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Deceived With Kindness

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by Angelica Garnett

  Bergère, La (house, Southern France), 67–8

  Bibesco, Princess, 52

  Birrell, Francis, 97

  Blakeney Point (Norfolk), 82

  Bloomsbury Group, 28, 126, 140

  Booth, George, 116

  Booth, Polly, 116

  Boschetti, Signorina, 116

  Buckmaster, Colonel Maurice, 169

  Busch Quartet, 88

  Bussy, Dorothy, 169

  Bussy, Janie, 99–100

  Bussy, Simon, 99, 169

  Cameron, Julia Margaret, 12

  Campbell, Jean, 70–1

  Carr, Mrs (‘Beetle’s’ mother), 83–4

  Carr, John, 84

  Cassis (Southern France), 65–76

  Chamberlain, Joseph, 24

  Chamberlain, Neville, 149

  Charleston (house, Sussex): life at, 3, 90–7, 99–100, 149–50; disrepair, 6; AG occupies, 5–6, 10–11; described, 38–9; garden, 43–6; studio, 97, 99; Vanessa at, 168

  Chevalier, Mlle, 71–2

  China, 118–19, 121, 131

  ‘Cinda’ (school friend), 82–3

  Claverham (Sussex), 151

  Clifford’s Inn, London, 152

  Cohen, Harriet, 128

  Colefax, Sibyl, Lady, 131

  Compagnie des Quinze, 88, 126

  Copeau, Jacques, 88

  Coulain, Mme, 72

  Cuckmere Haven (Sussex), 75

  Cunard, Nancy, 152

  Curry, Donald, 74

  Curtis, Mrs (‘Curty’; headmistress), 77–8, 80–3, 86, 88–9

  Curtis, Dunstan, 80

  Davidson, Angus, 10

  Drown’s (picture restorers), 127

  Duckworth, George, 16, 23–5, 107

  Duckworth, Gerald, 16

  Duckworth, Julia see Stephen, Julia

  Duckworth, Stella see Hills, Stella

  Ebbs, Mrs, 111

  Edwards, Dorothy, 144

  Eliot, George, 52

  Ellen (housemaid), 57, 62

  Eribert (German friend), 149–50

  Euston Road School, London, 148

  Feuerbach, Emmanuel, 87

  Firle Beacon (Sussex), 46

  Fitzroy Street, London, 127–8, 130–1

  Flossie (home-help), 128

  Flush (Virginia Woolf), 108

  Fontcreuse, Château de, 67, 71

  France, 65–71, 168

  Fry, Margery, 103–4

  Fry, Roger: friendship with Vanessa, 28; in love with Vanessa, 31–5, 103; visits Charleston, 39, 100, 103; and Angela Lavelli, 40; and Helen Anrep, 100; character and appearance, 100–1, 103; portrait, 102; death, 104

  Gage, Viscount, 39

  Garnett, Angelica: born, 37; childhood illnesses, 39–41, 62–3; early religious feelings, 55; reading, 56, 74, 139; knocked down by car, 62; early curiosity about sex, 65, 121–3, 125, 139; sacrifices dolls, 75–6; schooling, 77–8, 80, 86, 114; portraits, 79, 91, 98, 102, 112, 153; appearance, 84; love and playing of music, 86–7, 116–17, 125, 161; visits to theatre, 88; learns of parentage, 89, 134–6; stage ambitions, 116; learns Italian, 116; character and emotional life, 122–3, 136, 163; in Paris, 124–5; at London Theatre Studio, 126–7, 132; marriage, 135, 157–8, 160–3; David Garnett courts, 143–4, 146–8, 152, 154–7; studies art, 148; children, 160–2; painting, 161; mastectomy, 175

  Garnett, Constance, 144, 146

  Garnett, David (‘Bunny’): lives in France, 1; AG leaves, 1, 175; on Vanessa, 13; relations with Duncan Grant, 36, 39, 146–7, 154–6, 158; on birth of Vanessa’s children, 38; as Conscientious Objector in Great War, 39; and AG’s childhood, 52; on Duncan Grant’s parents, 67; criticises AG’s disdain of others, 85; flies aeroplane, 100; and Julian’s death, 132; courts AG, 143–4, 146–8, 152, 154–7; marriage to Ray, 143, 147; background, 144, 146; portrait, 145; jealousies, 149, 155; in World War II, 150–2; marriage to AG, 158, 161–2

  Garnett, Edward, 144, 146

  Garnett, Fan (AG’s daughter), 8, 10

  Garnett, Ray (David’s 1st wife), 143, 147, 149, 161

  Garnett, Richard (David’s son), 143

  Garnett, Richard (David’s grandfather), 144

  Garnett, William (David’s son), 143

  Gordon Square, London: no. 46, 48–55; no. 50, 138

  Grace (maid), 41, 54, 65, 71–2, 92, 169

  Grant, Major Bartle (Duncan’s father), 38, 66–7

  Grant, Duncan (AG’s father): AG’s relations with, 2–5, 121, 123, 128–30, 135, 137, 156, 163, 172; life at Charleston, 3–4, 7, 92–3; 93rd birthday, 8; death, 9–10; and Virginia Woolf’s jealousy of Vanessa, 22; relations with Vanessa, 28, 32–5, 39, 94–5, 129–30, 164–6, 172; background, 33; personality and character, 33–5, 109, 128–9; homosexuality, 33, 36; portrait, 34; as Conscientious Objector in Great War, 35, 39; relations with David Garnett, 36, 39, 146–8, 152, 154–6, 158; children, 37–8; and Charleston garden, 45; AG sees naked, 49; decorates Virginia Woolf’s London home, 53; typhoid, 65–6; parents, 66–7; at La Bergère, 67–9; and AG’s Cuckmere escapade, 76; music, 87; stage designs, 88; paintings, 94–5, 103, 166; and Helen Anrep, 100; making things, 101; in Rome, 117; decorates Queen Mary, 117; virginal quality, 122; in Fitzroy Street, 127–8; and Julian’s death, 132; AG learns of fatherhood, 134–7; relations with Clive Bell, 141–2; and Virginia Woolf’s death, 151; and AG’s marriage, 158; and Vanessa’s illness, 160; later trips abroad, 168–9; and Vanessa’s death, 171–2

  Grant, Ethel (Duncan’s mother), 38, 65–7, 87

  Hallman, Frank, 2, 7, 175

  Ham Spray (house, Wiltshire), 99

  Hammersley, Mrs (pianist), 128

  Harland, Mr & Mrs (Keynes’s cook and husband), 50–1

  Henderson, Sir Nicholas, 9

  Hills, Jack, 23, 25–6

  Hills, Stella (née Duckworth), 16–18, 21, 23; portrait, 20

  Hilton Hall (Huntingdonshire), 143, 146, 161

  Hodgkin, Frances, 81

  Hogarth Press, 53

  Honey, Dorothy (née Bell; Clive’s sister), 56–7, 59–61

  Horney, Karen, 175

  Hutchinson, Mary, 167

  Italy, 115–18, 168

  Jackson, Julia see Stephen, Julia

  Keynes, John Maynard, Baron, 15, 39, 48, 130, 132, 154

  Keynes, Lydia, Lady (formerly Lopokova), 55, 93

  Kropotkin, Prince Petr A., 143

  Langford Grove (school, Essex), 77–8, 80, 86, 114, 118

  Lavelli, Angela, 40

  Lawrence, D. H., 143

  Léner Quartet, 87

  Lewes (Sussex), 85, 96

  Liddell, Alvar, 95

  London Theatre Studio, 126, 132

  Lopokova, Lydia see Keynes, Lydia, Lady Lottie (Charleston cook), 45, 69, 91, 130, 149

  Louie (AG’s nurse), 47, 54–5, 62, 77, 122, 138

  Lowell, James Russell, 17

  McNeil, Daisy, 65, 67, 70

  May, Betty, 144

  Mérimée, Prosper, 139

  Monks House see Rodmell

  Moralt, Dr Marie, 39

  Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 54

  Mortimer, Raymond, 53, 97

  Mussolini, Benito, 115

  National Gallery, London, 86–7

  Nellie (AG’s nurse), 41–2, 48–9, 54, 138

  New Statesman, 53

  Nicolson, Vita, Lady see Sackville-West, Vita

  Obey, André: Noè, 88

  Olivier, Noel, 39

  Ovens (Bells’ servant), 56–7

  Paris, 40, 124–5

  Partridge, Frances, 143

  Percy Street, London, 170

  Polignac, Comtesse de, 131

  Prout, Miss Fischer, 81

  Queen Mary, s.s., 117

  Roche, Clarissa, 8

  Roche, Paul, 4–6, 8–10, 164

  Roche, T. (Paul’s son), 4

  Rodmell (Sussex): Monks House, 39, 104, 109–10

  Rome, 115–18

  Roquebrune, near Mentone, 169

  Russell, Bertrand, 74

Vita (Lady Nicolson), 115

  Saint-Denis, Michel, 88, 126–7, 132, 170

  St Tropez (France), 41–2

  Sammons, Albert, 87

  Sand, George, 52

  Sands, Ethel, 167

  Savarkar, Vinayak Damodar, 143

  Seend (Wiltshire), 56–64, 138

  Sickert, Walter, 128

  Smyth, Mrs (piano teacher), 87

  Smyth, Ethel, 110

  Snowden, Margery, 40

  Spalding, Frances, 121

  Spanish Civil War, 131, 148

  Stephen, Adrian (Vanessa’s brother), 16, 52

  Stephen, Anne (Adrian’s daughter), 52

  Stephen, James Kenneth (Leslie Stephen’s nephew), 17

  Stephen, Judith (Adrian’s daughter), 52, 74

  Stephen, Julia (née Jackson; then Duckworth; AG’s grandmother), 12, 16–18, 20–1

  Stephen, Karen (Adrian’s wife), 52

  Stephen, Laura (Vanessa’s half-sister), 16

  Stephen, Sir Leslie (Vanessa’s father), 16, 18–19, 24

  Stephen, Minnie (Harriet Marianne; Leslie’s first wife), 16

  Stephen, Thoby (Vanessa’s brother), 16, 19, 21, 25–7

  Stepniak, Sergei, 143–4

  Stoker, Bram: Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving, 116

  Strachey, Sir Richard and Lady, 52, 66

  Strachey, Lytton, 39, 97, 99, 114

  Strachey, Marjorie, 52, 87, 149

  Strachey, Oliver, 87

  Sydney-Turner, Saxon, 170

  Taylor, Valerie, 130

  Teed, Peter, 67, 70

  Thomas, Edward, 143

  Three Sisters, The (Chekhov), 127

  Tryon, Wyndham, 72

  Venice, 168

  Vigilance (journal), 124

  Walpole, Hugh, 110

  Walter, François, 124–5

  Walter, Zoum (wife of François), 125–6

  Wells, H. G., 143, 147

  Whistler, James McNeill, 128

  Woolf, Leonard: in Sussex, 39; in Tavistock Square, 52; relations with AG, 53, 106, 108–9; character, 106–8; at Charleston, 107–8; plays bowls, 110–11; relations with wife, 113–14; virginal quality, 122; and Virginia Woolf’s death, 151

  Woolf, Virginia: fame, 15; family, 16; personality, 19; relations with Vanessa, 19–22, 27, 107–8, 111; portraits, 20, 112; upbringing, 21; breakdowns, 22, 113–14; creates character for Vanessa, 22–3; flirts with Clive Bell, 26–8; in Sussex, 39; in Tavistock Square, 52–4; AG’s childhood visits to, 53; at Charleston, 106; relations with AG, 106–7, 110, 113–14, 151; at Rodmell, 110–11; gives dress allowance to AG, 111; relations with husband, 113–14; appearance, 113; virginal quality, 113, 122; flirtations with women, 131; and Julian’s death, 132; and David Garnett’s courtship of AG, 150; suicide, 151

  World War II, 149

  Yeats, W. B., 80

  Yonge, Charlotte M., 56, 74

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  Epub ISBN 9781446475256


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  First published by Chatto & Windus 1984

  Pimlico edition, with a new preface, 1995


  © Angelica Garnett 1984, 1995

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