NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead Page 14

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  This concluded the first phase, was now the second. He pressed the memory button and selected Komsomolskaya Pravda. He hesitated until pressed the green button, did not wait to see the result behind them and to the extent that he walked away, heard a distant past noise communication between the two devices. He closed the door and without knowing why, he turned the key then put in your pocket. I needed to be in the Defense Center in thirty minutes and know the estimate for the entire planet was contaminated. As he walked he looked at the sky and made sure to breathe oxygen deeply, had never felt such a need to inflate the lungs like that abundant air that had given him a long and full life.

  The extra edition was published Pravda two hours after the received message. The virus was no longer a state secret.


  The landing of the private jet that brought the only survivors of the Vostok Station landed without incident at the particular airport NOMAD, a considerable security apparatus was willing all the way to the interior of the headquarters building. The orders were for the containment chamber carrying Dr. Nick Frost was immediately sent to the infirmary for emergencies.

  Nothing suspicious had yet been discovered about the real condition of the biologist and no one but himself and Nadja Romanov seemed to know the severity of the problem, in any case, this secret was to be revealed and this was one of Oliver McQueen's expectations that had recommended maximum security around the perimeter.

  Not coincidentally Nadja Romanov would have accessed the company's database aboard that jet that had just landed, Oliver could be many things in life, but would never be careless. He was ahead of the statement so that he was sure that the plane landed was what he was waiting, he went down by private elevator reaching the sixth negative floor, as soon as the patient was admitted to the Biological Risk area, beside as expected, and Nadja accompanied all this movement with concern and suspicion.

  A man he identified as Vladimir Timochenco, although never met personally knew who he was, followed that train a little further back. It was his turn to present and intervene.

  - Dr. Romanov? - Approached with caution not to commit any carelessness in gathering information that moment was vital to what would happen, perhaps for the very survival of humanity. Nadja turned at the same time he heard the pronunciation of his name.

  - Yes! Who is calling me? - He looked around until he found Oliver's look that examined from head to toe. For a few moments the man regretted that his work kept him so long within four walls and less in field work, acknowledged that he had lost precious moments of life until that moment. Timochenco just smiled quietly, knew what went on in that head of it, was that Nadja did it without even noticing.

  The president of the Corporation reached out to greet her that was accepted without reservation. - Oliver McQueen. - She stepped back while trying unsuccessfully to withdraw her hand delicately, but he did not let it go and it confirmed suspicions that she was hiding something. At the same time Vladimir let out a loud and involuntary whistle that made both looked at him.

  - Excuse me! But it's not every day we can be face to face with the Almighty Oliver McQueen ... - He tried to soften the surprise at being received by the most powerful man who knew and at the same time boss of them.

  - I am sorry that we know in this way... - He released the hand of Nadja to extend it to Timochenco. Was facing a career soldier and experienced, do not forget that even for a moment, it might be a good idea to strengthen security, he thought. He turned back to Nadja.

  - Doctor, what are the realistic conditions of Dr. Frost? - I expect an honest answer, but very difficult to make it.

  - He had a small fracture in his right ankle when we were rescued by Colonel Timochenco, but I think that is something superficial, in any case I would like to examine it more deeply ... - It was the best he could say at that time.

  - Understand... - it began to approach the window overlooking the room where the House containing Frost had to be accommodated. - Dr. Frost as the discoverer element that bears his name is part important for unraveling which means all this very serious process that we are facing... - I did not know to what extent she was aware of recent events, but was pretty sure it was smarter than he looked, and very attractive.

  - Yes, Mr. McQueen and exactly for this reason I would like to examine it as soon as possible ... - still reluctant to trust this man who was so cordial, expect to be wrong about him.

  - I do not think this is possible Doctor, after all is not their specialty and we here have the best doctors for diagnostic area that we need in the moment! - That made it clear what each represented in that game that had just begun. - Unless, of course, you have some vital information you want to share with us ... - Her answer would define its destiny in that process.

  - I see you omit information is not a smart thing and by your inquiry content is aware of the situation. Only ask you to let me follow the case, it may be important to my opinion... - Nadja noted only a slight arching of eyebrows in Oliver's face and continued. - He was infected during the rescue, but only found on board the helicopter and that has been scared, I noticed that he had not become a walker... - I was hoping that there was as much understanding his words. Vladimir gave a negative shake of the head, for him it was the end of Frost.

  - Walker? Here the call ZOMBIES and please do not ask me how we got to that name would not like to know! - He still felt pathetic the whole situation and the way some of his underlings treated her. - But tell me! How is it possible that he has not turned into a living dead? - Was the question everyone wanted answers, but until now it was in the field of hypotheses. He regretted that Urd Wessel was confined with other scientists in the depths of the laboratory that now present risk of maximum security, so its presence to examine Nick Frost was very remote. Another impulsive and wrong decision.

  - I do not know for certain but it may have a type of previous natural that keeps you aware... - He approached the thick glass that prevented anyone or anything through it. - It would be better if you could do the necessary tests immediately! - He looked at Oliver as if to give him an order.

  - Okay Dr. Romanov, will allow you access to the restricted area on the condition that you keep me informed of all progress to come to discover! - Was his turn to look at her penetratingly. - We have a deal? - Waited without looking away for a second it was, moreover, liked to dive in those green eyes like emeralds.

  - Yes, we have an agreement... - That agreement she could not meet, but thought he already knew that, in any case, did not stop her continuing. - Another thing... I need help ... Vladimir - He looked at the driver so that it does not evaded to help her at that moment so delicate.

  - Care Doctor, is playing a very dangerous game, in addition, I see as a helicopter pilot can be helpful in this case? - Asked resiliently.

  - It is a matter of personal security... - He lowered his head so that neither man could know more than his words said.

  - Okay Dr. Romanov, I hope not regret this decision! - Was more formal than usual and was upset with the decision, but few alternatives left to him he could apply at the time. Enhance security as his instinct warned him.

  A group of medical virologist and traumatology attended the site in a few minutes to give beginning the examination procedure of Nick Frost, until then, the only human specimen that had survived to contamination. Oliver was still a little stunned by the information received from Yuri lamented his friend's fate, although they were not close, had narrowed friendships over the years, but he knew from reliable sources that Russia would hit at least one day before Europe and North America. I owed him one last favor also would provide for it to be paid immediately.

  The medical staff opened the first gate leading into the containment room, a second twelve cm steel door separated them from the chamber. A little while ago and already with appropriate clothing, Nadja accompanied the group, composed of six people in all. Two renowned virologists at the service of the Corporation, a general practitioner and a bacteriologist. T
he other two were security guards apparently unarmed.

  With the exception of the two security guards medical group surrounded the containment capsule in which Nick Frost remained "trapped", so to speak, not that he could not leave at any time, had acquired a tremendous force across the right side of the body and was aware of this force, already had tested the structure of captivity without being noticed.

  The glass even with some internal vapor which hindered a more detailed view, showing what appeared to be a human creature and half demon half, that was the term they would use to discuss the conversation. Nadja was startled to see that Nick Frost was not the man she had known and who had fallen madly, he had to contain to leave not running desperately wanted to feel the safety of Vladimir's arms, but that was not possible. He stood outside watching all that was going on there.

  - Obviously the creature is changing process! - Said one of the men and that annoyed her deeply.

  - Not a creature! Is Nick Frost! - She shouted toward all who remained there.

  - Yes, it is! - The man did not bother to be reprimanded and continue their observation. - This is a man... - He looked at Nadja awaiting approval. - Height of approximately two meters, features of the human body left side and the right side of the process of evolution! - Bacteriology was taking notes in an online tablet.

  - Sorry, Doctor, but what do you mean by changing process? - Nadja did not understand all of this part yet.

  - Where have you been Doctor? You have not read the official reports? - Was another virologist who answered abruptly.

  - No Doctor, was too busy crossing three continent rescuing the specimen are examining now! - She replied in the same tone without hiding who did not like to be scolded. In any case, it was the first time referred to Nick as a thing and not someone, it bothered her deeply.

  - Okay, let's summarize what we know! - Paused a few minutes to pass on as much information about the nature of the virus and how to behave in relation to humans and other species. - Finally, Dr. Romanov, all we know is that it is a deadly virus for us humans, who remained asleep and that eventually would eventually contaminate us, at least it's not Frost's fault! - The explanation was not time-consuming and somewhat vague, for it had not yet answer to the original question.

  - But in that part enters the mutation? - I was still curious about what occasioned that body change as sharp and uncontrolled.

  - The Russians made a field survey in the first place when there was mass contamination and observed that there is a three-stage cycle; contamination, death and resurrection! - Gesticulating in order to become more understandable. - At the end, the conclusion is that it is an evolutionary process that should take a few thousand years to complete ... - It was a very vague hypothesis, but as good as any other. They turned their attention back to Nick Frost who remained attentive to all that said, absorbing as much information. He was most interested in all possible explanations and made a small idea of how it all would end.

  - See Doctor! - The virologist pointed with his finger to the side of mutant Nick Frost. - The ear it! - Everyone loomed over the dome of the capsule. The ear movement in the mutant part was almost frantic in the direction from which came the talks, there was a natural direction to capture the maximum sound, resembled a bat.

  - Yes! Impressive! Very shrewd! - Were the last words he spoke, a strong hand pierced the glass of biological containment capsule and dug her nails into the jugular powerful pointed the man who had been bent and made the observation. Panic filled the room. A dying frenzy ran the man who bled to death inside and outside the protective suit, the two security guards approached to placate the situation, but his orders were not to smite the ZOMBIE specimen.

  But Nick Frost was stronger and agile, his keen senses and yet he could not fully control the creature inside, could exert some control of movements. An impulsive reaction threw the doctor who observed away plopping against the smooth, cold wall. It was the first time in a long time I was again free and conscious of their actions, at least so thought and there was no way to go back on what he had just done.

  I did not know identify feelings, a mixture of pleasure and regret roamed the body from one side to the other and made a superhuman effort to maintain rationality.

  Nadja was terrified leaning against the glass wall just in front where Vladimir watched it all helplessly, the two guards tried to immobilize it completely, but even if the left were simply human, he was a strong man and now with a larger capacity of keen senses, I could smell the fear in their bodies, they exuded absolute dread.

  This time sought to cause minor damage to their opponents and with relative ease the knocked out. The bacteriologist with the other medical virologist opened the containment door using their biometric data and escaped from the facility, screaming like crazy for access corridors. Vladimir stood still behind the thick glass watching the movement inside the containment room. The human beast walked toward Nadja threateningly, she cringed completely in the corner and closed his eyes, was the end.

  Nick Frost stopped and watched her for a moment before falling to his knees to your front. - Help me, Nadja... - I fought against the other half wanted at all costs to reap that beautiful and joyful life that represented the human race at its best. - Please... - He lowered his head, while his hearing determined the mutant side felt the presence of a new menacingly. It was Vladimir who wielded one of the Sig Sauer 556 that the guards had abdicated to enter the room, did not imagine that would need them to follow what they were completely wrong.

  The human beast got up knowing that their peaceful side not contain on the likely threat, but the words of Nadja, intercepted immediately afterwards did stop even stay in attack position like a cornered beast. - No Nick, do not do it! - She held his right arm as if he had enough strength to stop him, but were not required greater efforts. He even held his malign and threatening hand with human so that did not cause other damage. - Help me Vladimir! - She dictated the orders as if it were in charge of the situation.

  Vladimir carefully the situation demanded that came close to be misshapen and positioned himself next to Nadja. - We need to get out of here now if we want to live! - Walked around her from behind and put his cold pipe at the nape of the middle man still prostrate on the ground at the feet of Nadja. - If I feel that you are a threat blow your brains out! Get up! - Nick Frost rose without making any sort of complaint, was sure he could subdue Vladimir with one hand, the right, it’s almost entire body asked for it, but it was imperative to get out of there and survive, he had to find an cure.

  They left the room remained with both doors open. - Great idiots! - Vladimir was referring to the two doctors who had escaped the enclosure without the least heed to safety standards, the way they left the inside of the containment any decontamination procedure had been triggered. The alarm sounded throughout environment at that moment, it was not possible to turn back, would be targets to be eliminated. - Nadja! Take another weapon and follow me, protect the rear! - Vladimir led the way still pointing the gun to the back of Nick Frost, the human beast.

  He leaned slightly forward so that only he could hear. - I just need a reason... - aggressively pushed him down the hall.

  Nadja picked up the Sig Sauer who was positioned next to the front door and to some skill unlocked precursor and cocked the trigger sequence, was more than ready to defend those two men so important in your life. The climb up the stairs to the outside would be very tortuous, but inevitable, what they wanted was not any kind of confrontation along the way. There was no resistance until they reached the ground floor and were met with a contingent of heavily armed guards, they needed another outlet.

  - Any idea, Romanov? - Vladimir wanted to be formal purpose, were in the combat zone and it was better that they did not have any kind of intimacy, not even verbal.

  - The access to the garage is empty... - Nick Frost could smell the fear and men wherever he went and the place he had just quoted was neutral, no one expected to come out there, really did n
ot expect nor could they reach the ground floor.

  - C'mon Chameleon! - Pressed the gun barrel against his belly purposely wanted to irritate him in any way, did not know whether to be a human beast, and all that he abhorred now, or have you stolen Nadja Romanov.

  - Vladimir... - Nadja disagreed with the way things were discoursing, but at the same time could not face Nick Frost front, there was the man and the beast at the same time and did not know which one to trust. The love felt was now a distant, distant thing. Timochenco pretended not to hear her complaint, the man ahead of him did not care, he needed to control his abominable side.

  They ran down the stairs until they came to a steel door to the outside patio where they were parked cars, ran to one who were closer in order to leave fleeing out of that complex almost leak-proof, knew it would not be so easy to evade a place considered one of the best kept in the world, on the other hand, the assumption was that the entire security strategy was based on an external invasion and not an internal leak. And they were correct in that thinking.

  Vladimir chose a CIT vehicle which was in readiness for a service that no longer happen now, but it was ideal to save the man beast so that it could not represent risks for him and Nadja pushed the mutant violently inside the car and locked the door with a noise of irons jangling. Gust of-spiked projectiles in the bodywork of the transport car making a deafening noise impact, but served notice they had company.

  - Nadja! Do not let come close to starting the engine! - Vladimir pulled out a knife he carried always tied to the ankle and stuck the tip with force in the ignition, made a twist on the cable to the right and after two attempts heard the engine roar. Nadja a quick movement drew his Sig Sauer who was in his hands against the very womb, knew the kick was overwhelming, closed his eyes and shook trigger, knew no need for as long as the gun went off until there was absolute silence, opened again the eyes and only saw bodies from the smoke that still left the rifle barrel, were all dead, but had not been expertise of the shots that killed them, only the survival instinct spoke louder.


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