NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead Page 16

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  The last letter of the Greek alphabet, often used to denote the last, the end, or the end of a set, in contrast to the Alpha, the first letter of the alphabet. In the New Testament book of Revelation, God is declared to be the "Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." Frost was far from God, too close to be the devil in person, but it was a circumstantial thing, however, depended to be found to get the cure for the survival of the human race, or the privileged few who have access to this healing. Oliver expected to be among them.

  The events of recent days had made the skilled businessman in a predator of himself in pursuit of so longed for survival that until recently was shown distant but thriving. I played a game of all or nothing and spared no effort to capture the fugitives alerts with photos of the wanted were scattered all access places, airports and highways lived chaos, but this would not be an impediment to wane searches. It was imperative that were found as quickly as possible and was sure he would get success.

  - Oliver? - Stuart Hershel Corporation vice president caught his attention. - We need an alternative plan to survive. Family and taken to the safest place he knew he had rescued, the NOMAD. I believed that if there was a safe place and resisted the apocalypse would be one. There were fifty floors underground and could offer refuge, at least for a while. Laboratories where Urd Wessel be confined as his aides were strictly blocked and had no risk of contamination leakage. The angry creatures of which the chief scientist was part, did not represent threat as the thick steel doors were still sealed.

  - You must be crazy, Stuart! Nowhere in the world will be immune for the next thousand years at least! - He did not consider himself guilty for triggering this reaction in global chain and knew he was being very optimistic when referring to the time period in question. Thousand years were only a negligible time measured in human counting to quantify their existence and the things they knew.

  - But standing here will certainly have the same fate as these abominable creatures that are locked in laboratories! - Stuart always confided in Oliver decisions, was his mentor, friend and the most rational person I knew. - I know you have a plan B anywhere! Do not leave me behind... - Hershel almost begging on my knees, it sickened him.

  - Go with your family to the hangar B, as you said, that's the plan... - if pity by the man who in his view had not salvation, but owed him at least a chance to try.

  - There is a military crew prepared with food and other passengers will take off in twenty minutes, be sure to be among them! - He did not turn around to see his friend run shot, was not the time for farewells or fraternal hugs. They never see each other again.

  Stuart down the emergency stairs skipping steps, nearly has not forgotten his back such was the fear he felt of becoming a ZOMBIE, worse than that, the possibility of being himself the sacrificial agent of his family, this terrified him. He did not understand why Oliver McQueen did not use all millionaires resources acquired over the years for their own benefit and buy its survival, but now it no longer mattered. Desperately needed to escape.

  He entered the office door that occupied the intermediate floor of the large building of the Corporation and pulled the woman's hand, ordering the two sons to follow him, the eldest had just over eighteen and the younger daughter about sixteen. They had no time for them to take any kind of luggage, time was pressing. They did not take the elevator, it was an unnecessary risk and could get stuck between floors if something abnormal happens, the stairs were more reliable, though less secure. During the trip dozens of people, the Corporation officials, ran and banged doors they passed, was a mixture of panic screams and despair and apocalypse had not even gotten to them yet, at least four hours before the start, but the news ran much faster than them and the information in the age of technology was traveling at the speed of light.

  They reached the hangar B missing two minutes to takeoff, were eagerly awaited by four heavily armed men as rifles and large-caliber pistols, the camouflage denoted that they were elite soldiers. Oliver had made sure they were on board, the aircraft would not leave without all occupants, only he would be back, but he had other plans, more ambitious.

  - Where are we going? - Stuart Hershel asked the soldier who seemed to be in command, but had never seen, was not part of staffs of the Corporation, knew it.

  - Antarctica! - The man who answered to the question broke into a wide smile mix of cunning and recklessness.

  - But that place is doomed? - Hershel shuddered at the thought that had condemned him and the whole families will inevitable death in the place where it all started.

  - Comrade Strategy Hershel! Strategy! - Knew the exact moment who the man was who was in charge, General Yuri Antonov. - In times of war the best strategy is to surprise the enemy back to the point of origin and stay behind the troops advancing! - She smiled again enigmatically, but scary. You could see in their eyes right degree of madness and cunning. Hershel considered best not to interfere, no longer had the appropriate position for this and not even available. Yuri Antonov had received them as a last favor and retribution to his friend Oliver, who should now be taking the place of those on board the aircraft.

  There were things in your life that Oliver would not give for some time, walked slowly to the bar of his sumptuous office for the parameters of time meant nothing, that was worth all the wealth amassed in the space of a life could not cherish -over there? This was a very rude question to be answered and asked how such a nice glass of Yamazaki Single Malt Sherry Cask 2013 if it was not the best in the world at least at that time was the most appropriate. He opened the bottle as if it were an initiation ceremony and perhaps even toasted a new era in which; with a little luck could become master of the world, not habitable, but known.

  He returned to the big window in time to see the jet take off with the "chosen" on board towards the icy lands that hid the weapon of doom for millions of years, raised his glass to the height of the face allowing the sun to pierce with their rays making it glisten. - Live long and prosper ... Stuart - paraphrased sipping all the liquid from the cup once. He let out a sigh of pleasure and spoke aloud. - Gods' nectar! - He cackled like a madman who had just discovered his own madness. He hoped the robust and fast aircraft disappeared on the horizon as he sipped a bit of drink consoled as a very close friend. His thoughts turned against him wondering if he was being more bestial than the creatures themselves that proliferated in the contaminated areas as if they were weeds. I needed to regain control of himself. He took the small handset in his pants pocket and made the dreaded call.

  - Commander! We took off in ten minutes, be ready! - Did not wait for the response from the other end, he knew he had been heard and obeyed. He opened the safe behind a wooden wall that slid to the left side and took some documents, family jewels holding appreciatively and Taurus 809C gun - polymer frame, with dog shooting system, single-acting and double, night sights with tritium, thirteen bullets in the clip and one more in the "needle" - perfectly serve the purpose for which it was intended. - You come with me... - He put the bottle of whiskey Yamazaki inside the leather briefcase with handle and walked to the private elevator that went directly in your room, unlike Hershel knew that its transportation system had no failures, owned independent generators reserve. One last unusual and pointless thought made him laugh throughout the brief ride to the ground floor. - "The best whiskey in the world is Japanese, it really is the end of time..." - came out toward the aircraft was waiting.

  They took off without delay and the commander himself was not a set route, thought it best to ask what would be the final destination, so you do not have unpleasant surprises. - Mr. McQueen, we need to discuss the flight plan ... - waited standing in front of Oliver had on the table a few airmail letters and made mental calculations.

  - Come to Norway in Drammen landing or as close as possible, avoid conventional airports, look for one that is private or alternative airfield! - Noted the commander's reaction that made no mention of displeasure, had been paid handsomely
to provide you with this service, and although he, Oliver did not believe that man would have the opportunity to spend the money. He trusted in his businessman's instinct added to human ambition and was not disappointed. In most cases greed overcame reason.

  I was sure of it.

  Oliver McQueen was sure that was the path that would lead to meet Nick Frost and Nadja Romanov - "The beautiful and fair Nadja..." - thought, will be at the place where he had spent most of his life, along with parents were still alive and their best chance to help you, no one else would disinterest. He leaned back and looked out the airplane window.

  Flying over sparsely populated regions and for those who had no knowledge of the facts that follow could swear that place remain the same way it was for yet another millennium. He imagined all the people who lived there for centuries, each in their own way and with their difficulties at some point fervent battlefields between armies, decades later, the cattle grazing as if nothing had happened. People were still being born and dying not paying tribute to those who had perished so that today they were free. I had doubts if the human race deserved the benefit of saving even in the person of a single individual. It was not God, it was not for him to judge.

  This answer was satisfactory.

  - Estimated arrival at 01:40, Mr. McQueen! - The commander of the statement came through the internal system of the aircraft, were on board the copilot, two bodyguards and a special medical equipment that had been shipped a few hours before, with a little luck and if your deductions were correct, the blood Frost would flow to your body.

  No one else but him would have the privilege to get the cure, except perhaps for Nadja, he thought for a moment. It would be a very lonely world without female company of such a beautiful woman, a real waste and pleased to create a new world from the womb of that copy and beautiful female specimen. - A worthy breeding to repopulate the Earth. - She spoke aloud looking at the precious golden cup liquid as created the involuntary habit of doing. Now was wait.

  The armored security car carrying inside man and half animal half beyond the two passengers who drove the car had successfully avoided the first two barriers before they are placed, but Vladimir was not comfortable with his feet on the ground, their natural environment was air and needed urgently to find a means of transport to get him out of that place and put safely although there was no question of any Nick Frost take on board.

  - Hitherto lucky Nadja, any idea where we are going so we stop? - He was not a man to mince words and needed answers.

  - I do not know... I have no idea what we can do... - She was looking for a way out of the situation but had against them the time to be contaminated or a possible confrontation with the mutants that now knew to be the such ZOMBIES. Strong beats the mighty hand of Frost echoed throughout the room, Nadja opened a door of communication that existed between them. The image was scary, she could still recognize the features outlined on the left side of his beloved's face, but the other half played again in the nightmare he lived. - Nick Be calm, we'll find a solution. - I was not so sure of what he said.

  With some difficulty he just babbled a word - Drammen! Drammen! - And he kept hitting and scratching with sharp nails inside your prison, for now there was no escape.

  - We go to Drammen! - Nadja turned to Vladimir who shrugged.

  - What could be so important in Drammen? - Stared back at her without taking a long time the attention of the secondary highway crossing. You could see the confused route network overhead. There was a mass evacuation that could be promising for the escape. - Also, it is almost seven hundred miles from here fifteen hours by road if we do not find "friends" along the way! - Strongly pushed the steering wheel and impulsively stepped deeper into the accelerator.

  - We have to get a helicopter ... - She suggested lamely that it was taken seriously.

  - That! - Vladimir Timochenco already know where to go now. - The Air Base of Arnhem is less than thirty miles toward Dortmund, which is where we are going, but should be alert, do not know if we can get! - He shook his head trying to convince himself that it was possible. - Even more "borrow" a military helicopter... - He made some calculations of distances as was used to.

  - I do not think we can rent a... - looked at each other up and laughed for a few seconds, it was the first time they saw grace in a setting as dangerous as crossing. It had been a long way up there, tortuous, but narrowed the relationship without realizing it. In some ways they were more intimate.

  - We will arrive in less than forty minutes at this speed! - Lit the lights at full power to escape from the darkness and get a better view of the road. It seemed would not have problems along the way, it was only a matter of time. - Do you believe he can help us out of this? - He asked last.

  - We need more answers, but we cannot get them right now... - He looked again for the door and saw the effort that Nick Frost was trying to hold the human hand the bestial claw that tended to hurt him incessantly in part she still recognized as the man who once loved unconditionally, was not so sure now. We thought it best not to create false hopes about a possible cure, much less to take this information to Vladimir.

  They took a little longer than the estimated forecast arrival at Air Base Arnhem, the could have sight in the distance. A takeoffs and landings frenzy of all types of aircraft was underway, ground handling logistics was fast and troops rushed to the interior of large transport aircraft. They would not know to say which groups or even countries belonged, seemed joint task forces with a common goal.

  - Really, a good time for humanity to walk in the same direction! - Timochenco spoke sarcastically, knew each group, country or something always turns his own interests, but when they were cornered by common enemy united forces without measuring efforts and consequences.

  - I do not know what that means, but it's better we stop near somewhere and see how we can "subtract" his flying bird! - Was not the time for complex sentences and she sought the words that came to mind him as he tried to figure out what would save that Dantesque hell.

  - There is a possibility... - he parked the strong car, as with the lights and without making much noise near a fence far from the runways, but it was possible to see a Eurocopter AS350 landed in a remote area. He imagined that being a civil aircraft should be been deprecated or waiting for the distinguished passengers. That was the chance they expected. - Come on, but how will control that thing back there? - Was his turn to look out the door and see how much had been unfair in the comment. He apologized sincerely for the unfortunate comment. - Sorry, Nadja... - I would not do it at any time.

  - Alright ... It's been a terrible day for all of us... - He tried to draw a smile disinterest in the subject, but was deeply hurt. They descended the advanced part of the strong car and looked at each other before you unlock the security door to free the NZOMBIE. They had absolutely sure that would be the best idea.

  Nick Frost got up from the floor where he had remained since he had been imprisoned, was nonsense his face, Beauty and the Beast at the same time, a character worthy of magazines in the best quality comics. Down one foot at a time until you have both firmly on the ground, deeply breathed the night air, cold and clear. For the first time it seemed to recognize the world that surrounded him.

  Could smell the pines surrounding them, but that was nothing new to them human, only this time it was more intense, the smell of a dog somewhere far, acre salt spray far and kerosene burning in the turbines of aircraft. Those odors entered into it as accurate information of all hostile environments and a little less than that, he looked toward Nadja as your wildest part and can smell the scent she gave off, but it was not an artificial fragrance was natural and could taste in your mouth. The human side wanted as a woman and the wild side as prey.

  - If we wait too never succeed! - The right hand seethed completely closed while the left was completely open and stretched ready to intervene at the slightest sign of danger.

  They ran crouched close to bushes descry with the fence, were not exp
ected, therefore, there would be many surprises unless the perimeter was heavily guarded. There was, both thanked for this, Frost even more, because he knew it would be forced to kill them immediately. They approached the helicopter would be the passport to the next stage, whatever it was, this time it did not matter, they needed to escape urgently the site and gain heaven.

  - How will we get through this wire fence? - Nadja looked Timochenco beginning to dig underneath with both hands. A metal noise being ripped and twisted was heard by both had forgotten for a moment the mutant who followed them and was their precious cargo. Here was a chance to survive. They looked at each other and followed the misshapen creature that was approaching the inn aircraft.

  - I'll do a check and routine to make sure that we will get to the destination! - The timing was not propitious, but security variation was all, was the first lesson I learned as a pilot and was a bad time to leave it aside. After a few minutes I was definitely in the driver's seat making the internal checking and connecting the ignition systems. It does not take long for the moving rotor noise call the attention of the military personnel in charge of their safety, several jeeps with soldiers and heavy caliber machine guns being prepared moved to the location to shoot down anything that took off from where they were without permission.

  - Hold on! - There he was again making the maneuver of "Curve Dead Man." A curve at low altitude, ascending diagonally took the floor of the helicopter throwing passengers against the fuselage, while the tracer bullets of red across the sky in an attempt to kill them. That's when Vladimir realized that Nadja was not at his side, he looked back in time to see the animal's claw within Frost stuck in her arm. I was confused by what he saw.

  - Nadja... - Frost instinctively had held the woman's arm of her most intimate desires so she is not projected out of the helicopter, the abrupt rise made by Timochenco, but the one next hand was the least indicated. He released her then cringing in a corner of the aircraft. He had condemned to death.


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