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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: At His Request (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Alpha Male Romance)

Page 36

by Carly White

Thomas didn’t need to hear anymore. He moved towards her and grabbed her chin, pulling her in for a kiss. At first he felt resistance, but he knew that once he got his mouth on her, she would see things differently. Thomas was getting every bit of confidence back as she kissed him back, moaning in his mouth. Remembering where she was and who she was with, her hands went to his chest to push back. He finally moved away, but the desire was clear in her eyes. He had her now.

  “I didn’t mean right here Thomas.”

  “Well that’s go to my place, or your place. The bathroom, it really doesn’t matter.”

  “The bathroom. That sounds so romantic. I am not that drunk.”

  “So where?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t even know you Thomas. Just because I am interested, doesn’t mean I am going to jump into bed with you after one kiss. Even if it was kind of nice.”

  His ego was no match for her sharp tongue and he ordered a couple more shots. This was not going the way he wanted it to. “You have a way of lingering in someone’s mind. I have not been able to stop thinking about you.”

  “Really? What kind of thoughts have you had about me?”

  Thomas leaned in close to her ear. After a moment, he stuck his tongue out and licked her earlobe. “About how well you could handle my ten inches all night.”

  The proper side of Tilly gasped, but the darker, deeper side of her was more or less begging for it. She felt wetness in between her puffy lips. Tilly squeezed her thighs together, sure that he was going to drive her crazy. There was a clear reddening to her cheeks and she looked down, wishing there was a shot in front of her. There was no comeback to that and she didn’t like the smug look on his face. Her ears still felt the tingling of his breath and the words that came from his lips.

  “I find it hard to believe that you have no comment on that. You had a comment about my suit and books, but not that?”

  Her eyes flicked down and she thanked the bartender, but Thomas would not let her pay. His dark brown eyes held hers for a moment, before she closed them to take the shot. It tasted more and more like water, her taste buds long since gone. It was not like her to drink, but the stress of the professor, bad grades and that man, were driving her to it. Her freshman year of college she had almost flunked her first semester because of her partying. Now she had more responsibilities, but Tilly missed the feeling of not caring sometimes.

  “You have gone quiet, but I want to hear you.”

  “Most men don’t, they want to feel me.”

  “I would love to do that.”

  She giggled. “I bet.” Tilly felt like she did in high school and the giggle made her realize that she had to reign it in. “Seriously, why do you keep coming into the store? Marla says you have been there almost every day this week.”

  “I wanted to see you.” His answer was so simple, his eyes so mysterious. There was more to it, there had to be.

  “So is that how you usually land your dates, stalk them and use their friends against them to secure it?”

  “No usually, I would have already made you come by now. You are the one wanting to wait, so we will wait.”

  It was Tilly who moved forward, capturing his lips with her own. He groaned and pulled her to him with a strong grip in her hair. The touch made her insides throb and she was practically on his lap by the time she finally pulled away. Her eyes focused on his soft lips for a moment, still wet from their kiss. He made her hot with just a kiss and a few words. Her body started to remind her how long it had been since she had been touched in that way. Why couldn’t sex just be physical?

  Leaning back to her own space, on her own stool, she tried to ignore the wetness between her legs. She crossed them and looked around. There were a few glances her way and she didn’t want to embarrass herself further. She never hung on a man in the bar and there she was doing it. Tilly was sure she was going to get flack the next day. She still didn’t understand what he did to her to make her act that way.

  “Do you want another drink?”

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Would it work?”

  “No.” She giggled. “But a little tipsy never hurt anyone. You are driving me crazy anyways. You just pop up and kiss me like that.”

  “Mmmhmm, well that time you started it.”

  “You want to walk? I am burning up in here.”

  He nodded and took one last shot that was already paid for and seemed a shame to waste. They headed out into the night and she had pulled off her cardigan that had covered her bare shoulders. The alcohol made her warm, as well as the smoldering looks from Thomas. The cool breeze was like a breath of fresh air and she started to feel more in tuned with her faculties. Her walk got straighter and her mind started to come back from the fuzzy grey area she had found it in.

  It was soon colder and she tugged her cover back on. “Do you want me to drive us somewhere?”

  “You have had too much to drink, we both have.”

  “That’s okay.”

  Thomas stopped on the street and took out his phone. He punched in a number and said a few words quickly. Hanging up, it was within minutes that a black sedan pulled up and he opened the door for her. “After you.”

  Chapter 4

  “How did you do that?”

  “Oh, I always have a driver close by. Chicago after dark is nowhere to be walking around.”

  “Small business man huh?”

  She felt the leather of the seats and scooched over for him to get his large frame inside. He overwhelmed her and the vehicle with his size. The car started to drive away and all she could think about was his thigh touching hers and the heat the exuded from him. “So where are we going?”

  “My house.”

  “Wait, I am not having sex with you. I thought I made that clear.”

  “You did, though there is always the chance you will change your mind. I was going to show you something that I was trying to look up.”

  “Are you sure it is not your ten inches?”

  His eyes darkened and she thought he was going to do just that for a moment, but then he turned away. Her eyes went to the front of his pants and she could see a definite bulge in the front. Tilly squeezed her thighs together again.

  “I meant a small statue. I was trying to figure out what the symbols meant.”

  “Did you find what you were looking for?”

  “I think I did, yes.”

  She was not under any allusions as to what he meant by that or how much he affected her. The back of the car was getting smaller by the second as he looked down at her with a very untamed look. “I really think I should get back to the shop, it is going to be closing soon.”

  “I am sure Marla will help you with it.”

  He thought of everything and his eyes trained on her lips. She bit them out of the desire to say something, but she knew it was not wise to. “How far is it to your place?”

  “I have one in town here not far away. Are you really in that big of a rush to get away from me?”

  She shrugged. “You make me nervous.”

  “That sounds like a good thing to me.”

  “It’s just been a while I guess.” His eyes flared and she corrected herself. “You know, since I have felt this nervous.”

  “Either way I like the sentiment.”

  “So what were you going to show me again?”

  “Little statues and a few other things I have found over the years. You seemed into it and I haven’t met many people that are, especially not as pretty as you.”

  Tilly was trying desperately to get her breathing back to normal. Trying to forget about the one thing she wanted to do more than anything else. What was keeping her from doing it, she wondered? She couldn’t think of an answer, but thankfully the car finally stopped. Before she could turn for the door, the car started moving again and he chuckled when it was clear what she was trying to do.

  “You are that anxious to get away from me.”

  She nodded, though i
t didn’t seem to bother him naught. He knew exactly why she wanted distance and that made him think that he was doing something right.

  “What are you so afraid of, that I will touch you and you will not want to stop me?”

  Another nod. At least she was honest, he thought. If only she would give him a moment more, she would no longer fight him on it. Thomas didn’t remember ever wanting someone so much in his life. He convinced himself that he had built her up in his head that day they had met, but it was clear that he hadn’t. He felt even stronger about it and he could see her breathing quickly. She wanted him to kiss her, she begged for it in her own way and he was helpless not to oblige.

  Bending down towards her, he lifted her chin up with his hand. He waited for her eyes to finally rise to meet him and it was only then that his mouth moved down to kiss her on her lips. It was so soft that it took Tilly off guard. She wanted more and she was the one that became aggressive. This time when she ended up against him and on his lap, she could feel a hardness against her that made her gasp slightly. There was more coloring in her cheeks, but his hands cupped and grabbed, twisting and flicking in all the right places.

  How she became straddled to him, she didn’t know. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as her hips ground on his long length. The movement of his upward thrust ran his bulge against her covered core, making it weep further. She pulled back, her moan low as he rubbed harder, his hands dragging her down onto him with a strong grip on her hips.

  Tilly was quickly becoming malleable in his hands and she was becoming far more responsive. His ego stroked slightly as she whimpered above him. Thomas kissed her neck and then down her exposed shoulder. Tilly wanted more and when his hand snaked underneath her skirt and then her panties, she was lost in the touch of him.

  Thomas felt her wetness and his hand started to rub through her underwear. He couldn’t stop until he watched her face started to tighten, as well as her grip and the grinding on his hands increased. He wished he had been inside of her to feel that, but a small amount leaked out onto his hand to sweeten the deal. She was still grinding against his painful cock and his hips still rose to meet her each time her body came down on top of her.

  He was losing his control, his fingers pushing underneath the fabric and then yanked hard to one side to rip it free and give him more access. Once he could feel less in between their two desires, his hands pulled her dress down and started to suckle on her nipples greedily. Tilly was lost in the moment and gripped his head against her, not letting her mouth move an inch. “Yes, oh please.!”

  Her words were cut off by another wave of pleasure from his masterful hands. She was riding his fingers and hard bulge in his pants, her tits bouncing in his face as she freed them from his mouth. It was what she had worried about, the loss of control with such a dominate man could be devastating to her resolve. In that moment, it was absolutely gone.

  The car stopped short suddenly and it pulled her off of him and almost into the floorboard. Thomas cursed and helped her up. They were there, but it was not how the car should be driven and he told himself he would fire the new driver later. He may have just ruined his night by breaking the spell.

  He tried to pull her back onto his lap, but she resisted and looked out the window. “Where are we?”

  “My house in the city.”

  Her eyes took in the large walls and columns that ran along the front f it. “This is your house?”

  He nodded. “Do you like it?”

  “Wait, what is your last name again?”

  Thomas had not thought about what he had told her before. He had forgotten how much she detested people like him in the moments that she was so close. Why had he brought her here?


  “A small business owner huh? When did your chemical company become a small business? It is worth billions and you said you rented a suit. I knew you were full of shit, but wow.”

  A switch had been tugged to one side that no one had seen and she looked like she wanted to get away from him for a whole other reason. “I don’t see what the big deal is. So what if I have a bit of money.”

  “A bit of money? That is only something that someone like you would say. A bit of money.”

  “Why are you so mad all of a sudden? I don’t get it.”

  “Just let me go so I can get out.”

  Her eyes had no problem meeting his, the gaze cool and disgusted. “Now.”

  He released his hold on her arm and she opened the door in front of his compound. That is what the papers called it when he started to build it, pushing people in 2 blocks of town out so he could build it in the first place. The building plans had been argued for almost a year before money was exchanged behind closed doors. Tilly felt almost sick to her stomach as more realizations came to pass. Ignoring him, she started to walk out of the gated compound. It looked like a prison as high as the walls were. She just needed to get out of there.

  Her hands shook a little as she got out her phone. She tried to call Bree but she was not picking up and instead finally she called Marla and asked her for a ride. He lived on the other side of town, in the off shoots of the city with less crime to worry about. It was just too far to walk and she was thankful that the older woman still believed in having a car and just commuting in. She called back when she was close and Marla picked her up in her old station wagon. They made jokes that it was almost as old as she was and to be honest, Tilly wasn’t that far off.

  “Hey. So what are you doing over here Tilly?”

  Tilly sighed and looked out the window of what the other half lived like. “Do you realize who he was?”

  “No, who?”

  Thomas Longhairn of Longhairn Industries.”

  Marla blanched. “Surely not.”

  Tilly shook her head sadly. It was sad that the first person she had felt anything for in a long time was a Longhairn. The two women didn’t say much on the way home and as Marla pulled up at her house, she had about the same look. “Do you want me to stay with you for a while?”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks for the ride. I will see you in the morning.”

  Chapter 5

  Thomas watched her leave and really thought she had lost her mind or something. It was worse than the look in the bookstore. It was like she immediately hated him when she found out who she was. What had he done that was so bad and directed to her?

  He was amazed, perturbed, something more. Sitting in the back seat, he called up his friend and had him delve deeper into the woman and her small bookstore on the corner of 12th. Finally getting out, he looked up at the lonesome house. Everything seemed to pale when she was gone and Thomas was determined to find out what had taken her away again. He was so frustrated with it all, that he considered calling a female friend in to take care of his needs, but he knew it would not be what he wanted. What he wanted was the enchanting creature that seemed to have no idea how much she affected him. The only problem was that she didn’t seem to want him, at all.

  The next day he got a report and he looked through the woman’s life. More than most people would know about their significant other after years of marriage. There was something missing though. All of it told him more about her, but there was nothing that gave him what he needed. He needed to know why she had immediately hated him so. What in the world had he done to a college student from Indiana? None of it made sense and he asked for more.

  “There has to be something Chuck, find it.”

  The man would never say a word, but he heard the hesitation in his voice. He was becoming obsessed with her. In a way that it was affecting everything, his work, personal life, physically and most definitely in his dreams. To assure himself that he had totally not lost it, Thomas had invited one of his friends around. He was getting into it, when she spoke and it ruined it for him. He hadn’t even realized that his eyes were closed and he was envisioning Tilly. Thomas didn’t know what to do in the situation he was in, because he had never been in
it before.

  After nothing came up that made any sense, he tried to go back down there but his ally, turned into his enemy. “I am sorry Sir, but she will not be in to see you.”

  “Can I get her number or will you let me know when she will be in again?”

  Marla crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t think you understand. She will never be in to see you Longhairn. Have a good day now.”

  She walked into the back, refusing to talk to him. He gritted his teeth and finally left in a huff. It was clear that Tilly didn’t want to see him again, but Thomas had never been one to take no for an answer. He had half a mind to go back in there, search her out and make her listen. Thomas had a feeling that was not the way to go with her, but she was leaving him far less of a choice.

  Frustrated he left and went back to work. He was supposed to have meetings the rest of the day, but he canceled them all. Tilly was becoming the one woman that he thought about and the one person he couldn’t have. It was a vicious cycle that was driving him crazy. The only thing he could do was leave and decide what to do next. Thomas did not give up that easily.


  The man tried to forget her and all that had happened between them. He tried to forget the way she had tasted on his lips and the wetness that he could still feel on his fingers. She was haunting him and after another failed attempt to move on, his manhood is what brought him to her house at ten o’ clock at night. He knew she was home and he sat in the car, trying to get up the nerve to speak to her.

  When he finally got out, his stomach was in knots. He didn’t quite understand what she was doing to him, but it was enough to drive him completely mad. So, the need spurred him towards the paint-chipped door. His hand knocked firmly, not wanting to give himself an excuse to turn and walk away when she didn’t hear it. Thomas heard movement behind the door and then a tall, black-haired girl answers.

  “Is uh, Tilly here?”

  “Yeah hold on.”

  She shut the door partially and hollered up the stairs, “Tilly, some guy is here to see you?”

  “What guy?”


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