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Stolen by the Alpha Wolf: Shifter Romance (Accidental Theft Book 1)

Page 4

by Hartnady, Charlene


  “Then you’re stuck with me.” He hooked his thumbs in his jeans. “You’re safe, warm, clean. I just need to get you fed and we’re all set.”


  Her fangs throbbed, her senses honed in on his heartbeat and the sound of his blood rushing through his veins.

  “Would you like me to cook your portion of the rabbit?”

  “Yes, please. I don’t eat raw meat. Um,” she paused not sure how to progress. “I would offer to help, but I can’t cook.”

  Ward smiled. “If you want, I’ll teach you. It’s not like we have anything better to do.” For just a second his eyes shone with a predatory gleam. His gaze unnerved her until he thankfully turned and opened the basket, ending whatever it was that had passed between them. His back was all broad muscle and smooth, tanned skin. Her mouth watered for a taste. She didn’t care anymore that he was a wolf. At this stage she was starting to get desperate for blood. Hopefully the food would help. Even if it did stave off the worst of it, how long would the reprieve last? Not long she feared.

  “Um, Ward.”

  “Yeah.” He glanced at her over his shoulder.

  “Can we hurry, I’m really hungry.”

  He chuckled, a soft rumble. “Get your ass over here and help while I clean the—”

  She gasped as he lifted a dead rabbit from the basket. It was floppy, neck twisted at an odd angle.

  Ward grinned. “You should see your face, maybe you should move away while I take care of this. I didn’t realize vampires were so squeamish. You drink blood for hound’s sake.”

  “Fresh, warm, straight out of the vein.”

  He quirked up an eyebrow. “Your eyes are glowing.”

  She looked back down at the basket, averting her gaze.

  “If you need…”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine.” What the hell was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she admit that she needed him? Or at least his vein. She was right to resist, his reaction when the time came to finally drink from him concerned her greatly. Blood drinking could be a highly sexual act. She’d heard that humans were greatly affected, becoming highly aroused. With vampires it could go either way depending on the drinking partner, maybe this would be the case with other species. It was something she couldn’t risk though.

  Stephany opened the basket and aside from various vegetables, she pulled out some spinach, four eggs, a half loaf of fresh crusty bread and two apples.

  There was a slicing noise and the scent of animal blood filled the air. Stephany wrinkled her nose at the coppery stench. The creature was dead, its blood a congealed mess. How distasteful.

  “You can wash the vegetables. Maybe cut an onion into small pieces. You’ll find knives in the top drawer to your right.”


  It felt weird having a female performing domestic duties in his personal space. Scratch that, it felt weird having her here period. He couldn’t remember ever having invited one into his private space. Not that there were many females to choose from and not that this was his permanent residence.

  It was complicated, invite a female – Luna – in and suffer the consequences. Females were wired to want mating and young; and as soon as possible. Although he was alpha and expected to take a mate, it would have to wait. He wasn’t ready for such a big step. The pack wouldn’t accept his hesitancy for too much longer, yet the thought of taking Luna to his bed left him cold. Although she pushed him constantly, flashing her tail at him at every chance, he got the distinct impression that it was out of a sense of duty rather than because she really wanted him.

  Thankfully Stephany was a vampire, a completely different species. She clearly didn’t want any of that from him. Unlike Luna. He sighed softly, pulling the innards from the rabbit’s cavity. Next, using his knife, he removed the creatures head, tail and paws. With expert precision, he pried away the skin from the neck area and removed the whole fur in one easy motion.

  Stephany had just finished washing the vegetables and had started on the onion. It was a sorry sight. Most of the onion had been massacred along with the skin, what was left was in large asymmetrical chunks. When she looked up at him, her nose was running and her eyes were filled with tears, she sniffed wiping her right eye with the back of her hand. “I warned you.” She gave him a shy smile and he couldn’t help but to smile back.

  “Here…” He walked over and her eyes widened at the blood on his hands.

  Ward shook his head. “I can’t believe what a baby you are. Aren’t vampires supposed to be these really badass creatures of the night complete with red eyes and sharp canines intent on ripping open throats? Leaving devastation in their wake?”

  She laughed. Fuck. If she was pretty before, she was drop dead gorgeous right now, runny nose, leaking eyes and all.

  She was a bloodsucker, he reminded himself. Polar opposites. Enemies. She was also shy, sweet and a total control freak. In another life, he would’ve really enjoyed making it his personal mission to make her let go. To watch her completely unravel and let loose.

  “Ripped throats, total destruction…it happens,” she said wiping her nose a second time.

  “Not in your case?”

  She didn’t respond, so Ward dropped it. He threw away the parts of the rabbit they didn’t need and made for the basin where he washed the blood and gore from his hands. “This is the part where I teach you how to make rabbit stew. You’ve never cooked?”

  She shook her head. “I live in…never mind.” How did she tell him she was the personal assistant to one of the kings? That she lived in the castle and wanted for nothing. She literally lived like royalty.

  “No, tell me.”

  She shook her head. “I’m also allowed one or two secrets of my own. You’re right, there are things that we really shouldn’t know about each other. Especially since our species are still technically at war.”

  “You’re right.” He tried not to growl because she had a point, he didn’t have to like it though.

  “What should I do next?” she asked, her eyes wide, her eyebrows raised.

  “Hand me the knife,” he gestured to her hand.

  “I’m so bad that you’ve already given up on me?”

  Ward chuckled. “I want to show you how to cut the carrots. I haven’t given up. I don’t know the meaning of the word. I’ll make a chef out of you yet.”

  She smiled up at him. “Somehow I very much doubt it.”

  “We’ll see.” Ward chopped the sad chunky looking onion up finely, throwing them into a pot with a chunk of butter. “Right.” He grabbed a freshly washed carrot and diced the first third in even thin slices. “That’s all there is to it.” He held out the handle of the knife to her. “Do you think you can handle it?”

  “I think I’ll manage.” She took the knife, careful not to touch him in the process. He moved in behind her to watch her work. The moment he stepped into her personal space, she tensed. Interesting. Was she so adverse to wolves? Or was it just him? Maybe she had been telling the truth when she said she didn’t rut…ever. Why would she lie about such a thing? As he moved away, she exhaled the breath she had been holding and her heartbeat evened out.

  “I told you that I wouldn’t hurt you and I meant it.”

  “I know. I just really wish you would let me go.” Her plea sounded almost desperate. There was something she was keeping from him. He understood her desire to return to her people, to have this whole episode over with. What he didn’t understand was her desperation. Had he not made it clear that she was safe? That he would provide for her and take her back himself?

  Her shoulders sagged and she stopped slicing. Her eyes remained firmly on the food in front of her. “It’s just that, it’s not going to be long before…” She took a deep breath. It seemed as if she was finally going to confess whatever it was that was bothering her.

  The door slammed open. Chilly air swirled into his cosy cabin along with one pissed shifter. Gage’s face was contorted in rage, his
hands were fisted at his sides. Even though Ward doubted the male would hurt the vampire, he still moved to put himself between Gage and the female.

  Aside from dropping the knife and turning to face Gage, Stephany remained silent and outwardly calm.

  “What the fuck, Ward?” Gage growled, his teeth were sharp points. If the male became any angrier, he would start to sprout fur. Tearing towards them, he stopped almost chest to chest with Ward. The shifter’s gaze held his for a few long beats before moving over his shoulder to the vampire behind him.

  Ward couldn’t stop the low growl that tore from his throat as Gage’s eyes narrowed on the female.

  “She can’t be here. It’s too risky.” Gage snarled, his canines long and gleaming.

  Ward shoved the other male, managing to get the big SOB to take a step backwards. “I will deal with it,” he snarled back.

  “I will not risk…all that we have worked for…I refuse.”

  “Calm the fuck down.” Ward tried not to snarl in retaliation. Someone had to keep a clear head through all of this.

  “Fuck you!” Gage’s eyes were glowing, his shirt stretched across his chest. If Ward were willing to risk glancing down, he was sure he would find claws at the ends of the other male’s fingers. Gage was so angry that he was in a semi shift. The problem was that Ward could understand the reasons behind the anger and underlying fear. If Stephany found out…moreover, if the vampire kings were to find out their plans…they could be in real trouble. “I will deal with this, Ward. You seem to have lost your mind.”

  “I said that I would handle it and I will. Trust me to do what is necessary. This is my call…I don’t want to fight with you, Gage.”

  The other male visibly bristled. “You brought the enemy into our midst. A human female is one thing, this”—his eyes moved back to Stephany, glowing brighter as they landed on her—“is something else entirely.” His lip curled in a silent snarl. “I will take the vampire.”

  A hissing sound erupted from behind him. Ward glanced back. Great, judging from her red eyes and long canines, the female’s fight instincts were kicking in. Another deafening hiss sounded as she advanced.

  Ward snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her into his back. It was the best he could do and still keep Gage at his front. Her hands shoved at his back but he held tight.

  “Leave. I’ve got this.” He tried to sound as calm as possible.

  “Bull fucking shit, Ward.”

  “You’re the one that’s making her act like this. I refuse to let you take her. You will bleed before that happens.”

  “She’s a bloodsucker, Ward. This is how they are.” Although his frame was still tense and his eyes were narrow, he had calmed enough to rationalize with.

  “She’s a female in my care. Hayden took her by accident and I will see that she is returned. In the meantime, she will stay by my side at all times.”

  “What if she finds out?”

  “She won’t,” he growled.

  “And if she does?” Gage didn’t give him a chance to answer. “If she does, she dies and by your hand.”

  Stephany stopped trying to get away from him. Instead, she pushed herself against him, her hot breath fanning his back. She seemed to sense that she didn’t stand a chance against this fierce shifter. That Ward was her only chance for survival. She might be tougher than a human female but she was no match for a shifter male in his prime.

  “I won’t kill a female…vampire or otherwise.”

  “Give her to me then. I will take care of it.”

  Ward grit his teeth to keep from snarling. “You would have innocent blood on your hands?”

  “I’ll take her to the canyon and leave her to find her way back to civilization…”

  “It would be kinder to cut her heart out right now. Good luck trying.” His arm tightened around the female at his back. It was irrational but he would kill this male if he had to.

  “If she stays and finds out.” He spoke through clenched teeth. “She dies. You have taken ownership so it will be by your hand. Do we have an agreement?” Gage’s eyes darkened.

  Ward felt his skin tighten as his wolf attempted to erupt. His gums tingled and his hands turned to claws at his side. “You have no authority over me.” His voice had turned gravelly. His beast fought for dominance, it wanted to hurt Gage but that would put the female in danger.

  “Hand her over or accept responsibility.”

  “I have taken ownership of this female. She will not find out, if she does I will take her as my mate.”

  Gage’s jaw dropped open for a second, then he roared, his face twisted in rage. “What? You would dare bring a bloodsucker into the pack. Are you out of your fucking mind?”

  Ward punched him. It felt good to feel Gage’s nose snap under his fist. The big male looked momentarily dazed. “What was that for?” He used the back of his hand to wipe away a trickle of blood.

  “Calm down. I don’t plan on taking a vampire as a mate. It’s to prove to you how serious I am about her never knowing our secrets.”

  “Those bastard kings can’t find out. You know she would tell them.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Gage’s canines had retracted, his shirt hung normally on his shoulders.

  “I’ve got this.” Ward noticed that Rushe was standing in the doorway.

  “Fine. Don’t fuck this up.”

  “You said that like I’m known for fucking up.”

  Gage shook his head, his lips twitched. “Don’t start now.”

  “I don’t plan to.”

  Gage nodded once, turned and walked out. Rushe closed the door. Ward turned, expecting to find a quivering female in need of comfort. A few kind words, maybe even a hug. The sight before him though made him take a momentary step back.

  Her eyes may have been red before, but not like this. Her irises looked like they were bleeding. No wonder she’d dropped the blade earlier, the claws at the ends of her fingers put the paring knife to shame. Her eyes narrowed even more, zoning in on him. She hissed, her canines long and deadly. Stephany looked down at the claws on the ends of her hands, the ones that were covered in blood. From the light sting on his back, he knew that it was his blood.

  She swallowed hard, and licked her lips before tearing her gaze from the crimson rivulets on the ends of her fingers. Squeezing her hands into fists, she pulled them behind her back. “Run,” her red eyes pleaded as she spoke.

  “Do you need blood?”

  She closed her eyes, squeezing them tight and shook her head. “I said to run.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll help you.”

  “Too late.” She hissed again. When her eyes opened, they held a predatory gleam. It wasn’t his imagination when they settled on the pulse at the base of his neck. “I’m in hunt mode.” She took a step towards him and he had to fight to stand his ground. Crazy, she was tall for a female but no match for him. Vampire or not.

  “If you need blood, you can take from me.”

  “I intend to.” Stephany looked up at him through thick lashes. In that moment, her hungry stare turned sensual. Yet still as deadly as the sharpest blade. Damned if his body didn’t respond. She shoved at his chest and he stumbled in the direction of the bed.

  “Know that I don’t want this.” She said as she advanced on him.

  “You don’t have to do this if—”

  “I don’t have a choice.” She closed the rest of the space between them and slid her hands onto his chest. He sucked in a deep breath, amazed at how her scent had intensified. Buttery vanilla and sweet, lemony frosting. His mouth was on the verge of drooling when she shoved him again. He stumbled back, barely keeping his footing.

  “If you want me on the bed that badly, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Let’s get something straight, wolf, I don’t want you.” Her eyes said otherwise as she stalked towards him using one hand to push him. This time he was
ready, and although he could’ve broadened his stance and held his ground, he allowed her to push him so that he landed with his back on the soft mattress. She straddled him, long lean thighs on either side of his hips. His cock strained against his zipper.

  Down boy.

  His dick refused to listen. Vampire or no, it wanted and it wanted bad. He would’ve thought that red eyes and claws would be enough to turn a male off, but Ward was a wolf after all and she kept flashing him the longest most delectable canines he’d ever seen on a female.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Even when she was out of control, she was controlled. It didn’t make any sense, yet it was true. “You can’t hurt me, honey.”

  “Oh, yes I can. Lie still or suffer the consequences.” She grabbed a hold of his arm, turning it so that his wrist was exposed. He so longed to know what exactly those consequences would be.

  There was a sharp pinch as her canines breached his skin. Stephany made a tortured sound dropping his arm. Her gaze settled on his neck. “So thirsty.” Stephany leaned in, her pebbled nipples slid over his chest as her mouth locked on his neck. There was another pinch and she sucked deeply. His hips rolled forward in time with her draw. The female made a sound of utter rapture, or maybe it was him that made the noise?


  He felt his eyes roll to the back of his skull. It felt like her lips were wrapped around his cock instead of on his neck, like each pull was a long languid suck from the base to tip. His hips found a steady rhythm in time with her mouth. He fought the urge to pull her against him, to bury himself inside her heat. Instead of pulling her closer, he grabbed a hold of the sheets.

  Stephany moaned.

  Chapter 4

  Ward tasted divine.

  So good that her brain fogged over and shivers raced up and down her spine. He tasted forbidden although she couldn’t remember why. Didn’t want to.

  Her breasts felt heavy against his chest. Her nipples stiffened to the point of pain. Her skin felt too tight. Her body flushed. A deep seated hunger awoke in her, making her clit throb and her womb clench. She needed to ease the ache. Needed to…her core met with hard male.


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