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Whatever it Takes (Healing Hearts book 3)

Page 7

by Laura Farr

  Waking with a start, I opened my eyes, finding myself nestled against a hard chest. Lifting my head, I realized Brody was carrying me.

  “Hey,” he muttered when he realized I was awake.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You fell asleep on the couch. When we couldn’t wake you, I offered to carry you up to bed,” he explained as he pushed the door to my room open and flicked on the light. Exhausted, I dropped my head back onto his chest and tried not to notice how incredible he smelled. He crossed the room and placed me gently on the bed. “You should get some rest.”

  I nodded as I sat up and gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Quinn,” he said walking backward toward the door, his eyes fixed on mine. “Night.”

  “Night,” I whispered as he turned and walked out into the hall, closing the door behind him.

  Sighing, I swung my legs to the side of the bed and padded across to the bathroom. As tired as I was, I could still smell smoke in my hair and on my skin. It was as though it had seeped into every pore and I couldn’t get rid of it. I needed a shower. Reaching behind the curtain that hung over the tub I flicked on the water, steam quickly filling the bathroom. I peeled off my clothes and climbed in, backing up under the hot spray. The shower in the hospital had been okay, but nothing compared to this. I felt like I could stand under the jets for hours.

  After washing and conditioning my hair twice, I forced myself to turn the spray off. There were clean towels hanging on the towel rack and I grabbed one, wrapping it around my tired body. Drying off, I looked in the closet for something to wear to bed, settling on an oversized t-shirt when I couldn’t find any pajamas. Quickly, I closed the drapes and climbed under the comforter. I had no idea what time it was, but it was dark outside, and the house was quiet. I wondered whether Brody’s bedroom was next door and strained to hear any sounds through the wall but was met with silence. Closing my eyes, I snuggled into the pillow, falling asleep feeling safe for the first time in what felt like forever.


  I’d had a shit night’s sleep. Visions of Quinn’s burned face had plagued my dreams, and her screams when I couldn’t find her in the fire were etched into my memory. Dragging my hand down my face, I rubbed my tired eyes. I had no idea why this girl was turning me into such a pussy. I’d dated plenty of girls and no one had ever affected me the way Quinn seemed to. She’d fit perfectly in my arms when I’d carried her upstairs last night. I’d wanted to take her to my bed and sleep with her wrapped within them. To let her know she was safe from whatever she was running from.

  I sighed as I got up and crossed the room to the bathroom. I’d never even contemplated having a girl in my bed and not getting her naked, but Quinn was different. After seeing her naked in the shower at the hospital I definitely wanted to see her like that again, but for the first time in my life I wanted more, and that scared the shit out of me.

  Climbing into the shower my hard cock throbbed as I remembered the water running off Quinn’s perfect body. Walking under the spray, I took my length in my hand and stroked up and down, imagining her wet body pushed up against the tiles, my mouth on her tits. I imagined my fingers thrusting in and out of her warm heat, my name falling from her lips as my fingers pushed her over the edge. Reaching out a hand to the tiled wall to steady myself, I came hard, shots of cum hitting the wall behind the taps. Breathing heavily, I let the hot water run over my head and back. I couldn’t believe I was jerking off in the shower, to thoughts of a girl I’d only just met. God, if she knew she’d think I was a dirty bastard. She was eighteen. I was twenty-four. I was too old for her. Shaking my head, I quickly finished up in the shower and threw some work clothes on before heading downstairs.

  The smell of bacon invaded my senses as I entered the kitchen. “Coffee pot’s on, love,” Mom said, turning from the stove to acknowledge me. “You look tired. Didn’t you sleep well?” Her voice was full of concern and I knew there was no point lying to her.

  “Not really.”

  She frowned. “Want to talk about it?”

  “Nah. I’m fine. It’s just been a strange couple days.” She nodded and turned back to the stove. Crossing the kitchen, I poured myself a coffee. “Is Quinn up yet?” I brought the cup to my mouth, taking a sip.

  Mom turned from frying the bacon and raised her eyebrows, the corners of her mouth pulling up into a smile.

  “No, not yet. Hey, you could take her some breakfast?” she suggested, her voice tinged with amusement.

  “What? No!” The less time I spent in her bedroom the better.

  “Oh, go on, Brody. She’s probably sitting up there wondering if she should come down or not. She’s in a strange place.”

  I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Can’t you take her some up? I should get out there and help Dad.”

  “I’m cooking.” She waved the spatula she was holding in my direction. “It’ll only take you five minutes.”

  “Urghhh, fine! I’ll take her some bacon.” She grinned at me over her shoulder as she began plating up some breakfast for Quinn. “I know exactly what you’re up to, Mom. You and Savannah.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She held out a tray loaded with food, her eyes avoiding mine.

  “I’m sure you don’t.” Taking the tray from her, I reached my head down and brushed a kiss on her cheek. She looked suitably sheepish as she realized I’d figured out she was trying to matchmake. My mom was the one who'd told me Quinn was only eighteen. She’d soon changed her mind.

  Standing outside her room, I listened for any movement to indicate she was awake. “Quinn,” I called out, tapping lightly on the door. I waited for an answer but was met with silence. Sighing, I turned the handle and slowly pushed the door open. The drapes were closed, but the sunlight streamed through them, lighting up the room. Looking over to the bed, I saw she was fast asleep, her legs tangled up in the comforter. Placing the tray on top of the dresser, I walked further into the room. I should have just left the tray and gone, but I found myself sitting on the edge of her bed. Her blonde hair was messy against the pillow and I wondered if she’d been tossing and turning in the night, struggling to sleep as much as I had. Knowing I needed to leave, I got up and made for the door.

  “Brody, is that you?” she said quietly, her voice thick with sleep. As I turned around she sat up, her hands trying to tame her wild hair. I couldn’t help but smile at her. She looked beautiful.

  “Hey, Quinn. Yeah, it’s me. I brought you some breakfast.” I gestured with my head to the tray of food.

  “Oh, thanks. I’m starving.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed and padded to the dresser. Picking up a piece of bacon, she popped it in her mouth. “This is good. Did you cook it?” she asked, reaching for another piece.

  “Is that my shirt?” I looked at the Dallas Cowboys top she was wearing. It was massive on her and came midway down her toned legs.

  She looked down at the shirt and tugged on it. “Is it? Sorry. I just found it in the closet last night. I’ll get it washed and back to you.” She looked embarrassed and I suddenly felt like a dick.

  “Sorry, that made me sound like a jerk. Keep it,” I told her, unable to tear my eyes off her. “It looks better on you,” I muttered, and even in the darkened room I could see her face flush with heat. She smiled and carried on eating the bacon. Snapping out of my daze, I turned to leave. “Oh, and the breakfast was all Mom. I can’t cook for shit,” I said with a grin.

  She laughed. “I’ll remember to thank her when I see her.”

  “Come find me when you’re ready. I’ll give you that guided tour I promised.” She nodded, and I closed the door behind me.

  Dropping my head back against the wood, I groaned. I should have just put the tray down and left. Quinn looked far too good in my clothes and I knew she’d look even better in my bed. “Eighteen, Brody. Eighteen,” I mumbled to myself as I jogged down the stairs and out onto the ranch.

  Quinn />
  Staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror I winced. I couldn’t believe Brody had seen me looking like this. I reached up and tried to run my hands through my hair in an attempt to make it look half decent. Last night, I’d been too tired to dry it after my shower, and the knotty mess I was faced with this morning was my punishment. Sighing, I opened the doors of the vanity under the basin in search of a brush. Right at the back was a brand-new comb still in its packaging. I grabbed it triumphantly and set about getting the knots out of my hair.

  I’d slept like a log last night, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The events of the past few days had wiped me out. I’m sure if Brody hadn’t woken me I’d still be asleep. Not that I was complaining about being woken by him. Who doesn’t want a hot guy bringing them bacon first thing in the morning? Biting down on my lip, I remembered just how hot he had looked in the dark blue jeans that hugged his thighs and ass, and his t-shirt pulled tight across his chest. I don’t think I’d ever seen anyone as sexy. There certainly weren’t guys like Brody back in Westwood; not that I’d come across anyway.

  After finally making my hair look half decent, I tied it up into a hair tie and quickly brushed my teeth. Claire had been kind enough to give me a new toothbrush when I’d arrived yesterday. Everything else I’d have to buy when I’d earned some money. Grabbing jeans and a checked shirt from the closet, I got dressed, pulling the cowboy boots I’d worn yesterday onto my feet. Looking in the mirror, I smiled. I definitely looked like I belonged on a ranch and I was excited to have a look around. Picking up the now empty tray off the dresser, I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

  Tapping on the kitchen door I slowly pushed it open. “Morning, Claire,” I said shyly, seeing her sitting at the breakfast bar with a coffee in her hand.

  “Quinn. Come in, come in. Please don’t feel you have to knock. I want you to feel comfortable in the house. While you’re living here, this is your home, sweetie.” She pulled out a stool for me to sit on, patting it with her hand.

  “Thank you, and thank you for breakfast. It was delicious.”

  “You’re welcome. Just pop everything on the side and I’ll put it in the dishwasher in a minute. Come and sit down.” I nodded and placed the tray by the sink before taking a seat next to her.

  “Did you sleep okay?”

  “I did! The bed is so comfy. It’s a really beautiful room.”

  “Good. I’m glad. Do you want a coffee? I’ve just made a fresh pot.” She gestured to the coffee pot on the counter. I nodded, and she got up to fetch me a cup.

  Sipping on the hot drink, I asked her, “When do the guests start to arrive? Brody mentioned there weren’t any guests at the moment?”

  “No, it’s a little early in the season yet. We have people booked in from early March. That should be long enough to renovate the handful of cabins that need updating before guests start to arrive. Brody will show you where the cabins are, and which ones you’ll be cleaning.” She looked down at my jeans and shirt. “Savannah’s clothes are a perfect fit for you. You look great, honey.”

  “She has great taste,” I said, smoothing my shirt down with my hands. I fidgeted on the chair next to her and she must have sensed my nervousness.

  “What is it, sweetie?” she asked, her hand dropping to my arm.

  “I was thinking, because I can’t start working right away because of my ribs, maybe I could help out around here?”

  “It’s really not necessary, Quinn. You need to rest.”

  “Well, how about I cook dinner sometimes? I loved to cook before…” I trailed off and dropped my head. I felt Claire put her arm around me and she squeezed my shoulder.

  “That’s a great idea. I need to pop to the grocery store later; I’m sure Sav will come too. Why don’t you come with us? You can get some groceries and cook tomorrow night?”

  “I’d like that. I didn’t really get a chance to see much of Marble Falls the night I arrived. It will be nice to see the town.” I was relieved Claire had agreed as I hated the thought of staying with them but not being able to work and contribute. I wasn’t an amazing cook, but I did a mean meatball.

  She smiled. “It’s settled then. Why don’t you go find Brody so he can give you that tour? He’s probably in the old barn settling the horses in. If you walk straight past the exercise area and keep going, you can’t miss it.”

  “Thank you.” I jumped down off the stool. Forgetting my sore ribs, I winced as pain shot up my side. Hiding my discomfort from Claire, I made my way to the door.

  “I’ll come find you later when I’m ready to go to the grocery store, and, Quinn.” She paused as I turned to face her. “Take it easy. I can see you’re in pain, honey.”

  I stared at her in shock. “How did you…?”

  She chuckled. “I’m a mom remember? So, I know everything.” I watched as she turned around and started loading the dishwasher. I smiled. Claire reminded me so much of my mom. She too would know when I was hiding something, or I was upset. Maybe it was an ability you gained when you became a mom? I’d have to ask Savannah when she’d had her baby.

  “Bye, Claire,” I called out as I left the kitchen and went outside. Standing on the porch I looked around. Off to the right of the house and set a little way back were the remains of the burned-out stables. The grass of the exercise area was scorched black with only small patches of green remaining. There was little to none of the building itself left. It had been completely destroyed in the fire. A shudder went through me at the thought I had lain unconscious in there. I had been so stupid to sneak in the stables in the first place. No one had known I was in there, and I wouldn’t be standing here now if Brody hadn’t found me.

  Trying not to dwell on what could have happened, I walked down the porch steps and across the driveway. Making my way around what was left of the exercise area, small wooden cabins came into view, and I assumed this was the start of the guest accommodation. The cabins were beautiful. Each one had its own small porch with a bench for guests to sit and enjoy the stunning views over the ranch. There were fields as far as the eye could see on either side of the cabins. I could only imagine how amazing it would be to vacation here.

  As I walked along the winding path between the cabins, it suddenly opened out and a large barn came into view. It must have been the old barn Claire had mentioned, and where Brody was working with the horses. The door to the barn was closed and there was no one around. Wondering if I was in the right place, I gently pushed the door open and walked inside. There was a man I’d never seen before mucking out one of the stalls and he looked up as the door closed behind me.

  “Hi, darlin’,” he said wiping his brow with the back of his hand. I watched as his eyes roamed my body, coming to rest on my chest. Feeling self-conscious, I folded my arms, apprehension bubbling in my stomach. “Can I help you?” His eyes finally focused on my face and he smirked. “I’m Colt, by the way.”

  “Quinn,” I told him reluctantly. “I’m looking for Brody. Is he here?”

  “Sure.” He stabbed the fork he was holding into the ground, his eyes sweeping up and down my body again. “Brody, someone to see you.” I shifted uncomfortably on my feet.

  “Hey, Quinn,” shouted Brody as he emerged from a stall at the other end of the barn. I breathed a sigh of relief at seeing him and quickly began to walk past Colt. He reached out and grabbed my arm.

  “If you want a night out, darlin’, come find me. I can show you a real good time. Much better than him,” he whispered in my ear.

  I scowled and pulled my arm from his grasp. “I don’t think so,” I told him fiercely, my voice masking how terrified I was. No one had grabbed me like that since Evan, and memories I’d tried to bury came flooding back. My heart was beating erratically, and I had tears in my eyes. Walking quickly away from him, I headed toward the back of the barn where Brody was watching our exchange, his face like thunder.

  “Are you okay?” he asked me, his tone soft even though his eyes
were telling me he was furious. “What did he say to you?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing, I’m fine. I’m just overreacting.” I wrung my hands together in front of me and willed myself to calm down.

  “You’re not fine. You’re shaking.” He reached his hand out to me and I flinched. His eyes went wide, and he looked even more angry. “I’m going to kill him!” He stalked off down the barn toward Colt.


  “Colt!” I bellowed across the barn. I’d seen him grab Quinn and say something in her ear. Knowing Colt as I did, I knew exactly the sort of comment he’d made. Colt was an asshole. The way he spoke about women made my blood boil. The idea he was looking at Quinn like that made me want to knock him out.

  “Brody?” he said, turning to look at me. He looked surprised to see me barreling down the barn toward him. I usually ignored whatever he had to say about whichever poor girl he was dating because I wasn’t interested in getting dragged into a conversation with him. Yes, I might have dated a lot of women, but I respected them. I wouldn’t dream of laying a finger on them or talking shit about them. Men that did were jerks, and right now, Colt was the biggest jerk of all.

  “What did you say to her?” As I got up in his face, he took a step back and held his hands up.

  “Whoa! Nothing, man! What’s your problem?”

  “What’s my problem?” I repeated back to him. “My problem is you! So, I’ll ask again. What did you say to her?”

  “I just told her I could show her a good time. Which obviously I can.” A cocky smile formed on his face and I glared at him, my hands balling into fists at my side.

  “You son of a bitch!” I yelled, grabbing him around the throat and pinning him up against the wall of the barn. Getting close to his face, I spat out, “Don’t speak to Quinn, don’t touch Quinn, don’t go anywhere near Quinn. Understand?” He nodded frantically, and I dropped my hands from his neck. Coughing and spluttering he fell to his knees.


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