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Right Man/ Wrong Groom: Paradise Cove Series - Destination Wedding Book 1

Page 16

by Patrice Wilton

  “No, I don’t. Go, Michael. Live your life. If I ever change my mind, I’ll call. But don’t hold your breath.”

  He stormed off, and she began to jog in the opposite direction. She needed to let off some steam, and the jog became a full-out run. She ran as fast as she could, so fast she could barely breathe, and couldn’t think at all. Then her knees buckled, and she sank to the ground. Time was lost as she sat on the beach and cried.


  Jeremy found her on the beach. The stars were out, the moon played hide and seek between dark clouds. She must have been there for hours. She felt stiff and cold. Empty.

  He sat down next to her, and flung an arm around her neck. He never said a word, but offered comfort. Worn out by her deep heart-wrenching sobs and the amount of tears she’d shed, she wearily rested her head on his shoulder.

  He kissed the top of her head, and pushed back strands of her long hair that clung to her damp cheeks. He twirled the locks of hair between his fingers, and she could feel the back of his fingers caress her cheek.

  She glanced up at him and their eyes connected for a long time. It was like reliving the past. The good times, the bad, the love that never completely went away. Then he lifted her chin and kissed her mouth with as much hunger and need as she felt in the depth of her soul. She didn’t know if she loved Jeremy, but she needed him. Maybe not for a lifetime, but for right now.

  Her mouth opened under his, and the touch of his tongue set a spark through her. She put her hands on his face and deepened the kiss, wanting to taste him so bad she couldn’t get enough. Her tongue dueled with his, taking, seeking, tasting, until she gasped for air but didn’t stop. She pushed him down on the sand, and covered his body with her own, mouths still clasped together.

  Her breasts rubbed against his chest, aching to be touched. The friction was exactly what they needed. Her nipples beaded into hard buds, and his searching hand found one.

  She moaned with pleasure. “Yes. More.” She raised herself a few inches from him so he could slip his hands under her tee. He unsnapped her bra and filled his hands with her swollen breasts. “Oh, that feels so good.”

  She moved up a notch, putting her breasts near his mouth. He took a nipple between his lips and his teeth, pulling it gently, sucking it until she withered against him. She reached her hand down between them and felt the length and thickness of him, the stiff erection. “Oh, God, but I want you.”

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked, his hips flexing, pushing his cock against her mound. He continued to fondle her breasts and tweak her nipples.

  His honest brown eyes met hers, and they looked like melted chocolate.

  “Oh, yes, I’m sure.” She unzipped him then, and caressed his cock through his jockey shorts. “Next time we meet like this,” she whispered huskily, “I want you commando.”

  He laughed, but stopped when she whipped his cock out and put her warm mouth over the head. He bucked once, and then held still.

  “You should stop,” he said, grunting with pleasure. “Maybe you should…”

  She put a finger over his mouth and sucked him hard. Then just before he lost control she withdrew, whipped of her t-shirt, and pulled down her shorts. Then she planted herself on top of him and took him deep.

  She was burning up with heat, her hips moving in sync with his—taking and giving, letting up and going back for more. They were both panting and sweating, rising and falling. The sky seemed brighter, the stars a mystic glow. The warm breeze caressed her skin, and every nerve end was lit up, a pleasure zone.

  His cock filled her until there was no place left, and then she gave herself up to the sensations, feeling the tiny flickers begin, building to a crescendo, until she let go.

  Feeling her convulsions, Jeremy didn’t hold back any longer and he shuddered and exploded, holding her tightly, pumping into her until he was drained dry. He kissed her softly, and caressed her bare skin.


  He licked the sweat of her neck and nipped her shoulder. “Hmm?”

  “This has been a crazy couple of days, hasn’t it?” She kissed his eyes, his cheeks. “I can’t believe we just did this. Can you?” Having Jeremy inside of her felt so right, so perfectly right that she couldn’t imagine how she’d ever thought she’d loved his brother. It had been nothing like this.

  He made a sound between a cough and a laugh. “I’m in you right now, and enjoying it very much. Yes, I can believe it. And already I want you again.”

  “Don’t be silly. You couldn’t.” She wiggled off of him, and regretted it instantly. The sand was rough and cool, while his body was warm and a perfect fit. She put her head in her hand and leaned on her elbow watching his face. The moon cast just enough light that she could make out his long lashes, see the bridge of his nose, the glint in his eyes, his loving grin.

  “Oh, I could,” he said pulling her head to his chest. “But I’m worried that someone might come looking for us. Perhaps we should have a quick skinny dip, then get dressed and continue back at your place.”

  She slapped his shoulder playfully. “Really? What if someone saw you coming in?”

  “Then they would know what we were up to. Either way, I don’t give a damn. Do you?”

  “Not really. I should, but I don’t. You took away my hurt, and made me feel special. Cared for.” She hesitated before saying it, but knew it was true. “Loved.”

  “You’re right about that. And just in case you have the slightest doubt we could test it out again later.” He jumped to his feet, bringing her with him. “Let’s get some of this sand off us, and get away from here before someone passes by.”

  Before she could answer he pulled her along and into the water and into his arms. They floated with her back to his tummy, his hands on her waist. He washed her between the legs and flowed water over her breasts, and his tenderness and gentle movements brought a warmth to her heart.

  She flipped over wrapping her legs around him and kissed him deeply. He slipped inside her once more and they continued kissing and playing around, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Let’s go. I want you in bed,” Jeremy said, taking charge.

  They quickly put on their clothes and hand in hand walked back to Paradise Cove.

  * * *

  After the happy hour at the pool broke up and everyone went about their business, Anna and Kevin went back to her cabin. They no longer tried to keep their affair secret. His daughter knew and they didn’t need anyone’s permission.

  “I’m sorry about Nadine running off like that,” Anna said. “That poor girl has really been through hell this week. I don’t know what any of us can do for her.”

  “Nothing we can do,” Kevin said, matter-of-factly. He turned on the TV and scrolled down looking for something to watch. “She has to make her own mind up whether she can trust Michael again. I, for one, vote no. That man is trouble.”

  “I agree, although he did seem sincere, and extremely sorry, for what he did.”

  “Maybe a couple of days sitting in that jail cell taught him a little humility. Bravo to his captors. But they were heavily rewarded. To the tune of a million dollars, they said.” He snickered. “Glad to see Michael and his mates taken down a peg or two. The money these guys make between their wins and endorsements is staggering.”

  “True, but it’s like that with all sports. Look at football players. They make thirty-forty million a year whether their team wins or loses. That’s ridiculous. At least golfers and tennis players have to perform to make the big money.” Anna poured them both a glass of wine and took the seat next to him, kicking her shoes off to be more comfortable.

  He touched his glass to hers, and put an arm around her shoulders to draw her close. “I hate to think of my girl hurting, and the embarrassment and disappointment she must feel. But I’m glad she didn’t marry the asshole.” He kissed Anna’s forehead. “My hopes are that she and Jeremy will find a way back to each other. It won’t happen overnight, bu
t perhaps in time.”

  “Yes, it’s obvious that he loves her.”

  “And she was having second thoughts before the wedding. I think seeing Jeremy again stirred up some old feelings that had never been resolved.”

  “He took off for the beach, and so did she.” Anna smiled, her eyes dancing. “Wouldn’t it be nice if they somehow met halfway?”

  “It would be very nice.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I feel ever so slightly guilty having a love affair with you when her wedding fell apart. My happiness at her expense.” He kissed her mouth this time. “Not guilty enough to stop what’s going on, but a twinge when I see the pain in her eyes. But there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.”

  “I know. I’m so happy to have met you too. Have you given any thought to how we are going to work this out together? I’m pretty committed here, but I could get away once in awhile. None of us have actually had a holiday in the past four years. So I’m definitely due for one.”

  “Not had a holiday in four years! That’s slave labor. You can’t keep that up. Carole seems very competent. I’m sure she can handle the office for you.”

  “Yes, well, she only joined us about two months ago. I’m giving her more responsibilities as we go along.” She batted her eyelashes at him. “But she’s a great addition to our staff and her mother, Joan, is a big help too. She works at the Café, and helps take care of Kayla’s and Juanita’s little girls. That used to be my job too. My favorite job, I might add.”

  “I bet. You must be a wonderful grandmother. Is Taylor planning on having more kids?”

  “Not sure yet. I’m hoping so. And you haven’t met Brittany. My artsy girl. She’s a handful that one. A professional dancer. And last year she met the most wonderful man, a playwright, and they live in Miami and have a flat in New York City as well. They come and go. Not sure if I’ll see any grandchildren from her.”

  He kissed her behind the ear, and nuzzled her with his chin. “I don’t have anything in Baltimore keeping me there. Our family home and a golf membership are my only two ties to the community. My daughter lives closer to the airport so she can easily get to and from work. Don’t see as much of her as I should, but she has her life now and since her mom past away, she doesn’t visit as often as she used to.”

  “What about Cameron?”

  “He’s got a loft in New York. Comes home on holidays, but again not so much now that his mom has gone. It’s hard for them, too.”

  “So…no lady friends that you’d leave behind?”

  “Not a one.” His fingers caressed the back of her neck. “I could certainly come and visit you as often as you want.”

  “What if I didn’t want you to visit me?” She pulled away so she could look him in the face. “What if I wanted something a little more permanent?”

  “Are you the lady who told me a few days ago that you weren’t looking for another husband?”

  “Yes,” she said and blushed. “But I lied.”

  He laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. “I’m glad.”

  “You are?” She held her breath, and her mouth popped open. “Oh, Kevin, I’m so thrilled to have found you.”

  “You’ve made me a very happy man too.” He took her hands and asked solemnly, “Anna, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Oh, my!” She grinned with delight. “Yes, I would. Nothing could make me happier.” Her eyes twinkled at him. “You may kiss the bride.”

  His mouth was firm on hers, and she kissed him with all the warmth in her heart. Then she sighed and put her head back against the sofa to gaze into his eyes. “We should probably keep this a secret for now. We don’t want to hurt Nadine anymore than she already is.”

  “Yes. You’re right. No ring or announcement just yet. It’s May. Perhaps we could have a wedding late summer or early fall.”

  She laughed. “Why, Mr. Thomas you are in a hurry, aren’t you? Don’t worry—you don’t have to tie the knot to get into bed with me.”

  “Speaking of which…what are we doing sitting here, pretending to watch the local news?”

  “I have no idea.” She smiled mischievously. “We still have lots of champagne bottles that never got used. We could open one and celebrate our secret engagement together.”

  “Only if I can sip it from your navel,” he said taking her hand and raising her up from the sofa.

  “You can drink it anywhere you like,” she countered, lifting her eyebrows up and down.

  “I love the way you think.” He gave her a long kiss. “I’m looking forward to finding new places on that perfect body of yours to explore.” He patted her bottom and pushed her toward the kitchen. “Go find that champagne and I’ll light the candles in the bedroom. And turn down the sheets.”

  “You want something to nibble on?” she asked, opening the fridge door.

  He winked at her. “I have you.”


  Anna couldn’t remember being this happy—at least not in recent years. Of course she’d been delighted when Kayla found happiness with Sean, and the birth of their baby had filled her with joy. She’d also been excited and happy when Taylor stopping fighting Colt and let him love her the way she deserved. And last year when Brittany had returned home broken and battered, then lost her baby, well, she’d just been thrilled to death when Ashley Chase showed up and took an interest in her daughter.

  They were all settled and happy now. Brittany had starred in Ashley’s new play and it had been a big hit. Taylor and Colt were both working hard but doing what they loved. His son Jamie was doing better at school and much happier than he’d been when he’d been living primarily with his mom.

  Knowing her daughters were well loved freed Anna in a way she’d never been free before. She didn’t feel the least bit guilty falling in love and taking her share of happiness too. Paradise Cove had given them many blessings and she knew that her dead husband, Allen, would be smiling down from heaven at her now. She and the girls had lived his dream and were not just surviving, but thriving here in the Keys. They owed it all to him and his vision—he’d taken a risk buying this run down property and willing it to her and her daughters.

  Anna and the girls had been hesitant about leaving their jobs, their friends, the familiarity of what they knew, but they’d made a pact to come to the Keys, fix the place up, and stick it out for a year. If they didn’t like it, they’d sell the place and go back home.

  Paradise Cove became not only home, but a place of love. They’d saved Juanita, Miguel and their son Jose from drowning at sea, and Juanita from losing her baby. Her daughters found their husbands. This little humble resort in the Florida Keys was like a beacon of light, welcoming strangers, bringing them hope when there was none.

  She would never leave it, and she hoped Kevin wouldn’t want to leave either.

  Taking the chilled champagne into the bedroom, she handed it to him to pop the cork. She held two chilled flutes out for him to fill. “To Paradise Cove,” she said, smiling through a mist of tears.

  He didn’t question her toast, but seemed to understand it. “To Paradise Cove.” The cork popped and he deftly filled the glasses without spilling a drop.

  “And to my beautiful future bride.” He kissed her softly before they sipped.

  “I love you, Kevin,” she told him, “and my tears are happy ones.”

  “Then I should cry with you,” he took the glass from her hand and placed it on the table, then tugged her in his arms. “I love you so much. And I’ll spend the rest of my life showing you how much.”

  She laughed, and wrapped her arms around his neck, cuddling into him. She stood on tiptoe and lifted her mouth to his. “Promise me something.”


  “Don’t ever die.” And then she kissed him long and hard, and the champagne was forgotten.

  They lay together, and it wasn’t until much later that he remembered the champagne and sipped it from her navel. Then he widened her legs and found
another enjoyable spot to taste it from.

  Anna giggled, and hit him over the head. “Bad boy. You are a naughty one.”

  He looked up from what he was doing. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

  “Not a chance in hell.” She reached out for her glass of champagne on the table next to her, and took a refreshing sip. “I’m enjoying myself all too much.”

  “So am I.” He buried his head once more and didn’t come up for air until she convulsed and cried, and the tremors ended. Then he slid up next to her, put her head on his shoulder and finished his drink. “A man could get used to this.”

  “What’s that?” she asked sleepily.

  “To making love with you, drinking champagne. To being happy.”

  “I could get used to it too.” Her hand slipped down his chest to his stomach, and then lower still. “I’m addicted to all three.”

  And then she dove beneath the covers to prove it.

  * * *

  Nadine opened her eyes and looked at the man sleeping next to her. Jeremy was even more beautiful in sleep than he was awake. He had a small smile on his face as if he was enjoying a pleasant dream and she hoped she was the reason for it.

  She needed to use the bathroom, but was hesitant to wake him. Instead, she turned on her side to admire his beauty. He was taller, broader, and darker than his brother, Michael. His thick hair waved about his ears, and was almost black. His eyebrows were thicker and darker too, and his nose was a tad longer and straighter. His mouth lush, full, more kissable.

  Very gently, so as not to wake him, she slid a finger down his chest, feathering the curly dark hair that covered his nipples and led down to his midriff. She looked at his package too. It was very impressive and very pleasing.

  She was willing herself not to touch it when it jumped.

  Her eyes rose and met Jeremy’s. He was watching her with a smile.

  “You caught me,” she said with an embarrassed laugh.

  “See anything you like?” He pulled her into his arms, and flipped a leg over hers.


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