Ice Cold

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Ice Cold Page 30

by Mark Graham

  He shook their hands and said, “bye” as he walked back into his office.

  “I am so excited,” Joyce said. “My first school, and if I am thinking right actually have a day or two before I start. I still have the book I started way back during our twenty-four hour ordeal.” Joyce was smiling, without a hint of the acts she referred to.

  “Okay then,” Ice said. “I’m flying back commercial and just enjoying my self near where I live. I might go fishing, join my brothers for lunch, or whatever. I will make sure I am home by next Friday, so any time on Friday, or Saturday call me on my satellite phone.” He gave her a small hug, and a peck on the cheek and walked away.

  Joyce turned and told the secretary that she was supposed to go to supply and asked where it was.

  “You just never mind, young lady,” the secretary said, probably only a few years older than Joyce. “I will take you. The way these guys around here are you might never make it down there alive,” she said with a twinkle in her eye and a short laugh.

  When Joyce left she had several pair of desert fatigues, along with two complete sets of civilian clothing. She went to the side door and met a gentleman who said, “Come right over here,” and opened the back door for her. It was’s a limo, but as far as she was concerned it was. She had plenty of leg room and laid the seat back and tried to get a little sleep in, which she did.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The week for Ice went well. He ran every day for at least five miles and exercised an hour each day. He had lunch one day with Lt. Hester, and they had an enjoyable time. They talked more about the police department and some of the things Hester had done. Ice/Steve asked him a few questions and Ice returned with some good pointers. He was glad Hester was willing to learn and not just put him off thinking he didn’t know what he was talking about.

  On a different day he had lunch with his brother the deputy chief. Their discussion was similar to Hester’s but from a higher level of command. They talked about who was still in town since their younger days, and his brother was able to tell him a few tales concerning that subject.

  One evening he drove out to Ted’s small farm and had a great dinner made by Ted’s wife. One of Ted’s sons stopped over after supper to visit with his uncle. They probably hadn’t seen each other since the kid graduated from high school. His nephew had a lot of questions and Ice answered the best way he could without going into detail or how far his position reached. Ted told him later that his son thought Steve was still in the Marine Corps or working for the FBI. The kid had heard both and wasn’t a dummy. When younger, Taylor wanted to be just like his uncle Steve, but Ted tried to ease him in another direction and was successful in doing so. Except he did spend four years in the Corps which made his dad and uncle proud of him. A couple years back he got a job in the Toledo Police Department and was doing well. He told his uncle about some of his experiences and Steve ended up laughing a lot with the kid and his stories.

  Talon had been given a lengthy assignment down in Brazil. He was to surveil a mid-level government official and come up with a plan. Before he was to complete the plan he was told to consult with the Director before going in for the kill. There were still some questions in the wind about the guy. This meant the mission might go or it might be canceled. It gave Talon time to take it easy and scare the town folk.

  Joyce did very well in her class. She learned along side of some city police officers, some deputies, and several from the different federal law enforcement departments. There was a guy she found particularly annoying who was an ATF agent. She heard one of the FBI agents tell him that ATF stood for what it did but should be a convenience store, not a federal gathering of half wits. It seemed the ATF caught a lot of crap from most other agencies. If she felt the rest were like this guy she would agree. She disliked the guy so much she caught herself thinking about torturing the guy.

  On Friday Ice got a call from Joyce at 4:30 in the afternoon. “I’m done Ice,” she started. I checked last night and they will have me there around eight. You going to have some food waiting for me?”

  “Sure,” he said smiling. “I’ll be outside watching and listening for you.”

  She hung up and Ice planned on what he was going to make for them for supper.

  At about the time Ice expected her to show up he went outside. Just a few minutes later he saw the helicopter before he saw it. In touched down and Joyce jumped out with a large bag, and ran over to where Ice stood while the helicopter took off.

  Ice had seen how much Joyce had liked the tacos in Laredo so he had a meal prepared for them. She was quite shocked how good the food was, finding out something new about Ice.


  It was a nice trip over to West Virginia and both enjoyed themselves. They talked some more about the school Joyce just finished and some of the things he had experienced and some of the courses she would end up taking within the next year.

  They found all three houses to look at. All three were about ten or fifteen miles from each other. They were picked because they were near a small airport and not too far from a city. Joyce liked the second one the best. It was a beautiful house with everything she had ever wanted. The house was only two years old and stood a hundred yards or so from the paved street running by the front. She and Steve went around it and also found where the perimeter of the ten acre lot was.

  It was near the top of a hill. To the front she could see for miles and saw nothing. To the north she saw what looked like it might be a barn with a white house, but it was a couple miles away.looking east from the back yard the view was similar but with a tower she could see in the sky. Ice told her it was a phone line with a receiver on it for cell phones. To the south she couldn’t see anything but trees. She really liked the place. They had returned to it after checking out the third house.

  “I really like this one Ice,” she said with a smile. “And I don’t think we need to go to Pennsylvania. This is the place.”

  “What changes do you want?” Ice asked.

  I would like most of the inside repainted to a color I like. I think the carpeting in the living room and dining room need to be replaced. It looks way too worn out only to be two years old.”

  “Yeah,” Ice said, “They cut corners to keep their prices down. However, looking in the attic and around the out side I can tell it was done by someone who knew what they were doing and took pride in their work.

  “Other than that I think I would like new counter tops. The ones here are on the cheap side and there’s a burn circle on it next to the stove. As far as the appliances, I actually would rather they be all white. Stainless steel is just way to hard to keep clean. Finger prints show up all too often.

  “Okay, not to hurry you up, but in the the closet in the entry way we will find a bunch of color samples, wall coverings, and samples of a variety of carpets. Personally I would have them put down the best pad they have under the carpet. And where there is linoleum have them put down tile or hard wood flooring.”

  “That sounds great,” she said, going toward the closet in the entry hall. She grabbed the color charts and the cloth samples for drapes and, or curtains. He picked up the three big binders of carpet samples and went back for quite a large binder with flooring and counter top samples. It took them almost an hour for them to discuss the choices and Joyce decided on paint colors and for what room. She also picked a nice granite for the counter tops, and a different kind of granite for the kitchen and bathroom floors. Joyce also told Ice what wallpaper she would like and where to put it, then finally chose the carpet that would replace the old. In any areas that weren’t carpeted she picked a real nice hardwood flooring both of them liked.

  “Good choices,” Ice told her. “It will probably take about a month to finish but in a month or six weeks you can move in. If you don’t have very much furniture, go to a furniture store and pick whatever you want or need. While they do the work they will have a nice fence constructed around the entire perimeter, along with a t
op of the line security system. We have a separate crew who will come in and wire it, including cameras and audio devices.”

  “This is way to cool,” Joyce said. “what’s next?” she asked.

  We’re going to run up to Toledo and get you a good dependable car and drop it off at one of our body shops we use. It’ll be ready about the same time your house will be ready. After that we will go back to Maumee and take a day or two rest waiting for the Director to call and give us directions.”

  “Well, hell,” he said slapping his forehead. We will have a staff minuting on Tuesday and find out what is going on and get us a couple more assignments.”

  “You sound excited?” Joyce asked.

  “Well yeah,” Ice said, with a smile. “I haven’t shed blood in over a week and forgetting some of my skills.”

  “Yeah, right!” she said smiling as they returned to Ice’s car. Ice got on the telephone telling who ever it was he was talking to that they agreed on a house, and wanted the works. He said he would e-mail specifics on the changes in the house, and told them to get the crew out as soon as possible and install the security system. He added, “oh yeah, and call the guys who build our secret rooms and have him get in touch with the security folks. The security folks have to know where one hub of wiring goes.” He hung up.

  One hub would end in the secret room where computers and other things were located. Joyce could sit in the room and be safe from almost anything and could see everywhere they had cameras put. The other hub went to a small tower on the roof that was disguised as a TV antenna. With it a satellite could be locked on and Joyce or the Director could see anything too where the cameras recorded.

  Two thirds of the way to Toledo they stopped at another nice Motel and checked into two separate rooms. Both washed, and wiped a cold wash cloth across their face and neck. Joyce didn’t wear much make up so only took a couple minutes to touch it up. The only thing that bothered her was a little spot an inch above the corned of her mouth that she knew was trying to become a zit. She put a little face foundation on and no one would be the wiser.

  They met for dinner, and both ordered what they liked. It didn’t turn out as good as they hoped but the pie was perfect with both of them ordering ice cream on the side. The next morning after coffee and breakfast they left to resume their trip.

  They talked about the kind of car she might like and she said that she would probably like a Chevy Impala, or a Chrysler 200 or 300. When getting to the Chevy dealer they stopped and Joyce checked out the Chevy Impala and another car she kind of liked. The next lot they found was a Toyota lot and she found out she liked the Camry the best at that dealership. Ice drove down the road and ended up in a Chevrolet and Buick dealership. Ice was surprised she picked a white Buick, but had to admit it was a very good looking car and had plenty of room in the trunk. They left there and checked out the Chrysler products, including the Town and Country which was actually a very nice van.

  The next morning they were picked up by a private jet and taken to the closest airport near their headquarters. They rented a car and drove to their destination.

  “Okay ladies and gents,” the Director said speaking up; meaning the meeting was started. The meeting started with a couple agents asking the Director a couple questions. He was in a good mood so answered them, then took over the meeting.

  “First, let’s celebrate Joyce’s new street name of Fire. She got it from causing a hell of a fire down in Houston a couple weeks ago. Her partners thought she had blown herself up and were surprised when they saw her walk out without a scratch.

  “She got the “here-here” and other jabs, but they were all friendly. She was happy with herself and glad of her acceptance by the other agents.

  “Ice,” the Director stated as he passed out a page of paper with three faces drawn on it. “There are three pictures drawn as you can see. Keep an eye out for any of the three for you own good. You others, you pay attention and if you see any of these men call it in immediately, and follow the guy.

  “Talon is going to the hospital to have his jaw reworked, his teeth re-aligned; and his lips worked on. He wants so see if he can look more normal. The agents close to Talon pat him on the back and the others yelled veiled threats.

  Ice spoke up and stated, “Joyce and I will take numbers eight and fifteen. Looks like both are straight out kills.”

  “Okay,” the Director said. “We may have the need to bring you in on a different assignment. The agent or agents will take the assignment up to a point. But they need your help if we find it will take an extended time, to do some effective wet work. I’ll give you the details if and when the need may arise.” Both of them already knew that Ice would be one of the first called if somebody else available refused the work. The other agents felt Ice was the coldest son of a bitch of them all, and they thought Ice actually liked to cause pain and was damn good at it.

  “Okay,” Ice said, looking at his fellow agents, “that’s fine with me, but if I have to do their dirty work I want one of them to be present, and be open to learning.”


  The doctor was a Dr. Buchanan and was recruited from the Navy by the Director. Basically an offer he couldn’t refuse. A five hundred thousand dollar annual salary plus benefits. With his assignment he was home most nights and weekends.

  Ice had learned a lot being with the doctor for a few weeks. The doctor tried to show Ice all the skills he might need to know and allowed Ice to accompany him in surgery. He ended up doing some stitching up of a surgical site several times.

  But what most of the agents didn’t know was that most of the time Ice didn’t really like torturing as much as they thought, and would rather do hand to hand work, knife work, and other close encounter types of things. He was very good at being a sniper and found the only thing he didn’t like about that was some of the long waits. With one assignment he ended shitting his pants twice and peeing in them several times. He hated it and everything about it. He was very successful though and got quite a big bonus for pulling it off.


  Once the Director left Ice introduced her to a few agents she hadn’t met yet, and felt that some time in the future she would send her over to each of them for a few days and learn what she could from them.

  The two of them went to lunch and discussed her choices. By the time they left she decided she definitely wanted the Buick, so they returned to the lot. They found the white Buick she wanted, and they were approached by a salesman who Ice told that they wanted all the bells and whistle that went with the car. The salesman motioned him down the row and showed them another white Buick that looked really nice.

  “This is our top of the line in that particular type of Buick. It already has everything on it.

  “Okay, we’ll take it,” Ice said.

  The salesman asked, “Credit or cash? Do you need to trade your other car in?

  “No,” Ice said. “I have a credit card that any place will authorize. We want any package available such as a maintenance plan, and warranty.”

  “Don’t you want to know the price?” the saleman asked kind of in shock.

  Ice answered, “I expect you to give us the best deal available. If you fail and I find out you screwed us I will personally come over here and whoop your ass,” he said very seriously. From the reaction Ice knew the saleman would give him a fair deal. He really didn’t know what it cost and didn’t really care.

  When they finished up the paperwork Ice told the man, “I want you to deliver this car to this body shop,” giving the man a card with the name of the shop, address and phone number. When you or whoever delivers the car ask for Gene. Just tell him you want the shaman’s special done to it. His name is right on the card and I’ve printed on the back for you the words “shaman’s special.” Got it?”

  “Yes sir,” the salesman told Ice. I will personally drop it off and talk to the guy. I’ll get one of our mechanics to follow me and bring me back. I can probably get it done in abou
t an hour,

  “You’d better,” Ice answered and he and Joyce turned about the same time and walked over to Ice’s Mercedes, got in, and left.

  Joyce seemed to continually be impressed with her mentor and realized he had so much first hand knowledge. She saw some problems in his ability to be able to decide what was right and wrong, but realized that with his background he was doing very well. It kind of surprised her though because in her studies she had concluded no one could do these things for an extended time. They could only look in the abyss for so along before they fell in. It seemed to her that Ice probably fell in years before, but had a fast rising elevator and could recover within minutes. Even the worst things he did seemed to escape his mind by the time he woke up from a nights sleep, or even one of his short power naps.

  The next day over coffee, Ice said to Joyce, “We have two assignments to do, which should be simple. I might let you do one of them or both.”

  Joyce felt a little jittery about it but decided she needed to learn how to walk before she could run. She also knew that there were several basic things that all agents had to do. To be accepted, she had to go through some of these things. The agents seemed to be a little closer to her, but she knew they were watching her to see how she handled things.

  “I got a message from the Director through an e-mail,” Ice reported. “After these two hits we need to work our way back to headquarters. Probably attend a staff meeting and then you will be taken through kind of training session on your computer, and our programs on them, and how to get around. It took me at least three days to get the basics figured out and probably at least two week to know a little about everything. While you get your training, the Director wants to have quite a long meeting with me and three other senior agents. We do this about once a year and talk about long term goals, if we need to change our way of doing things, and basically make sure we’re all on the same page. Hell, we have a couple who aren’t even in the same book, so we need to figure out how to solve that problem.”


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