Kyntiri (Kawn-TEER-ee)—a torke of Saviar and Subikahn
Mitrian Santagithisdatter (MIH-tree-in)—foremother of the tribe of Tannin; Santagithi’s daughter (deceased)
Modrey (MOH-dray)—forefather of the tribe of Modrey
Nirvina (Ner-VEE-nah)—a torke of Saviar
Nisse Nelsdatter (NEE-sah)—a previous guardian of Queen Matrinka
Pseubicon (Soo-bih-kahn)—an ancient Renshai; half-barbarian by blood (deceased)
Rache Garnsson (RACK-ee)—forefather of the tribe of Rache; son of Mitrian (deceased)
Rache Kallmirsson (RACK-ee)—Rache Garnsson’s namesake; Episte’s father (deceased)
Ranilda Battlemad (Ran-HEEL-da)—Colbey’s mother (deceased)
Rantire Ulfinsdatter (Ran-TEER-ee)—Griff ’s bodyguard in Darris’ absence; a dedicated guardian
Raska “Ravn” Colbeysson (RASS-ka; RAY-vinn)—only son of Colbey and Freya
Saviar Ra-khirsson (SAV-ee-ahr)—first son of Ra-khir and Kevral; Subikahn’s twin
Sitari (Sih-TARR-ee)—Calistin’s secret crush (deceased)
Subikahn Taesson (SOO-bih-kahn)—only son of Tae and Kevral; Saviar’s twin
Sylva (SILL-va)—foremother of the tribe of Rache; an Erythanian; daughter of Arduwyn (deceased)
Tainhar (TAYN-har)—Kevral’s father (deceased)
Talamir Edminsson (TAL-a-meer)—a torke of Subikahn
Tarah Randilsdatter (TAIR-a)—foremother of the tribe of Modrey; sister of Tannin (deceased)
Tannin Randilsson (TAN-inn)—forefather of the tribe of Tannin; Tarah’s brother; Mitrian’s husband (deceased)
Thialnir Thrudazisson (Thee-AHL-neer)—political representative
Trygg (TRIG)—a guardian of Arturo (deceased)
Herwin (HER-winn)—King Griff ’s stepfather
Mitrian (MIH-tree-inn)—Santagithi’s daughter (see Renshai) (deceased)
Santagithi (San-TAG-ih-thigh)—legendary general for whom the town was named; main strategist of the Great War (deceased)
Sutton (SUTT-inn)—general of the army; current leader
Mages of Myrcidë
Chymmerlee (KIM-er-lee)—a young woman
Jeremilan (Jerr-ih-MY-lan)—the leader
Shadimar (SHAD-ih-mar)—legendary Eastern Wizard who returned King Sterrane to his throne (deceased)
Burnold (Burn-OLD)—the blacksmith
Karruno (Ka-ROON-oh)—a farmer (deceased)
Oscore (OSS-ker)—the bartender
Darby (DAR-bee)—a boy
Keva (KEY-va)—Darby’s younger sister
Tiega (Tee-AY-ga)—Darby’s mother
Tiego (Tee-AY-go)—Tiega’s father
Other Westlanders
Howall (HOW-ell)—Sheatonian; the guardsman
Khalen (KAY-linn)—New Lovénian; a fabric-seller
Lenn (LENN)—Dunforder; owner and barkeeper of only inn
Nat (NAT)—a highwayman
The Savage—New Lovénian; a brawly (deceased)
Alneezah (Al-NEE-zah)—a castle maid
Alsrusett (Al-RUSS-it)—one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (with Daxan)
Chayl (SHAYL)—a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Night-hawk sector
Curdeis (KER-tuss)—Weile Kahn’s brother (deceased)
Daxan (DICK-sunn)—one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (with Alsrusett)
Halcone (Hell-KAHN)—high general of the Eastern armies
Jeffrin (JEFF-rinn)—an informant working for Weile Kahn
Kinya (KEN-yah)—a long-time member of Weile Kahn’s organization
Leightar (LAY-tar)—a follower of Weile Kahn
Midonner (May-DONN-er)—previous king of Stalmize; high king of the Eastlands (deceased)
Nacoma (Nah-KAH-mah)—a follower of Weile Kahn
Saydee (SAY-dee)—a server at the Dancing Dog
Shavoor (Shah-VOOR)—an informant working for Weile Kahn
Shaxcharal (SHACKS-krawl)—the last king of LaZar
Tae Kahn (TIGH KAHN)—the king of Stalmize; high king of the Eastlands; Weile Kahn’s only son
Tisharo (Ta-SHAR-oh)—a con man working for Weile Kahn
Usyris (Yoo-SIGH-russ)—a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Sparrowhawk sector
Weile Kahn (WAY-lee KAHN)—Tae’s father; father of organized crime
Alsmir (ALS-meer)—AERI; captain of Aerin’s infantry
Andvari (And-VARR-ee)—NORDMIRIAN; warrior and diplomat
Avard (AV-ahrd)—AERI; a bartender in Aerin
Erik Leifsson (EH-rik)—NORDMIRIAN; captain of the Sea Dragon, a warship
Griselda (Gree-ZELL-da)—AERI; a server in the tavern in Aerin
Mundilnarvi (Munn-dill-NAR-vee)—NORDMIRIAN; Einherjar killed in the war against the Renshai Olvaerr (OHL-eh-vair)—NORDMIRIAN; Valr Kirin’s son (deceased)
Olvirn (OHL-eh-veern)—AERI; captain of Aerin’s cavalry
Sivaird (SEE-vayrd)—AERI; captain of Aerin’s archers
Tyrion (TEER-ee-on)—ASCAI; an inner court guard of Pudar
Valr Kirin (Vawl-KEER-inn)—NORDMIRIAN; an ancient enemy of Colbey’s; Rache Kallmirsson’s blood brother (deceased)
Valr Magnus (Vawl-MAG-nuss)—AERI; general of Aerin’s army; the best swordsman in the North
Verdondi Eriksson (Ver-DONN-dee)—NORDMIRIAN; Erik’s son
Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor (AHR-ok-barToo-LAHM-ee-igh ZHOOR)—eldest of the elves; aka He Who Has Forgotten His Name; aka The Captain
Arith’tinir Khy-loh’Shinaris Bal-ishi Sjörmann’taé Or (ARR-ith tin-eer KIGH-loh-shin-ahr-iss Bal-EE-shee Syorr-mahn-TIGH Orr)—The Captain’s given name
The Captain—the common name for Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor
Dillion (DILL-ee-yon)—a pirate
Firuz (Fa-ROOZ)—one of the Kjempemagiska
Fallon (FOUL-in)—a general of the alsona
Jaxon (JACKS-onn)—a pirate
Kalka (KOWL-kah)—a general of the alsona
Tem’aree’ay Donnev’ra Amal-yah Krish-anda Mal-satorian (Teh-MAR-ee-ay Donn-EV-er-a Ah-MAL-yah Kreesh-AND-ah Mahl sah-TOR-ee-an); a healer; King Griff ’s junior wife (second)
Clydin (KLY-dinn)—Darby’s chestnut gelding
Frost Reaver—Colbey’s white stallion
Imorelda (Ih-moor-ELL-dah)—Tae’s silver tabby cat
Mior (Mee-ORR)—Matrinka’s calico cat (deceased)
Silver Warrior—Ra-khir’s white stallion
Snow Stormer—Kedrin’s white stallion, replacement for the horse of the same name
Aegir (AHJ-eer)—Northern god of the sea; killed at the Ragnarok
Alfheim (ALF-highm)—the world of elves; destroyed during the Ragnarok
Asgard (AHSS-gard)—the world of the gods
Baldur (BALL-der)—Northern god of beauty and gentleness who rose from the dead after the Ragnarok
Beyla (BAY-lah)—Frey’s human servant; wife of Byggvir
The Bifrost Bridge (BEE-frost)—the bridge between Asgard and man’s world
Bragi (BRAH-gee)—Northern god of poetry; killed at the Ragnarok
Brysombolig (Briss-om-BOH-leeg)—Troublesome House; Loki’s long-abandoned citadel
Byggvir (BEWGG-veer)—Frey’s human servant; husband of Beyla
Colbey Calistinsson (KULL-bay)—legendary immortal Renshai; blood son of Thor and a mortal Renshai; husband of Freya
The Fenris Wolf (FEN-ris)—the Great Wolf; the evil son of Loki; also called Fenrir; killed at the Ragnarok
Frey (FRAY)—Northern god of rain, sunshine and fortune; father of the elves
Freya (FRAY-a)—Frey’s sister; Northern goddess of battle
Frigg (FRIGG)—Odin’s wife; Northern goddess of fate
Geirönul (Gay-EER-awn-ull)—Spear-bearer; a Valky
Gladsheim (GLAD-shigm)—“Place of Joy”; sanctuary of the gods
Göll (GAWL)—Screaming; a Valkyrie
Hel (HEHL)—Northern goddess of the cold underrealm for those who do not die in valorous combat; killed at the Ragnarok
Hel (HEHL)—the underrealm ruled by the goddess Hel
Heimdall (HIGHM-dahl)—Northern god of vigilance and father of mankind; killed at the Ragnarok
Herfjötur (Herf-YOH-terr)—Host Fetter; a Valkyrie
Hildr (HEELD)—Warrior; a Valkyrie
Hlidskjalf (HLID-skyalf)—Odin’s high seat from which he could survey the worlds
Hlökk (HLAWK)—Shrieking; a Valkyrie
Hod (HAHD)—Blind god, a son of Odin; returned with Baldur after the Ragnarok
Honir (HON-eer)—an indecisive god who survived the Ragnarok
Hrist (HRIST)—Shaker; a Valkyrie
Idunn (EE-dun)—Bragi’s wife; keeper of the golden apples of youth
Ìfing (IFF-ing)—river between Asgard and Jötunheim
Jötunheim (YOH-tun-highm)—the world of the giants; destroyed during the Ragnarok
Kvasir (KWAH-seer)—a wise god, murdered by dwarves, whose blood was brewed into the mead of poetry
Loki (LOH-kee)—Northern god of fire and guile; a traitor to the gods and a champion of chaos; killed at the Ragnarok
Magni (MAG-nee)—Thor’s and Sif ’s son; Northern god of might
Mana-garmr (MAH-nah garm)—Northern wolf destined to extinguish the sun with the blood of men at Ragnarok; killed in the Ragnarok
The Midgard Serpent—a massive, poisonous serpent destined to kill and be killed by Thor at the Ragnarok; Loki’s son; killed in the Ragnarok
Mimir (MIM-eer)—wise god who was killed by gods; Odin preserved his head and used it as an adviser
Mist—Mist; a Valkyrie
Modi: (MOH-dee)—Thor’s and Sif ’s son; Northern god of blood wrath
Nanna (NAH-nah)—Baldur’s wife
Nidhogg (NID-hogg)—dragon who gnaws at the root of the World Tree in Niflheim
Niflheim (NIFF-ul-highm)—Misty Hel; the coldest part of Hel to which the worst of the dead are committed
Njord (NYORD)—Frey’s and Freya’s father; died in the Ragnarok
Norns—the keepers of past (Urdr), present (Verdandi), and future (Skuld)
Odin (OH-din)—Northern leader of the pantheon; father of the gods; killed in the Ragnarok; resurrected self by placing his soul in the empty Staff of Law prior to his slaying, then overtaking the leader of the elves (deceased)
Odrorir (ODD-dror-eer)—the cauldron containing the mead of poetry brewed from Kvasir’s blood
The Ragnarok (RAN-yer-rok)—the massive war prophesied to destroy the gods, humans, and elves; partially thwarted by Colbey Calistinsson and Odin
Ran (RAHN)—wife of Aegir; killed in the Ragnarok
Randgrithr (RAWND-greeth)—Shieldbearer; a Valkyrie
Raska Colbeysson (RASS-ka)—son of Colbey and Freya, aka Ravn (RAY-vinn); see Renshai
Ratatosk (Rah-tah-TOSK)—a squirrel who relays insults between Nidhogg and the eagle at the top of Yggdrasill
Rathgrithr (RATH-greeth)—Plan-Destroyer; a Valkyrie
Reginleif (REGG-inn-leef)—God’s Kin; a Valkyrie
Sif (SIFF)—Thor’s wife; Northern goddess of fertility and fidelity
Sigyn (SEE-gihn)—Loki’s wife
Skeggjöld (SKEG-yawld): Ax Time; a Valkyrie
Skögul (SKOH-gull)—Raging; a Valkyrie
Skoll (SKOHWL)—Northern wolf who was to swallow the sun at the Ragnarok
Skuld (SKULLD)—Being; the Norn who represents the future
Spring of Mimir—spring under the second root of Yggdrasill
Syn (SIN)—Northern goddess of justice and innocence
Surtr (SURT)—the king of fire giants; destined to kill Frey and destroy the worlds of elves and men with fire at the Ragnarok; killed in the Ragnarok
Thor—Northern god of storms, farmers, and law; killed in the Ragnarok
Thrudr (THRUD)—Thor’s daughter; goddess of power
Tyr (TEER)—Northern one-handed god of war and faith; killed in the Ragnarok
Ugagnevangar (Oo-gag-nih-VANG-ahr)—Dark Plain of Misfortune; Loki’s world on which sits Brysombolig
Urdr (ERD): Fate—the Norn who represents the past
Valaskjalf (Vahl-AS-skyalf)—Shelf of the Slain; Odin’s citadel
Valhalla (VAWL-holl-a)—the heaven for the souls of dead warriors killed in valiant combat; at the Ragnarok, the souls in Valhalla (Einherjar) assisted the gods in battle
Vali (VAHL-ee)—Odin’s son; survived the Ragnarok
The Valkyries (VAWL-ker-ees)—the Choosers of the Slain; warrior women who choose which souls go to Valhalla on the battlefield
Verdandi (Ver-DAN-dee)—Necessity; the Norn who represents the present
Vidar (VEE-dar)—son of Odin destined to avenge his father’s death at the Ragnarok by slaying the Fenris Wolf; current leader of the gods
The Well of Urdr—body of water at the base of the first root of Yggdrasill
The Wolf Age—the sequence of events immediately preceding the Ragnarok during which Skoll swallows the sun, Hati mangles the moon, and the Fenris Wolf runs free
Yggdrasill (IGG-dra-zill)—the World Tree
(now considered essentially defunct;
mostly studied for its historical significance)
Aphrikelle (Ah-frih-KELL)—Western goddess of spring
Cathan (KAY-than)—Western goddess of war, specifically hand-to-hand combat; twin to Kadrak
Dakoi (Dah-KOY)—Western god of death
The Faceless God—Western god of winter
Firfan (FEER-fan)—Western god of archers and hunters
Itu (EE-too)—Western goddess of knowledge and truth
Kadrak (KAD-drak)—Western god of war; twin to Cathan
Ruaidhri (Roo-AY-dree)—Western leader of the pantheon
Suman (SOO-mon)—Western god of farmers and peasants
Weese (WEESSS)—Western god of winds
Yvesen (IV-eh-sen)—Western god of steel and women
Zera’im (ZAIR-a-eem)—Western god of honor
(though more common than the Western religion,
it is also considered essentially defunct)
Sheriva (Sha-REE-vah)—omnipotent, only god of the Eastlands
Outworld Gods
Ciacera (See-a-SAIR-a)—goddess of life on the sea floor who takes the form of an octopus
Mahaj (Ma-HAJ)—the god of dolphins
Morista (Moor-EES-tah)—the god of swimming creatures who takes the form of a seahorse
a (AH)—EASTERN. “from”
ailar (IGH-LAR)—EASTERN. “to bring”
al (AIL)—EASTERN. the first person singular pronoun
alfen (ALF-in)—BÉARNESE. “elves”; new term created by elves to refer to themselves
alsona (al-SOH-na)—OUTWORLD. “person” or “people”
amythest-weed—TRADING. a specific type of wildflower
anem (ON-um)—BARBARIAN. “enemy”; usually used in reference to a specific race or tribe with whom the barbarian’s tribe is at war
åndelig mannhimmel (AWN-deh-lee mahn-hee-mell)—RENSHAI. “spirit man of the sky”; an advanced Renshai sword maneuver
aristiri (ah-riss-TEER-ee)—TRADING. a breed of singing hawk
årvåkir (AWR-vaw-keer)—NORTHERN. “vigilant one”
baronshei (ba-RON-shigh)—TRADING. “bald”
bein (BAYN)—NORTHERN. “legs”
berserks (BAIR-sair)—NORTHERN. soldiers who fight without emotion, ignoring the safety of self and companions because of drugs or mental isolation; “crazy”
bha’fraktii (bhah-FROK-tee-igh)—ELFIN. “those who court their doom”; a lysalf term for svartalf
binyal (BIN-yall)—TRADING. a type of spindly tree
bleffy (BLEF
F-ee)—WESTERN/TRADING. a child’s euphemism for nauseating
bolboda (bawl-BOH-da)—NORTHERN. “evilbringer”
bonta (BONN-tah)—EASTERN. vulgar term for a male homosexual
brawly (BRAWL-ee)—WESTERN. street slang for gang-level protection racketeers
brigshigsa weed (brih-SHIG-sah)—WESTERN. a specific leafy weed with a translucent, red stem; a universal antidote to several common poisons
brorin (BROAR-inn)—RENSHAI. “brother”
brunstil (BRUNN-steel)—NORTHERN. a stealth maneuver learned from barbarians by the Renshai; literally “brown and still”
butterflower—TRADING. a specific type of wild flower with a brilliant, yellow hue
chrisshius (KRISS-ee-us)—WESTERN. a specific type of wildflower
chroams (krohms)—WESTERN. a specific coinage of copper, silver, or gold
corpa (KOR-pah)—WESTERN. “brotherhood”, “town”; literally “body”
cringers—EASTERN. gang slang for people who show fear
daimo (DIGH-moh)—EASTERN. slang term for Renshai
demon (DEE-mun)—ANCIENT TONGUE. a creature of magic
dero (DAYR-oh)—EASTERN. a type of winter fruit
djem (dee-YEM)—NORTHERN. “demon”
djevgullinhåri (dee-YEM-gull-in-HAWR-ee)—NORTHERN. “golden-haired devils”
djevskulka (dee-yev-SKOHL-ka)—NORTHERN. an expletive that essentially means “devil’s play”
doranga (door-ANG-a)—TRADING. a type of tropical tree with serrated leaves and jutting rings of bark
drilstin (DRILL-stinn)—TRADING. an herb used by healers
dwar-freytii (dwar-FRAY-tee-igh)—ELFIN. “the chosen ones of Frey”; a svartalf name for themselves
Einherjar (IGHN-herr-yar)—NORTHERN. “the dead warriors in Vahalla”
ejenlyåndel (ay-YEN-lee-ON-dell)—ELFIN. “immortality echo”; a sense of infinality that is a part of every human and elf
eksil (EHK-seel)—NORTHERN. “exile”
erenspice (EH-ren-spighs)—EASTERN. a type of hot spice used in cooking
ernontris (err-NON-triss)—OUTWORLD. a specific gruesome and magical type of torture
fafra (FAH-fra)—TRADING. “to eat”
feflin (FEF-linn)—TRADING. “to hunt”
floyetsverd (floy-ETTS-wayrd)—RENSHAI. a disarming maneuver
formynder (for-MEWN-derr)—NORTHERN. “guardian”, “teacher”
Flight of the Renshai Page 74