Ice Cold

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Ice Cold Page 22

by Mark Graham

  “Now, do you think that will teach you what I want to teach you,” Ice asked still leaning over with the man’s hand in his hand. The man nodded as hard as he could. Within three seconds all off them heard two more snaps. The man screamed as loud as he could which was only a soft murmur.

  “We’ll be back,” Ice said coldly, turned and walked out the door with Joyce following him. They did the same thing as before, then Ice got up and got two Cokes out, giving one to Joyce.

  “Damn,” she started off, “you mean business don’t you?

  “You probably have better psychological means to fuck with somebody, but this is the way I do it. Keep them in pain and in every step add more pain. He’ll be lucky to be fully sane by lunch tomorrow.”

  “I was kind of thinking that,” Joyce said already wondering about that very thing.

  “Usually on a long one like this I try to go a little slower and not bring the real cruel stuff out until almost the end. That way they are more aware, with more damage to the mind and body. Don’t tell anybody else, but there has been a time or two that I just could not stand being so damn patient and hearing our victim whine and cry, and put him out out permanently. I have chemicals in there that will multiply the pain, while causing the person to be more and more aware. In this case I expect the man will start kind of slipping away from time to time. When that happens we give him a longer break and might even do something to comfort him.

  “Well that’s mighty kind of you,” she said.

  For the next twenty minutes Ice asked Joyce about some psychological things and got her opinion on things he’s wondered for a long time. Joyce with her experience and education was able to answer most of Ice’s questions.

  “Well, seems quiet in there for the most part,” Ice said getting up, “let’s do what we do best,” he said smiling.

  “We? Who’s we? You got a turd in your pocket?” she said being the one who chuckled this time.

  On his way and before putting new gloves and cap on he went over and turned the TV on, causing it to be just loud enough so that if anybody put their ear to the door they would be able to hear it. Then it would be just loud enough to cover any moans or such.

  Once back in the bathroom Ice said, “I usually go through a lot of gloves. It’s a good way to insure they don’t get a slight prick in them and gives me time while on one of these breaks. Oh, forgot,” he said as he left the restroom and went to the refrigerator. He brought back a bottle of Pepsi.

  “How you doing there Jimmie?” He asked loudly. Jimmie looked at him and seemed to be begging with his eyes. “You ready for the coke I offered you?” he asked. Jimmie gave his eyes a quick nod.

  Ice took the top off the bottle and started to shaking it with his thumb covering the open end. “I learned this trick from a guard in one of the Mexican prisons. It’s very, very affective and don’t try doing this at home.”

  He put the bottle right up to one of Jimmie’s nostrils and let his thumb slip off the top. The cold drink was sprayed up into Jimmie’s sinus cavities and almost brought the man off the table. The drink also sprayed quite a bit of the room.

  Joyce looked at Ice in kind of a shock, “Damn! Wonder who thought that one up?”

  “Some body did and came up with a real decent, no wounds seen, kind of torture. I hear the Mexican cops get quite a few confessions this way.” Ice kind of laughed and said, “I don’t know if it’s true or not but it’s said that there was a prison riot down there in Mexico someplace. The warden ordered a truck load of Coke or Pepsi, or whatever it was and within ten minutes all the prisoners were in their cells.”

  “That’s funny,” Joyce said smiling. Ice thought she might end up being okay at this. If she could make light talk of this already she might be one cruel lady. He knew he would take her to the limits of pain and torture with this guy.

  Jimmie moaned like he was in real pain, and both agents believed he was. Ice put his thumb over the top of the bottle and really shook it. It was only half full but when Ice finally let it go under Jimmie’s other nostril. An exact repeat. With what was left Ice poured it over the man’s face.

  “So Jimmie, you ready to sign a confession?” Ice asked as if he was interested.

  The man could hardly speak but with his sinus cleared in some areas and screwed up in others he could be heard to say “yes”.

  “You dumb fuck,” Ice hollered but not too loudly, “you think if you sign a confession that I am going to let you up. You are a real piece of camel shit, ya know that?” Ice both stated and questioned.

  “If you would have signed such a statement just a few short months ago, or last year you would be nice and cozy in some prison someplace probably having the boys wait on you. But no . . . you had to be the macho guy and do what you pleased, not mattering who you hurt.”

  Jimmie gave a quiet sob and looked searchingly into the cold eyes of Ice. He could not see or ever would see any semblance of sanity or any kind of caring whatever. Joyce was paying attention and tried to see him from the front as well as she could without being caught doing so. She was able to see, especially when Ice glanced at her that he was one who not only had the thousand mile stare, but put fear into any human being. His demeanor was more cruel and mean then she had ever seen. It was interesting though that Ice talked like he did sitting at the picnic table with her, and just having a normal conversation.

  “Well Jimmie,” Ice said looking into Jimmie’s eyes, “I guess me and the lady need another break, anything we can do for you before we leave, he asked.

  Jimmie was quick to shake his head. “Anything you have for this fucken retard my lady?” he asked.

  “Maybe, but not until later,” she said seriously. Personally she wanted to cut the guys balls off but was afraid to admit it.

  “Okay then Jimmie, I guess I will leave you a gift or two before we leave.” Ice reached behind him and grabbed a tool that looked like quite a long ice pick. He then picked up a mallet, put the ice pick at the middle of the man’s knee and hit it with the mallet to go through his knee and imbed itself into the table. The man was hollering and moaning, making all kind of reactions with his leg. Ice had to work at getting the ice pick out but when he did he did the same thing to the other knee and left the ice pick in. “I’m leaving that for you to remember me by,” Ice said with a wicked smile. Both agents went back to the room to finish there Cokes.

  “So, you said later Joyce?” Ice asked.

  “Well,” Joyce started to respond but her face turned red before she got a chance to answer. “For as long back as I can remember, when the subject of rape or child sexual abuse would come up it seems somebody would say something like, “I’d like to cut his balls off, or something to that affect.”

  “I thought it possible,” Ice responded, “but wanted to make sure. If in fact you want to, we’ll do it tomorrow. If so I will coach you in the best ways to do it. Remember too, that here we don’t have any extra blood so can’t do anything well into this until near the end. But, I do have surgical thread with the proper needles and a torch that does a great job at cauterizing.”

  Joyce flinched on that one, “How did you learn all this?” she asked?

  “It’s actually a long story Joyce,” he replied, “but we have plenty of time for me to tell you. Jimmie will be in there hurting one way or another. He moves that leg with that pick still in it and he will experience the same pain again. I’ll bet he moves that leg at least five times in the next twenty minutes,” Ice said.

  “Who wins what if you’re wrong or right?” She asked.

  “The loser has to cut the guys pinkie fingers off. Got a deal?” he asked.

  “Oh, what the hell,” she said kind of blushing, “you’ll probably lose any way.

  “Okay, if he hollers out five or more time I win. Anything less and you win and I lose.”

  “Okay,” she said and actually smiled. To herself she couldn’t believe she would even take a bet like this. She wondered if it was to impress Ice or
what. She was being surprised at several of her reactions so far.

  “Let’s see, where do I start?” he asked loudly. I guess the first was when I had to get through survival school. Our teams took turns. One was supposed to be the Marines trying to get into there assignment and the others were those who were encamped and acted as if they were the defenders of their countries. I was on the attack team first. I was one of the last caught. They acted like real Marines, well I guess they were, and dragged me by my shoulders into this tent and tied my hands behind my back to a vertical pole. I was not allowed to slide down, and had to stand. They put a noose around my neck and pulled it tight. I think during the process they beat me a few times with a belt, slugged me in the face and stomach and kneed me in the balls. Just a bunch of bull shit stuff, just a notch over being taken in to a fraternity.”

  “When I was on the home side I really didn’t get real involved. I slugged a guy a couple times, and pulled another guys arm behind him as he plead for mercy.”

  “Sounds a little rough,” Joyce stated.

  “Yeah, but chicken shit to the real thing,” Ice answer. “While over there in Desert storm I was actually captured with two of my team. These guys were serious. They tied our hands together and tied them to our feet which were together and raised us up into the air which is way, way painful. We all would have sold our momma’s life to get out of that. They actually took a knife that was laying in a fire and put it right up to one of my partners cheeks, then punctured his eye ball. In a short time we started hearing shooting going on all around us. Before I knew it two Marines came in and shot our capturers. They let us down. Two of us took it easy for a couple days until the swelling and pain left our shoulders. The guy who got burnt and had his eye put out was put on a chopper, and within two days was at the big VA hospital here in the states.”

  “Ever hear from him?” she asked.”

  “Not from him, but I did hear he was okay. Only had one eye, and an imprint of a knife on his cheek. Turned out he had almost ended his degree in drafting before he threw that away and joined the Corps. He returned home and finished his degree and ended up with quite a good job. Guess he has a wonderful wife and two kids too.”

  “Well, that’s good to hear,” she said with a smile.

  “Then, when I started my training with this outfit I of course learned a lot. They taught us psychological warfare, and had a bunch of training films. Some had been recovered from World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam. Bad, bad films and I still hate to remember them and what they did to those people who at one time were boys being brought up right here in this country. They also had a film, made by one of our own helicopter captains. It showed them throwing three Vietnamese men into the helicopter. Once they got to about a thousand foot they tossed one of them out without even asking one question. The next one they asked a couple questions then he started to buck up. They threw him out and grabbed the next guy. I guess they had a translator with them but that guy ended up talking fast, and giving all kinds of information before the film stopped. Anyway, it’s terrible, and does have a way of softening our attitudes to committing some of the actions we saw. After that class everybody was given a psychological evaluation. One guy failed, meaning he was definitely a person who could too easily go over the edge and just go mad. They assigned him someplace else. Never heard or saw him ever again. The rest of my training was learned from my mentor, and other agents who were considered good in whatever specialty they were best at.. I’ve kind of perfected doing it my own way and it seems to work.”

  “Damn,” Joyce said again. “That’s quite story.”

  They hadn’t realized a half hour had gone by. While Ice was talking they heard Jimmie give out four moans as loud as he was able. Joyce thought she had won, but as she stood the man in the bathroom moaned again.

  Ice turned around with a big grin giving her a thumbs up.

  They went into the room and Ice immediately snatched the ice pick and pulled it out of the table and the man’s knee. Jimmie responded about the same way as when it was done.

  “How you doing Jimmie,” Ice asked in kind of a babies voice. Jimmie just moaned more.

  Well, we are getting real sick in coming in here and giving you presents. I think it’s time for you to give us something. The little lady here will get it from you so you don’t have to give up.” Ice turned around and found some nice, almost new, branch cutters.

  “These work great for small body parts. I want you to take off both pinkies. Can you do that?” Ice asked. He picked up a small canister with a small nozzle extending from one end. “I’ll show you how we stem the flow.” Joyce could only see an evil smile.

  She reached over to the far hand and fumbled around until she got the jaws of the thing around the pinkie. “Wait,” Ice said, “cut as close to the hand as possible, then quickly get the other one.

  The man moaned and then screamed when he’s pinkie fell onto the table. Joyce was fast and got the other one in place and cut off within half a minute. Jimmie was squirming around making all kinds of noise, but none that was too loud.

  Ice picked up both fingers and put them on Jimmie’s chest so he could see them. Then he lit up the torch and cauterized where the fingers had been removed. Jimmie jumped around enough to cause the fingers to fall off his chest. Ice reached over and got both of them. “Now Jimmie, the lady was kind enough to take your gift and thought she would let you watch them for awhile. When she comes back she will take them and I’m sure she’s damn thankful.” Joyce actually thought Ice was being a real ass-hole, but realized that’s what he meant to do. They returned to their chairs.

  “I have to pee,” Joyce said.

  “Here’s Jimmie’s key card. Make sure no one is in the hall before you go and come back. If you want to take a breather, do so. Watch a half hour television program if you want. Jimmie can wait, and if he can’t I’ll go take another souvenir.” This time Ice didn’t smile, just looked kind of tired.

  Joyce did what Ice mentioned, giving herself time to get her composure together and just taking a break. While there she was thinking how she had actually started taking part in this thing and wondered how this would end up for her.

  When she returned Ice was sitting in a chair and looked asleep, but as soon as she took the first step inside, he awoke and looked right at her.

  “Nice break, huh?” Ice asked.

  “Personally I think we take a real break.” Ice went on, “we’ll do some more snips then let’s take a three hour break. I plan on just laying in that bed there, you can use the other one or go over to Jimmie’s.”

  “I’ll stay here,” she said, “I feel safer here with you.

  “Okay,” Ice began, “I’m going to show you how to quiet a person. Either you, or I can do it, will take all Jimmie’s toes except his big toes.”

  “Go ahead,” Joyce said smiling, “it’s your turn anyway.”

  “They returned to the bathroom and found Jimmie fully awake, starting to moan as soon as he saw them.

  “First thing lady,” Ice started, “we put this thing on the mouth guard which quiets any noise, and causes him not to use his mouth in anyway. We use the mouth guard here so he doen’t crush his own teeth, which happens.” Ice took the apparatus and put it in Jimmie’s mouth, pushing his chin up causing both jaws to clamp shut. He reached over and took a new roll of duct tape and wrapped in around Jimmie’s chin and the top of his head. After going around four or five times he ripped off the tape that was already on Jimmie’s head and stuck the end on Jimmie’s head horizontally. He asked Joyce to pick up Jimmies head, and she did. He then wrapped the tape around his head. With one wrap he put it just under or on Jimmie’s bottom lip, and when coming around again taped it around his upper lip. The entire time Jimmie was trying to say something but Ice didn’t really care what he said. Ice then reached into a bag and pulled out what looked like a short straw, wider than usual, and stuck it into the hole in the mouth piece.

  “Now Joyce, ther
e are different reasons we do it this way. One of course is to keep the person’s mouth shut, muffling any sounds. Secondly with this straw thing he can breath threw his mouth, in addition to his nose. Sometime the sinus’s end up screwed up and the patient can then breath through their mouth,” got it?

  “Yes, definitely,” she said in amazement that Ice took so much time to explain to her, while at the same time doing as much as he could to be effective.

  Ice reached back and picked up the bloody clippers and showed them to Jimmie, who started squirming and making weird noises. “You dropped your fingers Jimmie,” he said as he picked them up and put them in a little plastic bag, and handed it to Joyce. “Put these in the refrigerator if you would please,” he said handing the bag to her.

  By the time she returned Ice had already snipped four toes off one foot and was going after the second foot. He immediately picked up his torch and cauterized both feet. He then dug out some gauze and tape, and professionally treated Jimmie’s feet.

  “I always do this on this big of a wound Joyce,” Ice instructed. “It usually stops most of the blood flow, and to Jimmie it doesn’t feel quite so bad.”

  “You’re a kind man Ice,” she said smiling, actually getting into this. Jimmie laid there trying to flop around and made as much noise as he could, which wasn’t much.

  Both went back into the room. “I need to go over to Jimmie’s and use his restroom. When I get back I’m laying down and taking a three hour nap. If I wake and you’re not, I will go down and get us some coffee, and wake you up when I return.”

  He did what he said and when he got back to the room Joyce was asleep. “Little thing has gone beyond her threshold and needed a little rest” he thought to himself. He laid down and was quickly asleep.

  A few hours later he woke up with a jerk; first looking around trying to remember where he was. He thought he must have slept very well, as he really did.


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