Book Read Free

Hart To Hart

Page 10

by Vella Day

  He winced. “Yes. He stands out in my mind because of that, too.”

  Ellie studied the rest of the names, digging deep into her memory. “I got nothing here.”

  “Do any of the last names sound familiar? Could one of them have come into the gallery to browse or maybe buy one of the paintings under the guise of checking you out?”

  “I’m not the best with names—other than Washington, Lincoln, and an occasional Benjamin Franklin, but I don’t recall anyone even debating buying a painting who didn’t seem into art.”

  “That’s too bad. The hard part now will be researching the relatives of the incarcerated men, or possibly any cellmates who’ve been released.”

  “That could take forever since that could be thousands of people.”

  Vic finished his piece of lasagna. “You have a better idea?”

  She decided against suggesting they go back to Washington and investigate, in case the man who took a shot at Charlotte was some hired hand rather than the criminal. “Not really.”

  Vic waited until she finished off the last of her food, and then dumped the containers in the trash. “Since you seem dead set against having sex with me, what do you want to do for the rest of the afternoon?”

  She laughed. “Will you stop with the sex talk, already?”

  “I can’t help it.” Vic stepped from the other side of the desk and held out his right hand. She placed her palm in his and he helped her stand. “I swear I haven’t thought about getting laid—at least not this often—until you walked in that door a few days ago. So, it’s really your fault for looking so damn sexy.”

  “You are such a suck up. You want me to look like a bag lady?”

  “Might help.”

  Before she could tell him he was being ridiculous, he wrapped his good arm around her waist and pulled her close. When their lips met, pure rapture spiked through her, and every objection to them being together evaporated. As much as she wanted to strip him naked and do him right there, she was sore.

  Ellie broke the kiss. “For one thing, the front door’s open, and secondly, we need to wait.”

  “I know. I was just testing you.”

  She lightly punched him in the chest. “Jerk.”

  “I have an idea about how to spend some fun time.”

  She could use some levity. “Does it involve ropes of any kind?” Vic seemed to have a one-track mind.

  He narrowed his eyes. “I like the way you think, but no. We have an indoor miniature golf course attached to the bowling alley. The good part is that it’s in a room with black light. The balls are painted fluorescent orange, as are the holes. It’s dark in there, which means no one would try anything.”

  When they first dated, they used to play miniature golf all the time and had a lot of fun. “Sounds great.”

  After they donned their coats, they exited the front entrance and Vic locked the door. “I think it might be best if you park in the back next time.”

  “I didn’t know there was a back entrance.”

  “There is. I use it because I don’t need people seeing my comings and goings.”

  “I’ll remember that next time.” Not that she’d be in her car alone anytime soon.

  Once in the car, Vic directed her the four blocks east. The bowling alley seemed packed, but it made sense since it was a Saturday afternoon.

  “Looks like we might get some bad weather,” Vic said, as she located a spot close to the front.

  “Just what we don’t need. Getting snowed in would be bad.”

  “I don’t know about that. Warm fire, hot coffee, lots of snuggling.”

  She could only shake her head. Where had this man been when they were married? Leaving the FBI seemed to have been good for him. She was happy he appeared content.

  They hustled inside as the wind was biting and the sky gray. The noise from the pins, along with all the chatter, assaulted her—as did the smell of beer, oil, and perspiration.

  Vic paid and the kid behind the counter handed them the golf balls. “It’s around the side to the left.”


  As they walked toward the back, Ellie thought Charlotte should be here. She loved to bowl. “Do you think we can call Charlotte? I want to make sure she’s okay.”

  Vic placed a hand on her back and led her to the section where they could pick out their golf clubs. “I know this is hard for you because it’s really hard for me, but it’s best if we don’t contact her. Trent is a good cop. He’ll make sure nothing happens to her.”

  “I know, but I miss her. What harm can one little call do?”

  “Phones can be traced.”

  Damn. “You think this guy is that smart?”

  “Some criminals are unbelievably stupid while others are rather bright. We don’t know who or what we’re dealing with.”

  She didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize her daughter’s safety. “Okay.”

  Vic pulled out his phone and her pulse jacked up. “Speaking of being able to trace phones, I want to make sure I always know where you are. There’s a location setting on your phone as well as mine.”

  Vic showed her how to change the setting on hers. “In fact, I asked Charlotte to do it to her phone a while back.” Vic brought up her number and a map appeared. “She’s in Seffner. That’s about an hour from here. It must be where Trent’s cabin is. When we finish playing golf, we can check it again. I bet she’ll be in the same spot.”

  Ellie gave Vic a hug. “Thank you. That makes me feel better.”

  “Ready to get trounced?”

  “Trounced? I don’t think so. If you recall, I could hold my own in this game.”

  He shook his head. “Back then, I let you win so I could get into your pants.”

  She tried to punch him, but he stepped out of the way and laughed. “Come on.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ellie hadn’t expected it to be so dark inside the black light room. She held onto Vic’s arm, waiting for her eyes to adjust. “Everything is glowing. How do you know where to start?”

  “The first hole is over here.” Vic clasped his hand over hers and moved slowly to the other side of the room.

  Good thing he could see. From the laughter, and the number of florescent-colored balls rolling on the floor toward the cups, she guessed about six kids were there. That made her feel better.

  Vic stopped then leaned close. “Here’s hole number one. Can you see how the course bends to the left?”

  By now, her vision had adjusted to the new conditions. “Yes.”

  “You go first,” he said.

  He probably just wanted to see how fast the greens were. As Ellie bent down to place the ball on the rubber mat, she gasped.

  “What’s wrong,” Vic said.

  She stood up. “Why didn’t you tell me you could practically see my yellow bra through my white blouse?”

  He grinned and his teeth glowed. “Why did you think I suggested this place?”

  “You didn’t know this would happen. If I lose this game it’s because I’m self-conscious.”

  “No one cares. Look around. The kids are all too absorbed in what they’re doing.”

  He was right, but she wished she didn’t stand out like a neon sign. Refocusing on the task at hand, she tapped the ball. It ricocheted off the right hand wall and headed toward the hole. Yes! Just as she was about to raise her arms in victory, the damn thing sailed past its target, hit the back wall, and returned halfway back. Crap. It might only be a stupid game, but she wanted to win.

  “Good try, El. Go ahead and put it in. I don’t want to accidentally bump your ball.”

  When she bent over again to take her second shot, Vic dragged his club between her legs. She jerked up. “What are you doing?” she whispered, not wanting the kids to hear.

  “Trying to distract you.”

  She stepped within an inch of his face and playfully grabbed the front of his shirt. “Oh, I get it. You’re afraid of losing. Perfectl
y understandable since you know I’m that good.” He laughed, damn him. “Now, can you be good for the next half hour while I play my way to a win?”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, and placed his lips to her ear. “If you promise I don’t have to be good after we leave, I’ll behave.”

  It was her turn to chuckle. “Win and we’ll negotiate.”

  Vic stepped back. “Deal.”

  For the next thirty minutes, they battled. She’d get ahead for a few holes, and then Vic would edge forward. Her winning flow was often disrupted when they were forced to wait for a group of kids to finish, but Ellie admitted she couldn’t remember when she’d had such a good time. Even though bad shit might be happening outside this building, inside, she was insulated against the danger.

  In the end, Vic won by two strokes. Damn. Now she’d never hear the end of it. He raised his club. “Want to go again?” he asked.

  The release of tension had actually made her tired. “I think I’d like to go back to the house and maybe take a nap. My sleep patterns have been interrupted.” She cleared her throat.

  He tapped his chest. “Don’t look at me.”


  They returned their gear and headed out. The sky had turned leaden, but so far, no snow had fallen. “Do we need to stop at the store for food?” she asked.

  “We’re good, assuming you can handle frozen dinners and canned food.”

  It wasn’t her first choice, but she wasn’t sticking to her food plan while in Montana. The trip to his place only took about ten minutes. While she’d been here after someone shot at Charlotte, Ellie hadn’t been paying attention. Now she studied his house. The exterior of his one-story home was brick. Other than having more trees on a bigger lot, his house looked similar to the one they’d owned many years ago in Virginia. “You chose well.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  From the hope in his tone, she could tell Vic wanted to talk about their future, but she’d only break his heart if they did. There was a time when Vic was her world. Her love had been unconditional, but he’d proven time and time again that his job was his real love. Given all the stuff that was going on, Ellie wasn’t ready to think about how much he’d changed. She had a gallery to run in the nation’s Capital, not to mention all the good friends she didn’t want to leave. While Rock Hard had its artist enclaves, it wasn’t like home, and it could never be a match in terms of culture.

  Vic opened the front door and led her inside then slipped the case from her fingers. “I’ll show you where you can stay.”

  Really? She assumed he’d want her to be in his room, but she wasn’t going to complain.

  He nodded to a room on the left. “This is where Charlotte would have stayed had she been here.”

  He walked Ellie to the next room. “I’m putting you in the master so you’ll have an attached bath.”

  Now he was being silly. “Where will you sleep?”

  “Don’t worry about me.”

  Frankly, Ellie was getting tired of his bravado. “How about if I can’t help but worry? You always want to shoulder the responsibility for all things.” She had no idea why her voice had risen, but all the shit that had gone down in the last few weeks was coming to a head. “What about me?”

  His brows pinched. “What about you? I’m trying to keep you from stressing out.”

  “By blocking me out? I feel so alone.” She shook, and it wasn’t from being cold.

  “Hey, tell me what’s wrong.” Vic led her over to the bed and sat down next to her.

  “You don’t get it. The only way I’m going to get through this mess is if you tell me everything. If we share this experience by talking about our feelings, I might be able to better handle what’s happening.”

  He picked up her hand. “I haven’t hidden anything from you.”

  “What about your fears?”

  He glanced away. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

  She withdrew her hand from his grasp. “I want you to tell me you’re afraid of losing our daughter. I want to know I’m not the only one who’s dying inside. You’ve been run off the road, yet you act as if it was an everyday occurrence. You won’t even wear your fucking sling.” Tears tumbled down her cheeks, and Vic drew her to his chest. She clung to him for dear life—for her sanity.

  “I’m sorry. I was trying to protect you. I didn’t want to add to your burden.” He leaned back. “Am I afraid? Fuck yeah. In fact, I’m petrified I’ll lose Charlotte or you. I want to keep you two safe so badly that I’ve had to put on this brave front. I’m scared shitless that when the time comes to stop this maniac, I might not react the way I should if I let my true feelings show.” He looked away but the water in his eyes convinced her he meant every word he said. “I, too, want us to be a team, to get through this together. If I promise to try harder, will you forgive me?”

  Ellie never expected him to admit to any vulnerability, and here he’d laid open his soul. “Yes. And thank you.”

  Vic nodded and stood. “I know you wanted to take a nap. I’ll let you rest.”

  As he turned away, she grabbed his hand. “Stay with me?”

  He didn’t respond with his usual sexy, snarky comments. Instead, he kicked off his boots and removed his pants without saying a word. She did the same, but he finished undressing before her. Vic pulled down the spread.

  “May I finish taking off your clothes?” he asked in the softest of voices. “I have so much to learn about being a good person. I’ve been trained to keep my emotions in check, so I’m not sure I know how to show them anymore.”

  “Wanting to change is half the battle.” She wanted to tell him she didn’t expect him to change overnight, but any explanation now would break the spell between them. Vic truly seemed to understand what she’d told him, and that meant to world to her. “I’d love for you to help me.” Whether it was to take off her clothes or keep her from breaking down.

  He knelt on the bed and lifted the sweater over her head. “You are so perfect.”

  The old saying that beauty was in the eyes of the beholder certainly held true. If he liked what he saw, who was she to argue? It would serve no good purpose. “Thank you.”

  Vic dropped his butt onto his heels. “I want to make love to you. Slowly. Gently. If you’ll let me.”

  Vic never asked permission. He was the type to take what he wanted. Ellie wanted to show him that she needed him more than anything. She got up on her knees and slid her palms up his shirt, his warm skin pure heaven on her palms. She yearned to love every inch of his body until they both exploded with such an intense passion that they couldn’t think from all their lustful feelings. Was she capable right now of taking her time and not rushing? She doubted it, but she wanted to try. Vic placed his hands over hers.

  “Kiss me,” she said.

  Instead of the usual hard capture, the pressure was soft and tentative, almost as if every insecurity he’d ever possessed had leaked out of his body. With his right hand, he cupped her face and nibbled on her lips before dragging his kisses up to her eyes. “I’m sorry,” he whispered so softly she almost missed the words.

  She lowered her head. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I don’t want to change you. I just can’t be alone right now.”

  Vic lifted her chin. “I promise you won’t be.”

  He hugged her close then nipped at her earlobe, sending shivers of pleasure up and down her spine. He leaned her back until she had to uncurl her legs. Without a word, Vic kissed the crests of her breasts above her bra. Using his thumbs, he lifted the material above her tits and cool air pebbled her nipples.

  “I want to love them all night long.” He dragged his tongue across one nipple and then lavished his attention on the other. Pleasure bubbled.

  She reached out and grabbed his cock. “I dare you to last more than an hour.”

  “Damn, girl. A man can dream can’t he?” His words held a bit of bravado, but they were also laced with pain.
  “I believe he should try.” Today, he’d opened his heart and she wanted to enjoy it for as long as she could.

  Vic dipped his head again and sucked each tip as if he was paying homage to her breasts. The slow movement ratcheted her desire.

  “How about taking off those briefs?” she said. “I want to see my reward.”

  “You got it.”

  Vic continued to tease each nipple while he removed his boxer briefs with one hand. She glanced down at his erection and licked her lips. Soon, he’d be hers.

  Vic palmed one breast while tugging on the other pert tip. His slow, seductive movements electrified her, but she didn’t move, loving the care he was giving her. It was just what she needed. He nibbled, sucked, licked, and loved each nipple.

  “Let’s take this off,” he said as he reached around her, unhooked her bra, and tossed it to the end of the bed.

  He slid to his stomach, and instead of tugging off her panties, he licked his way down her belly. The hairs stood up straight as anticipation swept through her. She clutched the spread to keep from grabbing him again. As much as she wanted to suck on his dick, Vic was now in charge, and she didn’t want to disturb the loving moment. This was the old Vic, the one she’d fallen in love with so long ago.

  He inhaled deeply as he slid lower. “I love how you smell.”

  She had to think if she’d put on any perfume since showering. She hadn’t, so it must be her freely flowing juices that had scented the air. Vic had a unique way of touching her that set her body spinning. Heat began at her core and spread upward and outward.

  “Lick me,” she panted.

  “My goal is to make you come so many times, you’ll beg me to take you.”

  “You can try.”

  She was close to that point already. Keeping his palm on her rounded belly, he slid lower and nibbled his way from one thigh to the other. She planted her feet on the bed and scooted nearer to him. He pressed down harder to keep her still.

  “Be good. I want to take my time.”

  That would be hard for her. “When can I take my time on your cock?” She had yet to taste him.


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