On the Growl: A Shifter Romance Anthology
Page 15
“It’s been known to happen but it’s not possible for me. I loved Ann too deeply to ever love again. No one could take her place.”
“Huh. I always thought those who truly loved someone once were the most likely to find love again. Guess I was wrong.”
Arnaud didn’t have an answer for that.
“Besides, I’m sure that guy didn’t love his first mate as much as you did yours. That has to be the answer, right?”
Arnaud wasn’t sure if Reflex was being sincere or mocking him just a little. His expression was blank as he checked all the bottles and restocked as needed.
“He sure did seem happy, though,” Reflex added, topping off Arnaud’s glass. “On the house, because, well…it sucks to be you.”
Chapter 8
Katie peeked into the Activities Office to make sure her supervisor wasn’t there before walking in. It was going to be touchy around here for a while. As much as she loved her job, she’d come to dread her daily dealings with Miss Prodo. At best they were icy, at worst the bitch was trying to kill her.
Her conversation with Brutus did nothing to help her figure out what she was supposed to do about Arnaud, but knowing that she had true friends on her side perked her up. As if she wasn’t already perky enough.
Logging on to her computer, her email chimed that she had an unread message. Other than her mom back in California, hardly anyone emailed her. Her stomach clenched when she saw it was from Mr. Roarke. And it was marked ‘Urgent’.
If he wasn’t firing her, then this must be a formal reprimand for her permanent record. It was probably what he was typing up as she scurried out of his office earlier. Sure enough, the time stamp on the email was minutes after she left.
She thought about deleting it but couldn’t quite make herself. Good thing.
Ms. O’Meghan,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me this morning. Our conversation was most illuminating.
As an adjunct to Haven’s yearly inventory, I would like you to take a first aid kit inventory of each department’s main office. Attached is a checklist of all items that should be in stock at all times. Please use one list for each department and note quantities.
I look forward to seeing the results on my desk first thing tomorrow morning.
Mr. Roarke
Katie almost cried from happiness. Not only was he not firing her, he was tasking her with a special project! It didn’t matter that it seemed like busy-work. If Mr. Roarke wanted it done, she’d do it.
There were only a handful of departments at Haven so, if she got her butt in gear, she could have it done within the hour. She printed out a handful of the checklists and started with her own office. As it turned out, their kit was fully stocked, with the exception of the Haven Heat, which she already knew about.
It took her less time than she thought to go through each department’s kit, and before she knew it, she was standing in front of the last door: Legal.
She half-hoped Arnaud would be there, working on his special project. The other half fervently hoped he wouldn’t be. Against all odds, her job was safe, but only just. The last thing she needed right now, was the temptation of Arnaud’s flashing golden eyes and sculpted body.
Don’t be silly! He’s in his suite. The odds were excellent that he was hidden away in his sky-high room, working far away from anyone else.
Katie did her best to be dismissive, but her heart ached for him. They all knew about his dead mate — word spread fast at a place like Haven — so he had a very good reason to withdraw. That’s why she’d tried so hard to bring him out of his shell.
“I’m better at my job than I thought,” she mumbled as she pushed open the door with her shoulder, thinking about their kiss.
The office was empty. Mr. Chase, Haven’s staff counsel, and his legal secretary must have left early because their desks were tidied and put away. Checking her watch, she noted it wasn’t yet even 5 p.m.
“Slackers,” she muttered, scanning the room for where their first aid kit might be. The bathroom, probably. That’s where most of the other departments stashed their kits.
Crossing the small room, her hand was almost touching the bathroom’s doorknob when the door swung inward, scaring the living daylights — and a small scream — out of her. Once her fight or flight mechanism shut off, she found herself staring into rich, golden-brown eyes.
Double shitknockers.
“What are you doing here?” she gasped, stumbling backward until her rump bumped up against a desk. Good thing she had enough cushioning back there.
“I could ask the same of you.” A sparkle gleamed in Arnaud’s swoon-worthy eyes and a smirk played at his lips as he crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. Oh God, and his shirtsleeves were rolled up halfway up his forearms. KatieKat started purring, damn her.
She was vaguely aware of her tongue swiping along her lips, but he seemed suddenly captivated by her mouth. Not wanting to fuel this fire, she sucked her tongue back in and fiddled with her stack of papers.
“I—I was just doing a special project for Mr. Roarke. I—I didn’t think you’d be here.”
Something flashed across his face. When he spoke, she realized it was relief. “So you didn’t get fired?”
Aw, he’d been worried about her. “No, not even a warning. He’s a hard man to read. He said a couple cryptic things, then sent me on a special assignment. Of course, I didn’t mention our…”
She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. Saying the word would only tempt her to kiss Arnaud again. And again. And again. Besides, it wasn’t like he didn’t know exactly what she was talking about.
“Yes?” Arnaud took a step closer, a faint hint of alcohol hitting her nose.
Katie blinked in surprise. It was barely happy hour. He didn’t seem drunk, but he certainly looked relaxed. And maybe a little hungry. She smiled at him.
“Have you been drinking, Arnaud? That seems so out of character for you. Maybe Haven has been a good influence on you after all.”
He took another step closer until his thighs were brushing hers and she was forced to lean back across the desk. Now the slight booze smell was mixed with a musky scent that made KatieKat climb the walls with need.
“It most definitely has,” he murmured, never taking his eyes from her mouth, as if her lips were a homing beacon and he was coming in for a landing. She was ready to clear the runway and wave him in when her brain finally kicked into gear and took the controls away from her coochie.
“No.” Her whisper was barely audible, even to her own sensitive ears. Clearing her throat, she tried again. “No, Arnaud.”
Disappointment came off him in waves as he pulled away from her. His eagle eyes flashed gold at her with frustration. Poor guy.
Propping herself back up to full height — which wasn’t much — Katie pushed her chest out until her breasts strained against the fabric of her Haven golf shirt. Arnaud’s gaze naturally dropped down and then popped back up to meet hers, puzzled by the contradiction.
“If anyone were to walk in and see us in a compromising position, I’d be instantly fired,” she explained. “And I don’t want to lose my job.”
He nodded, crestfallen. “I understand, Katie.”
“Then what are you waiting for? Go lock the fucking door!”
Arnaud didn’t waste a moment leaping over to the door. His thumb had barely depressed the button lock when Katie hurtled into his arms, slamming his back into the door.
As their lips found each other, he could only think how good she felt, how right. Like she was the missing puzzle piece he’d lost two years earlier. The alcohol had washed away the last of his inhibitions and self-delusions, and now he understood how wrong his thinking had been.
It had only taken two years and two stiff drinks — and possibly some sage insights from a baby-faced bartender — but now he had hope that he might find a new mate. That he’d alread
y found her.
Skating his hands down her soft curves, he wondered at the bounty before him. He was like a starving man at a banquet. He could eat for a hundred years and never have enough.
He was determined to try.
His hands were overflowing with her succulent ass as he lifted her enough so she could wrap her legs around him. Her heat ground into him as he carried her over to the closest desk, setting her butt on the edge. Still she clung to him, and he welcomed it.
Her full lips left his mouth to explore his ear, sending chills of desire up and down every inch of his body. Small hands deftly unbuttoned his Oxford, impatiently shoving the shirt over his shoulders and onto the floor.
Their hands never stopped moving as they explored and touched, cupped and pinched. Katie’s fingers outlined every ridge and valley of his chest and abs, sighing with delight. At that moment, he was very glad he was as fit as he was because he didn’t want her to think he couldn’t protect her. He could no longer deny their connection, and as her mate, Arnaud would die before letting anything harm her.
What killed him was that his eagle knew it all along. That’s why he followed her when she was being chased by the panther, and why he swooped in and saved her from the top of that scratching pole. His eagle knew when his own human brain kept putting up barriers.
He never wanted anything to come between them from now on, starting with this silly shirt. His eagle was close to the surface and his talons made quick work of it, allowing it to fall in shreds from her body.
Her tight nipples pushed against the thin fabric of her bra, making his mouth water in anticipation. He couldn’t even wait to take the bra off before taking one hard berry into his mouth and rolling it around on his tongue.
“Oh, Arnaud,” Katie cried out, arching into him. Burying her fingers into his hair, she pulled his face into her, begging for more. He was more than happy to oblige.
The silky fabric slipped and slid under his tongue, adding friction and causing Katie to shudder under him. His big hands were full with her breasts, worshipping them, claiming them.
Hooking his thumbs under the elastic, he slowly pushed up until one popped free and then the next. She gasped and ground into his hard bulge, drawing a moan from him which was transmitted to her nipple, which made her moan and grind some more. It was a delightfully endless cycle.
Kissing a hot trail up her chest, he once again claimed her mouth. Slicking his tongue across her upper lip and across her tongue, he cradled her head in his hands while she did the same. She was a precious gem that he would never willingly relinquish.
Their fingers wrestled with the other’s pants, finally giving up and working on their own, tugging and yanking and pulling on fabric until they were standing before each other fully naked.
It was like a dream. Even though he’d seen her body before, this time was different. Before, he’d been full of conflicting emotions. He was desperate with longing for her, but also full of doubt, not to mention concern for her welfare. Now, all doubt had evaporated and he was only left with need. Need to have her and make her his own, forever.
He couldn’t stop looking at her, head to toe. She flushed a fetching pink as his gaze settled on all the parts of her he wanted to taste.
“What are you staring at,” she asked, clearly embarrassed.
“A thing of beauty,” he whispered breathlessly as he dipped in for another kiss.
Lifting her ass back on the desk, he kissed and nipped and licked his way down her front until he was kneeling before her, her legs draped over his shoulders. Her musky scent hit him and nearly drove him wild with desire.
Diving into her, he kissed her silky folds and lapped at her freely flowing juices. His tongue was everywhere, moving ceaselessly, especially at the apex, where she was most sensitive. Each flick of his tongue sent spasms through her body and the tension inside her built. He could feel her muscles tighten and strain against the finger he’d slipped inside. Any minute now.
He devoured her like a hunter consumes his prey — ferociously, like it will be his last meal. She thrust into his mouth, wriggling under him and tugging at his hair with one hand while the other kept her balanced on the desk. Small mewls and urgent whimpers echoed in the empty office as her climax came closer.
Her hips found a rhythm that grew faster until her entire body was a tight live wire. With a loud cry that sounded like a screaming cat, she erupted in his mouth, bucking wildly. He could feel her inner walls pulsing around his finger and he couldn’t wait to feel it elsewhere.
Slowing his kisses, he eased her down from her orgasm until she was a wilted flower, barely hanging on to her perch.
“Arnaud…” She could barely breathe, much less speak.
“Shh,” he hushed, standing to his full height. With one sweep of his arm, he cleared half the desk of random office detritus, making room for him to slide her a little farther back so she could lie back.
Panting heavily, she lay prone on the desk, spent. Wanting to bring her to the edge again — even though his eagle was screeching to take her, take her now! — Arnaud slowly slicked the smooth tip of his erection against her wet heat.
It only took a few moments before she pulled her dangling legs up and braced herself to push against him. Still, he wouldn’t enter her. He slipped and slid around, rubbing against her engorged nub and grazing across her entrance until she was panting even harder and repeating one word over and over: “Please!”
He teased her like that as long as he could, but eventually his animal instinct to claim his mate was too strong. It was time to make her forever his.
Grasping her hips, he pressed against her entrance, but stopped and waited until she opened her emerald eyes to look at him. They held a world of promise, a world where love might once again be possible for him, a world where he and his mate would live to a ripe old age together.
Once he’d captured her gaze, he eased into her, feeling her envelop and accept every inch of him. Her eyelids drooped, wanting to close, but she never blinked or looked away. The way she bit at her lower lip as he seated his full length inside of her nearly drove him over the edge. His skin tingled at the nearly-forgotten sensation and it was all he could do to control himself.
Arnaud grasped Katie’s hands and pulled her upright until their bodies were touching and lips locked. Slowly, gently, he moved in and out of her, searching for their mutual rhythm.
Katie snaked her arms around his neck and undulated beneath him until they were completely in sync. Breaking the kiss to bury her face in his neck, she pulled him as close as they could physically get and hung on for dear life.
Clutching at each other, they rocked back and forth, building their connection. Kisses peppered his face and he could swear cat claws scratched at his back as he plunged into her harder and deeper with each thrust. He’d feel that tomorrow but right now, it was only adding to the pleasure.
Besides, he was having trouble controlling his eagle, too. The last thing he wanted to do was injure his new mate but he let the bird out just enough to feel a whisper of feathers ghosting down his arms.
Katie urged him ever deeper and he felt himself moving toward the edge of reason. “Take me, Arnaud.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper in his ear. “I’m yours.”
Hell yeah, she was his. Only his. “Forever,” he whispered back.
As he pounded into her, an ache was building low in his belly. Katie swiveled her hips under him and he could sense her own tension growing. He was on the brink but refused to let go until she came again.
Sliding a hand between them, his used his thumb on her still-swollen nub, rubbing tight circles as he continued to thrust into her. Katie arched her back, putting her breasts temptingly close to his lips. Reaching down, he sucked one into his mouth, grazing his teeth across it.
That was the final straw for his new mate. She screamed in ecstasy as her body was wracked with wave after wave of shudders. Yet still he pumped, drawing out her orgasm until there was nothin
g left. Only then did he allow himself the same release.
His body went rigid and he shouted her name as he fell off the precipice and into his future. Clutching at her, he buried himself deeply, wishing he could stay in this moment forever. This moment when they became one.
Sweaty and heaving, they held each other for a long moment before Katie started to giggle. Still seated inside her, he could feel the contractions rippling along his length.
“What’s so funny?” he panted.
“Nothing, I’m just so happy.” She hugged him tighter, her giggles settling into a sigh of contentment.
They both nearly jumped out of their skin when the office door slammed open. Miss Prodo stood there, a black look of triumph on her face. Her upper lip curled as she gave them a long look up and down.
“You’re so fired,” she sneered.
And then she was gone.
Chapter 9
They both remained motionless after the panther bitch ran off, Arnaud still buried deeply inside her. Any joy she’d been feeling evaporated.
“I thought you locked the door.”
He looked devastated. “I thought so, too. I’m so sorry, Katie.”
Pulling free from her, he hurried to close — and firmly lock — the door, then helped her off the desk. Wordlessly, they settled on the floor in front of the desk, Arnaud’s arms wrapped around her, rocking her gently.
“I must not have pressed the button in all the way,” he said, regret tinging his words. “I’m so, so sorry. Let me try to fix it with Mr. Roarke. Maybe—“
Katie shook her head. There was nothing to be done. Many of Haven’s rules were relatively flexible — such as the one about eating all your vegetables — but this was the one unforgivable sin. And what did she do?
She fucked a guest.
But that wasn’t really true, was it? This was more than a holiday lay, right? It dawned on her that they’d never had ‘the’ talk. No time like the present.
Twisting around, she looked into his beautiful eyes, her heart melting. Tears pricked at her eyelids, and her smile was only slightly sad.