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Double Mountain Trouble

Page 20

by Katerina Cole

  And out walked a naked man. I let out a shriek and jumped backward, dropping all my papers and my phone. I clapped a hand over my mouth and stared at the man. He was not even remotely embarrassed about my walking in on him. He was tall, at least a good head taller than me, and muscular. In fact, he was downright ripped. He gave me a smile, and not even a sheepish one. Steam rolled out of the bathroom behind him. His skin was glowing and dewy. He’d clearly just stepped out of the shower.

  “Oh my God,” I gasped. “I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t realize—”

  “No worries,” he said, not even hiding his crotch from my view. I tried my best not to glance down but, oh God. I did. I glanced down.

  And holy shit, this guy was hung as hell.

  In fact, I was so distracted by his massive cock that it took me a full minute to register how familiar his face was. He recognized me at exactly the same time I recognized him, the smile fading quickly from his face.

  “Jillian?” he asked, frowning.

  I swallowed hard. “Bruin?”

  I was standing in front of my older brother’s best friend from college. And he was naked.



  Watching Jillian’s face go as red as an apple was almost as good as seeing her again. It had been a surprise, to say the least. I hadn’t exactly been planning to walk out of the shower on the yacht broker, no matter what my plans were. But here we were, and it was still my ship, so I figured I’d walk around however I damn well pleased.

  I never expected to see Jillian, however.

  My eyes roamed up and down her body. I didn’t make any effort to hide it any more than I did to hide my own bare skin. I noticed she wasn’t moving, either.

  “Damn, Jillian,” I said with a smile. “It’s been a while. Too long, apparently.”

  “Uh…” she stammered, her eyes still wide in disbelief. “Y-yeah?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her shock, and I raised an eyebrow as I looked down at myself. “Waiting on something?”

  Finally, she seemed to snap out of it and shake her head quickly, averting her eyes as she stooped down to start picking up the pile of papers and a few electronics she dropped. “No, no, I just… I wasn’t expecting…” While she gestured at me without turning her head up, I took the time to get a better look at her.

  “Six years,” I finally mused out loud, putting a hand on my hip and tilting my head at her.

  She had grown her dark hair out, and it looked good on her. Beautiful. I watched her brush it out of the way and saw its glossy shine in the dull light of the room. My eyes trailed to her hips and saw how she’d filled out, and I felt a twitch in my cock as it grew a little fuller.

  This wasn’t the shape I remembered Jillian Hargrove having. The Jillian I remembered was an awkward teenager who was growing into an only slightly less awkward and much more high-strung young adult with big plans for the future. We had been worlds apart, but I still remembered the braces I saw her in the first time we half-met.

  “Excuse me?” she asked, finally glancing up, only to look back down. “And would you please put a towel on? Or clothes? Clothes would work.”

  I ignored her questions as I took a step to the right, moving around the bed toward the closet, but I took my time. “Six years since I last saw you. You must have been what, nineteen?”

  “Oh,” she replied, “I...I suppose that’s right.”

  I grinned, crossing my arms. “You were just Jeff’s little sister back then. Little Jilly,” I added, my eyes lighting up as I remembered her old nickname, and at that, she looked up at me with a shadow of a scowl before scooping up the rest of her papers. “Aw, you remember the nickname he had for you.”

  “That was a long time ago, Bruin,” she said, and I was delighted to see that even though Jeff’s little sister was all grown up, the attitude she carried around on her shoulder was still there, strong as ever. I wondered if she was as tightly wound now as she had been back then. “I’m surprised you even recognize me, honestly.”

  I was as surprised as she was. This wasn’t Jillian, this was a complete knockout. And I could tell from the look on her face and the way she carried herself she had no idea.

  “You’ve changed a lot since college,” I understated with a grin, holding myself back from commenting on the fact that she now had a pair of legs I’d kill to have wrapped around my face. “But how could I forget my best friend’s little sister?”

  “I—” she started, but the surprise on her face was still wearing off, and it took her a few moments to find her words again. I gave her time. I was a lot to take in on short notice. “Well, you haven’t changed much, yourself.”

  “I have in a few ways,” I said offhandedly, turning my hips and looking down at my body on display as if it were a statue. “I’ve had more time to work on my quads, and I hit thirty with the same abs I had when I was in my twenties, which I think isn’t too shabby.”

  I gave her a cocky smile as I strode toward her, and she pulled her papers closer to her as she took a step back, but I turned my back to her once I was closer. I flexed my arms and glanced over my shoulders. “And you can see a little more definition in my lats and biceps, thanks to a few personal trainers worth their weight in gold. Go ahead, give them a feel, if you want,” I offered, looking over my shoulder at her rosy cheeks.

  “I’ll pass,” she said tersely.

  “Let’s see, what else is new?” I wondered out loud, glancing around the room. “Oh, and I own this yacht. Not for much longer, I guess, but I’ve got my mind on a better one.”

  “Wait,” Jillian said, looking more shocked than ever. “The owner of the yacht is... is you?”

  I raised my eyebrows, glancing around the place. “Do you see anyone else walking around the master suite like he owns the place?”

  As if on cue, the bathroom door opened, and the Greek chick stepped out, a towel already wrapped around her body, and her curly hair dripping wet behind her. She glanced between me and Jillian, then glared daggers at me.

  “Well, besides her,” I said to Jillian with a grin.

  “Who is this?” the girl asked, looking Jillian up and down before turning her razor-sharp gaze on me.

  I opened my mouth to answer, but Jillian beat me to it.

  “I’m the yacht broker handling the sale of this ship,” she said, and her voice had a crisp, professional tone to it that I wasn’t used to hearing in her voice. She’d always been a tightly-wound ball of awkward anxiety when I knew her. This kind of professional confidence I could sense in her was refreshing, to put it politely.

  To put it impolitely, it was keeping my naked cock at half-mast, and I’d all but forgotten the fact that I was supposed to be getting a towel.

  “You’re the broker?” I said, taken by the same surprise that had taken Jillian a moment ago. I gave my head a shake, then ran my hand through my hair as if making myself look a little neater. With the same kind of professional posture and tone as if I weren’t completely naked, I thrust my hand out to Jillian with a charming smile.

  “Bruin Kinkaid, pleasure to meet you. Welcome aboard the Mirabella. I’m sure you’ll find everything up to and beyond your expectations,” said in the same tone of voice I used with the businesspeople I dealt with on a daily basis.

  Jillian was dumbstruck, and she stared at my naked form for a moment before the other girl interrupted by clearing her throat.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said, giving my head a shake and gesturing to the girl, “Jillian, this is…” I paused, realizing I never got her name. “Shit,” I muttered.

  “Maria,” the girl finished for me, this time with a bitter look in my direction, stomping over to the foot of the bed to pick up her clothes and trudge back into the bathroom, muttering something under her breath before slamming the door behind her.

  Jillian gave me a look of total disbelief, and I rolled my eyes with a chuckle as I finally went to the closet to get a spare towel. I used it on my hair for a bit, givin
g her another good look at my body stretched tall.

  “So, yacht broker, huh?” I said once I’d finally finished toweling my hair, and I ran my hand through it before wrapping the towel around my waist at last. “I’m impressed, Little Jilly.”

  “Only my brother calls me that,” she said wearily, but I noticed the flick of her gaze to the edge of my towel, where my abs descended into an enticing V.

  “Good point,” I said, glancing at her professional attire and the confidence in her posture. “Out on your own, executing multi-million-dollar sales on yachts, socializing with handsome billionaires.” Watching her face shift into different shades of blush was truly entertaining. “You’re right, Little Jilly’s a little juvenile for you now. You’re all grown up. How about Jill?”

  “I go by Jillian,” she said flatly. If I was being honest, I only called her Jill because I remembered Jeff telling me she’d been teased with the Jack and Jill rhyme in elementary school, and the grudge against the name just stuck.

  “And a little professionalism you didn’t have when you were younger,” I commented, putting my hand to my chin. “If you’re trying to get my attention, Jill, you’re doing a decent job. I have to say, I’m not surprised very often.”

  “Excuse me?” she said, her eyes wide.

  “As a peer, of course,” I clarified, a grin on my face. “It’s part of my job to spot potential, Jill, and I can clearly see that potential is something you’ve got in spades,” I noted, but my eyes were drinking in her body. I thought she could tell, but I didn’t care.

  She opened her mouth and closed it a few times, but finally, she took a breath and said, “I’m here to tour the ship, Bruin.” She narrowed her eyes and added, “Or maybe Mister Kincaid would be more appropriate, since we’re being professional?”

  “I do like the way Mister Kincaid sounds, coming from you,” I said, striding over to my dresser and taking out a bottle of designer men’s cologne and giving myself a quick spray under my jaw. “But you can call me whatever you want, Jill. Maria in there calls me sir,” I added with a flash of a smile to Jillian, whose jaw was in a perpetual clench.

  “Whatever the case may be,” she said with impeccable professional grace, “I have a tour to finish. If I’m a little taken off-guard, it’s because I wasn’t expecting anyone to be on board.”

  “That’s the difference in doing business with me,” I quipped with a cocky smile as I checked myself out in the mirror. “I wouldn’t want to make you wander around aimlessly. I’d planned on taking the broker out to breakfast afterward, you know, but if I’d known the broker was my best friend’s little sister, I’d have had something a little more personal ready.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Jillian said, brushing some hair out of her face as she moved to the opposite side of the room, her eyes going to the furnishings and the layout of the room. She was doing a fabulous job of dodging every double entendre I was throwing her way. It was frustrating, but there was something about that I liked. So, she really is doing this broker thing after all, isn’t she? I frowned. “I’ve done my homework on this class of yacht, so I generally know what I’m looking for.”

  “Good, I was starting to wonder if you wanted me to be your first,” I said, unable to resist. Her cheeks were burning, but she kept her face from moving to show it. “I’ll be in my office if you need me. If you forget anything from your ‘homework,’ come find me,” I said with a wink.

  “I’ll keep it in mind,” she said, turning to leave. I was expecting her to slam the door, but I heard her hesitate a moment. “Nice to see you again, Bruin,” she said at last, awkwardly, and when the door finally closed, my smile split into a grin.

  I was going to enjoy this.



  Holy shit.

  Holy shit.

  I could not wrap my brain around it. How the hell was I supposed to even prepare for a day like this? For a scene like that? When I woke up this morning, I had no idea what kind of blast from the past I was about to walk straight into. How was I supposed to plan for this? I never expected for a single second that I might run into someone I knew, much less someone I knew from way back then. Someone I hadn’t thought about in years, except as a passing image in some of my deepest, darkest fantasies.

  I blushed as I walked down the hallway, away from the master stateroom that contained Bruin and his newest conquest. I felt a little dizzy, and I reached out to steady myself against the wall. I closed my eyes and took a deep, slow breath. I couldn’t decide how to feel about all this. Shocked? Definitely. Embarrassed? You bet. Angry? Betrayed? Yeah, kind of. There was no way my brother Jeff wasn’t somehow in on this whole deal. He had to have known that the owner of Mirabella was his old college buddy. I thought about how the owner’s name had been left blank by the broker I was working with on this transaction. How Jeff had asked me, oh so innocently, on the phone earlier if I knew who the owner was.

  “Asshole,” I swore under my breath.

  Of course, Jeff knew. He had probably planned the whole damn thing as a prank or something. Which, at our ages, was just plain humiliating for everyone involved.

  What a massive waste of time and money. I took days out of my frighteningly hectic schedule just to fly down here to this swampy Florida playground for the rich and sweaty because I thought I was doing my brother a favor. Family first, always. That was what my parents taught us. No, not just taught. They drilled it into us. That family came before anything else. That even when everything and everybody in the world turned on you, it was always your family you could count on, through thick and thin.

  My parents were no longer around, but if anything, that had only made the bond between my brother and me even stronger. We were all we had in the world. Jeff was my protector and I was his rock. He could be a little idealistic at times, getting in over his head and working too hard. I was always there to smooth him out and calm him down, untangle the mess of scheduling flights, meetings, and tours that he constantly worked into knots. And when anyone, anyone at all, messed with me, Jeff rushed to my side to defend me and set the record straight.

  It was hard sometimes being a young woman in a field dominated overwhelmingly by middle-aged men. Especially since I was petite and, not to toot my own horn, but relatively attractive. I was barely five-foot-two, but I was curvy, with a full chest and hips. I had naturally pouty lips and long eyelashes. I had a nice smile, compliments of three long, painful, awkward years of braces in high school. I took care of myself, taking time out of my busy schedule for facials, waxing, and routine hair trimmings to keep my ends neat. I was a sharp dresser. Sure, sometimes this stuff got really tedious, but it was all necessary to maintain my professional image.

  The clients I worked with all relied on me to help them look good. I was selling not only a yacht, but what the yacht represented: a lifestyle full of luxury and leisure. If I looked like I was living that kind of life myself, they would trust me to show them how to do it, too. It was all a game of acting. I was playing the role of an elite, high-class woman who had it all and knew the secrets of getting into the most secret clubs, the most expensive hotels. The finest restaurants.

  Keeping up these appearances was certainly not cheap. Which was partly why it mattered so much that I made regular sales. To make big money, I had to spend big money. But to keep making big money, I had to keep spending it once I got it in the first place. It was a vicious cycle, and I worried sometimes that eventually I would burn out and drop out of the rat race. Go back to some quieter, calmer, more comfortable job in a city I felt safe in. Somewhere that made coming home feel less like a pit stop and more like a genuine place to rest my tired bones.

  But for now, I was deep, deep in the rat race. I was double-booked and overwhelmed all the time. So for me to fly all the way down here to Fort Lauderdale to help my brother buy a yacht, supposedly, was a big deal. I was losing out on precious time. Time I could have been spending on wining and dining some other client, a
real client who would pay my rent.

  I gritted my teeth and took out my cell phone as I made my way down the hall. I stopped into a few other rooms as I moved along, toying with the phone in my hand. I was torn. On the one hand, I really wanted to call Jeff and yell at him for dragging me out here for what had to be just some dumb sibling joke. But on the other hand, I couldn’t exactly rip into him over the phone while I was on this boat. I needed to remain professional, even if all I really wanted to do was scream and curse. This yacht was surrounded by other yachts. Other yacht owners. Potential clients. People I could work with in the future if I kept my cool here and didn’t make a complete fool out of myself. Well, a bigger fool than Jeff had made of me, at least.

  I walked into one of the smaller bedrooms and shut the door behind me. I slumped against the door, shaking my head. I bit my lip, trying not to cry. I was not a big crier. I never had been. My father had instilled in me a strong sense of composure, to show grace under pressure. But I couldn’t help feeling embarrassed. It wasn’t just the annoyance of Jeff tricking me. It was the visceral humiliation at walking in on Bruin in that state.

  He was even hotter than I remembered, which was certainly saying something. It was one of my deepest, darkest secrets, something I hid from everyone. Even my best friend Anna Kate, who had been my college roommate and thus knew all kinds of things about me I never shared with anyone else, was not privy to this. Every time I read one of my beloved romance novels, no matter how the hot guy was described, I always pictured Bruin. He was the fantasy guy of my dreams. There were times when I tried on purpose to imagine literally anyone else. Any other man. But it failed every time. I always went back to the image of Bruin in my mind. It was like he was branded on my heart, etched into my every secret desire.

  It was stupid, and I knew it.

  But I couldn’t help it. Ever since he entered my life as my big brother’s best friend years ago, he had always been there in my mind. Handsome. Tall. Smiling that devilish smile, those smoldering blue eyes captivating me even in my dreams. And oh yes, there were dreams. To be brutally honest, I had not had much time for dating since I graduated college and started working as a yacht broker. There simply was not time enough in the day for me to meet up with anyone. I had dated one guy for a few months off and on, but never seriously. Occasionally there were little flings. Sparks that flew at a lonely hotel bar in the wee hours of the morning, when I was exhausted from a full day of impressing rich people and running around in stilettos. Some guy in a suit would sidle up next to me, buy me a martini, strike up a flirtatious conversation. Most of the time, he would tell me his room number, offer me a night of reckless abandon with no strings attached. And every single time, I would consider the notion for a while, toy with the prospect in my head. Play it out step by step as he droned on and on about his business dealings, his marketing skills, his private golf course. His daddy’s money. And by the time the bar was closing, I was already over it. Too tired to entertain some random guy’s fantasy of taking me to bed. Too bored with his banter to be sexually interested anymore.


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