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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

Page 8

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - Come on Nick Frost, think... - had been a superhuman effort to get unravel this trap that fate had prepared him and on top, was not happy that the reason for all the problems of the last few days took its name . This was not the way he wanted to go down in history.

  - We have a harmful element to the human race that spreads and kills people, but they are still alive for some unknown reason... - I could not help sketch a slight imperceptible smile to remember that he was talking to himself. He thought of Nadja and the answer she had given. - Very expert! No doubt had answers for everything ... - Worried that was safe and looked back. The car was safe.

  - Gray, then blue skin... - I reviewed what he had seen in recent days without forgetting any details. - So we have two stages of the disease ... Yes because it is a disease! - Mentally revised its lessons incubation and spread of viruses, including the time it takes to be able to trigger the reaction in the human metabolism. - The first phase of the contamination, the body dies feebly without offering resistance, perhaps choking... - He walked a little from one side to the other on the basis of the outside - then get the blueness and returns to life... But how is that? - I knew it was a rule against nature and all the teachings he had received. In your mind, you're dead, you're dead, just like that!

  Thought it best to join Nadja inside the car and tell him what he had found, moreover was getting very cold out there and it was not the places he most admired in all his years of research, Antarctica had been a bet very tall. It made sure that would not be seen by anyone to get Nadja and it seemed, until then, had not been perceived since the arrival did not know if there was any way to detect, but the less higher noises his chances. One of the first rules of hunting that his father had taught him, though not like the sport, but his teachings showed to be very useful at the time.

  He pulled the lever and was surprised to see Nadja sitting in the armchair of the driver as the radio in hand. - What are you doing, Nadja! - I told him harshly removing him PTT of his hands. - Are you crazy? They will kill us if they find out we're alive! - His irritation was evident, while a voice calling the frightened woman ahead of him let out a sob and tears flowed down her pale cheeks and well-shaped face. He cringed back in his chair and sobbed for a few more times.

  - Sorry... I... I do not know what went through my head... - Frost was surprised himself and the violent attitude that had to have. - Just thought I'd save us, nothing more ... I do not want to lose her, Nadja! - I was sincere and very sorry with the sharp and elegant nothing response which was not compatible with his creation, but understood that extreme situations required extreme measures. He came out of trance that was to hear again the voice in Russian language radio other side insisting on talking to Nadja. He hoped that all was not lost.

  - Who is on the other side of the radio? - Wanted to know without delay, things tended to get worse and it did not like.

  - Vladimir Timochenco... - Nadja did not move, he looked like a mortally wounded and cornered animal waiting for your hunter parting shot.

  - How did he find us? - The answers were urgent and had no time to comfort her even wanted too.

  - It's coming here... He lost all his men and did not know that this place had also been contaminated. - She wiped her tears with the back of his right hand and tried to compose, also understood that need to be in control of the situation, at least in regard to his own life. - I asked you to come pick me up ... Find us ... - he tried to correct his words more was too late and it came slowly and painfully as the tip of a sharp knife in his heart.

  - I see... - he understood, but did not understand for what reason had made the decision alone, without consulting him, but knew instantly that it was not only in the life of Nadja, I had competition and a respectable opponent. He avoided thinking about those details immediately knew he had a chance alone with that spectacular woman for longer than necessary, but always had an excuse for himself when he was not working, was the work, always would be. - Maybe it's better this way ... - He sat down beside her and returned her to the PTT to talk to Timochenco his rival.

  Nadja exchanged a few words and now and then looked askance at Frost remained his careful hand in everything they said, but not speak anything Russian who were not the most common words from day to day, never keep a conversation for long periods, but was good at reading body and noticed the signs indicating that there could be a strengthening of ties between the two parties. Nadja pressed his fist against his chest and smiled lightly now, now was more serious, but it was noticeable that he was worried about whether Frost would understand some of the conversation. The hand that has the long black hair and was played gently on the left ear said all he needed to know. Finally turned off.

  - Then? - His question was a relief to her to know that I did not understand the content of the conversation, it would be terrible to have to explain that it had referred to him only as "a friend" in your company and who had fled the Vostok Station.

  - Arrives in about ten minutes, it is not far away! - Composed himself now definitely and their spirits were more visible, almost smiling. - Lost crews in what he referred to as element of surprise and was glad we found the fuel left intact allowing us to come here, otherwise we would have turned gray with the station and the drilling field... - It was all he needed to know for the time being would ever say that you hesitate to say that Nick Frost was an important part of his life. That secret she would take to the grave. He decided to change strategy and conversation. - What did you think of what he saw through the window? - He asked.

  - There are two stages of contamination, first body apparently dies naturally, caused by biological contamination, so that gray look that we saw in all bodies in the station! - Made a pause to compose himself and better accommodate the chair. - Therefore, we get what we call "life" and that stronger blue color should be the intermediate time between infection, incubation and development of the virus, but it was unclear what happens next that leaves them in a state of sale... - None of them even had witnessed the fury of the living dead, but they were to find out very soon.

  - Believed that managed to seal the farm field? - Was a reasonable question for the moment still does not make much difference in the events that took place, but it could be relevant for the future.

  - I doubt it! If they did what I think our problems are just beginning! - Had no doubt that the detonation would expand the Vostok Lake hole very broadly, but worse than that would be to add more energy to that unknown element and vaporize it in the atmosphere. He remembered the words of Anton Pavlov; - "The dead shall inherit the earth...”

  They heard the distant gleam of powerful blades of the helicopter approaching and making the resonance throughout the environment, was the time were separate everything would find necessary and take what they could to find other answers and fight what appeared to be the end of the world. He did not know that his thoughts were so certain.

  Insofar as the aircraft approached, they began to hear screams coming from inside the Concordia Base, more like howls of wild animals and cornered than human voices. strong beats were felt even in the distance where they were and that meant imminent danger, were to discover the worst side of contamination by Frost element. Nadja was quick to play everything needed in a backpack that was almost half its size, did not want to forget anything to repent later. He was careful to isolate the sample had left the microscope and put it in one of the side pockets, otherwise, the rest were survival items.

  - We need to run Nadja! I believe that things tend to get worse! - His instinct told him that those hideous creatures who were imprisoned at the base would not be contained for much longer and as he had predicted, the noise drew them like the song of a mermaid.

  - I'm going as fast as possible, do not rush me! - He spoke harshly to the point where he realizes that the relationship between the two was colder than ice outside the car, but that was a worry for another time, not now.

  The helicopter headed by Vladimir Timochenco was visible on the horizon and
looking for a suitable airfield to rescue the two survivors, while the outer doors of Concordia Base were expelled by the violence of the muscles of the creatures that now gained freedom. Nadja let out a terrified scream and threw himself again in Frost's arms who was ahead of him and saw in horror that the mob running towards the car that remained perhaps for longer than they should. Certainly they would be lost and there was no way to get to the helicopter. It was the end for both.

  - I love you, Nadja, from the first day I saw you, wanted you to know even if this is our last time together... - He held her and wanted to protect her with his arms as much as he could, but it was not enough for what was to come. Creatures played now fiercely against the snow transport bodywork and opened deep wounds that did not bleed, on the contrary, spent some time healed leaving a well protuberant brand. Were it not for the moment, that would have been a wonderful and revolutionary breakthrough for human medicine.

  - Nick... I'm sorry... - She could not say anything else, I was sorry not to have more risky with it and above all for not telling the truth Timochenco, but now it would not matter. His thoughts were interrupted by the glass of the front door of the noise being shattered and one of the creatures get stuck between them, the cuts were deep and just as Nick had seen a few moments before, not bleeding. The helicopter noise was deafening and both had the perception that was on them, Vladimir had not given up them, or her...

  - Let's go to the roof through the ventilation openings! - Frost gave a strong push in the trap doors that were distributed in three parts on the roof and got one of them to open completely; time was short and other creatures trying to enter the door, now almost fully open. With a push the muscular man invoked his strength and threw the luggage up without Nadja could say a word it was, took her by the waist and threw the opening until it was completely the ceiling, just missing him and would have to make an extraordinary effort, jump and lift the body by the force of arms, but that would be no problem. In seconds they were back together waiting for a way to get on the helicopter.

  Timochenco knew that this type of aircraft was not meant to be piloted by only one crewmember, while I could not leave the cabin controls to help them rise. He pressed a button and his voice sounded throughout the environment, the creatures stopped immediately, but for a few seconds, were a new and was soon assimilated then noise.

  - Put the bags in the back, I will lower the crane cable! - It was his best solution, using the side cable to hoist them and then worry as you would to enter the aircraft. - "One thing at a time!" - Thought. Nadja spent the instructions to Frost at his side trying to close the lid that gave access to the snow vehicle's roof, but that was not enough, powerful hands with long, bluish fingers and sharp claws that replaced the nails loomed on the edge of the roof indicating that everything could end badly for them in a matter of seconds.

  Heavy cable with the hook at the tip, used to transport heavy loads down as the anchor of a ship and hit violently in the next ceiling where they were, Nick Frost took the first sense his right hand burned by friction cold steel against his skin, pressed jaw not making clear the searing pain, as if holding all helicopter force with his only free hand. Nadja pulled with the other hand and wrapped the two bodies with the cord to make a loop, closed it using the hook.

  - Get ready! It will hurt! - Were the only words before being hurled into space by the lifting force of the wire rope pulled violently by Timochenco helicopter. Nadja felt all flashing around and almost lost consciousness. Nick Frost let out the air that was contained in his lungs expecting the worst that rescue attempt and then coughed. It was the exact time for some of the creatures and throw the empty fell to the floor in an attempt to grab them, so they were pulled.

  - This was a close one... Are you okay? - Nadja was almost unconscious fully secured by cable and resting against his body as if they were one and more than saw attempts to Nick to hold the stretched portion of the cable to relieve the weight, it was useless, figured if they did not die of a way, die another, by asphyxiation. She looked at him again and fainted. In a last attempt Frost wrapped her legs around her body and with both hands free hold the cable above his head and pulled strongly. I could not take the weight for a long time, but hoped it was enough that they could be safe.

  Vladimir who watched all the glass floor inside the cabin, was distressed to see the situation in those two had managed to be rescued and hated every moment to know that he is an experienced man, could not be more enhanced features than that I had found, in any way, were safe at least for now, but he had to land urgently and as far as possible from Concordia. That site was lost.

  There were three long minutes at full throttle, rotor blades cut the wind as if they were thick slices of thick clouds, the display indicated that had flown almost ten miles, would be enough to land safely at least expected it to be without surprises, wanted to see Nadja. He looked down and noticed that both bodies hung faint at the end of the cable, it was urgent that landed, but would have to be careful not to accidentally crush them under the weight of the aircraft.

  Decided by a lateral maneuver and thus approached the ground until the two inert bodies to touch him, with the ability that it was inherent and the experience of many missions, was slowly descending diagonally, but it was inevitable that Nick bodies Frost and Nadja Romanov were pulled over the snow. He prayed that the cable did not run and would eventually hang them. In less than a minute he landed on solid ground. He released his seat belt and jumped nimbly out, approached the two scientists who had just saved and with great difficulty undid the tie.

  The first to be carried into the aircraft safely was Nadja, but there was no time to see the state of her health, it was urgent to come out of there, they were closer than he would like Base and this time would not run risks. Up Nick Frost and put it on board was not even a shadow of what he had done with Nadja, that guy was heavy as lead, but even that has gone through your mind, do not leave anyone behind. He threw his body faint Norwegian on the floor and closed the door tightly, without wasting more time, sat in the pilot's seat and headed toward Mirny, the other Soviet base on the shores of the Indian Ocean. There was a problem, would not have enough fuel to reach the destination, had supplies of Concordia did not happen, it forced him to go to the Australian base at Casey Station, with a little luck get there certainly.

  Chapter III


  Oliver opened the expensive label Bourbon bottle and poured the liquid into two cups almost to the edge of the counter, did not have the habit of drinking in the workplace, but this time make an exception. One of the glasses was to stop the hand of Hershel who played the satellite photographs of the Antarctic continent sent by Yuri Antonov few hours earlier on the table, a greenish stain covered little more than sixty percent of all the ice territory.

  - We are celebrating something, Oliver? - Stuart Hershel, the vice president did not understand immediately what it meant that friendly gesture.

  - Yes, yes we are ... - She sipped a long sip and time consuming causing the taste to stay more pronounced in his mouth. - We're celebrating what the human race has tried for thousands of years and never succeeded the total extermination of all living things on this planet! - He smiled bitterly - and you know what? All this is due to our collective effort of wanting to earn more money than it was for us ... - God had a sense of humor that he had difficulty understanding and considered an intelligent man, but in divine things was very ignorant.

  - Do not be so pessimistic friend ... I'm pretty sure we'll find a solution together... - I lied knowing the seriousness of the situation it was considerable and never a nation or corporation had dealt with such a problem, but was within him support his boss and friend in all circumstances and this was one of the most needed this gesture, both needed.

  - Wessel received the sample from Casey Station? - I had no idea how she would come to their fields, but it hardly mattered hear of positive results and preference.

  - Yes received and should not be long
to present us a full report, it's been more than twenty-four hours from arrival. - This time it was he who needed the drink and made a point of expelling nostrils the vapor of alcohol tasted in his mouth, liked the feel and aroma.

  - Terms authorized intervention in Base Vostok was a very big mistake, if there was an answer would surely be there! - Shook the rest of the drink was the cup bottom and swallowed once, the cowboy style letting the whole head was back. He decided it was not enough and again filled the glass to the brim, pointed the bottle to Hershel, but he refused.

  - Take it easy, Oliver... - He had to be tactfully at the time, did not want animosities between them and much less say that the president of NOMAD should not do. - We have a cool head and agile thoughts! - He felt the silence of the room and briefly wondered if the time had stopped, no, it was not that, it was the beginning of a storm that began with the sound of glass shattering against a side wall.

  - You made me mess up a good deal of Bourbon, Stuart... - He stood with both hands on her hips looking at the sun shining on the lake in front of the headquarters of the Corporation NOMAD. - How did the situation of the first cloud was heading to Australia? - Loosened his tie with one hand until removed completely, was strangled and tired of wear uniforms to look like someone important.

  - Reached the western part of the continent a few hours ago... - Hershel did not want to be him to answer the questions that follow, but if that was his mission, but needed a little more encouragement. It was his turn to go to the bar counter and get a new cup for friend, completed them with the precious liquid to half, did not want to hype and was salutary to that bottle render as long as possible, not that there were no other, but that was special; Woodford Reserve Distiller's Select twelve awards on your resume. - Information is still very vague, but apparently the CHAOS is installed! - Received reports were inaccurate and unreliable, had to make sure first of all the truth of the facts and the intensity of the damage, in any case would be permanent damage.


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