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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

Page 5

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  Still needed to make two connections, but before that it was impossible not to remember a phrase that echoed in his subconscious and he had heard long ago, in the early days of his youth in the voice of Julius Robert Oppenheimer when completed the Manhattan Project - "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds "- and smiled wryly. - No my friend! I am the destroyer of worlds and it rehabilitates its name to the story!

  The reception from the Italian authorities shared with the French responsibility for Concordia Base were no better than the previous ones, no one wanted to receive news of this magnitude and dangerousness, but was done, now missing only talk to Yuri Antonov of Russia.

  - Yuri, we have a problem! - Gave a brief account of the events and waited one general response that answered the research facility in the Antarctic continent.

  - It will cost us very dear Oliver, if things are in the proportion that were said, this requires a nuclear intervention and for that to happen will require other countries approve! - Yuri Antonov was a military career and had dealt with similar contingency situations, but never with such extreme attitudes, in any case, the matter required more attention and needed to be put to the knowledge of the Russian armed forces, in theory the incident would be their responsibility. - How do you know this is an international research area, no one owns anything there or even have absolute jurisdiction! - Still trying to coordinate thoughts. - I'll call later, for now I will give knowledge of the facts to the Ministry of Defense... - was sacked without delay, but had prepared himself for life to a similar apocalyptic situation, there was always the risk of biological warfare but he never imagined that the enemy would not have an address known to answer.

  Oliver McQueen walked to will the large office window made sure that it is well lit, opened the long, narrow glass letting the fresh air invade the whole room, looked at the blue sky with a few scattered clouds, closed his eyes leaving the oxygen get in your lungs for a long time until he muttered to himself;

  - It could have happened to anyone Oliver! It is not your fault and all is not lost! Humanity has always perseveres and there is no reason not to believe that this time will be different! - He opened his eyes and looked at the long lines that ran throughout the city in the form of streets and avenues - We may have triggered the Last Judgment, but if it does then it will be by the will of God that you think you've accomplished our mission in this planet and now just ended our adventure. I'm just the instrument of his will... - He left the room with so silent steps that not even he listened to around people kept their jobs ants carrying and bringing things from one side to the other. None of them knew the truth of the facts and that many wanted to be in his place, certainly not want your responsibility.

  Chapter II


  Nick Frost still admired the simple beauty Nadja Romanov, the fine lines that crossed his chiseled face and targets as the cold snow outside, contrasted with the red and appetizing color of lips together, waiting to be tasted by man of her dreams. It could be him, but this was only a hypothesis and against all odds, there were just the two embraced and lying with the bodies so close together that could become one.

  - Wake Nadja ... - Nick spent his finger affectionately indicate by her lips feeling the warm breath she exhaled. It took some time before she shook the comfortable position it was in.

  - Good morning my love ... - stretched a bit and snuggled back into his arms as those who do not want to leave where I was. Well that dream she was living could go up in the morning before returning to the lab at Vostok Station. He liked what he was doing, was lucky to be able to choose a profession he loved, but life in the icy lands was very lonely and hoped to find someone with whom he could share his bed and Nick Frost was the first of a very short list, actually with only two names, but at least had the dreams.

  Nick smiled slightly as she realized she had not realized the real situation, amused even more the way she greeted him, but knew he could not postpone any longer the stay in the place where they hid, in any case there was a thing had to do and had to be now, here, now.

  Very calmly he approached his lips from hers and remaining asleep in a deep sleep and let her respond to his subtle touch. Do not have long to wait until it was matched to stimuli that had begun, he felt the beautiful woman's arm under his body ensnare his neck and kiss him passionately, but in the same way he felt happy to kiss her, felt the pain bite the tongue and the push that followed it away sharply.

  They looked at each other for a moment and it was impossible that he would not notice the astonishment face that Nadja was trying to realize where he was and what had happened. - Where are we? What happened? - She did not leave the position in which he found under his body, but remained with the palms of both hands on his chest as keeping a safe distance.

  - Sorry, did not mean to scare you ... - He ran a hand through her hair letting his fingers opened a few rows between them was soft and silky and had a mysterious air, wanted to know what would follow. - It was the best way I found to wake her from her deep sleep so... - It was the best he could say at the moment.

  Nadja already was aware of the previous day's events and tried to restore but was still confused by the surprising kiss he had received, but did not care to show this concern. - Nick Frost! You kissed me while I slept? - He said in a harsh tone, but with gentleness.

  - Sorry, it was a spur of the moment and I confess that I liked to be called "my love"... - He was disconcerted at being rebuffed so readily, even fondly.

  - I said that? - He looked askance at him, but knew it was quite possible that it had, after all he was in his dreams just before having a stolen kiss.

  - Hum hum! - She nodded smiling at her who was still lying with hands on his chest and now lost strength, but he did not insist, even if he wanted to, he would not dare again.

  - Well Nick Frost, you were a bad boy and I should apologize... - That bright smile disarmed completely leaving it vulnerable, not let him could reply it was, with the same hands that repelled pulled him you and took full advantage of the kiss that followed, now aware of what he was doing and loved taste him in her mouth, he knew he was being matched, after the initial impudence out of it, smiled as they kissed.

  - Why are you smiling? - Nick wondered what reasons might be those that made a moment that felt as intimate as fun.

  - That's my secret and who knows if one day tell you? But for now ... It's just not my ... - She smiled again running her fingers lightly across his lips just as he had done while she slept. Smile knowing that was matched and that the suggestion had not left her, but the man she sighed in the night cold when he retired. I loved him ever since.

  - Well, once we have defined our fields and relationships, it's time to leave. I wanted the words and when things were not so hard, that way, but had remained so long in the same place he was afraid that very soon they were discovered.

  - Where do we go now? - Nadja knew the answer but wanted to hear from him again and make sure that once again he was in control.

  - We go to the Base Concordia which is the nearest and there should get help! - Was a valid possibility for this to happen to the distance, all in Antarctica was thousands of kilometers away and it served as a guard for incidents like what had happened to them, at least I thought so, although it was not aware of all the events that took place. He left to take the coverage hidden snow vehicle the previous day, which then folded and properly accommodated inside again to serve for similar events if necessary, was concerned to know the seriousness of the situation.

  - So come on, it's a long way to go and a very hard way! - Nadja sat beside him while he was starting the engine and felt the entire vehicle vibrates in response to commands that followed. She hugged him lovingly letting fall head on the shoulder of the man she loved and who had stolen a kiss while sleeping - "cheeky" - smiled silently as he relived the delicious moment alone. In his intimate I wanted more than just a kiss, much more. Comfortable warmth through her again the whole body, not even the sno
w rushed quietly on the ground could appease this uncontrollable desire he felt.

  Not far away Vladimir Timochenco tried again see the parallel tracks he had seen at the beginning of the operation, but the thin occasional snow that was still falling on the vast frozen plain was covered up completely any hint that it was a likely flight of Vostok Station. Wished they had success and Nadja Romanov was among the fugitives.

  His boys and best men that ever had the pleasure of seeing in action in combat, were in charge, the finishing touches of the biological laboratory cleaning operation, now a pile of unrecognizable debris of what was once one of the most important research bases Antarctica. Decided it was better to meet the commander of the group again, the few misshapen individuals who had left the premises still on fire, were now only bloody stains on the floor.

  The powerful machine guns caliber 50 mm left no doubt of its efficacy, on the other hand, there was no remorse, that he and his companions saw walking wandering way could in no way be considered humans and perhaps this was the main reason the urgency of their mission. Now only left them to return to the base to support two hundred miles away, for refueling and then trip to Concordia Base, base point of all transactions made in that forgotten continent, but coveted by men in discovering its secrets and riches.

  - Well done gentlemen! We closed our cleaning mission and eradication of the problem, let's go home! - Did not need any answers in unison movement all turned the aircraft to the opposite side and let the leader take forward and as quickly as they arrived, they departed leaving behind what would be called the incident Vostok.

  On the path and not far away, Timochenco flying over the drill field that oozed a kind of light green mist, almost the color of emeralds its center, around a thicker circular layer and green olive agglutinated by lightning that estimated at nearly a kilometer in circumference. It seemed, that was the initial reason for all the military apparatus that was asked to cover up human error, but wondered in silence if the problem after all had been controlled its military intervention. He did not get a definitive answer and certainly the Corporation was aware of what was unfolding in that place, for it had the best communications technology for the world's satellites.

  - Gentlemen! Not a word about what we're seeing here or we just do! - Broke radio silence to the astonishment of his companions. - That's an order! - Was incisive in his commentary so that there was no misunderstanding. The silence that followed was loud enough in his ears to realize that everyone had understood his order. Now it was a matter of time to be safe and protected from the weather site, nothing more was said, but Timochenco could not stop thinking about the possible end would have Nadja Romanov in his intimate expected her to find what he had left behind unscathed, or there would be no chance there.

  - You're awake Nadja? - Nick was surprised by the sound of his own voice after so long just listening to the noise that the powerful diesel engine was. He waited for a response that was quick.

  - Yes dear ... I'm awake. - It felt good to his side and still remained with his head gently lying on his shoulder; he felt protected like never happened at another time and enjoyed immensely this feeling.

  - In a few minutes we shall go through the lab, I hope we do not find any unpleasant surprises! - I felt that would not be so lucky as needed and if things had been as Nadja you described, would still be a long and arduous road ahead in very inhospitable land.

  - You should not have much left Nick! - She knew Vladimir Timochenco was a ruthless man in his work - "The best of the best!" - So had told him when he entered the first transport that arrived at the base, not by chance had attracted felt for him, second of his list, though appeared to be older than her, but there was a mix of seduction and paternal desire that man almost, for very little, not seduced her completely.

  He remembered that at some point come to compare the two men who attracted immediately, without reaching a definitive conclusion, although they were very opposite. - "Nadja, Nadja! More sinful thoughts these yours! It seems like you have an uncontrollable desire to be possessed as if the two were the last men on earth! "- thought In totally different thoughts of those who have imagined a delicate situation like that was, but she knew it was not a normal person never out.

  - Vladimir is a meticulous man and above all a soldier applied! - Concluded his argument without showing that it was favorable to what certainly happened to the station. I did not approve of any kind of violence it was, even those that could not control, or even have a chance to fight back. It was an advocate of fair and non-asymmetric conflicts.

  - Timochenco? - Nick Frost looked first to Nadja now settled in the chair beside her. - I thought he was only responsible for transportation and security station! - Needed to know more about the possibilities of events, it seemed, he knew a lot less than it in these matters and perhaps the reason was due to be involved with the research and not the human relationship directly.

  - Vladimir is a man of responsibility, is this team for at least six years and is the first in the contingency list of subjects. - Paused a bit to mentally visualize the man who now, for her, was the face of the inevitable evil. - Pavlov said he was a great hero in his country before dropping the "Iron Curtain" and that after this event, is now hunted by both sides, friends and enemies... - That's all I knew about the mysterious warrior from heaven flying over the glaciers independent of weather conditions. If there was someone who could help them certainly would be it, I thought, - "But how do you know which side he would be sure?" - For it had no answer.

  Nick was silent pondering how best to deal with the situation that was unfolding before his eyes. I spotted the long black column of smoke rising to the sky as far as the eye could see, in about ten minutes would again be in the vicinity of the station that had once been his favorite research space, made an urgent need to discover a way to take control of situation, in any case, make contact with the NOMAD was out of the question. Still he rambled about the events when they could see what was left of the laboratory of biological studies.

  - Look Nadja! - Om pointed his right index finger to the debris before him. - Not much left is not it? - Imagined for a moment the military power to do all that damage that was before them.

  - I did not expect less than that, Nick ... - I felt bad for always being so sure about things he thought and said, knew it was a person above the average human in general was two or three steps ahead of best minds who knew and at least ten of those considered normal and that only proved he was right, as always.

  The transport vehicle stopped close to that war zone after both made sure that did not run the risk of being killed as seemed to have happened to the remnants of the survivors, although none of them had seen some during and after they left the station, much less the men who worked in the drilling of Lake Vostok. Initially walked furtively, but soon realized they were not at any risk of being approached, everything was very quiet, there was no longer fire, but dense and thick smoke.

  - I do not understand Nick ... What are these red stains on the floor? - He looked around and did not need him to answer the question. Pieces of bodies were scattered everywhere, legs, arms, saw a head that could not recognize, startled by the macabre scene, and ran into the arms of her protector sobbing.

  - Calm down dear ... all will be well... - I was not sure of his own words, but he had to give you hope and himself that would come out of there alive. For a moment he thought of the safety of his home in Norway and in the company's comfort her parents, regretted that he did not see them for so long. A huge anguish through her whole body, not the woman in his arms would be able to restore the courage he needed. He looked at her very deeply in the eyes and told him: - We need to know what happened here, to understand what we're dealing with, or we will not have a chance! - Took her delicate hand and even with some resistance pulled her closer to see what happened.

  Nadja knew it was not time for weaknesses, moreover, did not want to show that he had been afraid and repulsed by what he saw, more t
han that, he needed to show that it was a strong woman and above all it was a scientist and the best he knew with all modesty that was inherent, if it had any.

  They observed a moment the arrangement of human parts, noted that had been shattered by heavy weapons and very effectively, walked for a few meters and noted that they could count the bodies would reach at least forty people, but it was impossible. During the return of the excavation in search of the workers had not found a soul on the premises as well as Nadja, all others had succumbed mysteriously to that poured gas element Frost to contact with the atmosphere, so where would have been those people and what reason had been murdered by Timochenco and his men? That would be the question to be answered and from there could start getting some answers.

  - Look Nick, come closer to see! - The keen sense of researcher who blunted in Nadja overlapped to fear and irrationality that had touched moments before. - See this arm is here beside ... - pointed a finger not wanting to get too close. - Has a blue and almost translucent color, but do not believe it because of the cold environment! - Walked a few more steps looking for other human remains that could somehow give you a light on the subject.

  The researcher took a metal rod that was not twisted, carefully manipulated what looked like a chest of someone and searched inside something to show him the "bane" of the individual, and, of course, of all punctures suffered by the shots he had received, but he knew beforehand that there would not much, it was necessary to do further analysis with appropriate technical equipment and had preserved some in the vehicle with which they moved, would certainly give a good makeshift laboratory.


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