NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead Page 3

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - What happens now? - She asked the Russian paleontologist.

  - We hope! We have nothing to do here until Frost returns as news and I hope they are good! - Left the biology lab and each went to the department to which he belonged.

  The two men who were going the way of the drilling field not opted for the snow motorcycles for the journey they would have chosen the Piston Bully a vehicle with displacement mats and where the two would travel together, did not appear, but the shift in the snow and icy plains were monotonous and time consuming. The overall appearance was a very barren extension and devoid of life, one could walk for days without encountering another living being no matter how small. But contrary to popular belief, the prolific life there abundantly.

  - Do you think something happened to them Victor? - The question had merits, glaciers were a treacherous place.

  - The first rule of our business is to keep the contact, if it did not, good thing is not! - I was sure that something very bad had happened, the ten men who had stayed behind, none of them had returned or given news. - Well, well not budge! The ice layer is too thick, so this possibility is ruled out! - Thought a little more to remember the options. - Wildlife would not be the case, in addition to being prevented, are ten strong, healthy and well-armed men! - I was still trying to find a plausible explanation.

  - It could be any other corporation or research station interested in your discovery? - Orloff thought that possibility too, would not be the first time conflicted with stations from other countries or even private corporations in contention for prospecting areas.

  - Victor, what is there for thousands of years and is public knowledge, anyone can come and drill! The case is that no one wanted to do it before, but I do not believe that this could lead someone to commit any kind of crime only to steal a sample of "there know what" we have withdrawn there from the depths! - Concluded his explanation, turned on the radio to listen to some selected music, was one of the few times that allowed this kind of luxury.

  At the end of nearly four hours and travel half the icy plains finally saw the drilling camp, there was not a soul in the place. It was completely empty with all the equipment still in place as they had left the day before. Blew the horn several times to see if anyone appeared or if there was evidence of where they could be.

  Nick Frost came down from Piston Bully that had brought them up there on the ground; many footprints in different directions as if they came with haste, had a bad feeling to realize that all converged on the center of the well they had drilled. He had no hurry to walk there, was after the equipment were scattered around the circle shape, the drill was still in drilling position with the drill pointed to the ground at a suitable angle. He did not need to get closer to see what was happening.

  - Victor! - Hastened to call your travel companion and responsible for the drilling.

  - What happened Doctor Frost? - Victor Orloff came as quickly as he could.

  - Look! - He pointed to the center, a green layer and thick that he knew now with Frost element was everywhere like a stain around. The center also poured the viscous liquid that emerged from within the depths of Lake Vostok slowly shuddered to imagine that lake that was supposed to clear, sparkling fresh water could have a volume of 5,400 cubic kilometers of green mud and could cause an environmental disaster. A faint greenish mist was rising that unknown substance to the extent that some rays of sun to hit. - You found someone? - Still had hope of knowing what had happened, but one thing was certain, the well had not been sealed and the moment he did not know how to do this.

  On the other hand, avoided getting close to that unknown and viscous substance and possible toxic vapor exhaled from the center.

  - No one! And the nearest station, the Concordia Base, is at least three hundred miles from here, I do not think anyone could survive a walk in this extreme temperature, but whatever it is that scared them, good thing it was not! - Orloff knew the Vostok Lake was considered the coldest place on the planet coming to eighty degrees Celsius, no one would survive alone and equipment suitable for long.

  - We need to return quickly to the research station! - The green mud was recalled contained in a glass chamber and if this had been the disappearance of the reason for his men needed to warn others urgently. - We have to organize a reverse split and rescue! We will not leave anyone behind! - Those men were up all his responsibility.

  - We will take the same time to return that it took us to get here ... - said Victor clearly seeing the urgency of Nick Frost.

  - This thing has a radio, we will try to make it work! - Primarily concerned himself with the safety Nadja which surprised enough, after Sven finally Anton Pavlov and other researchers at the Russian station that served as a support base for their research. - Mobile unit for Vostok base! Answer Exchange! - He paused and repeated the message every minute while advancing the icy plain. After nearly three hours got the first return, his heart soared like an arrow.

  - Nick! They're all dead! - It was Nadja who repeated the message uncontrollably. - Sven died trying to save me from Pavlov, who disappeared, now I'm hidden in Noah's Ark! Help me Nick, I'm afraid ... - were the last words he heard and immediately after the radio was completely silent, only static could be heard, probably because of the mountains around the ice valleys crossed.

  - I'm going Nadja, I'm going! - Put in a superhuman effort not to take the direction of Victor Orloff and then full speed to the research station, but recognized that the prospector was best to move in that inhospitable environment than he ever would.

  It took just over an hour of intense agony until sighting the Vostok base, the day was bright and clear, there was no wind and much less bad weather of any kind, a typical summer day Antarctic. The base seemed abandoned, the fully opened doors out, what was not common and no human activity nearby, there worked almost fifty people, it was not possible that all had disappeared.

  - Watch Victor! If something really bad is happening, all is not careful! - Down the Piston Bully and they followed side by side until they again at the station. - Let's split up, so we will have better chances of finding someone! Do not touch anything, do not take risks! We may be the only ones here for a long time! - This idea haunted him. Frost was preparing for the worst case scenario of the situation. Orloff just nodded.

  Know where you should go from the start, Nadja had indicated that it would be in relative safety in Noah's Ark, where they kept live specimens and it was there that moved. Opened all security doors and searched for other individuals on site, he found four completely inert Russian scientists drawn on the ground, apparently were dead, but there was no physical violence signal. Entered another laboratory advanced research and found two more people leaning over the tables as if they were just sleeping, one was a fellow scientist of Iceland who shared with him the interest in the mysterious Lake Vostok and that this time was beginning to seem to real Pandora's box, referring to the Greek myth of the jar that held the world's ills.

  He took her pulse and got no result, took the two fingers will jugular also no sign of life. I did not understand how this was possible unless the sample was such a toxic form that all died by direct contact or inhalation, betting on the latter, but if it had not been contaminated, could be a good chance to get out alive.

  Nadja had to find as soon as possible, two more rooms and would be before the Ark, hoped he had survived, anything would be possible if at least she was at his side, otherwise the hopes of survival were slim.

  He entered the lab that ran and saw the body of his friend Sven lying on the ground next to the containment chamber to what remained intact, did not imagine what could have gone wrong, in any case wanted to look more closely. The doughy and green sample had completely disappeared, as if it had evaporated without leaving any traces, he came a little more and realized that rubber gloves were gnawed at the ends where the fingers were, had been a big mistake putting rodents that confinement, they were the reason the camera has lost the contention. He remembered the gr
een mist that turns the drilling of Lake Vostok.

  He went through the last door that would lead to where Nadja was and could not open it, it could be a good sign if it was alive, but then someone other than she could have her locked inside, the anxiety took hold of his heart I had no idea until that fateful moment he liked it so much. He knocked twice and got no response, wait a bit and again hit twice. He heard a creak along with unlocking the door, I was sure that the other side was the one expected.

  - Hug me! - She jumped on him leaving nest still shaky and pale in his strong arms. - This is not safe, we have to go out! - She held him by the hand and pulled him hard making that giant partially unbalance. His body fell on her pressing her against the cold metal wall, Nadja looked deep into his eyes and for a moment was lost in that blue immensity. I was more breathless than normal. He just stared at her mouth, the intense cold that had felt until then had passed completely. Recomposed with some difficulty.

  - What happened Nadja? Where is everyone? - Followed by a guided small, thin hand that tugged insistently.

  - All dead! After you left with Victor, the guinea pigs were strange, made high pitched whistles and began to gnaw rubber gloves! - Unlocked another door to be able to change room - could not get them in time and before we could realize the air came through the containment chamber, with this green element turned into the same green color of that substance gas and in seconds all those who were near dropped dead, I think dead! - It was almost outside lacked just one room.

  - And where does Pavlov this story? - I wanted to know how Sven had died and apparently the culprit was Anton Pavlov.

  - Pavlov tried to close the laboratory door so none of us got out and Sven stepped between him and the exit, but was no match for the Russian and decided to run away! When I looked back Sven was lying on the ground and Pavlov came after me, I hid behind the door in the Ark and when he spent locked it until you arrived! - Nadja stood to see the man who spoke before them brandishing an automatic pistol blocking the passage to the outside.

  - Stay calm ... Anton Am I ... Nick Frost - The Russian had a cold and distraught appearance, almost gray, as if suffering from hypothermia, but it certainly was not that. - Put the gun down and we'll talk ... - Chances were few, but worth a try.

  - You do not understand ... we cannot get out of here! None of us! - The voice was tearful, but there were no tears, looked more like a plea. - When the restraint broke tried to seal the lab to stay safe and not let it contaminate the rest, but Sven, that crazy Norwegian, did not understand that way and lose the opportunity... Now we are all dead... - Pointed the gun to Nadja.

  - Do not do anything you will regret Anton ... We'll find a way to manage to contain the contamination ... - For a moment I thought it was a very harmful biological agent could be at serious risk. If they had disappeared and were infected somehow arrive at some nearby station could be fatal, even if the possibility time it seemed remote. Hopefully this does not happen by the distance they were in.

  - The well was sealed Nick? - Still had the strength to ask you one last question. I expected an affirmative answer.

  - No Anton and that green stuff poured from the depths to the surface abundantly ... - Do not lie to a man dying even if it was the last thing to do.

  - We're all dead, Nick... - He looked again to Nadja. - What is turning into gas on contact with the atmosphere and will head towards the big cities ... The dead shall inherit the earth, Nadja ... - He looked at her again before taking the gun in his hand will mouth and shoot. None of them had reaction to prevent it. Anton Pavlov was dead; she committed suicide right there before them.

  - Why did he do it? - Nadja cringed at Nick Frost's chest that held her as she listened to her softly crying.

  - Do not know! But apparently he knew a lot more about what's going on than all of us! - This time really worried that that could well shed all that cloistered toxin millions of years ago in the depths of the earth, the earth's atmosphere and create a toxic cloud that might destroy all wherever he went. Before leaving need to get to radio room. - Come on, we have to ask for help and warn the continent! - They considered themselves an island for always being so isolated.

  Victor Orloff lay inert on the chair still holding the radio in his right hand, had apparently thought the same thing, but still would be that he would have to end this transmission. He took his friend's hand transmitter, but not before collecting their vital conditions, as well as all others, was dead. He pressed the PTT button (Push to Talk) radio equipment - Vostok base for the continent! Answer Exchange! - At the third attempt was answered.

  - Vostok Base, Continent listening! Tell your situation, Exchange! - Static between them was bad; he remembered that there should be a satellite phone for emergencies somewhere.

  - Nadja, lock the door and look for a black bag with a satellite phone! - He pointed to the door that was still open and there would be no means of escape if some other crazy enter therein for that room. - All dead! Two survivors! I ask immediate extraction! Exchange! - In any case this was the only means of communication so far.

  - Repeat the message Base Vostok... Exchange! - Nick felt the break in the received message and did not see it as a good sign.

  - All dead! Two survivors! I ask immediate extraction! Exchange! - She waited again to confirm receipt.

  - Way to Extraction! Do not leave the place, will be redeemed within twelve hours ... - Exchange, turn off! - There was terminated transmission and it seemed without having made many friends, I would still need to try the phone, if met, to communicate with the central NOMAD.

  - Did you get them? - Nadja wanted to get out as much as he did not like the idea of being surrounded by corpses.

  - Yes! Take away here in twelve hours! - I was optimistic at least with this news. - He found the phone we're looking for? - He looked around not expecting the answer. He turned to see Nadja still looking at him intently.

  - Nick... It is a biological research station... - still looked at him with suspicion to see if he could see his thoughts.

  - Yes! And what's that? - Answered back to look for what could be in there somewhere, had ever seen before.

  - They will not take risks ... - She sat in an empty chair next to Victor Orloff to that as others began to acquire a grayish pale color.

  - What you mean? - Turned realizing that she had given the situation, you could even say that given up to save.

  - Go to bomb all this here and say that there was a similar storm or something ... The world will never know the truth of the facts! - Put her face in her hands and sobbed.

  - Look Nadja, may even be that this will happen, but if we arrange a way to seal that well that continues pouring this toxic substance and what we have seen happen in such a short time, there will be no world to live! Just as Anton told us! - Did not doubt what she said and made sense, but he had to warn the nearest research station and ask for assistance, it was a matter of life or death for that continent seemingly godforsaken.

  - Found it! Now we go far away from here! - Held the communication briefcase in one hand and Nadja with the other, they went out the door into the hangar where were the vehicles protected from snowstorms, this time take the motor car, was ample, could put enough things in your interior, had a set of eight balloon-type wheels and moved swiftly over the snow. Moreover, it would be great to be able to spend the night and would need to be much rested to follow trip until the nearest base.

  - We have to fill this vehicle with all that will be missed by the way! I'll find weapons and thermal clothing, make sure that no one gets near it or we will be irretrievably lost! - Left it locked safely inside the vehicle and reentered the station, searched all the rooms where he stopped and separated everything needed leaving near the exit door in this way would be easier to carry to the end. After nearly two hours considered that had gathered everything he needed, called Nadja to help you.

  - We have another problem Nick! We cannot just go around with a car of this size on top painted red
, sightings in the sky, will bombard us too! - I had seen enough movies to know how it worked. Wrong or was not a good hypothesis.

  - Let's find a way! For now just focus on what we are doing, or we will not end! - It took a few bags with provisions into the big car, do not forget the precious fuel, would be your next step. Fill the tank and it would take a few gallons of reserve, the distance to go was very long, but the climactic moment in this respect was fine and should not have great weather surprises along the way.

  - All right, Nick! You are in control of the situation, just be sure to think about what I told you ... - It took half the time he had taken soaking it all to fill the car.

  - How will you do to not see in the sky? - Cost nothing insist, it was his life that was at risk, in addition to it.

  - I got some white nylon protections we use for outdoor camps, two of them will be enough to hide in snow! - Had it all figured out, just needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. If his calculations were right, twelve o'clock promised to the rescue would be shortened at least by two thirds, and four hours they had left, had already lost three hours making travel arrangements.

  - Well intelligent ... I knew he would think of something! - She smiled kissing him on the cheek. It would be safer at your side from now.

  - Lets Nadja! Or we die here soon, very soon! - Helped her up in the car that was almost one meter high from the ground, was soon turn. He turned the key and smiled at the powerful diesel engine, shifted into first gear and distanced as much of the Vostok Station. About an hour's drive stopped the vehicle and climbed the roof of the large car tour that served to make short trips in the neighborhood when receiving guests.

  With the help of Nadja covered it completely with white nylon protections that looked like gigantic sheets and both lay inside the vehicle on some mattresses that he had provided, now was wait. He hugged her warmly leaving the bodies met; the warmth was still the best feeling I could have at that time. He loved the smell that Nadja skin gave off, it seemed an exotic perfume, but soft and heady, it was like that all the senses stay on standby and it was impossible that she would not notice.


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