NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead Page 2

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - The arrival of man on the moon! 1969! - Eldar still pondering matters intervened without even listening to what the others said.

  In a few minutes a lot of fun and with the help of parents, Nick had not only thirty historical events of relevance, but at least fifty in all, spread across the wooden wedge.

  - What will you do then, darling? - The mother ran her hands the silky hair of the child gold color noting the interest he had in group efficiently the whole sequence of events written on the labels.

  - Now I can make my time schedule! I'll paste the labels from the center, which would be the oldest age of the tree and to arrive until the edge using the rings as markers ... - still arranged the classification as historical dates. His parents looked at each other for discovering that the child had a magnificent idea to be able to tell the time, to tell the truth it was so that he himself could be located in space and time in which he lived. - After step a layer of varnish or resin over if you can buy and hang on the wall of my room! - I was satisfied, and became even more when his parents began to help with glue.

  Everyone wanted to participate in that single moment.

  Was awakened thoughts of distant childhood to hear the screams of the men who still pierced the thick layer of ice that would take them to the sleeping Lake Vostok in the depths of that inhospitable glacier, he had no idea how long he had been rambling about his past. The charge of the drill, Victor Orloff, ran to where he was and with a broad smile that obtained the absolute success gave him the good news.

  - We managed to Dr. Frost! - Hugged him tightly, almost causing the Nordic giant come out of the ground. - The drill was free under the ice, it means that we have reached the water in the lake in liquid form! - Was still elated to have done a thorough job and that had taken months to get to that moment.

  - If this is true we cannot remove the bit yet! We must position ourselves a containment chamber around the hole so that there is no sort of contamination whatsoever! - He looked toward the drill site realizing that the latest drills were being taken, ran as he could, but in vain. All work expected and the result could be committed to one fatal error.

  - What the Hell, Sven! - Sven Urland was another member of his team and as he Norwegian by birth and have approximate ages, and his right arm in command of the expedition, was more than aware of the containment and safety procedures to be taken in any excavation. - Where is the containment chamber? - I was angry with such academic failure of their team. This proved to be inexcusable at the time, would no longer be relevant with absolute certainty, after the events that would follow.

  - Sorry Nick, we were so excited after so long that only thought about taking the samples, nothing more... - Sven had a vast mixed beard gold and black and appeared to be slightly lower than he understood perfectly the subject question, just did not make sense to have forgotten the main reason for which was hired, it was the security of the samples.

  The last hollow drill down on the ice camp prospecting and drilling with a loud metallic noise, the sample they needed was inside, supposedly in great condition, but would be the only one dark mud too thick and coarse was throughout around the object and soon had to be absolutely sure that the hole in the depths again to close by compressing the ice exerted on the sides. Nick had hoped that the lake water was not contaminated by anything of the drill tip except for surface and which was properly prepared and sterilized. On the other hand, also not wanted vapors or gases of any kind and contained by millions of years in those depths loose stay in the atmosphere, the effects that could be catastrophic and devastating.

  - Isolate the sample and to make sure, that is not contaminated by any foreign agent! - The words were quite severe and harsh; his name was a scientist and sponsorship of their employers who were involved, no one else. The sample should be transported as quickly as possible to Vostok so that the studies were initiated procedures. It took a few hours until everything was ready.

  Anton Pavlov paleontologist admired the interior of the large glass box 1.5m wide by 2.0m long, with glasses of 2 cm thick and 90 cm newcomer drilling field. Inside was the only sample taken from deep in Lake Vostok, unfortunately for all other samples or even sending an independent probe as they had planned into the glacial lake was no longer possible, at least until they decided to make a new attack prospecting.

  This required another drilling and more demand time and money and that there was no certainty of the lake is completely sealed and unscathed from external agents. He hoped the presence of Nick Frost to give you start opening shows collector capsule inside the glass box. Unlike other more common capsules that simply picking the material to be analyzed later, this new equipment was specialized in collecting samples in hard to reach places that could not suffer contamination from external environments.

  It was essential that when the capsule was opened was free of any type of contamination that could be a full understanding of the ancient world and the conditions under which the planet was in at the time that sample was produced and already forgotten by time. The whole environment inside that box would guarantee them that. It was scientific fact that the deeper layers of ice imprisoning the weather conditions in the form of air bubbles of thousands of years ago when the freezing, a natural and very simple process, the snow rushing on the ground or a river brushing her precious liquid and at some point due to low temperatures is solidified.

  After this happened, the successive layers of snow falling on the local compacted over thousands of years that soil until it formed a compact ice sheet of spectacular size and hardness and that was the case in which that sample had been collected, with difference in the extensive ice layer there was a lake in liquid state and possibly had bacterial life within it. It had been nearly twenty four hours from the sample collection and preparation to examine it.

  - Are you ready for what we will find out then? - Nick who had just arrived interrupted thoughts coworker.

  - Yes! Just waiting for you as the legitimate guiding the research takes the first step! - Anton moved closer to the great biological containment box, noticed that Sven that always accompanied the biologist, and made a routine check of the containment apparatus.

  - Make sure there are no leaks, Sven, otherwise we will lose the sample or contaminate the external environment so I open the box! - Nick still gave the security orders, this time with greater severity.

  - Everything is ready Nick; the vacuum test did not show any leak or rupture, you can open the sample whenever you want! - Was initiated sample opening procedure harvested in the depths of that icy world, under the guidance of Nick Frost.

  The metallic and shiny cylinder stainless steel eighty centimeters long and fifteen centimeters wide had a screw cap of the same diameter at one end, the other only a hole was closed by back pressure impact when the sedimentation Pickup lake bottom. It would be necessary to open the screw cap so that the entire contents were dumped on a sort of concave glass bowl slightly larger than the metal tube.

  The two apertures on a side of the glass allow the arms to be inserted within the chamber protected by a kind of rubber gloves fixed on the edge. With the care and the necessary experience to have done this procedure dozens of times, Nick thrust his arms in rubber gloves will prey containment box and with a single twisting motion, unscrewed the lid.

  It did not take much effort to make the content inside the leave cylinder to the basin, the gravity-in charge of this issue and quite easily. Interestingly there was mud on the inside; a viscous liquid of sharp green color much like seaweed filled completely the bottom of the basin of collection of material for study. There was no water in the collection which was very strange for that depth and purpose of search, the assumption was that it was a freshwater lake, perhaps time and the organic sedimentation decomposing have created that undefined mass that he and his colleague work would soon unveil next.

  - What do you think Anton? Decaying organic material and mixed with water? - Nick was curious to know the opinion of his colleague.

  - I do not believe! If that were the case, I think we would have found oil and not that green and undefined composition! - The estimate was that the Lake Vostok could be sealed for at least twelve perhaps fifteen million years would be enough time to be other chemicals that would give evidence that probability.

  - Is it me or green and gooey thing is moving? - Sven leaned a little more on the glass chamber to see better. The two scientists who led the experiment did the same.

  - No, you're not wrong! Something moves within that liquid thick and uniform, which is not water... - Anton saw a worry line on Nick Frost's forehead.

  Biologist took an acrylic spatula that was inside the chamber and open with slowness rather green and thick viscous liquid, the spatula did not return whole, he had melted the part that touched that strange substance taken from the depths of the prehistoric lake.

  - This is not right! There should not be any sulfur element in these conditions and further showing that cohesion! - Nick realized that the liquid remained uniform and regular; it was like a single mass. Water also behaved as well as other elements, but that, in a very specific way, approached more of mercury properties. - Anton, a review by the spectrometer and see what the results we found for this substance! If something is nonstandard let me know! - Withdrew to search Nadja Romanov, although he had the surname of the Russian royal family, had no kinship. It took some time to find it was not the right time, but it was later than supposed.

  - Nadja! - She found her into the bedroom to gather for a moment imagined that was not fully dressed. She even turned around with the blouse just take over his chest stuck between the arms. The pale skin contrasted with black hair over her bare shoulders.

  - Nick! What a fright! - Blushed suddenly making the cheekbones stay slightly red, then he thought then that he and I could have gotten a few seconds later when she had no option to cover the body, it would have been very interesting, I thought, but it was not habit he went to the accommodation where they used to sleep at that hour.

  - Sorry... I was not intended... - I had not been able to fully divert the eyes of the top and bare the beautiful woman ahead of him. Twenty-five years, brunette with long, straight hair and light green eyes that contrasted nicely with the color of red lipstick she wore, long legs, but plump and shapely, was not low, perhaps 1.70 m and large breasts, but not exaggerated. That he had noticed on other occasions and that at that time they were absolutely trapped against his chest by the shirt and arms crossed Nadja Romanov.

  - What brings you here at this time and so suddenly? - I was still curious and while some malicious thoughts passed through his mind. He was breathing with some difficulty by being in his presence almost as desired. The place where were confined for months, could be very lonely sometimes, or often...

  - Do not worry we talk tomorrow! Again sorry for the interruption ... - I turned away from turning back to her "guard down" and could finally relax. I imagined that the blush on her cheeks was the difficulty her breathing with his own chest pressed by the arms so vehemently.

  Nadja sat on the bed letting the blouse finally fell on her lap covering her legs, she looked down and saw the breasts themselves, had nothing wrong and maybe it was the part he liked most in his body, but did not seem to attract Nick Frost. He lay still dressed in the rest of the clothes and covered the body until the head, did not know if he wanted to wake up the next day. - "You are a perfect woman Nadja! Never let say to the contrary... "- thought before falling into a deep sleep.


  - Are you sure that these results are correct? - The biologist did not believe that the report presented by Anton spectrometer showing the graphics of the chemical composition of that dark green mass, submit at least five elements that had no rank, so were not in the Periodic Table.

  - Absolute! I made them twice for safety tests, not considered necessary to make a third time ... - Pavlov could not be the best paleontologist in the world, but was competent at his job and was sure of the results obtained and as the colleague did not have the responses.

  - Sven! Look for Nadja Romanov in Ward Three and bring here urgently! - Could still smell the scent of bare skin under her blouse, a former night view of memory. He regretted that it was so inaccessible to I live among them. - Anton, it might be interesting we use some kind of guinea pig to see the behavior of the chemical elements inside the box since we can not predict what will be the reactions in external environment! - I am looking at him expecting some kind of approval.

  - Yes, we have some white mice that we subject the biological experiments, but as use canaries to detect atmospheric changes inside the coal mine because of toxic gases, we subject them to this end without irritating the animal advocates... We also need precautions! - Motioned to one of his assistants would get a guinea pig on Noah's Ark, was once called the Department where they kept the animals alive for testing in adverse conditions of the Antarctic continent. The agreement provided that were not used in any experiment that could cause suffering or congenital anomaly, were not these the local research objectives.

  - Good Morning Nick Frost! - Nadja did not hide some frustration in his voice for what happened the night before. Pavlov and Sven looked at him curiously, but did not dare to make any kind of comment. - Then! Where we stopped after last night? - Again he was the target of prying and curious glances. He coughed a little to disguise the embarrassing situation. Sven gave a shy and discreet smile in favor of his friend.

  - Its area is biochemistry and the sample we collected yesterday seems to be "alive" and somehow these results do not give us the answers we want, thought to hear your opinion ... - still I thought best to keep away from her, at least for now . Maybe it was ovulating or something and therefore more sensitive to male presence, in any case and certainly not risks it.

  - Let me see ... - He looked carefully all the elements and reviewed once again the notes of Anton Pavlov, was a paleontologist, was not directly related to the biology area, but his comments proceeded. - Yes! I agree with Pavlov, can be a new way of life! - First looked viscose and green mass which seemed gelatin, but denser and undulated without there being any kind of booster agent for this purpose, even the interior was vacuum knew the containment device, itself already had used similar, each department had its, so once sealed and sealed everything there existed came from the sample taken.

  - What do we do now? - He still felt uneasy with her presence, at another time would be able to want to try it, but not now.

  - There is only one way to do it and will enter a living element inside the camera to see the animal's reaction! - It was common procedure in this type of case and Nadja would be able to stay ahead of this experience if they do not feel comfortable with the attitude. At that moment the Pavlov aid came with a cage containing four white and small mice, which would fit easily in the palm.

  Pavlov stepped back, he would not condemn those creatures to death if it were the case, Nick Frost liked the animals and feed them rather often that food served to an undefined thing and alien appearance. Sven then shook his head looking at Nadja not believing what he saw stuck his hand through the opening of the cage and grabbed two small mice. Never been afraid of them and even sympathized with some still avoided giving them names, even if I wanted too, felt it was best not to create a relationship with the guinea pigs.

  - Here are my beautiful! - He held them with all the care that the time required and entered through a side opening 10x10cm box that did not communicate with the other larger and which remained the viscous and unknown substance. This process would only be completed after the small outer door was completely sealed and oxygenated environment. - Ready! Now just press this button, decontaminate our brave little friends and to internal small door opens! - It seemed taught to a class of children, her maternal instinct always spoke louder.

  After two hours nothing had changed in the table watching the rats were still alive and apparent health, commuted across the box including through green sustenance, w
hich began to call Frost element, which he readily acknowledged and thanked the prestige of his colleagues. The comments of Nadja, the only difference between this and other similar substances, was that this element did not adhere to the bodies of guinea pigs. It was as if crossed inside a swimming pool and come out completely dry on the other side.

  - Dr. Frost ... - Victor Orloff had requested permission to enter the lab and how it was not under quarantine or something else, there would be any objections. - Some men did not return from drilling field yesterday, I do not know if we should go there, but they did not touch! - Pushed the bearskin cap he always wore when he left the research station vigorously with your hands, nervousness seemed unaware that Nick and his voice was deep and slow. He acknowledged that the matter required serious.

  - Prepare the snow vehicles, are almost two hours to reach the place, I'm sure it's all right, it may be a failure of the equipment! - Things were beginning to happen very quickly, the problem of lack of containment of drilling and well seal that did not appeared to have been very effective, so that group had stayed behind, but that did not justify the absence of news.

  - Sven! Make sure that nothing here out of place! I must not take and I hope to find everything as I left! - He looked at Nadja he was worried about seeing him so uneasy. He walked away before she could say anything.

  - Did something happened Sven? - She had a good relationship with him, did not make his kind of man, but was good colleagues and could even say that they were friends. It was also a way to get closer to Nick Frost, as their bodily attributes did not seem to be enough.

  - Things have been very strange Nadja; it looks like a run of bad luck round this camp since we can drill the well to the sleeping lake! - I was once called the "Lake Asleep". He picked up the cage was still on the table with the other two guinea pigs and handed it to the Pavlov aid that had brought. - Take it back to the Ark, these two are here yet! - It also ended his participation in the experiment, because Nick would be out for a few hours. I wanted to take the time to take a hot shower and maybe get some sleep.


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