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The Look of Love

Page 31

by David George Richards

  “I see that my interpretation of the film hasn’t diminished your appetite,” he remarked.

  “Rotter!” she mumbled with her mouth full.

  Later, when they had left Starvin’ Marvin’s and were walking back to the car, Chrissy looked across at Adam and said in a soft voice, “I tried the dress on last night.”

  Adam looked back at her but didn’t reply.

  “It fits,” Chrissy went on.

  “I’m glad.”

  “Is that all you want to say?”

  “What happened to the young man? The one that was poorer than me, but more handsome?”

  His question caught Chrissy by surprise. “You mean, Scott?” she blurted out.

  “Is that his name?”

  “I don’t love him,” she said quickly.

  “Are you sure?”

  Chrissy nodded. “I was like the hero in the film. I was blinded by appearances. No, I don’t love him. I’ve spoken to him, and I understand him now, and in time I will probably forgive him, but I don’t love him.”

  Adam seemed to be satisfied by her answer. They were silent for a little while after that, walking along Trafford Road together, hand in hand. Every so often, Chrissy would look at Adam, waiting for him to speak, but he didn’t. He looked deep in thought, and Chrissy was content to wait. Finally, Adam looked up at the night sky and sighed.

  “I always knew that you would try it on,” he said. “The fact that it fits just goes to prove that you were right in choosing it and that I was right to give it to you. Now you must wear it when you marry.”

  “I need someone to ask me first.”

  They stopped walking and Adam turned to Chrissy. Her expression surprised him. It was filled with expectation, and her eyes had such an intense look, a look that he had seen before and recognised.

  “Shouldn’t I be the one pursuing you?” he asked.

  Chrissy laughed, but her expression became serious again when she spoke.

  “When we first met, you told me that you were a bit long winded when it came to women and that by the time you asked them, they were already married with children. Well, I don’t want to waste any time waiting for you to get around to it. I want to be the next Marchioness, Adam. So hurry up and ask me!”

  Adam looked at her in surprise. He shook his head. “But you’re still so young!” was all he could say.

  “And getting older every minute!” she replied quickly. “If I wait for you, I’ll be in my sixties and you’ll be in a bath-chair! Now, get on with it! I’ve made my mind up, Adam. This is what I want. I don’t care about our ages or what other people think, and I’m not going to change my mind later. Just ask me, will you? I’m not going to say no! So don’t be such a coward!”

  Adam seemed to come to a decision. He took both her hands in his and drew her closer. He stared into her eyes. “Chrissy, will you marry me?”



  Chrissy laughed when she saw his crestfallen expression. “Oh, I’m sorry, Adam!” she said quickly. “I couldn’t resist it! It’s just my way of getting my own back for the film! Of course I’ll marry you, Adam! It’s what I want, and what I’ve never felt more sure about!”

  Adam sighed. “You are very cruel, Chrissy, my darling. I see that I will have to keep a firm hand on you.” As he spoke, he put his arms around her.

  “You can try!” she said as Adam drew her into an embrace. They kissed.

  When their lips parted, Chrissy whispered. “I love you.”

  Adam smiled as he hugged her tightly. “I think I loved you from the moment I found you under my taxi. But I always thought my dream of possessing you would be as unattainable as all those other dreams.”

  “Ah, but the thing about life and dreams is that you can never be sure of what’s going to happen next! Isn’t that true?”

  Chrissy’s reply was an obvious invitation for a debate, but Adam refused to be drawn in.

  “We will talk about life and dreams later,” he said. “For now we have much more important things for our mouths to attend to.”

  Adam moved closer to resume their kiss.

  Chrissy chuckled. “Mum and dad are going to have a fit!” she muttered, and then their lips met and they kissed again, standing on the pavement together on Trafford Road, with the cars and the trucks passing by.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  The bride looked immaculate. She was beautiful and stunning in white. There were three bridesmaids fussing around her as the photographer shouted instructions. The bridesmaids were in peach. They laughed and giggled with the bride as the groom stood proudly nearby, shaking hands with his new relatives.

  It was mid afternoon and the sun was bright and warm. But it wasn’t the heat that was bothering the bride.

  Angela was breathless with love. “Doesn’t Andy look gorgeous?” she said in a whisper.

  Chrissy smiled as she rearranged Angela’s wedding dress. “Not as gorgeous as you! Now stand up straight and stop gawking at him!”

  “Yeah!” Victoria added. “You’ll ruin the pictures!”

  “No she won’t!” Louise quickly replied. “Leave her alone! It’ll be nice to have that look in her eyes on all the photographs. That way everyone will know she’s in love.”

  Angela was all gooey. “I am in love! Oh, I love him so much, Louise! I can’t wait!”

  “I think we gathered that!” Louise said. “You both stood at the altar looking like love-sick kittens.”

  Then Chrissy said, “I thought she was going to snog him at the altar!”

  And Victoria added, “I thought he was going to throw her over the registrar’s table!”

  They both laughed. Louise gave them a dirty look. “Oh, stop it, you two!”

  The photographer shouted at them to stand up properly. They all smiled and the camera clicked away.

  Next it was Angela and Andy, and then came Andy and his bestman. And after that, the bestman got to put his arms around all the bridesmaids. As they stood together posing, Chrissy looked up at the bestman as he smiled for the camera. After that it was the turn of all the relatives and friends to line up with the bride and groom. Everyone was there, friends from school, friends from University, even friends of friends. And they all jostled for position as the photographer waved and shouted at them like a conductor.

  As others took their turn, the bestman watched the photographer at work. Chrissy left Victoria and Louise and went to stand next to him. She reached out and took his hand.

  “How are you, Scott?”

  Scott looked at her. There was still sadness in his eyes, but he smiled half-heartedly. “I’m alright.”

  “I’m sorry about Max. Do you forgive me?”

  His expression became pained. “There’s nothing to forgive. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “But I feel–”

  Scott squeezed her hand. “Forget it. Now, I don’t want to talk about it, okay? Today is Andy and Angela’s day, so let’s not spoil it with bad memories. Come on, let’s join the crowd.”

  Chrissy smiled and nodded, and together they joined the others for another big group photo. As the photographer moved everyone around for different shots, Scott and Chrissy soon became separated. Chrissy found herself back with Victoria and Louise.

  Victoria put her arm around Chrissy. “He still looks upset, doesn’t he?”

  They both looked down the long line of people at Scott at the other end.

  “So would you be if your brother had hanged himself in Risley,” Chrissy replied bitterly.

  Victoria poked her in the back. “It wasn’t because of you!”

  “Wasn’t it?” Chrissy snapped. “If I hadn’t interfered he might not have gone to prison in the first place!”

  “You didn’t interfere! Max confessed!”

  Chrissy sighed. “Why would he do such a thing?”

  Louise answered her. “Because he missed Jo.”

  There was a shout of delight among the g
uests. The photographer was calling all the women forward. Angela was going to throw her bouquet and he wanted to catch the frenzy on film. Louise hurried forward with all the rest, but Victoria held Chrissy back and whispered in her ear. They both laughed and then ran after Louise, standing close on each side of her.

  The photographer shouted out, “Are you all ready?”

  There was a chorus of “Yes!” and a belated, “Get on with it!” and then Angela threw the bouquet high into the air.

  There was a rush as all the girls jumped for it. Louise felt herself being grabbed and lifted into the air. She was suddenly higher than everyone else, and there was the bouquet coming right at her. She caught it and was lowered to the ground. Everyone cheered and Louise immediately blushed. She clutched the bouquet to her chest and went bright tomato red.

  Victoria and Chrissy had quickly retreated, and now they were both laughing. Louise spotted them and smiled shyly, and then she walked over to them and held the bouquet out to Victoria.

  Victoria slowly stopped laughing. She stared at the bouquet. Then she pursed her lips, grinned that mischievous grin of hers at Louise, and took the bouquet from her.

  For a moment, no one said anything, then Sam and Dayna whistled and clapped, and then everyone clapped. Louise and Victoria hugged, and Dayna whistled even more.

  Chrissy stood on her own and clapped with the rest. She was smiling brightly, almost tearfully, when she felt someone’s arms around her. She looked round quickly.

  “Oh, Adam!” she exclaimed. “Do you always have to put those damned money markets first?”

  He kissed her and squeezed her tightly. “Needs must, my dear. The Honduran lempira waits for no one!”

  “But you missed the photos!”

  “No matter, no one will notice.”

  “I will!” She grabbed his hand. “Let’s have a photo together! Come on!”

  She dragged Adam to the photographer and quickly explained what she wanted. He soon agreed and called Angela and Andy forward for one last photograph. Then he called for Victoria and Louise. He grouped them together like three couples, Victoria and Louise on one side, Chrissy and Adam on the other, and Angela and Andy in the middle.

  As they all stood together, Chrissy asked Angela, “You don’t mind do you?”

  “Of course not!” she replied. “Anyway, it’s not every wedding that has a Marquis and Marchioness among the guests.”

  The photographer shouted, “Smile, everyone!”



  This book was first written in 1998 before the introduction of the Euro and the arrival of mobile phones. Many other changes have occurred since then, both to Manchester and to the characters depicted in the story. What may be of interest is that Chrissy and Adam, Louise and Victoria, and Angela and Andy are all still together. Chrissy gave birth to a son, while Angela has had twins. DS Connors retired and lives in the Lake District. Scott remains single.




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