NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead Page 15

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  Rose on strong car and sat beside Vladimir which accelerated to toward the still closed gate, the impact was huge and rumbled throughout the building, but by now had gained freedom, ran fleeing to an unknown place and that would provide security even them provisional. Inside the back, Nick Frost first saw his appearance. The dark glass of the window reflected a mixture of Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde, imagined that Robert Louis Stevenson has never come so close to his literary creation as he was now. It was the doctor himself and the monster. Life imitating art.

  Chapter V


  Oliver McQueen punched the wall again and again for having been misled by the sinuous curves of Nadja and a bunch of amateurs who were now untraceable. All features at your fingertips had been driven to localize the fugitives and captured what they called NZOMBIE the dead to life, in order to differentiate it from others. Gave it that name because they cannot determine whether it was human or ZOMBIE, they knew it could be both at the same time, but had no doubt which of them survive the unusual transformation. N represented the unknown number, what could not be quantified until he found a convenient and acceptable response, time was just NZOMBIE, the living dead.

  The toxic cloud continued up the South American continent slowly, attracted to areas of heat or cold of high concentrations of carbon. The virus was a weapon of war that nature had created to combat what he considered extremely harmful to the planet Earth, if there was an intelligent consciousness behind all this no one knew, but everything was orchestrated so that the perishing human race and gave rise to a new species, crudest, evolved and prepared.

  Buenos Aires, did not have a chance to find out what had hit, even with all the warnings issued by official bodies, they had never made a contingency plan because they consider unnecessary. A remote place near the end of the world, was so that Argentina itself was called, only a fool would insist on taking possession of a country that posed no threat and was so close to the icy regions of Antarctica that cold could be the same direction before born.

  Millions of once human beings were now bloodthirsty beasts continuing the extermination of those who had not been affected by the virus, some because they were hidden in deep places waiting for the great cloud greenish passed completely and others who were at such high altitudes that could not be hit by dense cloud, but in the end, none of them would survive. A smell of blood and death hung in the air of the first countries to be hit by Element Frost, the virus did not spare old, let alone children did not distinguish color or creed, even those who took refuge in the church, felt the devil get into their bodies and possess them as read countless times in the scriptures. The God who always prayed had abandoned them.

  Sins all men had since they were born, so were the teachings, but ongoing change to the transmuted so that ceased to be accustomed will likeness of the Creator, but a faithful copy of the Fallen Angels and damned into the depths of Hell for all eternity. Progress on major mainland territories was slow but overwhelming, not only the toxicity of the virus made its victims, whole hordes of creatures transformed anticipating your arrival and settled disorder wherever they went, there was nothing that could stop. large caliber guns were fired and heard many miles away, magnanimous explosions eradicate hidden villages and whole towns, burning pillars of fire and thick black smoke demarcate the affected areas.

  Defense systems of small countries succumbed one after another, the fight was ungrateful because there was great difficulty in exterminating the enemy, parents needed to kill the children to the first signs of mutation, brothers fought each other by the strongest survival right, neighbors hunted neighbors to obtain more resources and ensure the continuity of their lineage. The company had fallen to the ground and ruled the law of the strongest, not everyone could be saved, but the hope of survival was human killer beasts as voracious as many mutants who fought.

  Everywhere where chaos had settled, armed groups fortified citadels in the hope that they could fight the visible enemy, but nothing could against the one who silently floated over their heads and even when they discovered that it was useless to hide, it was too late . The highest peaks of South America a refugee camp was initiated to ensure the survival of the species, the large toxic cloud that passed over the continent not reached them, but they were too far away to remain safe. Very soon the smell of human flesh warns the hordes who had not yet finished.

  It was only a matter of time, they thought that with a little luck and war strategy could have a chance to strike back received no warning and return to their lives, which at that time seemed a distant memory of a world long forgotten. The hardships of war were their victims without killing them, no matter how long that would last, this stigma was irreversible and the few who survived will never forget.

  The offset of the first toxic cloud, the smallest and started the drilling of Lake Vostok was not so dense, but now covered the entire Indian Ocean and part of East Africa amounted precipitously as a serpent in Paradise, made an easy destruction trail be followed and the message that the world as they knew was over, over. In just over six hours would be on the Middle East coming to southern Europe and Asia.

  In Russia the revelation that a deadly and inevitable disease would arrive in a few hours generated panic in the population of large urban centers, responsible for the disclosure of this information was Yuri Antonov, but against him of any kind penalties were not applied, there would be no time so much less interest in penalizing any human being who at that time had one more opportunity to survive the Apocalypse ZOMBIE that followed.

  The streets of the capital still huge convoys gave sequence to endless and monotonous rows human walking into the unknown as if they were being redeemed last minute. Despite the fear they felt, could not accelerate the pace, the compact mass prevented them from being quicker while they continued to walk aimlessly, the only thing that broke the sound of thousands of footsteps dragging was the squads noise air passing over their heads at regular times, it was not an air leak, but an anticipation of the attack, try to beat the enemy in another territory than their own, away from home.

  The Suns Gorgeous emerged on the horizon were messengers that the Earth was suffering an irreversible change, if not the Frost element that would kill the radiation from nuclear explosions were now off, but plentiful. last minute studies raised the possibility that there could be a considerable dispersion of toxic gas into the upper atmosphere and expel it into outer space, ridding the world of this evil that had been hidden for millions of years quietly waiting to attack.

  There was no accurate ways to prove this theory that was not put in place the resources they had and enforce all the technology involved in this process. After the first explosions Ocean, it was noticed but a cloud dispersion losing consistency while a high altitude, but this only made to make it more uniform in its main objective and travel the globe in less time. It would take as much time for " fall down" and bathe everywhere known with its green and deadly poison. There was no escape for the wrath of God, or the Devil ... They had no way of knowing.

  The inhabitants of the North Country, they moved en masse to the Arctic totally ignoring the adverse conditions of freezing cold, the news that the end of the world was near with extensive information of events, pushed them to the most inhospitable place on earth. If there was only one chance of humanity to remember times past and that were wiped genetic memory that inhabits each one of us, they would know it was not the first time since its creation fleeing this invisible enemy.

  The remains were few or almost none, but were as clues, small crumbs, scattered all over the planet. Sometimes a digging coal mines where the piece of a chain of another was discovered still attached to a coal stone, iron pots were wrapped in granite blocks in large quarries around the world, but for those who studied the origins of mankind, none of that was of value, were unlikely situations, soon could be a scam.

  But that was not the truth, a billion years or more in the past, the Messenger of Death coming from the ends of the
universe finally reached its destination after a long journey. The red sun that illuminated what would be known in the Age of Men like Solar System would change its composition to a yellow sun and extinguish all life that began in the third planet in its orbit, like him, others would have the same fate, but only one it could be saved and that would be the most promising, in ideal conditions, the planet Earth. Even if it were not for that name was as known by other civilizations.

  The intelligence behind this rescue operation had been extinguished long before the big green comet hitting the depths of the earth's crust, but the mission was accomplished. The powerful impact that followed split the planet opening huge dorsal scars deep and divided the single, compact landmass Ocean scattering them around the globe and forming new land blocks separated from each other. Pangaea was no longer an island will drift.

  The winter that lasted hundreds of millions of years caused by dust that powdered space fireball covered the entire rarefied atmosphere of that world that aspired great future wonders and this necessary transformation to the bacterial life will come upon change of solar radiation, until the light yellow sun touched the surface of the Earth again.

  Meanwhile, a thick, thick broth of green and fiery substance seeped up in the oceans and the crust itself giving rise to the planet oxygenation process. Much more than just the Messenger of Death that meteor was in essence the renewal of life to a new stage that would follow and this process would be renewed for so many millions of years in the future and right now again fulfilled its mission. It was, contrary to what was thought, the seed of life.

  Other neighboring planets of small blue were not so lucky, were not promising the multiplication of the diversity of life and had been deleted to make way for desert expanses and gas balls with thousands of degrees Celsius temperatures. They are silent reminder that life in the universe is too precious and so rare it deserves persevere, and for that very reason remained "uninhabited" intelligent life.

  Gradually, some of the creatures that inhabited the green oceans completed their transmutation to the mainland and there thrived for millions of years, in an endless cycle. But the driver of evolution agent was not satisfied with the result, his slow mission followed the program of renovation and the few species in this second stage were struck and separated into distinct groups, crossing each other randomly generating a plurality of life that we would come to meet later in the archaeological excavations. This happened six hundred and fifty million years ago.

  Small reptiles fed on the vast nutrient oxygenation of the planet and absorbed more strength and energy, so have become huge over time. Sunlight served as a catalyst which selected those that predominate in the sea and on land giving rise to large marine reptiles and mythical creatures. A process that would take about a hundred million years to complete, but nature does not represent anything that could be quantified, as well as in the present moment, nature is in no hurry, no account time and regenerates according to the their needs, in that particular case was not different.

  Not all were big dinosaurs or sea serpents fighting for their position in the food chain, some species of smaller stature wandered among them desperately looking for an opportunity to revert the evolutionary game in their favor. In common were the traits that would be seen until the present day, but imperceptible to human arrogance to believe they were more closely related than they would like to accept. Anatomical features visible were noticeable in all species, with larger differences possessed, yet many were composed of details like two eyes, nose, mouth, ears, lower and upper limbs, among many other features.

  What differs in both the lizard or dog, bear or eagle with a perfect view, we can not see or be aware? That was a question that had just leaving to answer the simple question that taught us that irrational animals had no soul...

  In a way, the present-day humans, perhaps the distant past, they had imbued with an abstract wisdom to be able to explain their own divine origin and forgotten how were insignificant in the eyes of the immensity of the universe, in time, may still ask if those who had saved the red sun radiation change to Yellow would be satisfied as the final result obtained them. Certainly not, because after the last events the renewal process was still active and expanding.

  One of these species from the past did not look anything like the one today suffering the risk of extinction. The reptilians in the middle of four hundred million years in the past, had heights of four meters high on average, hard and scaly skin as if they were indestructible. They rivaled the great beasts and not allowed to be subjugated. They were hunters and not hunting. They walked upright without bending any kind, feet and hands with three fingers and claws at the ends, sharp eyes and unparalleled sense of smell. The dental records had upper and lower rows of sharp teeth.

  And for fifty million following years lived in a struggle of life and death with his rivals until the greenish fluid that remained suspended on the two terrestrial poles understood that nothing would serve his purpose such a perfect creature, but unintelligent. The need to be more than just another specimen fighting for a piece of meat and a drink of water was a fault to be rectified. A new toxic wave rushing on the planet wrapping it completely, were times of renewal. But the mysteries of the universe that the very reason knows, nature proved to be more than just a supporting agent in this chemical and process oriented manufacturing and preserved those who understood deserve the chance to continue their way, this way, were preserved many species that had become immune to the deadly poison from the ends of the universe.

  Among these was Na'k Ta'k and their offspring, as would rule in human language if possible, of the race of reptilians. Did not have the genetic markers that would be affected and for the first time since the beginning of Genesis the "Frost Element", still unknown, lost his first battle, therefore, it was not invincible. The species are the result of the environment they live and even against all odds persevere until they are extinguished by their own means, and had been with the creators, regardless of their mysterious origin.

  The first hominids would appear sixty million years later, the call was Paleozoic, shortly after the great cosmic bombardment, more precisely in the Devonian period, might have been the decisive factor in that nature he found his own way, was an improbability that different elements could add up or cancel each other, but the actual fact was that there would be hope. The descendants by so many millions of years of Na'k Ta'k offspring, the first, no longer had the reptilian appearance of old, were absolutely know as modern man and its features.

  They thrive successively acquiring great level of intelligence, learning to work the stone and metal found throughout evolution that nature hid all the secrets they needed, whether simple or complex, just needed the means to extract them and become apply them. It would be so forever, nothing is created in our existence, the answers exist and are camouflaged in the hopes that a sharp mind to reveal and show the world. There are diseases with no cure, as there are no artifacts of any kind cannot be made, just waiting for the "time" more appropriate in their times to be necessary.

  Surprising even would find the plane at the time of the pharaohs, or create a simple bike in ancient Rome, all had their time frame and it was a slow, sometimes painful. We will never know if the descendants of Na'k Ta'k, the first men managed to reach the stars, but not enough left over traces or to state that ever existed.

  They were almost extinct in the great collision of Cenozoic Era and it was not clear to the geological records how many other times were almost extinct and again endured to the present day.

  We could be the Third, Fourth or Seventh Race since the beginning of time and the beginning of the seed of life, but with absolute certainty were not the first. The following process would take so many millions of years for the handful of survivors continues their zero day until the modern era, there would be no technological apparatus to be used in the meantime and have to relearn how to survive inside caves. All knowledge had succumbed to its creators. All traces of past civiliz
ations would be erased by the time that all salt renewed without leaving visible evidence of its existence, except for those that today's archaeologists refused to recognize as evidence of human presence in remote ages.

  Would be inserted deep into the human genetics the horrors of bygone times and along other ages, humans have fear of the dark for no apparent reason, they feel chills when they heard some screams or sounds that subconsciously the alerted that unimaginable dangers were lurking mode slinky and ready to attack and when they felt safer than ever from the wrath of the elements, would also be its most vulnerable moment.

  They would live haunted by the unknown and would attribute what they do not understand the deities of good and evil. That was the real story behind millions of years of evolution caused, in a race that was considered unique in the universe and direct creative descendant, legitimate owners of all that existed in the sky. The pride was his greatest sin, the superiority claim over everything and all things existing in this or other worlds.

  Escape To Nowhere

  Oliver McQueen had only six hours to find the NZOMBIE and the other two fugitives, there was no hope of a cure in the short term, but the answer certainly was with Nick Frost, that is, there he was at the time. The unexpected flight of that small group involved in reviewing all the plans he had made for the Corporation's laboratories do research that would lead to a definitive conclusion, so all was not lost, just needed to find what you came to call man Omega.


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