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Hart To Hart

Page 13

by Vella Day

  She clamped a hand on his arm. “What is it? I can see something’s wrong.”

  “It’s cold out here.” He was barefoot and shirtless. “I can think better in bed.” This time, he wasn’t making up an excuse to make love with her.

  “You don’t drink unless something bad happened.”

  El was too damned perceptive. He led her into the bedroom and insisted she crawl under the covers. Vic set the bottle on the nightstand then turned off the light.

  He needed her warmth and her loving body. Gathering her in his arms, she placed her head on his chest. “That was Trent.” She stiffened. “Don’t worry. Our daughter is fine.”

  “Vic. Tell me.” Her words pierced him like sharp nails.

  He detailed the fire. “Only the porch and some plants burned. The snow prevented most of the damage.”

  She lifted up on her elbow. “I want to speak with her.”

  “I need to get you a burner phone. Trent’s getting Charlotte one. He knows you’ll want to speak with her to make sure she’s okay.”

  El hugged him tight. “I’m scared, Vic. It was one thing when someone was after me, but to attack my family, I won’t stand for it.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Good, but let’s see what Max comes up with. He figured out who’d tried to kill me before. Maybe he can do it again.”

  El didn’t say anything for a while. “Do you think Charlotte is really okay?”

  Vic stroked her cheek. “Trent said she’s doing well. He’s moving her to Billings as we speak. She’ll be staying with a family of cops.”

  “That’s all well and good, but I meant emotionally. How do you think she’s holding up? First she learns you’ve been hurt, only to have someone shoot at her. Then her safe house is set on fire.”

  Vic tried to smile. “This is Charlotte we’re talking about. We, or rather you, raised her to be resilient. If anyone knows how to get through a difficult situation, she does.”

  El nodded. “I hope you’re right, but she’s young.” She ran her hand up and down his chest. “I just hope this ass doesn’t figure out where she’s gone.”

  “He won’t. Trent will take extra precaution.”

  She lowered her hand closer to his cock. Did she have any idea how much he needed her right now? His whole life was unraveling. El and Charlotte were the most important people in his life, and he was helpless to do a damn thing to keep them from harm. “I wish I had the answers.”

  El lifted her head and glanced up at him. “Do you think I’m safe?” Her voice shook.

  “I want to say nothing can harm you, but right now, I don’t know what to think. This guy seems to know our every move, but we will get him.”



  She cradled her head on his chest again, and when she sobbed, Vic’s heart cracked. He rubbed her shoulder, trying to soothe her.

  El sniffled. “Make love with me, Vic.”

  He stilled, his mind going a million miles an hour. Pain emanated from her, and then entered his body. He needed the loving as much as she did, but he feared he might do something to ruin the fragile bond that existed between them.

  Stop analyzing. She needs me. Just say yes.

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  She rolled onto her back and pulled him on top. “Make me feel again. I’ve been dead inside for a long time, but when I’m with you, I come alive. I probably should be pacing the floor with worry or ranting and raving, but then I’d go crazy. I need some normalcy right now. Some goodness. Some loving.”

  Despite his own soul shattering, he smiled at her words. “You’re a poet.”

  “I’m just an artist.”

  He wasn’t worthy of her. El was so good and he’d failed her many times, but if she’d find comfort in his arms, he wouldn’t deny her.

  With as much tenderness as he was capable of giving, he feathered kisses on her lips, her cheeks, her eyes, and her forehead. “I want to be one with you,” he whispered.

  He wanted to add the word forever, but he didn’t dare. This wasn’t about El loving him. It was about her banishing demons and finding safety in his arms. He would do anything to give her what she needed.

  El pulled down his head and returned his kiss, only she wasn’t delicate. Her need came out strong. “I won’t break, Vic. I want to feel passion. Desire. Desperation. Make me believe I’ll shatter without you.”

  Jesus, but those words seared holes in his heart. If only she meant what she said. He had enough passion, desire, and desperation for the two of them, but he worried if he showed his true side, she’d realize how much he loved her. Right now, that love was killing this family.

  He unbuttoned her flannel gown. “I thought about turning on the lamp but then decided I’d rather explore your body inch by inch with my tongue and my hands.”

  “Promises, promises.” She grabbed his cock through his flannel bottoms. “How about taking these off so I can love you the same way.”

  Her mood had suddenly changed, but deep inside she was most likely grieving. El had learned over the years how to push back the bad in life and grab hold of the good. From the way she had a grasp on his cock, she was going for the gusto.

  He chuckled. “Gotta let go of it for a moment.”

  She did. “Be quick.”

  He rolled off her. As he slipped off his bottoms, she slid out of her gown. By now, his eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness, and the scant light from the hall outlined her delicious breasts. “You are truly amazing to look at.”

  “You can’t see me.”

  “I can. I’m Superman and have X-ray vision.” Damn, now wasn’t the time to joke, but the words had slipped out. It was what Charlotte had called him when things were good between them.

  “Okay, Superman. What am I doing now?”

  Damn. He couldn’t see. “You tell me.”

  “I’m playing with myself.” She was trying to drive him insane. Fortunately, she was back to teasing him, and he could handle that emotion better.

  “That’s my job, or did you forget?” he asked with more levity than he felt. If she shot him down, he could say he was just playing.

  “I must have forgotten.”

  “Would you like me to show you what I can do for you?”

  She raised her arms. “Hug me first?” Her voice cracked. Gone was the temptress. In its place was a scared woman.

  The need to embrace her ran deep in his soul. He crawled on top of her again and gathered her in his arms, leaning heavily on his right elbow. Her breasts pressed against his skin, her nipples burning holes in his body. He lowered his hand and gently sucked on her neck, and then dragged kisses down to her shoulder. To take the pressure off his injury, he rolled onto his right side and slid down so that his lips were close to her breasts. He ran a tongue across one nipple as he placed his palm on her belly. Her stomach fluttered and she wove her fingers through his and squeezed.

  Without any words, he understood her need. El was floundering, hurting for her daughter. Vic wanted to take his time, but with each lick, his need grew.

  With her free hand, she grabbed his head and pressed hard. Her breaths increased with each swirl of his tongue. This was the woman he’d fallen in love with—the one who reacted to his every touch. He leaned across her body, seized the other nipple, and pulled it taut.

  “Yes!” El’s head dropped back. What this woman did to him.

  If he didn’t taste her, he’d expire. As slowly as he could, he crawled between her knees and slid down. Dragging his lips from her belly to her pussy, he reached up and strummed his thumb across her nipple. The delicate tip puckered. El was everything he wanted in a woman. Too bad, she’d never be his again. He’d abandoned his family too many times. He doubted she’d believe him if told her he never would again.

  When he dipped his tongue into her sweet honey, she bent her knees and lifted her hips. “Vic, please.”

  Wanting to keep the wonderful connection alive for as long a
s he could, he was hesitant to take her too soon. Touching her was the ultimate high. It washed away the horrors of what he’d seen in his life and made him believe—if only for a moment—that life could be good again.

  Vic plunged a finger into her hole and swirled it around. El bucked and thrashed, groaned and moaned. At this moment, she was his to love and to have. He crawled on top of her and nudged his cock into her opening an inch.

  “I want you,” he whispered.

  Leaning over, he captured her lips, tasting, devouring, claiming. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. Then she broke the kiss and dragged her lips to his ear. “Fuck me now or you’ll pay.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Vic almost laughed at the way El growled at the end of her plea. Using every ounce of restraint, he eased in, loving the way her pussy fit him like a glove. It was as if they were meant for each other. Wanting to last as long as possible, he edged his way in as he nibbled on her ear. She grabbed his arms, and he couldn’t help but flex his muscles.

  “How about putting some of that strength into pounding me hard? I need the release now,” she begged.

  “Demanding, aren’t we?”

  “Damn right I am.”

  El lifted her hips and his cock drove straight to the end. Jesus, what she did to him. He fucked her hard and fast, just the way she wanted it.

  “Vic, yes. Don’t stop.”

  She opened her mouth once more and drew him in. He wanted to pretend all her hot passion was because she loved him again, but he knew better. Their scare tonight had brought them together—but for how long? Vic sparred with her, dipping and plunging as he drove into her velvety smoothness.

  El raked her nails down his back then broke the kiss to scream her release. When she tightened her hold on his cock, he let go, and his hot seed spurted. He dipped his head to her neck, trying to memorize the elation coursing through him. Not wanting to put too much weight on her, he rolled off and rested, waiting for his heart to calm.

  “Let me clean you up,” he said as soon as he was able to talk.

  Vic walked into the bathroom and when he returned with a warm cloth, El was already dressed in her gown. He couldn’t blame her. It was cold in the room, but he planned to warm her up very soon.

  * * *

  Ellie never should have turned to Vic last night, but she’d needed him. To be honest, she seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Could it be that he’d changed? Or was the pressure getting to her? She liked to think it was the latter. Vic had a new life here and she was just starting hers in Virginia.

  “Ready?” Vic asked.

  It was time for them to go to work. “Sure. Do you think I can ask Sharon to go shopping with me for some paints? Sitting all day isn’t my style.”

  “We’ll see what she has to do, though she might be able to protect you better than I can. While she probably sucks in hand-to-hand combat, she won’t let anyone get a drop on you.” If he hadn’t smiled, she’d have been worried.

  “It’s broad daylight. You think he’d try something?”


  She wanted to believe him.

  When they arrived at his office, Sharon looked up and smiled. “You’re here! Glad no more tragedy happened over the weekend.” Papers were strewn on her desk, looking as if she might be busy for the rest of the day. Darn.

  “Actually, our daughter had a little incident, but I’ll let El fill you in. I have a lot of research to do in light of the fire.” He leaned over and kissed El on the cheek.

  The casual way he did that told her things had gotten a little out of control. Vic was no longer tentative around her. While she enjoyed the relaxed time with him, she didn’t want him to believe they were back together.

  “Fire? Holy shit. Sit down and tell me everything,” Sharon said with renewed energy.

  Ellie wasn’t sure she wanted to relive her fears, but perhaps retelling it might not make what happen seem so bad. “I don’t know all that much, except that the person after us tried to burn down Detective Lawson’s cabin—with them inside.”

  Sharon sucked in a breath. “That’s horrifying. Are they okay?”

  “Yes. No one was harmed. Just scared.”

  “I bet. Does Vic think it’s the same person who tried to run him off the road and who shot at Charlotte?”

  “He won’t comment except to say your Fire Marshal is on the case.”

  “Ah, hunky Max Gruden. He used to be a cop, you know.”

  “Vic never said.” Ellie wondered what else he never mentioned. She pushed back her chair. “I should get out of your hair. Looks like you have a lot to do today.”

  “Nah. These are old papers. Makes the boss think I’m doing something.”

  Ellie laughed. She needed that. “Would you be up for a little shopping then?”

  Sharon’s eyes widened. “What are you looking for?”

  “Since I have no idea how long I’m going to be here, I’d hoped to get some Acrylic supplies. Vic said I could use the back room for my art.”

  Sharon grabbed her purse. “Let’s go. I’ll just tell Vic we’re headed out.”

  That was easy. “Thanks.”

  Once Vic gave his blessing, they were on their way. This small town was such a far cry from Washington, D.C. with all its congestion and one-way streets. “Is this rush hour?” she asked. It was eight-thirty, yet not many cars were on the road.

  Sharon laughed. “Rush hour? Rock Hard wishes it had a rush hour. Pretty much the streets look like this all the time, unless it snows. Then people wait for the snowplows before doing anything.” She headed down Second Street and pulled in front of Charley’s Crafts. “Here we are. I’m not sure how much he carries.”

  Ellie really didn’t care about the quality or the color selection of the paints. Creating art was her way of reducing stress. First, she looked around inside to make sure there wasn’t anyone she recognized. She’d yet to figure out if the person after her was someone she’d met before. Just women milled about and Ellie calmed. Sharon followed her to the art section and Ellie found just what she wanted, including a cheap easel. “This is perfect.”

  “Great,” Sharon said. “What are you going to paint?”

  “I’m not sure but something will strike me.”

  They paid and headed back to the office. Sharon carried the easel and Ellie grabbed the bag with the paints, brushes, and canvases. When they walked in, Detective Trent Lawson was there with Vic.

  “There she is,” Vic said with a smile. “Get everything?”

  “Yes.” What was the detective doing here? Her throat seemed to close up. Did he have news of Charlotte?

  “Since Trent was headed back to town, I asked him to get you a burner phone so you could call Charlotte. I would have picked one up, but my chauffeur was out shopping.”

  “Funny man.” She turned to Trent. “Thank you, but why aren’t you with her?” Had he sent her off by herself? She couldn’t think straight anymore.

  “Don’t worry, Ms. Hart. She’s with my cousin, who’s a cop. Charlotte is perfectly safe.”

  She shook her head. “You said that before.”

  His face colored. “You’re right, but at least she wasn’t harmed.”

  Damn. “I’m sorry. I’m still upset over everything that happened.”

  “I understand.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a number. “You can reach Charlotte here.”

  Just having the ability to speak with her daughter helped lower her blood pressure. “Thank you.”

  Vic pointed to the back room. “Why don’t you call her now? You’ll feel better.”

  “I will.”

  Ellie hurried to the back, her hand actually shaking. She closed the door for privacy and dialed the number. When her daughter answered, tears welled in Ellie’s eyes. “Charlotte?”

  “Mom? Is that really you?”

  There weren’t any chairs in the storage room, so she sat on a small file cabinet. “Yes, it’s me.
How are you holding up? I heard you saved the day.”

  Charlotte groaned. “Me? No. Trent put out the fire. He was amazing. I saw some lights outside the window and I called his name. He was like Superman. He was dressed and out the door so fast, I didn’t have time to hide.”

  Superman—Charlotte’s favorite hero. Ellie wasn’t sure she liked the way her daughter seemed to idolize this cop. It didn’t matter she probably would never see him again. “Did you call him Trent?”

  “Yes. He’s only like nine years older than I am.”


  “Dad’s five years older than you.”

  She was about to say that she and Vic were older but then remembered she’d met her future husband when she was only twenty-one and he was a very mature twenty-six. “So you like the detective?”

  They used to have these kinds of conversations in the past, especially when Charlotte was in college. The familiarity was nice.

  “Haven’t you seen him? He’s hot.”

  She stilled. “Did something happen between you two in the cabin?” Charlotte sounded too happy.

  “Mo-om. No. Though if he’d been interested, I’m not sure I would have turned him down.”

  It was Ellie’s face that heated. “Just so you’re okay. How’s his cousin?”

  “She’s nice. How are you and Dad holding up?”

  Ellie recognized the change in topic. “We’re good now that you’re safe and out of harm’s way.”

  “Just good? I can hear something in your voice. Ooh. Did you two hook up?”

  Charlotte had always dreamed of being a family once more, but Ellie had no desire to discuss her chances of getting it. It would only lead to disappointment. The image of Vic carrying a young Charlotte on his shoulder surfaced and she smiled.

  Then she changed direction and pictured the two of them together where he used to cuff her to the bed and tease her unmercifully. She worked to banish that erotic image. No good could come of it.

  “I’m not sure what you mean by hooking up, but we’re not fighting, so that’s good.” There was no way she’d tell her daughter that she and her father had been having out-of-control sex.


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