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Dark Protector

Page 9

by Alexis Morgan

  The doctor picked up his glasses and put them back on. “Well, let’s take a look at those X-rays. I’m sure you have better things to do than hang around here all day.”

  It didn’t take a trained eye to see the difference between the films. In the first one, his femur had been splintered by the blow from the ax, with bits and pieces of bone going every which way. In the second, there was just the barest hint of line where the bone had knit back together.

  “I’d say you were a lucky man, Devlin. If that ax had been swung with just a wee bit more force, you’d have lost that leg altogether. I’ve read about cases of Paladins surviving an amputation, but not many. Of course, an injury of that magnitude would have ended their fighting career.”

  Which probably hastened them on their way toward insanity. Part of being a Paladin was an inborn need to fight. Being unable to swing a sword would be impossible to live with.

  “I’ll sign your full release and send it on to Colonel Kincade.”

  “Thanks, Doc.”

  “And do your best to stay away from here. We don’t give out bonus points to frequent customers, you know.”

  Devlin laughed at the old joke because he was expected to. “If you’ll buzz the guards, I’ll leave.”

  As he reached to do so, Dr. Neal gave him a serious look. “I mean it, Devlin. I don’t want you back in here anytime soon. Be careful.”

  The guards marched through the door in a tidy formation almost before Dr. Neal had taken his finger off the button and Devlin allowed them to escort him to the front door. Not for the first time, he had to wonder at the logic of keeping Paladins under armed escort inside the Research Department only to turn them loose on the general public. Maybe they figured if one lost control outside, his actions would be lost among all the other violence that took place out on the streets every day.

  Out in the sunshine, Devlin turned back toward the Center, although he had no intention of going there. He had only one destination in mind, but he wasn’t about to let anyone inside Research know that. He wasn’t going to tell Cullen or D.J., either, for that matter, but he had to give them some excuse for not returning to finish his shift.

  He pushed the speed dial on his cellphone, and lucked out when he got Cullen’s voicemail.

  “Cullen, it’s Devlin. Look, I’m beat, and I’ve got some personal business to take care of. So unless all hell breaks loose, I’m checking out for the day. I’ll have my cell if you need me.”

  The need to check on Laurel was riding him hard, but he needed to take a circuitous route to get to her condo. It was unlikely anyone would be foolish enough to follow him, but neither of them could afford the risk. Still, each step he took in the wrong direction was an agony. How could they have just sent her home alone?

  Finally, after twenty minutes of wandering in and around the area, he caught a bus that would carry him back to Laurel’s home. She might not want him bothering her, but he didn’t give a damn. Once he knew she was all right, he’d leave.

  Devlin sat back in his seat and begrudged every stop the bus driver made.

  • • •

  That damn Paladin was a slippery bastard, he had to give him that. From the way the man had been acting, he could have sworn that Bane knew he was being tailed. When he’d first left Research Bane had headed back down toward the Center, only to veer off to the east at the last minute. If it had been anyone other than Devlin Bane, he’d have thought the man had lost his sense of direction.

  It had taken a couple of turns around the block to pick up his quarry’s trail again, this time leading west toward Puget Sound. Finally, the man had run to catch up with a northbound bus, effectively ending the chase for the day. He couldn’t really say he was disappointed, though. Taking on a Paladin in the middle of a crowded city wasn’t the best plan of action; too many eyewitnesses and complications.

  But where was Devlin Bane heading? The only person he knew of who lived in that direction was Dr. Young. That thought brought him up short. She’d gone home early today after putting down one of the out-of-town Paladins who had gone Other. He shuddered at the memory of the crazed killer, loose in the lab until they’d managed to corner the bastard long enough for Dr. Young to kill him. Although he rather liked the doctor, she was too wrapped up in her patients to give much notice to a lowly guard.

  Paladins rarely had any weaknesses that could be exploited. If Bane had developed a soft spot for the doctor, that information could prove to be useful.

  If he could beat the bus to the other end of town, he could find out if his suspicions were correct. Feeling better about his chances to bring down Bane, he flagged a cab and told the driver to floor it.

  • • •

  Laurel hurt, a deep-down, inside kind of hurt that burned and chilled at the same time. One of the guards had driven her home and waited until she was inside before pulling away from the curb. She’d told Dr. Neal that she was fine, that she could make it through the rest of the day, but not even she had believed it. There was some pride to be taken in the fact that she didn’t break down until after she’d done her job, though.

  She’d killed a man today because it had been her duty as a doctor and a Handler. If he hadn’t turned into a ravening monster, he probably would have thanked her for easing his passage into the afterlife. For playing God and deciding that it was time for him to die.

  Tears burned like acid down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut. He was one of the transfers from Japan, here to help while the mountain was acting up. Had he boarded the plane in Japan thinking he might never return? Did he leave anyone special behind? He deserved to have someone to mourn his passing, to hold him safe in their memory. The man had been a hero.

  And how had she repaid his service? With a needle full of toxins. Some retirement plan that was. She pulled an afghan up around her shoulders and shivered. Today she would allow herself to grieve, not just for the Paladin who died that afternoon, but for all the others who would follow. Trahern, so close to crossing that threshold himself. D.J. and Cullen. And Devlin Bane. What if it had been him looking up at her with no humanity left in his gaze?

  She would have reached for the needle, because the Devlin Bane she knew would no longer exist.

  Her doorbell chimed, once, twice, three times, but she ignored the summons. She was in no shape to deal with anyone. After a few seconds of silence, she decided they had given up and left. Then the pounding began.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and wished as hard as she could that her uninvited guest would just go away and leave her alone. Finally, blessedly, the noise stopped and she could go back to being miserable without interruption. Sinking down lower on the sofa, she tried to empty her mind of everything that hurt. Ten seconds later, the pounding started up again.

  Obviously ignoring the problem wasn’t going to solve it. Slowly, she made her way to the front door and looked through the peephole. One very angry-looking Paladin was glaring right back at her. He was poised to hit the door again just as she opened it. Without a word, he pushed past her and then slammed the door shut himself and threw the lock.

  “Why didn’t you answer when I rang the damn doorbell? Hell, half of Seattle probably heard me out there. So much for keeping my visit a secret.” He glared at her, his hands on his hips.

  She did not need this, especially from him. “Any rational person would have assumed either I wasn’t home or that I didn’t want company. It’s not too late for you to leave.”

  Rather than get into a stare-down contest, she walked away, not caring if he followed her or not. He did. Before she reached the couch, he caught up, planting himself in front of her. It would have taken more energy than she had to go around him.

  “What happened today, Laurel?” His voice was gentle, as was the hand that reached out to cup the side of her face. “Talk to me.”

  Anger she could have disregarded, and demands were made to be ignored, but his concern proved her undoing. The tears were back in force as she stepped for
ward and he enfolded her in the strength of his arms.

  “I killed him, Devlin. He was fine when they brought him in to be stitched up. Then, just as we undid his straps, something happened. One minute he was answering my questions, and the next he was trying to choke one of my technicians. It took six of the guards to get him back under restraint.”

  It had all happened so fast, but she could see every detail in her mind, as if it were a movie playing in slow motion. “His eyes changed color, and he was screaming and screaming.”

  “Go on, let it all out.” She could feel the rumble of Devlin’s words through his chest.

  “I knew I had to end it. There was no going back for him.”

  Devlin’s arms tightened. “No, there wasn’t, Laurel. The man he used to be was long gone. You didn’t kill the man, but the monster.”

  “When I gave him the injection, it took longer than I thought it would, much longer than they told me it would.” The horror of those moments between the time the needle pierced the skin and the last breath he’d drawn had been a nightmare for all who had to watch. “I killed him. I’m a doctor. I swore an oath to heal, not to kill.”

  He pressed a handkerchief into her hand. “You put down a rabid animal, Laurel, not a man. There was nothing left of the man or he wouldn’t have turned Other. You have to believe that, because it’s the truth.”

  She wanted to believe that. She had to believe it, or she wouldn’t be able to live with her decision. There hadn’t been time to bring in Dr. Neal or another more experienced doctor. Still, she sobbed until her eyes were swollen and Devlin’s shirtfront was soaked.

  Somehow they’d moved to the couch without her being aware of it, and he held her cradled on his lap. His hand moved in slow strokes up and down her back, his touch soothing her wounded spirit. Finally, she surrendered to sleep.

  • • •

  His arm was killing him, but he’d chew it off before he disturbed the woman sleeping in his arms. Laurel needed the slumber more than he needed to ease the cramp in his muscles. If she slept until doomsday, he’d sit there and hold her. It was the least he could do to repay her for the act of mercy that had eased the passing of one of his kind.

  And if there were a God in heaven, it wouldn’t be Laurel Young who jabbed that last hated needle in his arm. She deserved better.

  Laurel stirred slightly, signaling her return to consciousness. “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Long enough for the sun to go down.”

  “You should have awakened me hours ago.” Her voice sounded as rumpled as the rest of her looked. She was adorable with her cheek rosy where it had lain against his chest and her dark eyes blinking sleepily. He wanted to kiss her, starting with her bare feet all the way up to her forehead and then back down, lingering at all his favorite spots in between.

  Another part of his body became damn uncomfortable when she stretched, her thin T-shirt accentuating the curves of her chest. It was a good thing he’d lost all feeling in his arm because that was all that kept him from sliding his hand up underneath her shirt to test the weight of her breasts. He clamped down on that idea. He was too old, too jaded, too everything to be thinking such thoughts about her.

  “You needed the rest.” Though it had been his choice to hold her close rather than carry her down the hallway to her bedroom. If he ever crossed the threshold of that room, it would be by invitation only and neither of them would be leaving it soon.

  “Thank you.” She managed a small smile as she kissed him on the cheek. “That was sweet of you.”

  He had to laugh. “No one ever accused me of being sweet before.”

  “Then they don’t know you very well.” Her chin took on a stubborn tilt, as if she were ready to do battle with anyone who would challenge her opinion.

  The sadness was still there, though, in the depths of those gentle eyes. Maybe now she’d understand why he thought she was so wrong for the job she held, even if it meant he’d never see her again.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Devlin, and I’m not quitting. Period, end of discussion.” She sat up straighter but made no effort to move off his lap. “I think he deserved someone’s tears, don’t you?”

  Killing that poor bastard had all but torn her heart out. What would happen to her if she’d actually known and liked the man? One of these days it would be Trahern or D.J. or Lonzo or, God forbid, him. He needed to get away from her, to put some physical distance between them until this need to touch her faded.

  He started to lift her off his lap, but she stopped him with a touch. “Don’t push me away, Devlin. Please, I need this. We need this. I’m just asking for tonight.”

  They both wanted a hell of a lot more than just one night of hot sex. But before he could marshal any reasonable arguments, she brushed her lips across his, teasing them into parting with darting little licks of her tongue. Each flicker left heat burning in its wake, until he could stand it no more. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, slipping and sliding, learning the flavor of her need.

  She moved to straddle his lap without breaking off the kiss. He retained enough sanity to pull away long enough to ask one question. “Are you sure you want this?”

  She pulled her shirt off over her head and tossed it on the floor behind her. Her hands shook a bit when she tried to undo the clasp on her bra, but she smiled when it finally slipped free. She shrugged the bra down off her shoulders and sent it flying to join her shirt. He was doomed and he knew it. When her hand started to slide down between them, right to where the combined heat of their bodies all but set the air around them on fire, he caught her wrist.

  “Not here.” He mustered enough strength to muscle them both up off the sofa. “Which way?”

  “Down the hall to the left.”

  They made it halfway down the hall before he had to stop and kiss her again. Then he pressed her back against the wall as he lifted her high enough to be able to pay homage to her breasts. He tried to be gentle, licking each nipple into a firm peak, but she would have none of it. When he sucked hard on one sweet breast, she moaned her approval. Damn, she tasted good.

  If they didn’t get to her bed soon, they’d end up making love on the floor; he was in grave danger of losing control. Once inside her bedroom, he freed a hand long enough to flip on the lights and to rip the blankets down before tossing Laurel onto the middle of the bed.

  He stripped down to his boxers, hoping leaving those on would help him stay in control longer. For the same reason, he prevented Laurel from removing her drawstring flannels by the simple means of trapping her hands over her head.

  “Kiss me.”

  “Where?” He kept her trapped with one leg thrown over hers. “Tell me.”

  “My mouth.” Her smile transformed her into a temptress. “To begin with.”

  He did as she asked. When he figured he’d done a thorough enough job, he whispered, “Where else?”

  She blushed. “My breasts ache.”

  “Can’t have that, can we?” He let go of her hands, wanting her touch as badly as she needed his. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she pressed him against the sweet firmness of her breasts. He licked and suckled his way from one to the other, paying special attention to each of them.

  Her fingers dug into the muscles of his shoulders, urging him onward. Finally, he allowed himself the pleasure of sliding his hand down between her legs as he kissed his way down to the gentle curve of her waist. The soft flannel did little to disguise her damp heat. He squeezed slightly, causing her legs to clamp together in an effort to increase the pressure.

  She was so ready for him, but he had a few other ideas he wanted to try. He dragged his hand back up to the waistband of her pants and teased her by slipping his fingers in only an inch or two before withdrawing them again. After the second time, she pleaded with him.

  “Now, please, Devlin. Now.”

  He pleased them both by sliding his hand all the way in, feeling her readiness with one finger and then two
. She arched up in a mute request for more. He turned his attention back to her breasts, tugging on them with his lips and tongue as he stroked her with his hand and fingers.

  Finally she could take it no more. “Devlin Bane, take me now!”

  He stripped her pants and panties off with one swift motion. Then he shed his boxers and pulled a foil packet out of his wallet. She held out her hand. “Let me.”

  He knelt on the edge of the bed while she slipped it in place. Then she leaned back on the mattress and waited with a smile that was all woman and temptation. He wanted to go slow, to memorize each moment, each taste, each scent, but they’d gone too far to slow down now. He lifted her knees slightly and settled himself in the cradle of her body. With one quick thrust he was deep inside her, a sanctuary he’d only dreamed of finding in this life.

  Laurel was on a roller-coaster ride like nothing she’d ever experienced before. She’d never felt so cherished in her whole life. Sensations washed over her as his hands taught her that the touch of a warrior could be gentle. It was tempting to lie back and let Devlin control this dance they were sharing, but he deserved to be pleasured by their passion as much as she did.

  As he drove deep inside her body, she gasped with the impact and pleasure of being stretched taut and filled with the hard length of him. She smiled up at him as he strained to maintain some semblance of control while her body learned to accommodate his.

  She brushed his hair back off his forehead and then tugged him down for a heart-stopping kiss. “Ride me hard, Devlin. Don’t hold back.” If this was going to be their one time together, she wanted it to be everything they had to give.

  “Hold on, Laurel…hold me!”

  Then he started moving, slowly at first but then picking up speed. The world around them narrowed down until it was no bigger than the bed they shared. Nothing existed other than the heat their bodies generated as he pulled her legs up high around his waist, allowing him to penetrate harder, deeper, faster.


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