Book Read Free

Songbird Freed

Page 27

by Lisa Edward

  “Do I get a say in it?”

  “Hmm, no, not really.”

  “Well then, that sounds great.”

  Sunday was only a few days away so I figured I’d better pitch in to help. Besides, I was tired of sitting around all the time, and was excited to be doing something constructive.

  Nicole came in with Marcus and headed over to the table to join us.

  “Baby shower this Sunday,” Kelli told her. “Can you confirm with all the girls, please?”

  Nicole pulled out her phone and punched in a quick message, sending it out to all the dancers.

  “Done,” she declared. “What’s next?”

  “What can I do to help?” I asked, feeling a little bit of excitement at the thought of organising a party.

  “You can write a wish list for presents.”

  I didn’t need any baby gifts. Cole and I had shopped and bought every conceivable piece of baby equipment you could think of, and we had heaps of neutral-coloured clothes.

  “We don’t need anything, don’t worry about gifts,” I told them. I knew most of our friends found it hard enough to make ends meet every month. I didn’t want them buying gifts we didn’t really need.

  Nicole gave me a wink. “Who said the presents have to be for the baby? A girl can never have enough lingerie or massage oils—”

  “Or sex toys,” Kelli chipped in.

  “Exactly!” Nicole laughed.

  I was laughing too, but mine was a nervous laugh. Just exactly what type of party was this turning into?

  By the time we left the bar, all the arrangements had been made. Kelli had called Linc and chatted away for nearly half an hour, talking about “the other night” and taking the kids to the zoo on the weekend. I watched Kelli’s face as she spoke, her eyes lighting up as she listened intently to whatever Linc was saying on the other end of the phone. I didn’t think they were a couple, but they were certainly spending time together with their two boys, and I was really happy that she had someone. By the time she hung up the phone, she’d talked Linc into providing hors d’oeuvres for the party, and his friend, Richard, would be supplying the cake.

  Gentle humming woke me from my slumber on Sunday morning. Cole had gotten up and pulled on a pair of jeans, and was singing a happy tune to himself as he tidied up in preparation for the baby shower. Rolling over, I watched him as he glided around the room, lost in his own little world.

  Finally, his eyes fell on me, resulting in a gorgeous, sexy smile.

  “Morning, beautiful girl.” He came over, cuddling me through the quilt. “Did you sleep well?”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I inhaled deeply, drinking in his intoxicating scent. “Yes, I just sniffed you,” I said sleepily, “and yes, I slept well. I love it when you cuddle me all night.”

  He groaned, nuzzling my neck. “You’re all warm and snuggly. I wish I could jump back in, but we have things to do before everyone starts arriving.”

  Dragging myself out of bed, I took a quick shower, got dressed, then started helping Cole tidy up. I hadn’t really talked to Cole much about the baby shower, but I assumed that he would be going out, leaving just the girls here for the day. That’s why I was surprised when Marcus, Jason and Jay arrived about half an hour before the party was due to commence.

  The guys huddled together, laughing between themselves, before pulling what looked like small pieces of gold Lurex from Jason’s carry-bag.

  “What do you think?” Cole asked, chuckling.

  Turning around, I did a double-take at the tiny gold shorts Cole was holding up over his groin area.

  “What are they for?” I asked, warily.

  “For your party, of course. We’re the wait staff for you girls.”

  I burst out laughing as Marcus swung his tiny shorts around his finger, a big dimpled grin plastered across his face.

  I thought they must have been joking, but as the girls started arriving, the guys filed out of the bedroom dressed in tiny, skin-tight gold shorts, and bowties.

  Champagne corks were popped as the waiters went to work filling everyone’s glasses. Cole came over with a special bottle of non-alcoholic champagne just for me, doing his best impersonation of a French waiter, displaying the bottle on his arm.

  Despite the gold shorts, he looked so hot in his outfit with his luscious V on display. His Tara’s Toy tattoo was clearly visible over the top of the shorts, and I couldn’t resist pulling him in for a kiss.

  “Oh, thank God for that,” he joked, kissing me again. “I could feel my masculinity plummeting by the second in these shorts. I needed a kiss.” Laughing, I kissed him again chastely on the lips. “Babe, have you seen how tight these shorts are? I need tongue.”

  I kissed him again, this time putting my all into it. I felt the champagne splash up my leg before I heard the clunk of the bottle as it hit the floor. Cole’s hands started wandering over my rounded body, feeling every curve beneath my little white summer dress.

  “You’re going to do me some serious damage, kissing me like that when I have no room to grow in these shorts,” he whispered, trying to adjust himself discreetly.

  The elevator dinged, announcing the arrival of our caterers—Linc and his friend Richard. Linc took one look at the guys and nearly wet himself laughing, while Richard took his time, casting an interested eye over each of them.

  Biting my lip, I tried not to laugh as Cole noticed Richard eyeing him off. Cole didn’t know where to look, finally deciding to come to my side and sling his arm around me.

  “Hi, I’m Tara.” I extended my hand to Richard. “This is Cole, the baby’s dad.”

  Cole extended his hand, trying to look as manly as possible. My eyes met Linc’s and we both started giggling, it was difficult even for Cole to look straight in gold shorts.

  The food was unwrapped and the girls immediately dug in while Cole organised a drink for our two new guests.

  “Sorry we don’t have any more shorts for you to wear,” Marcus said, laughing.

  “I’ve got some,” Richard offered. “I could run home and get them.”

  Linc’s face was priceless, but it was Jason’s that caught my eye. As soon as Richard mentioned having shorts like the ones Jason had provided, his whole demeanour changed. He came over to introduce himself, the look in his eye one I hadn’t seen before.

  “This is Jase,” Linc said to Richard with a knowing smile, “the guy I told you about.”

  Jason and Richard took a moment to check each other out, and from the glint in their eyes, they both liked what they saw.

  My catering friends didn’t stay for long, but I had a feeling we would be seeing Richard around Songbirds and Reds in the not too distant future. As they were leaving, Richard looked back, giving Jason a little wave and putting a smile on my friend’s face for the rest of the afternoon.

  It was time to open presents, and then cut the cake.

  “Open mine first,” Nicole called out, practically throwing her gift at me.

  It felt like bottles, and I nervously opened the wrapping to find a set of three flavoured massage oils.

  “I will buy something for Sprout once he’s born, but this is for the two of you.” She gave me a wink. “Not that you need any help, by the looks of things.”

  Kelli’s was next. She handed me a gift box tied with a big red ribbon. This felt a bit safer, so I opened it without much concern. It was a diary for me to record my own thoughts and feelings, and a Baby’s First record book.

  “And this is also for you.” She handed me another wrapped present, this one much smaller and softer. It was lingerie, but not the maternity type I’d been in for the past few months; this was skimpy and black and extremely sheer.

  “Thank you,” I said, holding it up for everyone to see. I looked over at Cole. He was nodding appreciatively, and it gave me some incentive to work hard to get into it as soon as possible after Sprout was born.

  The rest of the presents followed the same two themes, either baby-relat
ed gifts, like bibs and jumpsuits, or sex-shop toys, like fluffy handcuffs.

  “I didn’t realise this baby shower was for me too,” Cole commented, looking at all the toys for us. “We could do with some—” he examined one package, “—I have no idea what that is.”

  Laughing, I took the black, shiny box out of his hand. “I have no idea either, but we’ll figure it out.”

  It was time for cake next, and Marcus carried it over to the dining table. It was really beautiful, decorated with delicate lace trim and tiny baby bootees made from icing.

  Cole decided he wanted to make a speech, so I stepped back so he could take the floor. He reached out his hand, guiding me back to his side.

  “This is from both of us.” He gave me a playful slap on the backside, and my stomach cramped. My hand went to my tummy as the muscles clenched involuntarily.

  “You okay, babe?” Cole asked, concern etched all over his face. “Do you need to sit down?”

  I shook my head, not wanting to be a drama queen. “I’m fine, keep going.”

  Cole started speaking, but I couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying as my stomach felt like someone was wringing it like a wet rag.

  “Tara?” Kelli was by my side, holding my hand to get my attention. “What does it feel like?”

  “Really bad cramping,” I told her, “but it’s easing off.” I stood straighter as the pain subsided. “It’s gone. I’m okay.”

  I waited for Cole to continue his speech, but all eyes were on me.

  “I’m fine, really,” I reassured everyone.

  The pain came back, stronger this time, making me double over.

  “Okay, not fine,” I groaned.

  Kelli guided me to a chair while Cole raced to get the doctor’s phone number from the magnet on the refrigerator. I was only thirty-seven weeks, but if Sprout was ready to be born, there would be no stopping him.

  “We need to get you to the hospital to have that stitch removed,” Cole told me anxiously as he hung up the phone. “Is your bag packed?”

  I shook my head. “I thought I still had time for all that.”

  “I’ll do it,” Nicole volunteered. She raced up to the bedroom to throw some things in a bag for me.

  “You need to get changed,” I told Cole, looking at his outfit. “No one will believe you’re the father dressed in those shorts.”

  He smiled. “Good to see you still have your sense of humour.”

  A few minutes later he returned, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and carrying my overnight bag. We said goodbye to our guests, leaving them to enjoy the cake and coffee.

  The pain was increasing in severity and frequency. I’d decided months ago to have a natural birth, but as I doubled over for what felt like the one-millionth time, I was starting to reconsider. The stitch had been removed, which eased my mind somewhat, now all I had to do was push out something the size of a watermelon.

  Cole remained calm, thank goodness, although the frantic look in his eyes every time I winced from the pain made me question how long it would be before he was as stressed as me.

  I’d heard so many stories in the pre-natal classes about wives going off at their husbands during labour, and I didn’t want to be one of those people. Cole had been nothing but wonderful through this entire pregnancy, and I wanted him to be a part of this as much as possible, so I internalised my fear and tried to focus on my breathing.

  Okay, the whole breathing thing wasn’t working. I was convinced it was a ruse to make pregnant women concentrate on something that was of absolutely no benefit at all.

  Cole watched my face, holding my hand. “Do you need anything?” he asked, biting his tongue the second the sentence had left his lips. “I mean, anything other than to get Sprout out?”

  Nodding, I tried to breathe through the contraction. “General anaesthetic would be great. Just knock me out, and wake me when it’s done.”

  He smiled, kissing my hand.

  “Too late for that,” the doctor said, “the baby’s on its way.”

  “What?” I asked, finally seeing an end in sight.

  She raised her eyes. “Baby’s crowning, Tara.”

  Cole went to stand, to leave my side and go down the forbidden end of the bed. I grasped his hand tighter, determined that he should never see what was going on down there.

  “I’d like to see what’s happening,” he told me, smiling at my determination to keep him away. “I want to watch Sprout come into the world.”

  “You’ll never look at me the same again,” I warned him.

  “I know. I’ll love you even more, if that’s possible.”

  The final stage was relatively quick. By the fifth push I could see tears in Cole’s anxious eyes as he stared, unblinking at the little life that was emerging. Cole’s fist went to his mouth as a tear spilled over his lashes.

  “It’s a girl,” he declared, his eyes meeting mine. “We have a little princess.” He stepped around the bed and leaned over me, kissing me lovingly on the lips. “I am so proud of you, Tara. You’re amazing. Thank you,” he whispered. “I love you.”

  Exhaustion hit me, but I wanted to hold our baby. The nurse wrapped her up in a blanket, then placed her in my arms. She was so tiny, so angelic—I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Her eyes flickered open for a second, but the light in the room was too bright for her to look around, and she scrunched up her face.

  Emotion consumed me as I watched our little girl relax her face again and drift off to sleep. Cole was beside me, smiling down at her as if he’d never laid eyes on such a miraculous creation. Taking one look at his face, the adoration clear as day, I burst into tears.

  Brushing my tears away with his thumb, I saw the same look of adoration on his face as he looked at me. “She’s perfect,” he said in wonderment. “She looks like you.”

  “Would you like to hold your daughter?” I asked, the tears still stinging my eyes.

  Tentatively, he held out his arms, scooping her into safety. She looked like a little doll in his huge arms as he held her close, gazing down at this new life we had created.

  “Do you have a name?” the nurse asked.

  “No,” I replied. “We were pretty sure she was going to be a boy.”

  “Oh, so you had a boy’s name picked out?”

  “A boy’s name would have been easy,” I explained. “All the boys are named Victor.”

  Watching Cole with her, an idea dawned on me. “Babe, I know Victor isn’t going to work, but would you consider Victoria? We could call her Tori.”

  Cole managed to tear his eyes away from the little bundle in his arms as he beamed at me. “Are you sure, Tara? After everything my family has done, you want to continue the Michaels’ tradition? You want to name her after me?”

  Relieved that he liked the idea, I nodded. “I can’t think of a better name for her.”

  The ear-to-ear grin on Cole’s face as he brought her over to me made up my mind.

  “Hello, Tori. Welcome to the world.”

  I’D NEVER been so blissfully happy in all my life. We had settled into a routine with Tori and after the first few weeks, she was sleeping for long stretches through the night.

  Cole was amazing with her, although he never wanted to put her down, and I had to keep telling him that he couldn’t carry her around twenty-four hours a day. Just to prove me wrong, he bought a Baby Bjorn so he actually could have her with him when he needed his hands free.

  “That’s not the point.” I laughed, as he showed me his latest purchase. “She needs to learn to go to sleep on her own, not in your arms.”

  “But I love singing her to sleep. It’s a thing we do,” he protested as he rocked her gently.

  How could I argue with that?

  Watching Cole walk around the apartment with Tori gazing up at him as he sang to her was an image to cherish. He absolutely doted on her. Every time she made the slightest noise, he was there to settle her. Several times in the night I had woken up to a
n empty bed, only to find Cole and Tori sitting by the window, Cole softly humming ‘The Way you Look Tonight’ to her as he patted her back.

  Usually, I would leave the two of them together, relishing the chance to go back to sleep. On one particular night, however, I had climbed out of bed and joined them.

  “We’re just watching the tide go out,” Cole said softly as he continued patting Tori’s back.

  Sitting down beside them, I rested my hand on Cole’s knee. “She’s so lucky to have you,” I told him, watching how gentle and loving he was with her.

  He smiled. “She’s lucky to have both of us. We’re a real family now, the three of us, and as soon as we’re ready I want to make it official.” He cupped my cheek with his palm. “I never thought I’d be here, but I’m so glad I am.” He kissed her head. “And I’m so happy you’re here,” he whispered.

  He loved her so completely it warmed my heart, but it also filled me with fear.

  I needed to arrange the paternity test to ease my mind, but at the same time, I didn’t want to know.

  It was going to be another hot day, so I sprung out of bed early to go for my morning run. Tori was awake, quietly kicking her legs and looking around as she lay in her bassinette, waiting for someone to come and get her.

  “Hello there, my little princess,” I cooed, lifting her into my arms.

  She was such a happy baby, and I hummed to her as I changed and dressed her before settling down to feed.

  “Do you feel like going out? You could come for a run with me in your pusher before it gets too hot.”

  Her eyes sparkled, and if I didn’t know better, I would swear she knew exactly what I was saying.

  “Hey, there you are,” Cole said, adjusting himself as he entered the living room. “I rolled over for a cuddle this morning, but you were already up.” The look in his eyes made me blush. The bulge in his boxers that hadn’t quite gone down left no doubt in my mind what he had meant by “cuddle”.

  Sitting beside me, he rested his hand on my leg, stroking it absentmindedly. He sighed, making me look around.

  “What’s up?” I asked with raised eyebrows.


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