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Whatever it Takes (Healing Hearts book 3)

Page 16

by Laura Farr

  Standing up, she gave me a grateful smile, before heading to the closet. “Do I need to dress up?”

  “Nope. Jeans and Converse will be fine.”

  “Perfect.” She looked relieved that she didn’t need to get dressed up. Pushing myself up off her bed I frowned.

  “Baby, your bed’s all wet, you’ll need to sleep with me tonight. Can’t have you sleeping in wet sheets,” I told her with a smirk before leaving the room, her laughter echoing behind me.

  I hadn’t planned to get her bed wet, but now that it was, I had the perfect excuse to have her wrapped around me all night.


  I woke up the next morning to Brody leaning over me fully clothed. Pouting, I grabbed hold of his shirt. “Where are you going?” I whined. “Get back into bed.” He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

  “I’ve got to check something on the ranch, baby. Go back to sleep. It’s still early.”

  “Are you coming back?”

  “Of course. It shouldn’t take more than an hour. I promise.”

  “Okay. I’ll be waiting.” I snuggled back down into his bed and closed my eyes, feeling him kiss my forehead again.

  “So beautiful,” I heard him whisper as he left the room and I smiled as I drifted back to sleep, missing his warm body next to mine.

  Waking up sometime later, I stretched my arm out hoping to find Brody, but was met with a cold empty bed. Reaching for my phone off the nightstand, I saw it was just after 10 a.m. Flopping back down I smiled as my mind drifted to our date last night. We’d gone for pizza in a small restaurant in Marble Falls. It wasn’t as fancy as our first date, but I didn’t care. I just loved being with him and I think he felt the same. After we’d eaten pizza, Brody had taken me to a quiet bar on the main street in Marble Falls and we’d sat cuddled up in a booth. His hand had been holding mine or touching me in some way all night and I loved it. We’d talked nonstop, as if we’d known each other forever. He’d told me about his childhood—growing up on the ranch and his football playing days—and I’d told him about growing up in Westwood, just me and Mom. There were no awkward silences; the more time I spent with him, the more I fell for him and the more I began to believe I could stay here and be happy.

  Sighing, I climbed out of bed and walked across to the window, pulling open the drapes a little. Looking out across the ranch I searched for Brody but couldn’t see him. I hoped everything was okay. Glancing down at my phone I typed out a quick text.

  Me: Hey, I’m awake. Hope everything’s ok?

  I stared at my phone for a few minutes, frowning when I didn't receive a reply. It was possible he was at the edge of the ranch and had no signal. He’d told me the coverage wasn’t great everywhere.

  Throwing some clothes on, I tied my hair up and made my way downstairs, finding Claire in the kitchen. She was pacing up and down, her phone in her hand. “Is everything okay?” I asked, walking to her side.

  “Oh, Quinn! Thank goodness you’re awake! If I don’t tell someone soon, I’m going to explode!”

  “Tell me what?” I gasped, her excitement catching.

  “Savannah’s having the baby! Josh texted in the night and I only picked up the message after Ryan and Brody had gone out this morning.” She held her phone in the air. “I’m waiting for news. I can’t get hold of either of them and I’m going mad here waiting.”

  “I knew it! She was having a really bad backache yesterday. How exciting. You should have woken me. I could have waited with you.” I gently tugged on her hand, encouraging her to sit down at the breakfast bar. “Let me make you a coffee. Have you eaten this morning?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t, I’m too nervous.” She flipped the phone over in her hand, her eyes fixed on the screen.

  “You need to eat. We can’t have you passing out. I’ll make you something. How about pancakes?” She nodded absentmindedly, and I smiled as I grabbed everything I needed to make them. Ten minutes later and I popped two pancakes in front of her along with a steaming cup of coffee. Snapping out of her daze, she turned to me.

  “Thank you, sweetheart.” Standing up, she pulled me into a hug. “I’m sorry. I’m so all over the place.”

  “It’s understandable, don’t apologize.”

  “Sit with me; tell me about you and Brody. You went out on a date last night, didn’t you?” she asked, patting the stool next to her, before she began to eat her pancakes. Grinning, I picked up my plate with my pancakes and sat down.

  “We went for pizza and then on to a bar for a drink. It was great.” She smiled at me as she swallowed down a mouthful of coffee.

  “I can see you really like him, honey. Your face lights up when you talk about him.” She patted my hand. “I’m so pleased for you. You deserve some happiness, and I know he likes you too.”

  “I hope so,” I said quietly.

  “I know so, sweetie.” Just then we heard the front door open and voices coming from the hallway. Claire flew up out of her seat, meeting Ryan and Brody at the kitchen door. “I’ve been trying to call you!” she cried flinging her arms around Ryan. I saw Brody look past Claire to me, his face etched with worry.

  “What’s wrong?” Ryan asked as Claire stepped out of his embrace. Before she could reply the phone on the counter began to ring and vibrate.

  “Oh my God!” she shrieked as she raced across the kitchen, snatching up the phone. “Hello.”

  “What the hell is going on?” Ryan asked, looking at me. I smiled and kept quiet. There was no way I was going to spoil the surprise I knew Claire was desperate to share.

  “A girl! Are they both okay?” Claire asked into the phone. I watched as Ryan’s eyes went wide as he realized who Claire was talking to. Coming to stand next to her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Brody had made his way over to me, kissing me on the head as his arms pulled me against him. “Oh, thank goodness,” Claire exclaimed, the relief evident in her voice. “You tell my baby girl, I’m so proud of her. You too, Josh. Congratulations.” Her voice broke and tears tracked down her face. Ryan reached up and took the phone from her shaking hand.

  “Hi, Josh, it's Ryan. Claire’s a little emotional,” he said with a chuckle. “Congratulations, son. When can we visit?” He nodded. “We’ll be there. See you soon.”

  “When can we visit?” Brody asked, squeezing me tightly against him.

  “Visiting’s at two o’clock.”

  “We should head into Marble Falls and get some balloons and gifts,” Claire announced, pulling herself together. “I can’t believe I have a granddaughter.” Her voice wobbled with emotion.

  “Congratulations, all of you.” I looked up to Brody who was smiling wide. “You’re an uncle.” Standing on my tiptoes, I kissed his lips.

  “I am!” He picked me up and swung me around and I laughed against his shoulder.

  “Have fun picking out gifts and take lots of pictures when you visit.” I didn’t want to intrude on this amazing family moment they were about to have. Though I would love to see Savannah and the baby, I would wait until they were home. Looking up, I saw Brody frowning at me, but Claire spoke before he could.

  “Don’t be silly. You’re coming too.”

  “Oh no, really, I’ll wait until they’re home. This should be a family thing.”

  “Honey, you are family.” I looked over to Brody, and he nodded.

  “Sav will want you there,” Brody insisted. Looking between them, I smiled.

  “Well, okay… if you’re sure?”

  “We’re sure,” Claire replied. “Now go. Get showered, you two. I don’t want to be late for visiting.” She ushered Ryan and Brody out of the kitchen. I laughed and began to follow them, needing to get changed myself. Claire reached her arm out and stopped me before I got to the door.

  “Thank you, Quinn. For breakfast and for keeping me company while I slowly went insane.” I reached my arms around her and gave her a hug. It was as much for me as it was for her. I missed my mom and a hug from Claire filled a
little bit of the void in my heart.

  “You don’t need to thank me,” I assured her before heading upstairs to change.

  Half an hour later and we were on the way to Marble Falls in Brody’s truck. Claire and Ryan had insisted I sit up front with Brody while they sat in the back. I tried to protest but they ignored me and climbed into the back regardless. I wasn’t complaining, Brody was holding my hand as he drove, his thumb gently stroking the skin on the back of my hand.

  After parking, Brody and I walked hand in hand along the sidewalk, following Claire and Ryan into a small gift store. Claire was talking to the girl behind the counter, ordering balloons to take to the hospital. Turning to look at Brody he was holding up a pink fluffy rabbit.

  “What do you think?”

  “Perfect.” I reached up on my tiptoes to kiss him. “I think pink is your color.” He rolled his eyes and walked over to the cash register, paying for the rabbit while Claire was still ordering balloons.

  “We’ve got to come back in twenty minutes for the balloons. Let’s grab a coffee while we wait,” Claire suggested. Following her outside, the coffee shop was just across the street. Sitting at a booth in the window, Brody and Ryan went up to the counter to order.

  “This was the first place I visited when I got into Marble Falls. I was desperate for a coffee after being stuck on the bus for two days. It’s hard to believe how things have changed since I arrived.” I looked over to where Brody was waiting to order coffee. My heart stuttered as he turned and winked at me. I felt Claire’s hand come over mine.

  “I can see how happy he makes you, sweetheart.” She paused, and I dragged my eyes from Brody to look at her. “You deserve to be happy. Remember that.” I nodded and gave her a small smile. I felt the seat dip next to me and Brody sat down, pushing over my latte.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, brushing his cheek with my lips. His hand came under the table and rested on my thigh, the warmth of his hand seeping through my jeans.

  “So, I’ve spoken to Lib; she and Mason are going to meet us at the hospital for visiting. We’ll probably have to take it in turns to visit, but that’ll be fine. I think it will be two visitors at a time,” she rambled. I couldn’t help but smile at how excited she was. I glanced up at Brody who had a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  “Mom, take a breath!” Brody exclaimed. Ryan laughed and put his arm around Claire, pulling her into his side.

  “She’s just excited,” Ryan said, kissing her head.

  “Wait until your baby has a baby.” She waved her arm in the air. “You’ll go a little bit crazy as well.”

  “Leave her alone.” I bumped his shoulder with mine. “With all the excitement, you never said what was so urgent on the ranch this morning?” I sipped on my hot coffee and turned to face him.

  “It was a bit of a strange one. The perimeter fence that borders the old Johnson place had been cut.” He frowned. “The field was a mess as well. There were tire marks in the grass. They looked like they were from a motorcycle.”

  “A motorcycle? Why would someone cut the fence and ride a motorcycle around the field?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve no idea. What happened to the fence wasn’t an accident though, the wire had been cut.”

  “Probably kids,” Ryan said. “The Johnson place has been empty for over a year. I’m surprised we haven’t had any issues before now.”

  I frowned not really understanding what they were talking about. Seeing my confusion, Brody tried to explain.

  “The Johnsons ran a cattle ranch on the neighboring property. Just over a year ago they fell behind on payments to the bank and they repossessed the ranch. They were forced to move in with family in Florida and it’s been empty ever since. The bank is trying to sell it but no one’s interested.”

  “Do you think it was kids?” He nodded.

  “More than likely. I just hope they get bored and it doesn’t keep happening. It’s a pain in the ass.”

  “Right, drink up!” Claire exclaimed. “It’s time to collect the balloons.” She finished her drink and ushered Ryan from the booth, walking with him outside and across the street to the shop.

  A few minutes later we’d finished our drinks and were waiting on the sidewalk for Claire and Ryan to finish up in the gift shop. Glancing down the street, I did a double take, my heart pounding in my chest. I could have sworn Evan was crossing the street and heading into the grocery store further along the road. It couldn’t be him though, could it? How would he know where I was? I could have gone anywhere in the US; he wouldn’t have known I’d come here. I never told him I’d wanted to visit. My thoughts were coming faster than I could process them, and all sounds around me had become muffled. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart. I didn’t realize Brody was talking to me, until I felt his hand reaching for mine.

  “Quinn. Are you okay?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.

  “Yes... yes, sorry. I just thought…” I pulled my gaze away from the grocery store, turning to look up into his worried eyes. “I thought I saw…” I trailed off again and he frowned.

  “Saw what?” He looked past me up the sidewalk. Not sure of who or what I’d seen, and conscious that everyone was excited about Savannah having the baby, I brushed it off. I didn’t want to dampen the mood.

  “Just my eyes playing tricks on me.” I forced a smile. “Here are your parents,” I said, grateful he couldn’t question me anymore. I knew if I told him I thought I’d seen Evan, he’d be in the grocery store before I could stop him.

  “If you’re sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Let’s go and see your niece.” He nodded, and we walked back toward the truck, Claire and Ryan in front of us. I looked over my shoulder at the grocery store one more time, but saw no one who resembled Evan. Shaking my head, I told myself I was mistaken. Evan couldn’t possibly have found me. I only hoped I was right.


  Sitting on the uncomfortable plastic chairs in the relatives' room of the hospital, we waited to see Savannah and the baby. Mom and Dad had already gone in, and Mason and Lib were on their way. Glancing over to Quinn, I saw she was lost in thought, her fingers absentmindedly playing with the edge of her shirt. She’d been quiet since we’d left Marble Falls. I frowned as I wondered what was going on in her head. Turning in my seat, I picked up one of her hands and held it in mine.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” I stroked my thumb over the back of her hand. Her eyes lifted to meet mine.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.” She smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. I didn’t have time to question her further as the door opened and Libby and Mason walked in. Jumping up, she crossed the room to them. She looked relieved that we’d been interrupted, and an uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. Standing up, I pushed it aside, making my way over to them.

  “Have you seen them yet?” Libby asked Quinn, the tension between us overshadowed by Libby’s excitement. Quinn shook her head.

  “No, Claire and Ryan are with them. Claire was a little eager to get in there,” she replied with a smile. Just then the door to the relatives' room opened and Mom rushed in, with Dad following behind.

  “Oh, Hope is so beautiful,” she gushed. “You should go in and see them, we’ve cleared it for the four of you to go in.” She ushered us through the door and along the corridor. “We’re heading home now. They should be sending them both home tomorrow, I’ll get plenty more cuddles then.” She quickly kissed everyone on the cheek before taking Dad’s arm and practically skipping down the corridor. I chuckled at how excited she was. Savannah’s pregnancy was in no way planned, and it caused a fair bit of tension when everyone found out. It was great to see how happy everyone was now.

  Pushing the door to Savannah’s room open, Libby rushed toward the bed. She enveloped Savannah in a one-armed hug, so as not to squash Hope, who was cuddled into Savannah’s chest. Quinn held back, and I knew she felt awkward, like she was intruding on family time. S
he couldn’t have been more wrong. We were her family now, and evidently Savannah felt the same.

  “Quinn, come here; come and meet Hope,” Savannah called out, gesturing for her to come closer. She turned to look at me and I smiled, nodding encouragingly at her. As she made her way to Hope, I crossed the room and pulled Josh into a hug.

  “Congratulations, man.” I watched as tears filled his eyes before he quickly gained his composure.

  “Thanks, Brode. Savannah was amazing. It was scary as shit, but she was just… amazing.” I slapped him on the back as we turned to look at Savannah, Libby, and Quinn. Mason was on the other side of the bed and I watched as a huge smile broke out on his face as he watched Libby cradling Hope.

  “I think someone may be getting a little broody,” I said quietly to Josh.

  “Who, Lib? All women get broody around babies. It’s like it’s built in,” he joked.

  “I don’t mean Lib.” I gestured to the other side of the bed to where he was looking. Seeing him look over to Mason he chuckled.

  “Yeah, I bet there’ll be a baby there soon enough,” he agreed. Motioning to Mason, the three of us left the girls to talk babies while we headed to the cafeteria for a coffee. As we sat down, my phone rang. Digging it out of my pocket I saw it was Ethan calling.

  “Hey, man, how’s it going?”

  “Good, Brody. So, I looked up that guy you asked about.”

  “Did you find anything?”

  “You could say that.” He sighed down the phone. “Brody, who is this guy? I didn’t ask too many questions when you asked me to run his name, but this guy, he’s bad news.” Closing my eyes, I dropped my head. I’d been hoping Ethan wouldn’t find anything, that Evan was just going to be some piece of shit who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. I’d managed to get his name from Quinn without telling her what Ethan was doing. I felt bad for not keeping her in the loop, but I didn’t want to upset her.


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