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Woman of His Dreams

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I know.”

  “So I was thinking about us taking a trip out. Going shopping, or just having some fun.”

  “You want to have some fun?” she asked.

  “Am I not speaking clearly?”

  “It just seems a little surreal that you want to go out with me.”

  “You’re not boring, are you?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. What do you consider boring?”

  “Someone who doesn’t want to go out with me today when you don’t have to do anything but relax.”

  “Fine, fine. You’re convincing me.”

  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Good. I’m going to need to stop off at my house first though. I need to get changed.”

  He headed toward the bathroom, took a leak, washed his hands, and made his way out. Julia was finishing making the bed as he entered. Grabbing the other corner, he helped her tuck the sheets in.

  “I’ll get started on breakfast while you get changed.”

  She nodded.

  He left her room, heading to the kitchen. Every other time that he’d been by her home he’d not been interested in the pictures she had hanging up on the walls, or anything like that. There were a couple of pictures of her with older people and a man. They looked happy, and he assumed they were her family.

  Entering the kitchen, he quickly got together some toast and coffee.

  She came out as he spread apple butter over a slice of toast.

  The jeans she wore enhanced her full, round ass and hips. The shirt showed off her large tits, and his cock responded in kind. She’d pulled her red hair back into a ponytail. Without any makeup she looked fresh-faced and beautiful.

  She took a slice of toast, and his curiosity was getting the better of him. “Who is the guy in all of the pictures?”

  “My brother. He’s a doctor and currently over in Europe offering his expertise. Mom and Dad are lawyers.”


  “Yes, as you can imagine it sucks coming from a high achieving family only to be the total loser of the bunch.”

  “You’re not a loser.”

  “I haven’t even told them that I’m taking and failing night classes.” She shrugged. “I wanted to do something that surprised them.”

  “Do they have a problem with you not having a degree or something?”

  “No. I mean, I don’t think they do. They tell me all the time that they just want me to be happy, but seeing all that they’ve achieved, it’s tough. I guess it’s one of the many reasons why I moved away and make excuses not to be there.”

  “How come?”

  “When they all start talking about what they’ve done, and here’s me. Flunking classes, no matter how much I study while working as a waitress. It just doesn’t help. If they have friends or business associates it’s even worse.”

  He had totally misjudged her.

  They finished their food and headed to his place. She waited in the car while he changed into suitable clothes.

  Within minutes he was back in the car and Julia was going through the radio channels. “What kind of music do you like?”

  “I don’t mind. Pick whatever you like.”

  She flicked through the channels and some pop music came on. Shaking his head, he pulled away from the curb and headed to one of the places he loved more than anything.

  “Are you allergic to cats or dogs or rabbits?”




  “Because I have something special planned. I can’t guarantee that you’re going to like it, but try to keep an open mind.”

  Forty minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of the pet rescue center.

  “Oh, my,” she said. “Do you come here often?”

  “As often as I can.”

  “You don’t own a pet,” she said.

  “I know. I’m still … trying to get over my last one.”

  “Your last one?”

  “I had a dog. A German Shepherd, Milo. He was such a good boy. I got him as a pup, trained him and everything. I had him for twelve years. He died last year.”

  “I’m so sorry. You’ve not been able to get another dog since?”

  “Nope. It’s probably really stupid, but I can’t replace him, not yet.”

  “You’re not replacing him, but I get it.”

  He climbed out of the car, nervous as fucking hell. This was his privacy, and no one, not even his friends, knew what he did on his free days. He loved animals and absolutely doted on them. They were amazing as far as he was concerned, and reliable.

  Volunteering was his way of helping, and he liked to be around them.

  Taking Julia’s hand, he made his way inside.

  “Hey, Ericka, how have you been?” he said, spotting one of the vets.

  “Good, good. Who is this?” she asked.

  “This is my girl, Julia. She’s going to help me for the day.”

  “Okay. Have fun. We’ve had ten new admissions since you last came here.”

  He cursed. There were always so many new pets to house and to find homes for. It was a job in itself.

  “You come here often?” Julia asked.

  “Yep. The last time I was here was last Saturday.”


  “Yeah, I’m here a lot.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, wondering if this was too personal.


  Julia stroked down the back of a small dog. She didn’t know what breed it was, as it seemed to be a cross of two kinds. Again, she liked animals but never had one herself. The vet was administering injections to the poor girl, who was malnourished and didn’t look in a very good state.

  From the moment she knelt down to stroke the young dog, she’d crawled into her lap and not left.

  “She keeps shaking,” Julia said.

  “Yes. It can be fear. She’s been hurt.” Ericka looked sad. “This is one part of the job I hate, seeing them like this.”

  “You have a lot of animals come here in a poor state.”

  “More than I think should ever be allowed. She likes you though. Her name’s Bell.”

  “That’s a beautiful name,” Julia said. “Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” After Bell had the injections, Julia took her for a wash. She held her throughout, speaking softly to the young girl.

  Reese had told her what he did, and what he needed to do. She’d gotten stuck in, helping them all wherever she could. Bell wouldn’t let her go, so she carried her around while she helped with the other dogs.

  When Bell fell asleep, Julia had no choice but to put the little girl back in the cage. Doing that was so painful. She closed the cage and stepped away. Bell woke up and began to whimper at the cage, her foot tapping against it.

  “It’s hard, isn’t it?” Reese said.

  “What happens if no one … takes them?”

  “They live their life as comfortably as possible. Unfortunately, there’s not always enough funding, so they have no choice but to put some of them down.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “This was a mistake,” he said. “I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

  “Are you insane?” she asked, glancing over at him. “This is … it’s horrible, but it’s amazing what people are doing. I had no idea there was such a problem, and to know I can do something to help, this makes me happy. Thank you, Reese.” She stepped up to him, placed a hand on his cheek, and kissed him. “How come you don’t have any pictures of Milo?”

  “I do. I just don’t keep them around.”

  She had no idea he’d lost his dog. They’d have known each other as well. She wondered if that was the time that he always looked sad. “You’re a bit of a mystery.”

  He handed her a brush. “Are you ready for a cuteness overload?”


  She heard Bell whimpering, but she kept on moving forward. She had to. They left that area and entered another part of the shelter.

hey found a Cocker Spaniel bitch abandoned. She was heavily pregnant, and she gave birth two weeks ago.”

  The cage was opened, and she stepped inside. He closed the door behind her. The smell didn’t bother her. With animals there was always a smell.

  Glancing into the cage, she saw Ericka giving the pups a once-over, and she couldn’t believe the sweetness that was before her. Getting to work, she and Reese were able to clean them, and to help Ericka as she checked each of the pups over. Once that was done, they moved on to the feeding, and before too long it was time to leave.

  Julia couldn’t do it though. Making her way back to the cage that held Bell, she stared at the girl.

  The small dog came toward her and placed her paw on the cage.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to leave her.” She’d never had a dog before. “You’ve had a dog. Could you … show me or teach me how to have a dog?”

  “You want a dog?”

  “Yes. I want her. I want to take her home with me. Can I? Is it even allowed?”

  “They can do some checks.”

  “Oh, shit!” She cursed and looked back at the dog.

  “What? What is it?”

  “I live in a stupid ass apartment. I can’t have pets.” Bell was trying to get closer to her, and it was upsetting her.

  “I’ll take her,” he said.

  She looked at him. “What?”

  “I can have her at my home. I own it, and I can help take care of her. You can stop by whenever you want.”

  “What about your other women?” she asked.

  “Other women? I know I’ve got a reputation for being an ass, but there’s been no one else since you and I started screwing.”

  Her cheeks started to heat.

  “What about you?” he asked.


  “Has there been someone for you?”

  She shook her head.

  “You don’t look convinced.”

  “No, of course there’s been no one else. There is no one else.”

  “Why do you seem shocked?”

  “Because I didn’t expect you to not be with someone. All of the women are always fawning all over you.”

  “I’m not fawning all over them though, am I?”

  No, he wasn’t.

  “I’m not as big of an asshole as people like to paint me. I never make promises, and I can see you want her. I’ll help. I’m happy to help.”

  She looked back at Bell.

  “Do you want her?” he asked.

  “Yes, I want her.”

  “Then let’s go and talk to Ericka about keeping her.”

  She took Reese’s hand, and they made their way back toward the office where Ericka was filling out some paperwork. To her shock, the vet was more than happy with Reese having her.

  They were getting a dog together.

  Chapter Five

  “You are cute,” Reese said a week later. He stood out in his yard waiting for Bell to finish sniffing everything around her. The lead was in his hands, and he was about to take her out for a walk. Julia promised to meet him at the park where he’d show her how to walk and train Bell. He didn’t mind having the small dog in his home.

  Of course, the moment he’d offered to take the dog home, he’d partially regretted it. They were not dating or in that serious of a relationship, and yet here he was, offering to house her dog.

  “I’m crazy. You know that. Julia makes me that way,” he said, speaking to the four-legged animal.

  Bell rushed up to him, and he bent down, securing the lead. Her tail was wagging, and he made his way out of the back, going straight down the path, and toward the park. It was quite late at night, and Julia’s meeting at college had to be late.

  She was talking to her professor about her grades, and the possibility of dropping out, or trying something new. He made his way to the park and thought about her. He didn’t hate Julia.

  He’d never hated her.

  His feelings for her had been different for some time, but that didn’t mean he liked her any more or less. Sitting on the nearest swing, he watched as Bell sniffed around before squatting down.

  “Great.” Doing this reminded him of how upset he’d been when he lost Milo. The only downside to getting attached with dogs and people, they either left or died.

  “I made it,” Julia said, entering the park.

  “You didn’t text or call.”

  “I know. I got out early, and I took a cab to town, and then walked here.” She stepped up close to him.

  When she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his lips, he didn’t fight it. He liked this side of her, where she didn’t try to fight her feelings for him. Running his hand down to her ass, he gripped the flesh, wishing they were back at his or her place.

  “So what happened?”

  “I’m no longer a college student. My professor advised that I take some time and find what I like. Right now, I’m wasting my time.”

  “He said you were wasting your time?”

  “No. He didn’t say that. He didn’t have to. I know I’m wasting a lot of people’s time, and it’s not fair. I’m taking up a space in the classroom that could be given to someone else.”

  She dropped her hands down, and he watched as she crouched down. Bell rushed into her arms, and she giggled, picking her up.

  He didn’t know what came over him, but he felt possessive and happy. Staring at Julia, he wanted to keep her. This wasn’t the first time these feelings had happened either. When it came to her, she always made him want more.

  “What are you going to do now?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve always been in some form of education. I guess return to work full-time. I was thinking about taking a position at the animal shelter. They had an opening for a helper. It means I could still work at the bar. I could work both jobs.”

  “What about your writing?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Let me read something.”

  She cringed, and he pulled her to him. She stepped between his thighs and gave him a pointed look. “They’re just stories.”

  “And, if they’re crap I’ll tell you, and if they’re not, I’ll tell you.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not ready for that.”

  “Okay, fine.” He didn’t want to push her.

  The truth was, she didn’t trust him yet.

  “I think it’s time we headed back.”

  He stood up, and she held onto his arm as they made their way back toward his home. “Do you want any company this evening?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I do. I want you to make it up to me for having this little dog in my home.”

  “Is it really a big problem? I’ve been looking at other places to live. Right now, it’s just really cheap for me to live at my place. The rent isn’t that much.”

  “How about you live with me?” He wanted to bang his head against the nearest wall.

  “Live with you?”

  “Yes. You could pay me rent if that would make you feel better. You’d be closer to Bell, and I’m a brilliant landlord. You’ll always have hot water, and you can cook whenever you want.”

  She smiled. “You don’t think that will be taking it to the next level? We’re sleeping together.”

  “I’m not offering you a free space. Unless you want to start fucking for a place to stay.”

  “You’re an asshole,” she said.

  “You love it.” He didn’t know what was coming over him. “So, what do you say? Do you want to move in with me? We can raise our dog together. Of course, you’ll need to know the rent.” He suggested a figure that made her pause. “Is that too much?”

  “That’s cheaper than any place around here.”

  “I’d snap it up right now before I hand it to another woman.”

  “I’ll take it. I’ll take it.”

  “I’ll show you the spa
re bedroom.” Not that he intended for her to ever be in the spare bedroom, but for now he could play along.

  Bell walked beside them, and Julia hugged his arm as they made their way back to his place. Entering his home, he took Bell off the lead, and she ran toward her bed. Taking Julia’s hand, he made his way upstairs toward one of his bedrooms.

  Opening the door, he showed off the room. It was a plain room with white walls. He’d not known what to do with the place. Now though, it had a purpose.


  Three months later

  Julia moaned as Reese began to pump his cock deep inside her ass. They’d been living together for three months now, and she paid him rent at the beginning of each month. Of course, whenever she knocked on his door, he’d always have some kind of excuse for her to enter, not that she put up a fight, and they’d end up in bed together. For a couple of weeks now he’d been teasing her about taking her ass, and now he was finally inside her.

  “You’re so tight, just how I knew you’d be.”

  She bit her lip as he stroked over the lips of her pussy. He’d placed a pillow beneath her hips, and lifted her up. She held onto her thighs as he worked his dick in and out of her ass. He picked up the dildo that he’d also purchased and began to stroke over her pussy, the tip of the sex toy touching her clit.

  Reese guided it around her pussy, sliding up and down, teasing her entrance before moving up to touch her clit.

  He was driving her crazy, and any pain that she’d felt from his dick was long gone.

  “Do you want to come?”


  “Ask me nicely.”

  She gritted her teeth.

  “Come on, baby. You know you want to.”

  He always did this, drove her wild with need and kept her held in his grip so she had no choice but to do as he asked.

  “Please, Reese, let me come.”

  He thrust the dildo inside her, and she cried out at the same time as he began to stroke her with his fingers. The pleasure was instant and threw her over the edge within seconds. She tightened around the dildo, holding it within her.

  Reese fucked her ass, gripping her legs as he drove his dick inside her, harder than before. Within a few seconds he tensed up, his groan echoing around the room as he filled the condom he’d worn.

  Neither of them moved for several minutes, both of them panting to get their breath back.


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