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Unleash The Darkness: (Eternally Mated Novela)

Page 10

by Valerie Twombly

  Eva leaned forward. “What happened to her?”

  “She lived with the aid of her father.”

  “Explain.” Seph tried to remain calm, but it was becoming a daunting task. He never had much patience to begin with so what little he did hold wore thin.

  “It was discovered that the father was really the one who had to slay the demon and return the stolen power back to his daughter.”

  The room was silent until Eva finally cleared her voice and spoke. “My father is dead.”

  Seph wanted to break something. Instead he replied, “Can’t Eva kill the girl herself? That’s what Logan said had to happen.”

  Sherease arched a brow. “What does he know? His father locked him up eons ago. I’m willing to bet Lilly chose to take your power knowing full well your father was gone. She figured you were a sure bet.”

  Seph was about to go volatile, hanging by a thread. “I will not accept my mate’s death,” he growled. His jaw was clenched so tight it throbbed. He was on the verge of going full on reaper.

  “There is a way, but it’s not easy and there are no guarantees,” Sherease replied.

  Seph glanced at Tegan, who shifted in his seat. An indication of his discomfort. That bastard knew something. He always knew shit.

  “Spill it.” Seph gave Eva’s hand another squeeze.

  “One has to travel to the Otherworld, where Eva’s father has gone, and request his temporary return to fight for his daughter’s life,” Sherease stated.

  Eva gasped. “That’s possible?”

  Seph heard the optimism in her voice that she would finally be able to meet her father. He, on the other hand, had realized there was far more to this task. “Details.”

  “It sounds simple.” Eva looked at him; hope filled her eyes. Damn, he couldn’t let her down.

  “Unfortunately, it’s not,” Sherease continued. “In order to get to the Otherworld, you have to pay the ferryman whatever he asks for toll to take you there. Then, once there you have to request an audience with the Almighty.”

  “Oh,” Eva said.

  “The Maker’s father is not always a reasonable man,” Tegan interjected.

  Eva’s shoulders slumped, but before anyone else caught it, she pulled them back and lifted her chin. “I can do this.” She stood and within seconds her body went limp, her knees buckled, and she started to go down. Seph jumped to catch her and pulled her into his arms.

  “Eva? Little dove?” Her lids fluttered until she finally focused on him.

  “I-I don’t know what happened. I suddenly became dizzy.”

  Seph sat, pulling her into his lap and scanned her body. What he found ripped him to shreds. He looked up at Tegan and Sherease, who both gave him a questioning look. He didn’t want to tell Eva how bad she really was, so he connected to Tegan.

  She’s dying. I’m not sure how much longer she has.

  Your son?

  He is fighting, but I think that is also what’s draining her faster. I must be the one to go to the Otherworld and summon her father.

  Tegan gave a nod of agreement. I will take Eva to the Isle of Semyaza. It will buy her time.

  Seph’s throat went so dry, he could hardly swallow. This could be the last time he ever saw his mate again. There were no guarantees any of this would work. I owe you, Tegan. Nothing in Semyaza was free, and the commander had just offered to take the punishment required in order to give Eva a chance to live.

  We all love Eva. I had best go now if she is to stand any chance of survival. Say your goodbyes quickly. Tegan took his mother’s hand and led her outside, giving Seph a moment.

  He looked back down at the light of his life.

  “You were talking about me,” she whispered.

  “Tegan is going to take you to the Isle of Semyaza while I go summon your father.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “You will both be punished because of me.” She placed her hand on his face, determination burned in her dark eyes. “I will fight and our son will be born. It’s the least I can give you.”

  Damn this female tore him up. She was one of the toughest women he had ever met, and he had no doubt she would hang on long enough to deliver their son. “I love you. You must fight to live for all of us.” He forced a smile. “You know if I have to raise our son alone, I’ll ruin him. He needs his mother’s gentleness to counter my dark side. Please promise...” He lowered his head until his lips brushed hers. “That you will be here for both of us. You cannot leave me.” He kissed her with everything he had left inside him and prayed he was able to share some of his strength. A throat cleared across the room, and Seph broke off the kiss and raised his head to see Tegan waiting.

  “It’s time.”

  Seph nodded and stood. He placed his fragile mate into the arms of another man and tried to shove down the green-eyed demon that growled inside him. Tegan was his friend and willing to take Seph’s place at the Isle of Semyaza. It seemed the reaper’s list of debts were piling up quickly. He watched as another man took his mate and vanished. Time for him to locate Eva’s father.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Eva had no idea how long she and Tegan traveled since she slept most of the time. Her thoughts moved to Seph. She wondered if he had found the Otherworld yet and what horror he would endure to convince the Almighty to let her father save her. She looked around and discovered the scenery had changed. They’d gone from nothing but clouds to the occasional palm tree, and the air smelled of water. Eva didn’t know much about the Isle, but what she had heard caused her pause. When an angel was gravely wounded in battle, they could speed healing by coming here. The place was guarded by a reaper named Telantes, who would decide the punishment the angel would bear in exchange for the use of the healing waters of the Isle. She prayed he would have mercy on her and her unborn child.

  A long bridge came into view, and the parting clouds revealed a tropical paradise on the other side. Tegan stepped onto the bridge, and she wanted desperately to walk beside him, but wasn’t so far gone that she didn’t realize she could no longer stand on her own.

  Tegan strode across the expansive bridge, his boots breaking the silence of the moment. When they reached the other side, a towering gate impeded further progress. She looked skyward at the impressive gold structure made of ornate scrollwork and would have appreciated its beauty had she not felt like absolute shit. A shadow appeared on the other side. Tegan kneeled and flared out his golden wings.

  “The guardian and her unborn child are in need of the Isle,” he said.

  The figure became clearer. Nothing more than a black robe billowed in the light breeze. The reaper’s face was buried deep in the darkness of the hood, and her mind traveled back to Seph.

  “The female is willing to agree to her punishment?” the voice thundered back at them.

  “No. I will take her punishment.”

  “You realize that you will take double then?”

  “I willingly accept,” Tegan confirmed with a steady voice.

  “The female will witness your sacrifice for her,” the voice bellowed back.

  Tegan’s body stiffened around her. “I do not agree to that. She will bathe in the healing waters while I give myself to you.”

  “No deal, archangel. My terms have been named. Accept them or leave. The guardian must witness her sacrifice.”

  A rumble started deep in Tegan’s chest then erupted. “Fine. Let’s get on with it then. She is in dire need.” He looked down at her. “I’m so sorry, but this seems to be the only way,” he whispered.

  “Very well. Your punishment will be two-hundred lashes on your back with the strap.”

  “Agreed.” Tegan’s jaw tensed as he rose to standing and the gate slid open. Stepping across, he marched straight to a massive wooden cross in the center of a courtyard. It seemed so out of place among the palms and tropical flowers that surrounded it. He slipped Eva into a chaise under a shaded gazebo. How convenient they had a comfortable viewing area complete with cushione
d chairs and side tables. She almost wondered if they served refreshments.


  Her stomach rolled.

  Eva reached for Tegan as he propped a pillow behind her back. “I’m so sorry.” She tried to keep her tears at bay. She had to remain strong.

  “Never be sorry for me. I gladly take anything meted out if it will make you well. You only concentrate on yourself and your son. Seph will be victorious, and all of this will soon be history.” He kissed the top of her head and strode off. A prayer went out that his punishment was quick, and Eva added an extra one for Tegan to one day soon find his true love. No man deserved it more.

  He pulled off his T-shirt and tossed it to the ground. Two men materialized and each gripped an arm and pulled Tegan to the cross. Tegan was shoved, chest first into the cross, each wrist bound to a board with leather straps. His wings were pulled wide, and the tips secured above his wrists using a metal ring shoved through the tips and chained to the post. A whisper of wind settled next to her and the reaper Telantes stood beside her.

  “Guardian Evangeline. You will witness every lash that is received for your sacrifice. If you try to look away or close your eyes, the angel will receive twenty more blows. If you cry out, he will receive fifty more. He bears this burden for you. It is only equitable that you will witness every lash.”

  She could only nod her head and dared not look upon the reaper. Her eyes fixed on Tegan. She would not bring him more pain than he was already willing to bear for her.

  “Begin the punishment,” Telantes ordered. Both men who had secured Tegan suddenly held a long leather whip in one hand.

  Eva gave a silent gasp when the length of the whips lit with fire. No. Please not that.

  The first lash landed in the middle of Tegan’s back, leaving blackened skin that began to blister. The next lash mirrored the first, but landed across his shoulder blades. The smell of burnt flesh caused Eva to gag, but her gaze remained fixed. Blood trickled down Tegan’s skin as his back was brutalized by the burning leather straps. After only ten lashes, he was a burned, bloody mess but he never flinched. Eva shoved a folded finger into her mouth and bit down to keep from screaming at them to stop. Somehow they both had to get through one hundred and ninety more.

  Seph wasted no time in making his way to the perimeter of the Otherworld. The task had been easy, but getting an audience with the Almighty was an entirely different plan. Didn’t matter. His mate was dying, and he would give everything he had to make her well again. He spread his wings and flew across the vast lake that surrounded the area until he reached the other side. From there, he would need to take a boat to his final destination. Much like Hell, a ferryman stood waiting to take passengers to their new home. Seph landed and pulled in his wings.

  “I wish an audience with the Almighty.”

  The ferryman laughed. “What are you willing to pay?”

  “Name the price.”

  The ferryman tilted his robed head as if in thought, but more likely he was speaking with his lord and master. “Why do you seek this audience?”

  “My mate has been given a death mark. I need her father to come back and kill the one who gave it to her.”

  Again there was silence until the ferryman pointed to the boat. “Get in. Your audience will be granted.”

  Seph did as ordered and stepped into the wooden boat, deciding to remain standing rather than sit. His thoughts went to Eva, and he prayed she was holding on. After several grueling minutes, he finally stepped back onto land and was directed up the smooth white marble path that led to a massive stone mansion. When he reached the double doors, they opened on their own, and he crossed the threshold into the cooler air of the foyer. An angel wearing a long golden gown that formed to her body walked to him. The tips of her snow-white wings dusted with silver touched the glistening floor. She stopped in front of him. Seemed to study him from head to toe.

  “Your appearance is unacceptable. You will shed your shirt and summon your wings.”

  Seph pulled the tee over his head and took delight in the shocked look on her face when all of his tats were revealed. He summoned his solid black wings, a contrast to her own, then dropped his shirt to the perfect floor.

  Her nose wrinkled. “You reapers are all the same. You embrace far too much of your darkness.” She spun on a slippered foot. “Follow me.”

  Seph had the urge to flip her off but behaved himself. He was here for one purpose only and pissing anyone off wasn’t going to help his cause. Instead he occupied himself by checking out his surroundings. The place was far too gaudy and stuffy for his liking. If he had to choose, he’d rather reside in Hell than this sparkling palace with its uppity occupants. The angel led him to an actual waiting area that was only big enough to hold one plain wooden chair.

  “Sit,” she commanded. “You will be summoned when He is ready.”

  Seph tried not to growl as he plopped into the chair. He swore to the Maker and Lucifer that the seat was riddled with invisible tacks. What the fuck.

  Minutes ticked and he began bouncing his leg, tapping his fingers on his thigh. It was that or go insane. If the room had been bigger, he would be pacing its polished floors, but as it was he remained where he was told. He stretched his neck, right then left. Muscles screamed from the tension that racked his body. Every second that ticked by, his temper flared. His jaw was nearly locked, he clenched it so tight. He kept the constant reminder in the back of his mind that this was for Eva, and if he fucked it up, she would die. Somehow, he had to find the light inside him and remember where the hell he was, and the one he sought could smite him in a heartbeat.

  Finally a door swung open across from him.

  “Enter reaper,” a thunderous voice commanded. There was no doubt who it belonged to. It sent a shiver up Seph’s spine.

  He rose from his torturous seat, walked with confidence through the door, and entered a large, brightly lit room. It wasn’t sunlight or something that came from a lamp. The entire room was bathed with a warm glow, bright enough to be hurtful to one’s eyes. From what he could see, the room was round. The walls were made of the same smooth marble as the floor, which reflected the light back at him. Other than that, it was completely void of anything. Instinct kicked in and he knelt on one knee, his wings folded next to his body.

  “Deus.” He used the Latin name for God. “Thank you for granting me your audience.”

  “I must admit, your request intrigues me. I can’t remember the last time a reaper came to seek an audience.”

  Seph didn’t figure many angels came here requesting favors such as the one he was about to ask for. “I am honored you received me.”

  “What is it you seek from me, Sephtis?”

  “My mate has been given the death mark by one of Lucifer’s children. She is dying and I have come to seek her father to kill the child.” His knee throbbed against the cold hard floor, but he dared not move.

  “You seek to kill one of my grandchildren?”

  “I am sorry, Deus, but the life of my mate and unborn son mean more to me than your grandchild.” Probably not the right thing to say but fuck it. Time was wasting and his Eva was dying. Besides, Seph was never one to dance around a subject. To the point was how he operated.

  “I see.”

  Was the Almighty angry with him? Hard to tell since his voice was no indicator. Seph drew in a long calming breath. Find the light inside yourself and play nice.

  “I will give anything to save them, including my own life if that is your wish.”

  “You would be willing to never see them again? To pledge yourself to this realm?”

  Seph finally took his gaze off the floor and looked upward into the bright light. “I would, but you must know that I have already been pledged to Logan, Lucifer’s son, for the next century. I must repay that debt first.”

  “How admirable. Rise, Sephtis.”

  Finally. Seph pushed to his feet, and his wings relaxed around him. Now was the time to find out
what his payment would be or if his request would even be granted.

  “I have watched you your entire life, Sephtis, and you have done well for yourself. Do you know why reapers carry the curse of light and dark?”

  “I have heard the rumor, Deus.”

  The Almighty chuckled. “Reapers were the first of my children. In the beginning, you were warriors who battled the darkness of the universe, but once that war had been won I tasked you with keeping a reign on evil and delivering it where it belonged. I later created the rest of my army from pure light because I knew the darkness would be too much of a temptation. Your mate is your light, therefore I will grant your request to destroy my grandchild.”

  Relief swept over Seph like a tidal wave and almost dropped him to his knees. “Thank you, Deus. How may I repay my debt?” Now came the fun part.

  “You will do two things that I request. First, you will forsake your home with my daughter, Ambriel.”

  Seph’s heart seized. He had already done that by making a deal with Logan. Did the Almighty mean forever?

  “Your service will belong to Logan until he decides to release you. If ever.”

  He swallowed. “Yes, Deus.” What the hell else was he to say? He had vowed anything to save his mate and son.

  “The other is simple. Raise your son to follow your example. Teach him to be strong and don’t allow him to stray. Do not fail where I did with my own.”

  If Seph were a crying man, then tears would be flowing. He was going to have his family. He would make this arrangement work. “Thank you, Deus.”

  “Now go. You must take Lilly to the human realm. Secure her high in the mountains away from mortals, and your savior will destroy her. Evangeline must be there for the power to transfer back between father and daughter.”

  The doors that he had entered earlier opened, indicating this conversation was done. Seph turned and headed to the exit but stopped. “Deus, why would you wish me to forsake my home and stay with Logan?” He would obey, but it was an odd request and nagged at him.


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