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Hart To Hart

Page 18

by Vella Day

  Vic waved a finger. “Don’t go suggesting I stay here a few more days.”

  “I would if I weren’t so tired and needed a good night’s sleep.”

  Poor El. She deserved better than a burned, beat up old man like himself.

  It seemed to take a good hour before his surgeon rolled in. They shook hands. “Ellie tells me you want to go home.”

  Didn’t every patient want to get out of there? The food sucked and the nurses stopped by throughout the night to prick and probe him. “No reason to be here.”

  “Let’s take a look at that calf.”

  Vic swore the man tried to break open the incision with all the prodding and pushing he did on the wound. Vic didn’t groan, but he probably winced a few times. “How does it look, doc?”

  “You’ll be good as new in no time. I spoke with Dr. Harrison. He wants you to come back in a few days to check your vision. Concussions are tricky creatures.”

  “Sure thing.” His vision was fine. Vic would say anything to escape one more night there.

  His surgeon, Dr. Gutna, looked over at El. “Can I count on you to bring him back?”

  Christ. Did the whole town think he was unable to take care of himself?


  Dr. Gutna nodded. “Let me do some paperwork, and then we’ll send you on your way.”

  * * *

  After many hours of waiting, the hospital finally released him. No surprise, El fussed the whole way home. Then she insisted he sit on the sofa while she fixed dinner. Vic wasn’t an invalid. He’d been shot before. It wasn’t that big a deal.

  “Need help?” he called out.

  “I’m good.”

  Damn. Being useless was driving him crazy. After a few minutes of hearing her bang around in his kitchen, he rose and limped in to join her. His headache was almost gone and his ribs were healing nicely. His calf wound would take a bit longer to heal, assuming he didn’t overdo it.

  El planted a hand on her hip. “You need to sit down.”

  Vic pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and dropped onto the seat. “There. I’m sitting.”

  She rolled her eyes. He dragged over another chair and propped up his leg. While she worked, he wanted to talk about their future—or lack thereof.

  “I want to apologize for getting you involved in all this,” he said.


  “Let me finish. As soon as I realized it had to be someone from my past who was after me, and not you, I should have sent you home.”

  She whirled around on him. “Are you kidding? Darryl, if that’s his real name, would have targeted Charlotte even more. He already shot at her and set fire to the house where our child was sleeping.”

  “I don’t think he wanted to harm either of you—at least not yet. He was filled with anger that he needed to get out. He believed his father was innocent. Besides, a brick house would be hard to burn down in the winter. He didn’t use enough accelerant to do damage.”

  “Perhaps because he didn’t know better.” She wagged a finger. “If I hadn’t been here, who would have saved you from that lunatic? I was the one who figured out it was Darryl, and don’t forget Sharon shot the bastard.”

  Vic shrugged. “Point taken.” He waved a hand. “But that’s all in the past. I think we should talk about now—about us.”

  Her body stiffened as she pressed her lips together. Her face said it all. “Vic, there is no us. Don’t get me wrong. Have you changed? Absolutely. You’re a wonderful man, and I’m almost grateful to Darryl for bringing us together.”


  “I don’t know. I’m confused. I’ve worked so hard these past five years to start fresh. I’ve built a gallery into a thriving business—with Hilton’s help, of course.”

  “I couldn’t be more proud of you.” He truly was.

  “Thank you. It’s not that Rock Hard isn’t nice. It is. They have some great galleries, too, but I belong in Virginia.”

  “I totally understand.” He was happy she was so content there. In fact, he was about to tell her she needed to move back, that she’d never be safe, or happy, with him.

  She moved closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “If you’d consider moving back to Virginia, we could see if it would work between us again. We could date for a few months. I don’t want to jump into something this important after being with you for such a short time.”

  His heart nearly leapt out of his chest until reality reigned him in. “It’s what I’ve always dreamed of, but I know myself too well. Everything would be ideal for a while, and then I’d get that one phone call. It would be my old boss asking me to help out with some case only I could handle.”

  She cast her gaze off to the side and her shoulders slumped. “And you’d have to say yes.”

  He nodded. “I’d get embroiled in the job, and some new danger would become my focus. I won’t do that to you again, El. I loved you enough to walk away five years ago, and I love you more now. I want you safe and happy. I’m not the right man for you.”

  At his profession of love, her chin trembled. “You are good enough, Vic. That’s the problem.”

  No matter where he lived, his life would be fraught with danger. “Since we agree it’s better if we part, how about making the time we do have together memorable?” He pasted on a smile, but, inside, his heart was breaking. Letting go of her again would be the hardest thing he’d ever have to do, but it was for the best.

  El stepped closer. “Describe memorable?”

  “How long before dinner?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Maybe half an hour. Why?”

  He grinned. “I’m thinking that will give us just enough time for you to ravish me once more.”

  She laughed. “You want to have sex? Now? You’re impossible.”

  He popped open his jeans and pulled down the waistband of his briefs until his cock sprang out. “What do you think?”

  “You’re injured.”

  “My dick’s not. Since I can’t press you against the counter and take you from behind, all the more reason for you to get naked and sit on my lap. I promise it will be a ride you won’t forget.” Vic moved his hurt leg off the chair.

  She bit down on her lip, looking so adorable. “You sure I won’t hurt you?”

  “Nothing you could do would ever hurt me.”

  Other than not be part of my life.

  “After sitting in that hospital for so long, I could use a good stress reliever.” She set down the dishtowel and kicked off her shoes.

  His mouth turned dry. All he’d thought about while lying in that hospital bed was making love with El one more time. “We can use the bed if you wish.”

  “Since when have I been conventional?”

  “Good point.” He and El used to make love in the oddest of places—closets, swimming pools, and even in a bar bathroom. He’d matured since then—or so he wanted to believe.

  As much as he’d have liked to relax back and enjoy the show, he needed to undress, too. He toed off his shoes, removed his socks, and then slipped off his pants and briefs. Vic would let El remove his shirt. Having her fingers on his body would help brand her touch and scent into his skin forever.

  Naked except for her panties, she walked over to his chair and stood next to him. “Want to take them off?”

  His pulse skyrocketed. “More than you can know.”

  Vic slipped his thumbs between the waistband and her warm skin. He inhaled as he lowered the lacy material, inch by excruciating inch. His need to taste her almost made him hurry, but if this was the last time they’d ever make love, he wanted this experience to last.

  “You smell so good,” he said.

  She smiled. “I hope I taste just as good.”

  Vic groaned. “Why are you tormenting me like this?” He looked up at her.

  “Because it’s what you like and what I need.”

  El always said the perfect words. “I do like to be teased and tempted, but only in sma
ll doses. I’m hanging on by the edge here. If I wasn’t incapacitated, I’d haul you over my shoulder, toss you on the bed, and tie you down.”

  “You always did like to play fireman.”

  And a host of other things. He tugged the material lower until he exposed her delicious pussy. Vic leaned forward but was unable to gain access. “Lift your leg up and place it on the seat.”

  He scooted over, and she balanced by holding onto the table behind him. With her knee bent, he was able to lick her honeyed slit. At the first taste, he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. This was where he wanted to be. Unable to keep her forever made this moment all the more bittersweet.

  When he nabbed her tiny pearl with his teeth, she squeaked and clutched his right shoulder. He loved her sensitivity. Using small flicks, he worked his way from her clit down to her wet heat. “You taste so damn good.”

  “How about you let me reciprocate?” she panted.

  “In a moment.” Vic leaned back and slipped two fingers into her.

  She closed her eyes and gulped in air. “Yes. Faster.”

  What was it about this woman that made him want to sacrifice his life for her? He loved her ambition, her good heart, and her willingness to let go when making love. He removed his fingers. Exploring her tight, wet channel was too much to bear.

  “You made a request?” Vic wasn’t sure he wouldn’t explode, but he sure would try not to. His woman was a goddess.

  Grabbing the dishtowel she’d tossed on the counter a moment before, she folded it, and then dropped it at his feet. Keeping her gaze on him, she knelt in front. “Open your legs for me.”

  “That’s what I always say to you.”

  “I know, but two can play at this game.”

  Only it wasn’t a game to him. This was his farewell to her. His heart cracked, but he forced himself to put on a brave face. “Let’s see what you got, lady.”

  Acting as if his cock would explode, she pulled his hard rod toward her, and her fingers nearly seared his skin. “Nice.” She licked her lips.

  “Devil woman.” As she leaned over, he wound a lock of her auburn tinted hair around his finger, enjoying the silkiness. “So soft.”

  She looked up. “I can’t say the same about you.”

  He chuckled. El was always good at comebacks. The first lick had him grabbing the seat—and she’d only just begun. He would not beg, though if he moaned enough, she might take pity on him. “Suck on him.”

  She chuckled, and then ignored him. Cupping his balls and rolling them in her palm, she continued to lick his cock. He grabbed a handful of hair at her scalp and tugged. Only then did she draw his stiff dick into her mouth. He closed his eyes, wanting to remember every lick and touch. The woman had a magic mouth. When he groaned, she increased the pressure. He’d have to stop her soon, or he’d shoot his wad.

  El pumped her hand up and down while she sucked on him hard. Each stroke brought him closer to the edge. He tightened his grip as he leaned forward and touched her tit. Vic thought it would help him gain more control, but he was wrong. The smooth, supple skin nearly did him in.

  “How about sitting on him, darlin’? I’m in a weakened state.” Vic could smell El’s arousal and figured she was close, too.

  She looked up. “Can’t take a little licking and keep on ticking?”

  No use denying it. “No. Not when you’re sucking on my cock.”

  When she looked up and smiled, he fell in love another notch.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ellie was dying here. Vic was everything she wanted in a man—except his life was too dangerous. He’d even said it. It wasn’t safe to be with him. But with Darryl in custody, they were protected—physically, at least, for a while and she had every intention of enjoying this last exploit. Of the few men she’d been with, Vic outshone them all. It was going to be damn hard to leave him, but leave she would—for Charlotte’s sake, for Vic’s, and for her own heart’s sake.

  Ellie stood then resumed her straddled position. “I want to see all of you.”

  She lifted his shirt over his head, hoping his shoulder had healed to the point where raising his arm wouldn’t hurt. Pleased he didn’t groan, she tossed the material onto the kitchen counter. “Much better.”

  Vic’s body had become more muscular in the last five years. The scar on his shoulder and chin only bothered her because of the suffering Vic had gone through. Now that it had healed over, it gave him a rugged look.

  “Are you going to stare at me all day, or sit on my cock?”

  She returned her gaze to his face. “How about I do both?”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  Vic grabbed her waist and made her straddle his lap, his large cock dividing her pussy lips. Sliding a hand up her back, he drew her close, and when his lips parted, she took advantage of the offering. She clasped the back of his head and delved in, wanting to taste every inch of him. Ellie closed her eyes, inhaling his masculine, earthy scent and dueled with his tongue. As the need to possess him overwhelmed her, she could no longer catch her breath, but it was Vic who broke the kiss.

  His lips were red and his eyes slits. “Let me make love to your tits.”

  He’d always had a fascination with them. Now that they were much heavier, he seemed even needier. Ellie arched her back and offered them to him. His teeth tugged on one nipple, sending chards of bliss straight to her pussy. He alternated from one to the other while he tugged on her scalp. Heated passion filled her veins. If he kept this up much longer, she wouldn’t last. “I’m ready.”

  She lifted up and grabbed his cock. Vic groaned. “Fuck me hard, sweetheart.”

  She planned to do just that. Aiming the tip at her opening, she bent her knees and engulfed him. His dick slid in, stretching her wide, and pushing her closer to her climax. Ellie didn’t move, needing time to gain her composure.

  It didn’t help when Vic twirled his tongue around her nipple again then sucked hard. The quick shot of pain morphed into delicious pleasure.

  The sentiment nearly felled her. Who was this man? Vic had changed, but she couldn’t ponder that now. Her hormones were in overdrive.

  She lifted up and was about to drop back down, when Vic held her hips. “Let me love you the way you deserve.”

  With his good leg planted on the ground, he lifted up and drove into her, hitting her back wall. The friction alone was enough to topple her, but add in his mouth creating chaos on her breast, and she was helpless to stop the onslaught.

  On his next thrust, she tightened her inner walls to keep him in place. His eyes widened. “You witch.”

  She smiled. He always called her that when she’d pushed him too far. As he plowed into her one more time, heat swamped her. Just as her climax swooped down and pushed her into the stratosphere, his hot cum filled her. Pulsing. Pounding. Stretching.

  The rush swept her away to a place filled with amazing hope and joy. Peace then descended, and she blocked out everything else. Her legs eventually weakened, and she collapsed onto his lap. Leaning forward, she rested her head on his good shoulder. “Thank you.”

  He slid his palms up her arms, leaving goose bumps in their wake. “No need to thank me. It was my pleasure. Always know that I will love you, El, with my heart and with my body.” As he stroked her face, her tears threatened to fall.

  God, why did he have to be loving and caring now? Was he trying to tear her heart out? “Promise me something?” she whispered.


  “Until I’m back in Virginia, you won’t get mushy on me again? I can’t take it.”

  “So it’s working on you?” She sat back and punched his chest. Before she could retract her hand, he grabbed it and brought her knuckles to his lips. “I’ll try to be good. It’s for your own good to keep your distance, and while I can say the words, it doesn’t mean I don’t have to like them.”

  She glanced to the ceiling and sniffled. “Me, neither.”

  Not wanting to break down in front
of him, she stood and grabbed another towel from the drawer. She cleaned up first then wiped him off. The oven timer dinged.

  Vic smiled, but she could see he had to work at it. “We have good timing.”

  “We always did.”

  * * *

  The next five days were hard on Ellie. Vic was a bad patient, not listening to her warnings about taking it easy. He kept moving about when it was obvious his leg pained him. While his shoulder had healed and his headache was gone, his ribs gave him difficulty when he moved too quickly.

  With a lot of convincing on her part, Vic had cooperated and made appointments with both the surgeon and another doctor who checked his ribs and his eyes for any signs of damage from his concussion. Both said he was healing nicely and could go back to work whenever he wanted. That diagnosis should have thrilled her, but it didn’t. While she was happy for Vic and excited to be getting back to her beloved art, leaving Vic would be hard.

  The last obstacle to her departure had been him not having a car. Yesterday, they had found one he liked. With him now having transportation, she had no reason to remain in Rock Hard.

  Their last night together had been a restless one. Depression seemed to have grabbed hold of both of them, but leaving was the right thing. Vic had said so, but it didn’t make it any easier. Confirming her decision to leave tomorrow had been Wendy’s phone call. Her friend had come down with some crud and wouldn’t be able to teach the last two classes. Ellie had promised she’d catch the next available flight home.

  All packed, Ellie never expected saying goodbye would be this hard.

  Vic hugged her. “If you need a good private investigator, you know who to call.”

  “I do. I wish—”

  Vic placed a finger on her lips. “Shh. Don’t say anything, because if you do, I might cry.”

  He was only kidding, but it helped bolster her mood. “It might be worth tossing about a few love words just to see that.” Vic never cried.

  “No, it wouldn’t. I’m an ugly crier.”

  She chuckled. Not wanting to delay the inevitable, Ellie leaned over and kissed his cheek. If their lips had touched, she might not be able to pull away.


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