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NZOMBIE - The Living Dead

Page 19

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  The first to smell the NZOMBIE was Oliver McQueen had deflected attention from what was to look at Frost standing in the center, absorbed in thought room. Soon after the other two ZOMBIES also noted the presence of something that was not like them, there was a new prey to be hunted. It was Nadja who stopped the fierce tock McQueen on Nick, his long fingers with sharp nails dug into the eye sockets of the creature advancing threatening and pierced his brain leaving the heavy body fall lifeless on the ground. He hoped this did was definitely dead. The other two undead down upon him with some agility could deviate from the fatal blows, there was no time to fight against them and did not even know if they could beat them, but worth a try if only to know who had made such a connection.

  Nadja lost no time helping Frost in the fight against the two ZOMBIES and sought the handset that had been all the time in the pocket of pants now definitely dead Oliver McQuenn. - I took Nick! Let's go! - The two creatures stopped the onslaught trying to figure out where it came from and the guttural bass, but even looking directly at Nadja could not see how anything that was not of their own species to which now belonged, as provided they do not would hunt. It was one in all aspects. He handed the phone to him very quickly and asked to leave the door leading to the outside without delay. Nick Frost asked no questions, he knew she would be safe in the company of his, but that was not all.

  On the outside overlooking the garden there was only silence, the house of Frost was quite isolated, away from the urban center and therefore was not surprising that there were not any strange activity, slowly walked to the helicopter remained poised since they had arrived, and regretted that he did not know fly it. He opened the side door and entered to stay in a better position to see the phone call list; the battery was nearly depleted, but considered that there would still be some time to see the information he needed. Realized how the mutant hand was disproportionate when held the machine, or at least managed to make it work, after a few seconds and using the human hand still had managed to access the latest links, slid the information with your finger until it has reached an name the most recent. - Yuri Antonov... I have no idea who you are, but it will be our lifeboat! - Wasted no time called soon after.

  - Oliver! Glad to know you're still alive! How did this feat? You find NZOMBIE? The living Dead? - Yuri gave a hell of a laugh on the other side of the line.

  - Oliver McQueen is dead... - Nick Frost spoke haltingly and with the confidence that whoever was on the other end know the evil plans of the president of NOMAD, therefore, was as responsible for the death of their parents as the thing that Nadja just killed. He looked out waiting for the mutant woman appeared, but it did not.

  - Who speaks? - Yuri was surprised to receive the call that number and not his friend and partner of other times. - I assume that is Dr. Frost... - waited until it was confirmed the identity of the man who had to call him.

  - You seem to know more about me than myself... Mr. Antonov - The most difficult of all that was going on that and other previous times was to control the conflict between the two halves, the half man and half beast.

  Inside the room, a part told him that the woman was being devoured his beloved mother and that something needed to be done to change that grim situation, while the other just did not care and had no difficulty in understanding which of them had won. - I seem to have something you want, I think we should negotiate... - we waited for the answer came from the other side.

  - Yes Dr. Frost! You have something that all of us here want and need... - I was not sure of doing the right thing, but it was essential to persuade Frost to believe that a significant portion of the human race had been saved not only the opportunists they were. - If you tell me where it is, I will be happy to send a shuttle to pick it up! - He concluded.

  - In time... In time... - It was enough that the device's battery runs out and the phone stay out of service. That period was over, but he knew there were other human somewhere and that there might still be hope. Was surprised to be included in the human race again, but this was utopia, it was nothing more than an aberration created by nature. In any decline had an advantage over all this, no one knew of the existence of Nadja Romanov, the hybrid mutant who had deceived the evolutionary process.

  He looked again through the porthole of the aircraft and saw the walk Nadja towards her, there was no graciousness of old, but they were new times, requiring new attitudes and postures. The long hands were covered with crimson red blood dripped as it advanced lightly, was a perfect killing machine. Did not take long to arrive where Nick was still with the appliance rotating between his pale, thin fingers with well-made nails, came in and sat before him without saying a word in his mind only the vision of having to put an end to life Martha Frost, he had no pity even felt sorry, only made what he considered necessary and appropriate to the moment. I could tell it was a coup de grace.

  - How it was there... - It was a mixture of question and answer at the same time, without being rhetorical. He knew what had happened, at least suspected, but would not thank you for it, not then, or future.

  - Very simple... I'm invisible to them... - firmly looked at Frost in trying to find out if he had understood the gravity of the situation she had left behind somehow had just killed his mother, although by human standards were already clinically dead.

  - Yes... I understood that as soon as we entered the room, but it does not mean it will be invisible to the human ... - He felt slightly uncomfortable to realize that what had just spoken had definitively excluded the human race. I was done.

  - Yes, human... - It was too late to turn back, but he had received the message without any error in transmission. She was now, perhaps, the only one of its kind and like him, a chimera. - If some left over ... - there it ended his conversation with him and did not need to answer, at least for now. He replied so little.

  Frost began to make plans to continue their journey, just was not sure which destinations should follow, but one thing was certain, could only survive if they continued moving and still stand there waiting for the future to arrive was not an option. It was a methodical person and made calculations about the chances they would have to find other human inhabitants and there would be an inevitable confrontation about it, not fooled for a moment.

  He was a half human half ZOMBIE, was undetermined, one that could not be classified or quantified so decided to add the N undefined value making it the NZOMBIE, the only of its kind too far as he knew. He did not stop to think about the connection that had to Yuri Antonov, had a "safe haven" somewhere he did not know and still intended that this handset back to work for that a refill was needed, but there had no such means and back to the inside of his old house was out.

  I did not know how long the essential services would continue working without preventive interference and human control, very soon the satellites would leave orbit and begin to fall on the earth or simply dispersing the infinite space. They would definitely stranded in communications and navigation systems, were doomed to return to the Stone Age, a new beginning from scratch or worse.

  I knew beforehand that if knowledge was not passed on down the generations all that had been created so far would be lost in time and in the distant future, other civilizations, time or another, find an older archaeological find what they might need in time and an unlikely context, as we did today in what we call Forbidden Archeology. Here was the answer to all those artifacts that were often found and summarily discarded because they do not fit in the traditional archeology, once again human arrogance overrode reason and the facts.

  He imagined a cold new world and dark where all the social rules would be abolished and be constantly escape, were like two endangered animals even if no one knew of their existence. I had no idea how it would be their future from now on, but would do everything in his power to perpetuate their own species or whatever they were, it was not you justify much less doubt what happened to the world , formerly known as Earth.

  It was the will of a superior intell
igence for sure!

  Only this time there was a flood, much less drop some killer meteor was only the smallest weapon of war known to man, the virus. I had no idea how long he had been wandering about such matters now that filled his mind with questions, only realized that much time had passed when Nadja woke up again a short deep sleep. A haunting question sparked in his brain and was not sure how to do it for the "woman" who was ahead of him looking at him suspiciously.


  - What's it? - Nadja was not waiting the answer came by itself and after being filed the barrier between species that Nick had suggested hours earlier, was more than ever willing to survive at any cost, even if it needed to take extreme measures.

  - We are still two scientists able to coordinate some thoughts and there are some questions that have no answers so far! - Surrounded a bit it until it took courage and went ahead. - If what is happening is a "natural" selection process, so to speak, as the modifying agent was in the nature ... How these things will reproduce? - Twisted a little nose that could only be seen by their still human features.

  - It's a good question, Dr. Frost... - It was not news what he asked, she had already asked the same question as soon as he realized that both now had different physiologies and that a cross between the species would have some peculiarities, including in the process of "Dance Mating". He gave a laugh that echoed through the interior of the aircraft which were still safe. The use of the term "cross" made them less human.

  - Any idea how it will happen? - He was still curious and despite having outlined a slight smile watching the amazing laugh that he had just heard, without even knowing why.

  - Well... Initially there will be a great slaughter of individuals, primarily those that have been or are still maimed due to the advancement of mutant hordes after the virus. - He remembered how she had found Martha Frost and how the left then. He waved away the thought, what intrigued Frost. - So we can assume that the seven billion people inhabiting the planet remain few million only! - Concluding the first phase of explanation.

  - We will have an accelerated reduction of the mass population of the planet ... - Nick nodded confirming that assumption would be correct.

  - Of the millions that remain, another much succumb by hunger, chance and so many other things certainly happen! - I made some mental calculations with up surprisingly quickly to new physical condition he looked. - Still, there will be "human" enough mass to perpetuate this new species! - Paused to review some concepts. - Of course we have to take into account the dementia caused by viruses, against the physical conditions were superior to survive adversity on the planet! - I was still thinking about what he said.

  - So you believe that the mental evolution process is necessary for this new species "Upgrade" to a superior condition to humans in a few hundred years? - I was intrigued by what he heard.

  - Modesty her believe that will be a few hundred years... - He was surprised that he had not realized that the process would be long and painful. - Understand, there would be no logic in an evolutionary process was not delayed and by the time it was needed. After all, if we are in a laboratory and are a kind of cyclical experience, it takes time, a long time! - Wait to hear his opinion, but he believed in every word spoken.

  - This means that we will be a type of monkeys compared to human! - Raised the eyebrow of his human do. - Darwinian theory teaches us that we are descended from apes, but if that were true, then there should be no monkeys! - He had already asked whether, if this theory were true, nothing justified the monkeys exist, after all evolution would be homogeneous.

  - Yes... Or even the case of Neanderthals in relation to Homo Sapiens, or any other similar species unknown to and form the missing link such that so far not found and that directly relate the man to the monkey and so on... - She had a good idea of how that conversation would end and if it were not the case, it would make it happen. It was an instinctive part that blossomed even more, could call is in heat. The condition of extreme sexual receptivity by passing the female animals, in which she was now with absolute certainty definitely framed.

  - What we see then is a devastated and empty world of intelligent life forms for a long time, is not it? - Nick reached a denominator on the subject.

  - Now you understood! The ZOMBIES not perpetuate the dominant population and as scientists we are... or were... - Made a short break deep breath. - We know that nature finds its way to renew the species and this seems to be our case... - She looked at him again, but this time with ulterior motives.

  - Yes, we know that nature gives your way... - spoke simplistically, but always believed that and science has proved at all times.

  - So, Nick Frost... In answer to your original question, although we both can now look different species, we can say that we are, at least as far as we know, Adam and Eve in this place we'll call Eden, or start... - The answer would follow determine the following attitudes would.

  - Yes... Although different now, it seems we are the only ones aware of the changes, even though there may be others... - He remembered some questions that made the youth to get answers on what the Catholic Church called dogmas, one of them was like Adam and Eve could have been multiplied if they had only three sons and Eve was the only woman in history, however, the best response came even from his mother, when he said that the inhabitants of Paradise had been the first and not the only ones. That satisfied him.

  - Once you agree with me there is no reason to discover for ourselves the extent to which we are so different or the same in this new condition... - Nadja pulled the torn and bloodstained blouse to him clutching his chest since he had gone through the transformation, not surprised to see themselves naked and firm breasts as they ever were, were not the ideal size as always regarded as human and proportionate to your body, but they were rugged and magnificent, unraveled by the dim light of the moonlight coming in through one of the portholes helicopter. She looked at him as he pulled the bottom of the compressed entirely and now freed letting his whole body was exposed in the eyes of Nick Frost, who watched all this in silence test.

  - As you can see my dear, I'm still a woman completely, now more advantaged! - True, none lacked attributes, only the new body was better adapted, more robust and even bluish color under the skin smoothly in contrast to the whole.

  - I... I do not know what to say... - For the first time was speechless and in a situation from which there was no escape. I did not doubt his ability as male and player, but had been taken by surprise. He did not realize the proximity of Nadja, but could smell emanating from her body center inviting you to experience it.

  - Let me reveal what's beneath these miserable clothes... - It was true, that dress was with him for at least ten days and on other occasions the smell would have been unbearable, but due to recent events it did not matter, not for them. Nadja removed the shirt he wore with as much delicacy as he could, was concerned with the death of his hands and sharp claws, that was the easy part, but it was interesting to see that the man's body in front suffered proportional changes both the human side that was still preserved and reminded him of the desire of another time, as part of the mutant, it was exactly like the current settings of her body. I was not sure he liked the two worlds he represented, but would know in an instant.

  The pants would be harder to get and she did not want to waste time, I knew that with luck they had was likely to appear some mishap on the outside, or anything else that surprised. Ran the tip of one of the claws, the index finger on the right his leg that swelled the fabric that covered it, so did the other side of the body, it was as if using a sharp blade to undress him and he did so with great success.

  A very thin trickle of blood ran down the left risk in human skin Frost, but he did not feel any pain or discomfort, was all excited about what was happening inside that place unlikely to be the first romantic relationship with Nadja Romanov, but was clear that had to better protect their natural body, or otherwise could have dire consequences in the future.
  - Sorry, I'll try to be more sensitive next time... - He made it clear that this would not be the only time and much less by chance, was a female in need of a male until he knew he was the only one available and even then compatible. There was no surprise to see him completely naked and ready for what would follow, he liked what he saw, the rigidity and the appearance it had, and it was time to prove his theory.

  - Do not worry, I will survive... - Silenced what he intended to say when Nadja sat on it and slowly descended the body without needed to use your hands to any direction, because this could prove fatal and certainly was among the possibility that she had foreseen that the act is not consummated. He felt the hip Nadja down completely and keep it inside, there was the usual warmth which was used in this situation, the penetration was simple and efficient.

  She hesitated for a moment before starting to ride light to do next. It would be the first copulation of a new species on the planet, none of them had no idea what would happen next, but were willing to risk in this new world and discover together the limits of their bodies.

  The sharp nails of her left hand dug up in his body mutant without the hurt, but controlled so that the human part did not suffer any damage.

  There was a mixture of wild sex and the need for procreation, to lead and to perpetuate the species at any cost, studies showed that in the human war times had a tendency to breed more easily and it was one more proof that the studies were correct however, perhaps not the best time to bring new offspring to the world. Think about it later.

  It took at least two hours between the beginning and the end of the strange relationship that began in order to experience, there was a comparative to do since neither had previous experience with each other by "lack of opportunity" with this all positions that risked as well as the dueling forces that fought was only in order to prove their views and resistance. But that was not all.


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