Succubus: A LitRPG Series

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Succubus: A LitRPG Series Page 8

by A. J. Markam

  “Poor baby – can I look down yet?”

  “No!” I snapped, and forced myself to wade into the water as I winced and sucked in my breath painfully.

  “Everything all right?”

  “Everything’s fine!” I yelled, more from the pain of the cold water than her provoking me.

  At least the pool itself was calm. The stones beneath my feet were smooth, and I was able to make my way out into the middle without any problem until I was chest-deep.

  “Can I look now?” Alaria asked.

  “Y-y-yes!” I said, trying to keep my teeth from chattering.

  She sat down on a nearby tree stump and crossed one leg over the other. It was probably the sultriest pose I’d ever seen any woman strike in my entire life. My God, she was hot – even when she was just sitting there.

  She watched as I lathered up with the bar of soap.

  “Would you like me to do that for you?” she asked flirtatiously.


  Although I knew she was just messing with me.

  “No, I’ve got it.”

  “Are you sure? I could help you with those hard-to-reach places.” She paused suggestively, then purred, “Like between your legs.”

  Good God, the way she said it put all sorts of images in my mind.

  “I can reach that just fine,” I said.

  “Yes, I can tell. Be sure you keep both your hands where I can see them,” she tsk tsk tsked, waving one finger like I was a naughty little pervert.

  I decided to ask her some questions – partly to make better use our time, partly to try to keep my mind off the bone-aching cold of the water. “What can you do?”

  “Oh, master, I can do sooooo many things,” she murmured playfully, then licked her crimson lips.

  Her tone of voice and licking her lips like that make me start to think about her licking other things.

  I desperately tried to get the image out of my mind – at least for now.

  I could save it for later. For… private use.

  “But from what I know, I am limited by what you can do,” she continued in a teasing voice. Then she leaned over so that her breasts were hanging full and gorgeous with their weight pressing firmly against her bra. “So what can you do, master?”

  “Uh...” I stuttered as I stared at her breasts. “Darkbolt… Darkfire…”

  “I don’t mean your magical attributes,” she interrupted with a lustful smile. “I’m talking about your physical ones.”

  Suddenly her voice dropped to a sultry murmur. “You know that I’ve never seen such a big, impressive piece of wood, don’t you?” she said, her voice full of breathless awe and lustful anticipation.

  I stupidly got my hopes up. I’m average, nothing more, and the game didn’t give me any +3’s, if you know what I’m saying.

  But I was hoping that maybe the game designers had made her memory a blank slate, and that maybe I was the most impressive male she’d ever seen.

  Fat chance.

  She pointed over at the Bandit Mage’s staff. “I’m talking about that, of course.” She wrinkled up her brow like she was confused, though of course she was just trolling me. “What did you think I was talking about?”

  “What can you do in combat?” I snapped. “What are your magical fighting abilities?”

  “Oh. That.” She sounded bored. “For right now, not much more than fireballs, and not very powerful ones, either.”

  “Do you know what you’ll eventually be able to do?”

  “Of course,” she said, sounding offended. “I’ll be able to use my Fire Whip soon. My Mesmerize abilities will improve – want to see what they can do now?”

  “Uh… sure.”

  She looked at me with such an astonishing expression of desire that I swear to God I got a boner even despite the ice-cold water.

  Okay, THAT’S a new part of the game I’ve never experienced before…

  Add in the fact that she shook her upper body the slightest bit, making her breasts sway back and forth, and I was a goner.

  Then she giggled, and the spell was broken. “You should see your face, master.”

  As I came out of it, I felt like I really had been hypnotized. Which made me feel self-conscious and vulnerable.

  She didn’t seem to notice as she continued to tick off her other abilities. “I’ll be able to fly longer and longer distances eventually, and I can drain a man’s life force when I have sex with him.”

  “W-what?” I asked, stunned.

  “Yeah,” she said in a bored voice, “I can’t fly yet, but as I progress I’ll go from being able to fly 10 feet, then longer distances. I’ll eventually be able to hover and attack from the air, which will be really handy in a fight.”

  “No – what was that about having sex?”

  “Oh, that. I can drain a man’s life force while I have sex with him.” She gave me an amused smile. “You do know I’m a succubus, right? And you do know what succubi do – right?”

  “You have sex with men while they sleep,” I said, and gulped.

  She batted her hand like she was deflecting my comment. “That’s so old school. We don’t wait until they’re asleep anymore.”

  “Who... who do you have sex with?” I asked, my voice cracking like a teenage boy’s.

  “People I want to kill, for one. It’s a fun way to off them.” She winked at me and grinned. Then her smile faded, and her expression hardened. “Then, of course, there have been previous masters who have commanded me to sleep with them.”

  “Did you kill them?” I asked in alarm.

  “…not yet,” she said, and smiled grimly.

  I was wondering what the hell she meant by THAT when suddenly there was a fizzing sound, a hiss, and the sensation of something hot passing right between my legs.

  I yelped and raced through the water until I was only knee-deep, then turned around to see what had attacked me.

  Stig was standing at the edge of the pool about ten feet away, perched on a natural shelf of stone and peering down intently at the water. He cupped his hands and sent a fireball into the water with a fizzing carbonated sound.

  As soon as the fireball hit the water, there was a puff of steam and a sssssssss sound on the surface – but I could still see a glowing ember shoot underwater and gradually fade away in a trail of bubbles.

  “What the hell are you doing?!” I demanded.

  “Fishing, boss.”

  “There are fish in here?”

  He shrugged. “I dunno.”

  I peered into the pool, wanting to make sure there wasn’t some giant bass that might try to bite my wiener off. I didn’t see anything in the crystal clear water, though.

  “Go fish somewhere else and let me bathe in peace,” I ordered.

  “You got it, boss,” he said, and turned around and headed for the opposite bank of the river.

  I suddenly realized that I was completely out of the water.

  I whipped around –

  Alaria was looking at me with that playful smirk and cocked eyebrow again.

  “Seems like there was some shrinkage,” she commented.

  The terror of having boiling water pass inches from my nuts had indeed put a damper on my willy. The cold water had done the rest.

  “It’s cold in here!” I yelled, then ran back in the water. No matter how uncomfortable it was, it was still better than having her inspect me like a piece of meat.

  Well, actually, I wouldn’t mind if she inspected me like a piece of meat. So long as she was impressed.

  Which she most definitely wasn’t.

  “Aw, poor baby,” she cooed. “Would you like me to warm the water up for you?”

  “You… you can do that?”

  In answer, she walked over to the edge of the pool and got down on her hands and knees.

  Once again I was mesmerized by her breasts, which swayed beautifully back and forth, barely kept in check by her tight, black top.

  She smirked as she watc
hed me, but didn’t comment on my lecherous staring. Instead she put her hand in the water.

  The water began to bubble around her hand. I looked at it in surprise, and edged closer – although I was careful to squat down as I moved so that my body remained covered by the water from the waist down.

  As I got closer, I could feel a swirl of warm water around me. She was actually heating the pool up!

  “How did you do that?” I asked in awe.

  She shrugged, which set her breasts swaying again. “I’m a creature of fire. I just used my internal heat to warm it up.”

  “Could you heat up the entire pool for me?” I asked.

  She smiled. “Sure… but the easiest way to do that is to get all the way in the water, and I’m not getting my outfit wet.”

  “Oh,” I said, and immediately reverted back to my normal nice-guy ways. “Never mi– ”

  She stood up abruptly and said, “So I guess I’ll just have to go in nude. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?”

  I stared at her in amazement, like a kid afraid that all his Christmas presents might suddenly disappear. “N-n-n-no...”

  “Good,” she said with a little smirk, then walked back over to the tree stump. She raised one leg up and placed the stiletto heel against the wood, then peeled the top of the boot down from her thigh. One by one she took the boots off, then laid them on the ground.

  She looked up at me and caught me staring harder than I had at any other time in my entire life.

  “Naughty master,” she reproached me with a giggle.

  “Sorry,” I said, and automatically averted my eyes.

  “I didn’t say you had to look away,” she murmured seductively. “I just called you what you are. Naughty… master.”

  I went back to looking at her, my eyes wide, my jaw totally slack and hanging open.

  She looked me right in the eyes as she reached up to the front of her chest, pressed her breasts together, and put her fingers on the tiny metal skull that clasped her bra together in the center.

  The sight was absolutely glorious. Her already deep cleavage became mouthwatering, and I could see from the supple way her skin moved that she was 100% real. And firm. And absolutely delectable.

  She kept her eyes locked on mine as her fingers unclasped the skull, pulled slowly apart, inch by inch, and let the black leather bra start to fall away from her breasts.

  I had been right – they absolutely defied gravity. They were as firm without the bra as they were with it. Although I couldn’t see everything yet, her hands were moving slowly away – any second I would see the edges of her nipples –

  “Excuse me,” she said sweetly, then turned around. Once her back was to me, only then did she completely pull off the bra.

  I felt a physical pain being denied the full monty. I actually craned my head around, trying to get a glimpse.

  You ever see Playboy pictures where they photograph the model from the back, and her breasts are so large that you can see still side boob? Yeah. That was totally going on here. It’s one of my favorite poses ever, and I was getting mega side-boob from the back as she reached her arms up and hung her bra on a low-hanging branch.

  Then she bent over, letting her breasts dangle heavy and full as she slid off her thong. The spaghetti-thin belt of the thong ended right below her tail, which twirled back and forth sensuously as she bent over and gave me a full view.

  Now I was getting a tiny bit of underboob, too, as I watched the most luscious ass I had ever seen get completely bare. The tiny scraps of clothing pulled over her taut thighs, down past her knees, and she stepped out of them and hung the thong on the branch as well.

  She looked over her shoulder coquettishly, and I could see the full side of her breast – just not any nipple.

  I was hard as a brick underneath the water, I can tell you that.

  “Are you ready for me to get in?” she asked softly, almost bashfully.

  I was just a few seconds away from a full-on view of Paradise.

  “Y-yes,” I stuttered, unable to believe my luck that I was even experiencing this, much less getting paid for it as a job. Right now, I couldn’t give a damn about whether they ever got me out of the game, as long as I got to see her naked.

  She started to turn towards me – and as she did, she put her arm across her chest in an arm bra, and placed her other hand right in front of her crotch.


  The view was still absolutely stellar – her arm pressed against her breasts smooshed them up against her body, making them look even bigger and fuller – but I couldn’t see her nipples, and there was an obsessive, almost primal need in me to do that. Like, right now.

  As she walked towards the water, her breasts jiggled against her arm, and her hips swayed back and forth as she walked.

  “I want to see,” I said hoarsely, my mouth completely dry.

  She smiled sweetly as her feet entered the river. “You want to see me?”


  “You want me to show you?” she asked softly, now up to her knees in the pool of water.

  “Yes,” I whispered, my voice full of need.

  She was waist deep now. “You want me to pull my hands away?” she murmured, her voice so sensual and seductive it hurt not to be able to touch her.

  “For God’s sake, yes!” I croaked.

  “Okay,” she giggled, and let go of her arm just as she dipped underwater up to her neck.

  I got the briefest glimpse of her areolas – reddish-brown, smooth, like they had been airbrushed onto her breasts. Big as a half-dollar but still small compared to the massive size of the rest of her firm breasts, with tiny raised nipples extending a bit further out from her skin.

  I groaned in frustration and pain. Now I really felt like a little kid who had had all of his Christmas presents donated right after opening them.

  “Naughty master,” she giggled as she rose up just far enough for her breasts to float, giving me an amazing view of the tops of them – but still no nipple.

  “That was cruel,” I said, half-joking but also entirely serious.

  “I thought I was just heating up the water – not you, too,” she grinned.

  “Well, you are definitely doing the latter. How about doing the pool, now?”

  She smiled, then closed her eyes and concentrated. Within seconds, I felt waves of warm water rush over me.

  I groaned in ecstasy. The contrast between the warm water on my front and the cold water on my backside was delicious.

  I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sensation of warm water brushing up against my skin.

  And then something else brushed up against me.

  I opened my eyes in shock to see her less than a foot away from me, staring me right in the face.

  What I had felt were her breasts against my chest – and what I assumed were her nipples: two hard points of firm flesh pressing against my skin.

  As we stood there like that in the water, I was struck that she was just a few inches shorter than me. With her stilettos on, we would probably be at perfect kissing height.

  I could smell her breath, which was sweet like sugar. Her hair gave off a faint odor of cinnamon and vanilla. Basically she smelled as delicious as she looked.

  “What… what are you doing?” I whispered, my eyes wide.

  “I thought you wanted to me to warm you up,” she whispered as she got even closer.

  Her breasts pressed harder against my chest, and I felt a warm, smooth thigh slide between my own legs – and brush up against something else.

  Her eyebrows shot up, and she made a little ‘O’ with her pursed lips. “Ooooh – feels like something got bigger.”

  Then it wasn’t just her leg. I felt her fingers, starting at the base of my shaft and slowly working their way up.

  “Oh yes,” she said in a thick, guttural voice. “I could definitely work with that.”

  Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God –

  I couldn’t believ
e this was happening.

  Dear Penthouse, I never thought it would happen to me, but last week I was in a river with a succubus in a virtual reality videogame…

  She leaned over towards the side of my face, her chest pressed hard against mine, her soft hair tickling my skin, her lips brushing the edge of my ear and making me harder than I had ever been in my entire life.

  “Am I everything that you hoped I would be?” she whispered, and the utter sensuality of her voice drove me wild.

  “Yes,” I whispered, and reached out and put my hands around her waist.

  She felt like silk beneath my fingers, even in the water. I moved my fingers down, feeling the curve of her hips as they flared out. Then I let my fingers drop down to her ass, so firm, so full, so tight and luscious. I pulled her against me, and my erection pressed into her belly.

  “Do you want to be inside me?” she whispered, and I could hear the desire in her voice, the urgent need.

  “Yes, yes,” I whispered as I buried my face in her hair and started kissing her neck.

  I could feel my shaft sliding across her belly – could feel her breasts smashed against my chest.

  “Do you want to have sex with me?” she murmured, her voice no more than a sigh in my ear.

  “Yes, yes – ”

  Her voice suddenly turned hard and unfriendly. “So are you going to force me?”

  I stopped, totally taken aback.

  I pulled away from her and looked into her face.

  She was still beautiful, but her expression was cold, angry, remote.

  “...what?” I asked, totally confused by what had just happened.

  “I asked if you are going to force me to have sex with you.”

  “Why would you ask me that?” I said, bewildered.

  “Because I don’t want to have sex with you.”

  I stared at her. “But – I thought you – ”

  “You’re my master, so technically, I have to do everything you tell me – but I don’t want to. I’m making that perfectly clear right now. So are you going to make me?”

  I stared at her, and my formerly rock-hard boner began to wilt.

  I was like a kid on Christmas morning, but instead of all my toys getting donated, my parents had thrown lighter fluid on them and just lit the match.

  “No… I wouldn’t do that…”


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