He smiled and returned to pleasuring her. With his right hand, he reached up and cupped a breast. Her tits were so full and round, and the nipples perfect for plucking. The smooth skin electrified his palm. As much as he wanted to suck on them, he needed to bring her to a climax first.

  He lowered his arm and slipped two fingers into her pussy. She bucked, and his fingers went to work, curling inside her to find that perfect spot that made her writhe and moan.

  “Holy fuck, Vic. You hit it. Yes.”

  When El was in the zone, she was easy. Then again, so was he.

  She clasped his head. “I want you.”

  He loved when she teetered on the edge. “How?”

  She pushed up on her elbows. “I want to ride you like a good cowgirl should.”

  He laughed. Raised in Virginia, she might have ridden in an arena, but not in the open field, but he’d take her any way he could get her—real cowgirl or not.

  Vic pushed up and managed to get on his back, keeping his arms to his side. Because he expected this to be quite a ride, he hoped the stitches in his back held. “Saddle up, girl.”

  She grinned, just as he’d hoped. When El straddled him, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. He still couldn’t believe she was in his bed. So many nights, he’d fantasized about what he’d do to her. In those dreams, he could go all night, fucking her long and hard. Now, he could see he’d been delusional. Vic would be lucky to last a few minutes once her pussy wrapped around his cock. He was glad he’d fought through the haze of pain from his burns. Surviving had been worth it to love her once mo

  She opened her pussy lips, but instead of lifting his cock and sitting on him, she delved her own finger inside. He grit his teeth and gave her his meanest look. “Lady, you are a cruel one. That should be my cock inside you.”

  “Just wanted to make sure I’m ready.”

  Was she trying to insult him? “You get your sweet pussy on top of my cock or else.” He lifted his dick waiting for her divine warmth to encase him.

  She smiled, placed her pussy on the tip, and slid down an inch. Then she leaned over and kissed him. Tease. As he opened his mouth to receive her, he clamped down on her hips and drove up into her slickness. Glory be.

  “Bad Vic. It’s my job to ride you.”

  “Kiss me, girl.”

  She smiled and did just that. As soon as their tongues collided, he lost all sense of time. It was as if he was crawling in the desert and she was the only water in sight. He plunged into her tight pussy, the friction sending him higher and higher. Her moans, along with the way she grabbed his ears for dear life, made him lose his mind. His balls drew up tight as he plowed into her again and again.

  When she clamped down on his cock with her inner muscles, he groaned. “Don’t do that. I’m about to burst.”

  She closed her eyes and sat back up, breaking the kiss. “I’m almost…there, too.”

  When he reached across to rub her clit, she lowered her head and gulped in air. As her climax arrived, she once more tightened her pussy, and he gave up the battle. His cock expanded and his seed shot out hard and fast.

  Every good memory he’d ever had swam in his brain. Dear God, what he’d give to stay right here—inside her—forever.

  * * *

  Charlotte couldn’t believe she’d be staying with Trent Lawson, the hunky cop. Too bad, reality sunk in when the detective barely looked her way during their ride to his place. Turns out, he really was just her bodyguard. Bummer.

  “How far away is this place?” She swore they’d been driving an hour.

  “Not too far from here. The cabin’s in the mountains. Actually, this was my dad’s home away from home. We’ll be safe there. I can see anyone coming up the drive.”


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