Book Read Free

Double Mountain Trouble

Page 5

by Katerina Cole


  God help her, she had felt a thrill when Lee was in the office. He left before her body completely betrayed her. She drank her coffee quickly, as if that would somehow restore bits of sanity. She was going to need an entire pot of coffee to make that happen.

  She sat behind the desk and looked out the window. She peered closer, trying to focus. What in the hell? He was already outside. She watched in disbelief as he stomped into a path behind the house. How did he make it out of the house so quickly? And why was he in such a hurry?

  There was something ruggedly handsome about him. Something almost primal that made her shiver. She knew he was educated and polished. In the city, he was sophisticated and in a group of elite billionaires. Here, he was all man.

  The kind of man that made her sigh and giggle a little too much. Stare a little too long, and linger when she should be running.

  She bit her lip, remembering last night’s dream. Remembering how the two men together made her feel. Her head leaned back as she gripped the mug.

  What in the holy hell was she thinking? She had to put stupid dreams aside and get to work. It was the only way she was getting out of here.

  She had to pave her own way to freedom. Because it was clear—Lee and Tyler wanted her to stay, and she couldn’t count on their mercy to release her a second before she had fulfilled her obligation.

  She exhaled. Work. She needed work. But her gaze landed on the trail again. She wished she could escape in the snowy forest like Lee did. Or did she just want to follow him?



  Later that evening Lee walked into Brooke’s office without bothering to knock. Damn, she looked fucking edible in those jeans that hugged her ass. He had to remind his cock to stay in check.

  He cleared his throat, forcing her to look up from her desk. He wondered if she had been there since he left in the morning.

  “How was your walk?” she asked.

  He stopped. “Missed me?”

  She scowled. “Not at all. I’ve been working.”

  “How do you know what the assignment is?” he asked, curious about what she had done all day. The hike had cleared his head. He needed it. It felt good to get away from the house.

  “I’ve getting acquainted with StarCon.” She smirked. “But since you’re here, why don’t you tell me what the artwork entails for your new project?” Her eyebrows rose.

  Lee folded his arms across his chest. He couldn’t blame her for being hostile all the time. The situation was out of control, but he knew there was no going back. Once he had supported Tyler, he was in a hundred percent. The farther he walked in the forest, the more certain he was that this was going to work.

  “First I want to make sure you were given a proper orientation to the company from human resources. Did they call you and go over everything on the phone?”

  Brooke nodded. “They did. The whole thing seems a little ridiculous though. Why would you do that when we’re all the way out here in the wilderness?”

  “It’s not ridiculous. I’ll tell you what happened. A couple years ago our payroll department was hacked.”

  Brooke’s eyes widened. “Wh-what?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “So, we take all employee information very seriously. Don’t worry. That’s not going to happen again. We’ve added firewalls. Whoever the hacker was, was pretty clever.”

  “Really?” She tilted her head. “But you never caught them?”

  “No. Never. Anyway, if you’ve gone through HR, I think we should talk about what’s next for you. Wouldn’t you like to know what you’re designing?” he asked.

  She looked around. “This office is over-the-top. The house is over the top. Everything about this arrangement is crazy. I can’t imagine what you want me to design.”

  “Speaking of our location, I just need to know you have everything you need to complete the project.” Along with the design table, she also had a new laptop, phone, and the latest design programs.

  “I can’t think of anything else. I just need you to tell me the project. Is it a video game? One of your new apps?” She looked agitated. “I’m sure it’s going to have all the bells and whistles you want.”

  “Is there something wrong with the products StarCon Global creates?” he questioned.

  “No. I just can’t believe I’m going to help you make millions of dollars after all this, but that’s the price of my deal, so just go ahead and tell me. What’s the newest and greatest thing that will make you and Tyler ultra-rich.”

  “Brooke, it has nothing to do with making us rich.”

  She huffed. “Likely.”

  He sat in the soft white leather chair in front of her desk. “Would you like for me to explain it to you?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “You are competing for the winning design of the Dream with Wings Foundation.”

  “A foundation?” Her beautiful lips parted with surprise.

  He felt his chest tighten. Even the smallest movements she made, drove him wild.

  “Yes. It’s our children’s foundation. The pinnacle of what we are trying to achieve at StarCon Global. Yes, we are fortunate to have padded bank accounts. Tyler and I know how lucky we are. We don’t take it for granted. Over the years we’ve tried to figure out how we could give back. What the right way was to show our gratitude. This idea has been in the works for years. That’s why it’s so important that we get it right. The branding of the Dreams with Wings Foundation has to show the world that if they give to our foundation, whether it’s through time or money, that they are part of a cause greater than them. They are part of a family.”

  “I don’t believe it.” Brooke blinked. The green in her eyes glistening. “This is for a charity?”

  He chuckled. “We’re not green-headed monsters. We have hearts, despite all your pre-conceived ideas.”

  “My pre-conceived ideas are based on the reality of my situation.”

  “I’ll give you that.”

  She paused. “Ok. So I’m supposed to design the artwork for a children’s foundation that does what exactly?”

  She had started to take notes.

  “We don’t want to narrow our focus too much, or make it too broad. Tyler would like to make sure we’re giving as many educational opportunities as possible to young children through high school.”

  “And you? Do you have a different focus?”

  Lee nodded. “I love his idea, but I want to make sure that kids stay healthy. That they get the chance to live out that educational dream of his. So, my end is more children’s health. Helping families pay medical bills. That kind of thing.”

  Brooke’s jaw dropped. “You are fucking with me right now, aren’t you?”

  “Excuse me?”

  She shook the blond curls from her shoulders. “You seriously want me to believe that you are both so enthralled with the livelihood and well-being of children that you’re setting up a foundation?”

  “That’s exactly what we’ve done. After our mountain break, we are announcing it to our shareholders and to the public. We are anticipating a high media presence. They are going to expect us to roll out a new product, but instead they are going to get this. And we hope the foundation gets a lot of support. What better way to kick off a campaign?”

  “And for you two to make your re-entrance into civilization.”

  “Something like that.” He didn’t like the public relations side of it, but the timing wasn’t a coincidence. It was the one thing the two of them had to agree to work on outside of Denver.

  “I really don’t know what to say.”

  “Do you think you have enough information to start the design work? You’re running on a short time table. The other artists we have consulted certainly have a head start on you.”

  “Th-this is huge,” Brooke stuttered.

  “Are you up for it?”

  She nodded. “I-I have to be, don’t I?”

  He smiled. “That’s up
to you. You don’t have to take the assignment, Brooke. Tyler’s not going to be easy on you. He has an art background. He knows his stuff. He has the final say. It’s not up to me.”

  “And if I don’t then I sit around the cabin all day while you two chop wood and burn stuff?”

  “I didn’t say that. I’m sure we could find something else for you to do here. This was your negation. It was your idea,” he reminded her. “You can sit up here and knit sweaters if you want. Read. Sleep. Or just paint. You don’t have to do any of the Dreams with Wings work.”

  She sat back in her chair. For a moment, he thought she might reconsider. She might pull her offer to design the brand.

  “I want the job.” She pulled her shoulders back. “If there is one thing I know, it’s how much children need a foundation like this. I’m going to produce the winning design.”

  “Good.” He pushed off from the chair. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

  “I’m going to have this.”

  Lee paused in the doorway. He could see the determination in her eyes. Feel the defiance dripping off her. She was beautiful and smart. And every time he saw her she was getting under his skin more and more. He wanted to clear everything off her desk and kiss her until she screamed his name. Brooke was more than he ever could have imagined.

  “If it is, then I guess we won’t have much time together.” He said the words slowly. He didn’t want that to happen. But he wanted her to win. He wanted her to feel that kind of satisfaction from proving her work and her art.

  He was torn, wanting to keep her, and wanting her to be successful enough she could free herself.

  “Then we still have a deal.” She grinned triumphantly. “Thank you for the information, Lee. I know what I need to do now.”

  “Glad I could help.” He tapped the doorframe. “I’ll see you at dinner tonight.”

  “Right. Dinner.”

  He walked out of Brooke’s office.



  Lee walked out of her office and Brooke still didn’t know how to take what he had told her. All this time she thought she was going to design their latest million-dollar product, when in fact they were trying to launch the most amazing foundation she had ever heard of. It was going to change lives. Make families whole. Help children and parents when they needed it most.

  Who were these men?

  She tapped her pen on the desk. She didn’t want to think she had pegged them wrong. That they gave because maybe they were generous, not because they were trying to seduce her. Maybe they gave because that’s how they showed they cared. They gave because it made them feel good.

  She twisted her lips together, confused more than before Lee’s visit. What if there was something good about Lee and Tyler buried underneath their sexy exteriors? What if they were capable of caring beyond their global domination? What if they were good men and she had judged them because of something stupid Niall did?

  Her head spun with the possibilities. But Brooke did what she always did when things were complicated. She walked to the new design table and picked up a charcoal pencil. There was one place where she could get lost. One place where everything else faded away and nothing else mattered. Her art.

  A few nights later Brooke decided to venture downstairs after a long day of designing. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs when she saw Tyler in the front living room. His back was toward her. He held a glass of whiskey in his hand while he stared at the roaring flames in the fireplace.

  She started to twirl and run up the stairs, but he saw her.

  “You don’t have to run, Brooke. Have a drink with me.” Tyler watched her hesitate.

  Brooke bit the inside of her cheek. “It’s late.”

  “You’ve been working late the last few nights. I have barely seen you.”

  She sighed. “I take my work seriously. And my freedom,” she added.

  “Come with me. I want to show you something before you hide away upstairs again.” Tyler led her to his study. Lee had one on the opposite side of the house.

  Brooke reluctantly followed him. Everything inside her told her she should climb the massive staircase, but her curiosity won out.

  Tyler stood in front of the bar. He poured a glass of wine for her.

  She clutched the glass as he handed it to her.

  “How is the project coming along?” he asked.

  She took a sip. It was soothing. The glass was probably worth more than her entire apartment.

  “I don’t think I should discuss it with you.”

  His eyebrows rose. “Afraid it may sway my decision?”

  “Something like that.”

  She sat on the leather sofa. The fireplace was lit. It was hard to ignore how warm and comforting the room was. The shelves were lined with books about art. Tyler’s collection was amazing. She could stare at the pieces he had in here for hours.

  He sat next to her on the couch, the leather bowing under his heavy frame. He was more relaxed than usual. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows. She could smell the masculine scent of his cologne.

  She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. It had to be the wine, but she was seconds away from leaning her head on his shoulder. Instead she scooted closer to the edge of the couch.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “You realize I can’t leave this house. And if I tried to, I’d freeze outside in the blizzard. And here we are having a glass of wine, surrounded by art and literature. It’s like a horrible fairytale I read as a child.”

  “Yes. I think I know the one. Something about a beast?”

  She stared at him. “It doesn’t make any sense. Nothing in this house makes sense.”

  “Brooke.” He looked at her. She felt his eyes heavy on her lips.

  She had to get out of here. She placed the wine on the coffee table.

  “I’m going to bed. I have work to do. Early.”

  She walked to the doorway.

  “Stay and finish the bottle with me,” he urged. “We can tell bedtime stories. Maybe revise that terrible beast story,” he teased.

  She closed her eyes. She hated that the draw to him was so strong.

  “Good night, Tyler.” She walked away, knowing something inside her was shifting and there was nothing she could do about it.

  It took ten days. A grueling ten days of working on the Dreams with Wings design. Brooke had never loved a project more than this. She wasn’t sure she was ready to admit it openly, but it was true. She awoke in the massive cabin each morning, eager to get to work on the latest ideas that came to her overnight.

  There were some nights she stayed up late, designing and creating. She felt as if part of her soul were invested in it. It had to be the most beautiful creation she had made.

  Today was it. Tyler and Lee would receive the final submissions from the other artists. Brooke’s fingers tingled with nerves. It was hard to decide what made her more nervous—wanting the design to be chosen because she loved it, or wanting it to be chosen to give her the freedom she had sought.

  Today could be the day she’d leave the cabin forever. This could be it.

  Either way, it was enough to keep her stomach in knots. She skipped her cup of coffee Lee offered in the kitchen.

  “Can I get you something else?” he asked. “You seem nervous, Brooke.”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t think I can eat.”

  Tyler rested his tablet next to him at the table. “Is there a reason you have no appetite today?” He smirked.

  She wanted to slap that beautiful smile off his face. It was irritating how sexy he was.

  “I think you know exactly what is at stake today.”

  Lee smiled. “I’m sure your design is going to be chosen. Ty has excellent taste. How could he not pick yours?”

  Brooke exhaled and smiled at him. He had a way of calming her when she least expected it. “Thank you. I guess I’ll know this afternoon, won’t I?”<
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  “Whatever happens, we appreciate that you’ve worked hard for the foundation.”

  “Thank you.” She folded her napkin in her lap. There was no way she could eat the omelet Lee placed in front of her.

  Tyler poured a cup of coffee. He was relaxed and cocky as usual.

  “Maybe I should go for a walk,” she suggested, waiting for one of them to protest.

  The men looked between each other and shrugged.

  “You’re serious?” She stared at them. “You aren’t going to tell me you have to walk with me? Or that you’re worried I’ll run?”

  Lee smiled. “I’ve kept the hiking path clear. You should have no trouble finding your way back to the house on your own, but if you want company, you know I’ll go with you.”

  “This is for real? I can leave the cabin?”

  He nodded. “Brooke, this day is huge for you. I think the woods and snow will do you some good.”

  “Oh my God. Thank you.” She hopped from the table before they could change their minds.

  She rushed from the dining room and climbed the stairs to the second story. She had tried to stay away from the guys’ bedrooms, but she had no doubt where each one of them slept.

  Sometimes at night she thought she heard one or both of them pause outside her door, but she was never sure. They had respected her boundaries. Over the last two weeks she had begun to trust them, even when she didn’t want to.

  They had never touched her. Never hurt her. They had only put limitations on leaving the cabin. Sometimes she had to remind herself why she was angry she was kept in a gorgeous house, given designer clothes and shoes, fed amazing meals, and treated like a princess but two gorgeous men. She had to be going crazy.

  As she walked past Tyler’s room she noticed the door was cracked. She paused, noticing the pictures tucked into the mirror.

  She had never thought before about what kinds of things mattered to Tyler. She had been too busy either hating him, or trying to keep her distance from his smoldering stare. The last two weeks of work had given her an escape.


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