Machines of Loving Grace
Page 40
SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), 20–21, 37
Sloan Foundation, 180
smartphones, advent of, 239, 312
Snowden, Edward, 29
Software Psychology (Shneiderman), 188
Sol-20, 210–211
Sony, 23, 245, 246
Southworth, Lucy, 242
speech recognition. see language and speech recognition; Siri (Apple)
Sproull, Bob, 231
SRI International
CALO, 31, 297, 302–304, 310, 311
inception of, 3–4, 99–105
Intuitive Surgical and, 271
naming of, 2, 180
Prospector, 128
SRI name of, 180
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL)
Brooks and, 98–99, 196–201
McCarthy and, 7–8, 111–115
Salisbury and, 256
Stanford Cart, 120–122, 200–201
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Robot (STAIR), 259–260, 265
Stanford Industrial Park, 254–255
Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 293
Stanford Research Institute. see SRI International
Stanford University
Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, 133–134
Microsoft and, 189
Mycin, 127
Program on Liberation Technology, 16, 342
Stanford University Network, 134
Stanley project, 19–23, 35–36, 36
Starfish Prime, 126
Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Calculator, 142
Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”), 134, 182, 183, 203
Strong artificial intelligence, 12, 26, 272
Suarez, Daniel, 45
Suitable Technologies, 243
Sun Microsystems, 134
Sutherland, Ivan, 230–232, 255, 306, 308
Symbolics, 128
Synergy, 134
Syntelligence, 128–130
Taylor, Robert, 31, 159–165
Teknowledge, 128, 134–140
Templeton, Brad, 333
Tenenbaum, Jay “Marty,” 289, 290
Terman, Frederick, 255
Tesla, 46
Tesler, Larry, 8, 138
Tether, Tony, 21–22, 28–32, 234, 236, 297, 302
Thinking Machines Corporation, 119
“Third Industrial Revolution” (IR3), 88, 89
Thrun, Sebastian
Bradski and, 260, 263–265
goals of, xiii
at Google, 35–40, 55–56, 152–153
Shashua and, 49–50
Stanley project and autonomous vehicles, 19–23, 35–36, 36, 59
time-sharing concept, 111–112, 197–198
Tools for Conviviality (Illich), 213–215
Total Information Awareness, 29
Toyoda, Akio, 90
Toyota, 60, 90
traffic jam assist, 45–46, 52, 57, 164
Trower, Tandy, 190, 327–332
Tufekci, Zeynep, 328–329
Turing, Alan, 13–14, 106
Turkle, Sherry, 173, 221–222
ubiquitous computing (UbiComp), xv, 193, 274, 281
Understanding Computers and Cognition (Flores, Winograd), 182, 188
United Auto Workers (UAW), 68–73
University of Massachusetts, 283–287
University of Pittsburgh, 127–128
University of Utah, 47
URBAN5, 308
Urmson, Chris, 56
U.S. Department of Defense. see DARPA
Valid Logic Systems, 133–134
Vardi, Moshe, 9, 86
Varian Associates, 125–127
Veblen, Thorstein, 343
vehicle detection, 49
Velodyne, 42, 51
VeriFone, 291
Verizon, 320
VerticalNet, 302
Vicarious, 154–155
Vignette, 295
Vinge, Vernor, 9–10, 85
Visser, Binne, 65
Vlingo, 319
Volvo, 45
von Neumann, John, 75, 106
Walter, W. Grey, 200–201
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 109
Watson (IBM program), 225–226
Weiser, Mark, 193, 274, 281
Weizenbaum, Joseph, 14, 113, 172–174
West Coast Computer Faire (1979), 212
Whittaker, William L. “Red,” 32–35, 37, 43, 56, 202, 233–234, 264
Who Owns the Future? (Lanier), 82–83
Widdoes, Curt, 133–134
Wiener, Norbert
control theory and, 161–162, 216
Cybernetics, 8, 97
God & Golem, Inc., 75, 211–212
The Human Use of Human Beings, 8, 70, 98
on labor force and automation, xix, 10, 68–76, 89
Wier, Craig, 292
Wiesner, Jerome, 110
Williamson, Matt, 237
Willow Garage, 241–244, 259–260, 267–270
Winblad, Ann, 139–140
Winograd, Terry
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, 183–184
early career, 170–172, 171, 174–179
IA views of, 15–16, 170–178, 171, 182–188
Program on Liberation Technology, 16, 342
SHRDLU, 132, 170–172, 174–178
Wozniak, Steve, 112, 214
Wyrobek, Keenan, 258
Alto, 189, 198, 255
Dynabook, 115, 198, 306
graphical interface of, 189, 194
Internet of Things and, 193
Jobs and, 281
Kay and, 115
Palo Alto Research Center inception and influence, 7, 38, 138–139, 255–256
Winograd and, 178–179
Yahoo!, 259
Yale University, 180–181
Yaskawa (robot), 243
Zakos, John, 222, 223
Zuckerberg, Mark, 157
JOHN MARKOFF has been a technology and science reporter at the New York Times since 1988. He was part of the team of Times reporters that won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting and is the author of What the Dormouse Said: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry. He lives in San Francisco, California.
Discover great authors, exclusive offers, and more at
What the Dormouse Said:
How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry
The Pursuit and Capture of Kevin Mitnick, America’s Most Wanted Computer Outlaw—By the Man Who Did It (with Tsutomu Shimomura)
Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier (with Katie Hafner)
The High Cost of High Tech:
The Dark Side of the Chip (with Lenny Siegel)
Cover design by Allison Saltzman
Excerpt of “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” from All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan. Copyright © 1967 by Richard Brautigan. Reprinted with the permission of the Estate of Richard Brautigan; all rights reserved.
MACHINES OF LOVING GRACE. Copyright © 2015 by John Markoff. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
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