Succubus: A LitRPG Series

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Succubus: A LitRPG Series Page 9

by A. J. Markam

  “Good,” she said curtly, then backed up and turned as she got out of the water.

  Maybe it was one last concession on her part, but I finally got a full glimpse of her nipples. They were fully erect, standing almost 1/2 inch away from her breasts, and her areolas were tight and contracted, no bigger now than a nickel.

  But other than that brief glimpse, she turned around too fast for me to see anything other than her perfect ass swaying from side to side as she sauntered out of the water. Water dripped all over her as she made her way up the bank to where she’d hung her clothes.

  For a brief second I wondered what she was going to do about being dripping wet – and then suddenly she spread out her wings to their full wingspan. They were actually pretty incredible – about six feet from tip to tip. They looked more like something from a kinky S&M costume than the animal kingdom. They were sleek and shiny and black, with a surface like latex or rubber.

  The skin of her body seemed to glow the tiniest bit redder, and suddenly the water evaporated off her in a mist. Within seconds she was completely dry. She gave her wings a shake like a person flicking water droplets off their hands, and then they folded into a sleek, compact package on her back.

  Frankly, I was bewildered. One second she had been all hot and heavy – although apparently she was faking it – and the next she was cold as ice.

  Well, not literally ice-cold, since she had just made a bunch of water evaporate off her in seconds.

  Psychologically cold, though, yes.

  “What’s the problem?” I asked, more than a little annoyed.

  I will admit to the ulterior motive of wanting her to turn around and face me so I could look at her bare breasts again.

  She didn’t take the bait, though. She just spoke to me over her shoulder as she stepped into her thong, and then shrugged into her bra and clasped it in front of her chest.

  “I’m just sick and tired of having masters who make me do whatever they want without any regard for what I want.”

  “You’re a succubus! I thought you liked sex!”

  She whirled around angrily – unfortunately, now fully clothed. “I do! That’s not the point!”

  “So what’s the point?!”

  “The point is that with most of the assholes I’ve had to serve, I didn’t have any choice in the matter! And that’s a horrible feeling!” she cried out angrily.

  Wow… I’d never thought about it like that.

  It was actually super effing creepy and wrong.

  “You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do,” I protested.

  She got a mischievous glint in her eye.

  “But I can do things that I want?” she asked, her voice low and throaty.

  Hope was reborn in my heart again.

  “You can do anything you want,” I croaked, praying that she would get back into the water with me.

  My prayers seemed to be answered as she took a step towards the river.

  “Anything?” she whispered.

  “Anything,” I moaned.

  Without warning, she turned and blasted a fireball right at my clothes on the tree, immediately turning them into a small bonfire.

  “Then I want to get rid of that Goddess-damned smell,” she snapped.

  I screamed in horror and anger, and immediately ran up out of the pool, not giving a second thought to the fact that I was completely naked.

  “I meant sex, not THAT!” I roared as I ran over to the clothes.

  Too late – my shirt and pants had been completely incinerated. All that was left was a few flaming scraps and embers floating up into the air.

  “Oh,” she said coyly, and put a finger tip to her bottom lip. “I thought you meant anything at all.”

  “You did say ‘anything,’ boss,” Stig shouted out from the rocks behind me.

  These damn demons – like lawyers with their freaking ‘if it’s not in the contract it’s not understood’ assholery!

  “I didn’t mean you could set my clothes on fire!” I shouted, then turned on her angrily, pointing a finger in her face. “No more of this deliberately misinterpreting my commands! Understood?!”

  She suppressed a smile and said, “Understood.”

  Then she let her eyes drop down to my completely exposed crotch, which hadn’t totally shrunk yet from my previous adventures with her.

  She raised one eyebrow.

  “Better,” she murmured, then giggled as I clasped my hands over my junk in embarrassment.


  Though it hadn’t been given to me officially by the computer, I now had a new quest: find new clothes.

  I was wearing just a pair of boots, a belt with shoulder strap – which the Mage’s staff attached to magically – a pair of bracers, and a pair of gloves. I kept to the woods, away from any farmers who might see me, and kept my hands clasped perpetually over my junk.

  And prayed that there was no such thing as poison ivy in the game.

  “I think this is a good look for you, boss,” Stig said.

  “Shut up,” I grumbled as we walked along.

  “I’ve never had a master before who wore his birthday suit.”

  “Shut UP, Stig.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  “I like it, too,” Alaria giggled. “You’re wearing about as much as I am – why are you complaining?”

  “Because it’s not in the right places,” I growled at her.

  “But – ”

  “Do NOT say anything else to me. You’re the one who put me in this position in the first place.”

  She put up her hands defensively. “Whatever you say, master.”

  We walked through the woods in silence.

  Until Alaria broke it.

  “I do have to say, though,” she giggled, “that you have a cute ass.”

  “Not one more – I do?” I asked, my anger replaced by bashful desire.

  “Yes. You do.”

  I could feel my cheeks glow red – the ones on my face, not on my rear end.

  I turned away. “You’re not supposed to be talking.”

  Something warm and soft grabbed my left ass cheek and squeezed.

  I yelped and turned around.

  She was standing there grinning like the cat who ate the canary, her hand still in the guilty act of cuppage.

  “I didn’t say anything,” she protested.

  “You – you were – ”

  “Should I not touch you, master?”

  She was just toying with me, so I glared at her.

  But in reality, I wouldn’t mind if she grabbed my ass every so often.

  “Not until I get some clothes on,” I said.

  “But that’s the half of the fun of doing it now,” she said flirtatiously.

  “Cut it out,” I ordered. “We’re almost there.”

  “Where we goin’, boss?” Stig asked.

  “The Olmsteds’s house.”

  “Who?” Alaria asked.

  “The family we just saved. I think they’ll be grateful enough to give me a pair of pants and a shirt.”

  We got to the farm, but kept hidden within the treeline. I didn’t want to parade my naked ass in front of any kids. And if they started throwing potatoes again, I didn’t want to have to beat a hasty retreat, either.

  I looked at Stig. “Go knock on the door and say I need a pair of pants.”

  “I could go,” Alaria offered.

  “They’ve seen Stig, and he helped save them. They haven’t seen you. They may freak out.”

  “Why would they freak out?”

  “They’re pretty devoted to some goddess around here. They don’t like warlocks much.”

  “Then we have something in common,” Alaria said playfully.

  I just glared at her.

  “Wait – where’s Stig supposed to go?” she asked.

  “Over there,” I said gesturing with my head.


  This was ridiculous – the house was plainly in vie
w just 200 feet away.

  “Over – ”

  I almost pulled my hand away from my crotch to point – and then realized that’s exactly what she wanted me to do.

  I shot her a few eye daggers. “I know what you’re doing.”

  She winked. “Come on, now – can’t blame a girl for trying to get another peek.”

  “Since you didn’t want to do anything in the first place, I don’t see why you would care about another peek,” I snapped.

  She leaned over and whispered seductively in my ear, “Because I know you want me to look. And to do a whole lot more.”

  I blushed and had to readjust my hands, since they had a good bit more to cover in the next few seconds.

  “Hey boss, how come you’re getting so red?” Stig asked.

  “Just go over to the house and knock on the door!” I shouted.

  “Yeesh. Okay, okay.”

  I watched as Stig made his way across the meadow and over to the house, where he knocked on the door. No one answered.

  “Nobody home, boss!” he yelled.

  “Knock again, and louder!” I yelled back.

  He knocked loudly enough on the roughhewn wooden door that I could hear it clearly myself. But nobody opened it.

  “Dammit,” I grunted, then yelled out, “Hello?”

  “Hi, boss!” Stig yelled back.

  “I’m not talking to you!” I shouted. “I know you’re there!”

  Then I started trying to call out my intended targets.

  “Mr. or Mrs. Olmsted? Little Olmsted kids? Anybody?”

  I paused and waited for an answer. Nobody answered back.

  “Are you sure you saved them?” Alaria asked. “Or did you just temporarily put off the inevitable, and more bandits came back?”

  I shuddered. “Don’t talk like that.”

  Her suggestion struck a chord of fear in me – which was kind of ridiculous, since we were talking about videogame characters.

  On the other hand, what those bandits had been about to do to Mrs. Olmsted still made my skin crawl. They probably wouldn’t have actually gone through with it – they would have just stayed in some kind of holding pattern until an adventurer came along to save the family. However, I had no idea how crazy the game developers were going to get with their new expansion pack.

  I glanced all around the farm to make sure nobody was hiding in wait with a potato in their hand – and then I darted out of the trees and over to the house. Alaria sauntered along behind me.

  I covered my junk with one hand and knocked on the door with the other. “Hello?”

  No answer.

  Okay, this wasn’t that bad – I could probably just sneak in, grab some of their clothes, and nobody would be the wiser.

  But when I tried the doorknob, it was locked.

  Not only that, but the rest of the house was solid stone, with wooden logs forming the roof. There wasn’t a window in the whole damn thing.

  “This is crazy!” I snarled. “A farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere, and they had to put a lock on it?”

  I found myself wishing I were a Rogue right about now with the ability to pick locks.

  “I could burn it down for you,” Alaria suggested.

  “No! I’m not burning down their door just to get a pair of pants!”

  Although what would it really matter? They were just computer generated characters, right?

  No, I told myself. I wasn’t about to save a family from murder and rape just to burn their freaking house down.

  I walked around the perimeter of the house, trying to see if there was some other way in – a back door, a cellar door, anything.

  No such luck.

  “What do you want to do?” Alaria asked.

  “We’ll just go to the next farm,” I said angrily, “and I’ll buy a pair of pants and a shirt from them.”

  The only problem was, the next few houses were deserted, too. And their doors were all locked as well, with no windows to break into.

  “What the hell is going on?” I shouted in frustration.

  “You can’t get inside the houses,” Stig explained helpfully.

  “Oh, you THINK?!”

  “Maybe they all decided to go into town for some reason,” Alaria suggested.

  It was a possibility – but I couldn’t exactly walk into town butt naked looking for clothes.

  “Let’s just keep looking,” I grumbled. “We’re sure to find someplace with a window.”

  We didn’t find a window, but we did find the next best thing: a farmhouse with a bunch of laundry drying on a line outside.

  No one was around, and I was feeling irritated and annoyed, so I ordered Stig, “Go over there and steal something for me to wear off the clothesline.”

  “You got it, boss,” he said, then scampered across the ground.

  Sixty seconds later he was back with a wad of blue cloth in his hands.

  I frowned. It didn’t look like what I was expecting.

  “Alaria – take it from him and hold it up,” I ordered.

  “Why can’t you?” she asked coyly.

  “You know why – just do it!”

  As soon as she held it up in the air, it was quite evident that it was a milkmaid’s dress Stig had stolen, complete with a lace-up bustier. There was also a bonnet.

  Alaria burst into laughter.

  “That’s a dress!” I shouted at Stig.

  “You said something to wear, boss, so I got you something to wear.”

  I knew he was pulling that lawyerly ‘only what’s written in the contract’ crap again.

  “I think you’ll look absolutely stunning in it,” Alaria grinned.

  “Shut up,” I snapped, then addressed the imp. “Bring me back a pair of pants and a shirt.”

  “Okay, boss,” Stig said, and zipped back out towards the clothesline – but he didn’t take the dress with him.

  “Hey – ” I started to say, then thought better of it. I really didn’t give a damn anymore. We could just toss the dress out into the clearing where the owners could retrieve it later. I wasn’t about to give the imp another chance to screw me over by misinterpreting my orders. If I told him to go put the dress back, he would probably go find the first farmer with a pitchfork and throw the dress in his face.

  Alaria held the dress up in front of her. “What you think?” she asked, smoothing it out against her body. “Think I could pull it off?”

  What I wanted to say was, With a body like yours, you shouldn’t be wearing anything at all.

  My slightly less creepy response was, “I think you could pull off just about anything.”

  “You’d like me to pull off everything I’ve got, wouldn’t you?” she grinned.

  For a woman who didn’t want to have sex with me, she was sure doing a damn good job of sending mixed messages.

  Suddenly Stig was back. “This was all I found, boss,” he said, holding out a whole armful of laundry.

  Unfortunately, it was all white. I didn’t see any signs of trousers.

  “Hold it up so I can see it,” I ordered.

  Stig tried to lift up the tangle of laundry, but since it was almost as big as he was, there wasn’t much use.

  “Alaria, take it from him and let me see what he got.”

  The succubus draped the milkmaid’s dress over her arm, then took Stig’s white bundle away from him and began separating the items out.

  The first thing she held out was a baby dress and a bonnet.

  Alaria laughed again, then dangled the baby bonnet by its strings. It looked like a cloth slingshot big enough to carry a grapefruit.

  “I guess you could use this to cover your manhood. Although I don’t know where you would attach it,” she smirked. “And I think there would be a lot of room left over.”

  “What the hell?!” I yelled at Stig. “How did you think I was going to wear that?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t wear clothes, boss. How was I supposed to know what you can wear?”
  “That’s – that – ”

  Okay, he sort of had a point.

  Although I was pretty damn sure he was just using that as an excuse for irritating the hell out of me.

  “What else is there?” I asked Alaria.

  She shook out the rest of the laundry pile. All it was was a small white bed sheet.

  “That’s it?!” I yelled.

  “I got everything they had, boss!” Stig protested.

  “They didn’t have any other clothes other than what you just brought me,” I snarled in disbelief.

  “No, boss.”

  “Great. Just great.”

  All of a sudden, a woman started screaming bloody murder.

  We all looked up in shock to see a woman holding an infant in her arms and pointing at us in the woods. The woman’s screaming had frightened the baby, so now it started howling its fool head off, too.

  “Demons!” the woman shrieked. “Demons from hell! And a naked man!”

  I had visions of a dozen farmers racing after us with pitchforks and torches.

  “Run for it!” I yelled, and Stig, Alaria, and I all darted back into the forest.


  I walked into town with the bed sheet tied around my crotch looking like a gigantic diaper. In fact, I looked like the biggest Baby New Year’s costume you’ve ever seen in your life, complete with a leather sash crossing my chest. I would have worn it as a toga, but apparently it was a sheet for a single bed, because it was too small to cover my whole body plus the important parts.

  Alaria couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Oh my Goddess – you pull it off marvelously!” she shrieked as she wiped tears from her eyes.

  “Just – shut up.”

  “But you look so sexy,” she purred, then broke down into snorts and giggles again. “I’m sorry… I can’t even fake it…”

  The plan was to go into town, find a vendor, and byy some new clothes. I had mentally prepared myself for the stares that I would get from the other players – and there were plenty of those. Just about everyone who passed by me did a double take. Most of them burst out laughing, and a few catcalled me. A couple even shouted, “Hey – where can I get some armor like that?”

  Of course, then all the attention was immediately taken off of me and focused on my succubus. All the guys’ jaws dropped, and some of the women’s did, too.


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