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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: At His Request (Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Alpha Male Romance)

Page 47

by Carly White

  “Then it must be that I mean nothing to him.”

  “You had better hope that isn’t true or it is going to be hard to justified keeping you alive.”

  I swallowed hard, not thinking of that before I popped off at the mouth. I really hoped he was wrong and I meant more to him than that. I didn’t know what I would do if he didn’t come or I didn’t mean anything to him. It was much too much risk for someone that I hardly knew. I was trying not to question it all, but it was impossible not to wonder. I had wondered when it was just to go out to dinner, now there was more at stake, my life and I wasn’t so sure. I would just have to wait and see, but at the same time, what would happen to him if he came?

  “I see you have nothing else to say Eva. That is the smartest decision you have made all day. Getting involved with the Black Riders was not something you should have done.”

  “I didn’t, I was just wrong place at the wrong time. Please let me go. I hardly even know Caspien. I have only met him once, we went to lunch, that’s it.”

  “What about the kiss? We saw him kissing you in the parking lot of the gym. It didn’t look like a kiss of someone who had just met.”

  I sighed to myself. The kiss had felt like more than a first meeting kiss, it had been something more. But was it really worth all of the fuss? I wasn’t so sure.

  “It was just a kiss. That’s it.”

  “You really don’t know him, do you?”

  I shook my head that I didn’t. “I told you, we just met.”

  “Well you have to mean something to him or he wouldn’t have kissed you. Caspien is not the type to go out on a date and he wouldn’t have agreed to come here if you meant nothing. I think you are underestimating his attraction to you.”

  “And I think you are overestimating it.”

  “For your sake, let’s hope not.”


  I was made to sit on a chair with my hands tied behind my back. The man named Boris didn’t want me getting any ideas of escape. I couldn’t get passed the fear to even think of escape, so instead my wrist burned from the bindings and I felt like it was all over. I had tried to be positive, but it had been a long time since Boris had me call Caspien and it didn’t look like he was coming. Reality set in and I started to realize that he was never going to come.

  When I heard a commotion in the front, I knew that I had been wrong. I actually felt guilty that I had given up hope of him actually coming. I should have known that he would come. He had given his word that I would be safe and I believed him.

  “Caspien, it’s good to see you.”

  Boris walked towards the man I had come to care about and our eyes met. He was ignoring Boris and moving towards me. “You shouldn’t have taken her.”

  He looked at me then his hands letting me go while the several armed men around me just let him. I didn’t know what was going on, but he was there and that was all that mattered. When he helped me up, my arms went to his neck for support and even after my feet hit the ground and I was free, I didn’t want to let go of him. I needed some of his strong strength that exuded from him with every breath.

  “She is to be let go. Eva is not a part of this.”

  “She doesn’t go anywhere Caspien until we work something out.”

  “There is nothing to work out Boris. You killed my man. You went over the line and we got the message loud and clear.”

  Boris shook his head and I could tell the older man was upset about something. I didn’t know what all had happened, but it was looking like I was in the wrong place at the wrong time once again, though this time, the last thing I wanted to do was hear about what was going on with them. I didn’t want to get involved at all. I just wanted to go.

  I let go of Caspien and started to back up slowly from the two fighting men. Caspien looked like he was ready to pounce, while Boris looked tired.

  “You have taken most of my men. Let us go in peace. Leave us something to start off somewhere else. I have given up the idea of revenge and would just like to go on another day.”

  Caspien looked like he was considering it, but I wondered if he would. There was a coolness that I had seen the day he was in the gym beating their men. There was a recklessness that he possessed and I knew then that whatever his mouth said, his eyes told a different story. I knew then that none of them were going to get out of it alive.

  “You expect me to just let it go? Let you go to come back again with more people to seek your revenge?”

  “Caspien, you know that I have no one left. What is here, is who survived. There is no one. We will never come back here. This I give you on my honor.”

  “And what of taking Eva?”

  “It was to only get your attention or we would already be dead.”

  I watched Caspien roll it around in his head. He looked like he was deciding, but I just knew that the decision had already been made. The men were not going anywhere and I just waited with the rest of them, for the other shoe to drop.

  Cass smiled for a moment, but it was a cold smile. “You let me and her walk out of here unharmed and I will give you 24 hours to get out of my city.”

  “Thank you Caspien. You know that I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. It was an overzealous youth. You know how they are, trying to make a name for himself.”

  “Well he did. You should be more careful who you have working for you, Boris. A lot of people died tonight that didn’t have to. Carlos was family and I can’t let it go.”

  Boris seemed relieved, hell I was relieved. The whole room let out a sigh of relief. I could see the man was just happy that he wasn’t going to die that day and I couldn’t blame him, I felt the same way. When I felt Caspien’s hands go around my arm, I was ignoring how hard he was grabbing me. The one person that should have been relieved was not and I didn’t know what he was still upset about. As far as I was concerned, it had gone well and that feeling was multiplied when I walked out of there with him.

  Caspien got on the phone and said a few words that I couldn’t quite hear. “Yes they are all here.”

  “Yes do it.”

  He stopped and looked back for a minute. There was a decision to be made, I could feel it. Then he said words that made my blood run cold.

  “Kill em all. They shouldn’t have touched my future wife. No one gets to live.”

  Chapter 7


  I couldn’t believe what he said, but I heard the pops as we were leaving. It was clear that he had meant what he had said and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I got on the back of his bike, there was nothing else to do and he took me back to the bar we had been at before. I didn’t know if I needed to lie down or if I needed a drink.

  “What are we doing here Caspien? I don’t think I really feel like going out right now.”

  “I thought you were okay.”

  “I am, but those people. Don’t you feel anything?”

  “Of course, but I lost one of my own today. Everyone lost today.”

  “But you didn’t have to kill them Cass.”

  I was still on the bike, not sure if I wanted to go there with him or run. He was back to the mad man that I had seen the first time. His eyes were cold and even as he looked at me, they only slightly lightened up. “No, I didn’t. But I need to keep you, my family, everyone safe and with those guys running around the city shooting my people, no one was safe until they were all gone.”

  “What do you mean by all?”

  I put my hand up to stop him from telling me. If I knew nothing else, I knew that I really didn’t want to know. “Never mind.”

  “I did it for you. They shouldn’t have touched you.”

  I nodded, but still didn’t know what to say. I guess I should have been happy that he saved me and I was. Caspien had no doubt saved my life and for that I would always be grateful, but there was more to it than that. I had never been around such violence and it scared me. Caspien was danger embodied and though I felt safe, he still made me a little fearful.
Why had he done so much to keep me safe?

  “Boris told me that you must not have got in my pants yet or you would have disappeared.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “Yeah, that is the way it has always been.”

  “So why is it different now?”

  “I told you why. Because you are my soulmate and it has taken me this long to find you. I don’t want to lose you now that I have found you.”

  He moved towards me as I got off the bike. It was easier to change back to the walking after that ride, but I was still trying to figure it all out in my mind. What had happened, what had been done in my name, all of it was too much and I decided that I did need a drink after all.

  “Why don’t we go in and if you need to lay down, I have a bedroom above the bar.”

  Of course he did, I thought to myself. He would be the kind of man that had a bar and rooms over it. After a few drinks, I was thankful for that room and the nice big bed that was up there. He didn’t stay with me long and I wasn’t sure if it was because he had things to do or he was trying to give me space, either way, I had learned not to ask such questions because I doubted I would like the answer that I was given.

  It didn’t take long for me to go to sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened and the sound of the gunshot that had ended the life of someone I had talked to only moments before. Even after several drinks, it was hard to make it make sense in my head. When I finally fell asleep, I was alone in the dark room, listening to the people down below and I wished that Caspien was there. I didn’t wish that it had never happened or that I would be anywhere but there, I just wished that I could see Cass and feel his arms around me. I needed to be comforted and told that everything was going to be okay and he was the only one that I believed when he said it.

  Several hours later he slid into bed and though my mind was unaware, my body was not. As soon as his body was next to me, I turned towards him and laid my head on his chest. Caspien pulled me in against him and I was quickly back asleep.

  When I woke up later, Caspien was still asleep next to me and there was just enough light to show his face. I leaned back to look at him and he looked different then. It was so much different when he was looking at me with love and lust, vastly different than when he was ordering the deaths of other men. I didn’t want to think about it, but it kept coming back to my mind. Caspien had told me once that he wasn’t a boy, but a man. That I couldn’t deny. He certainly wasn’t a boy. He was a man, a dangerous man, even if he did have justification.

  My fingers itched to touch his slick head and I finally did ever so gently. It was strange under my fingers. His skin was so smooth it almost felt like it was wet. When he moved, I pulled my hand away like I was burnt and looked down at him.

  His eyes were still closed and as I moved away, I felt his arm snake around my waist. “Where are you going?”


  “Good answer.”

  He pulled me to him and I braced myself on his chest. Looking up at him, his lips moved down to mine. I was lost in the touch, forgetting for the moment what the day before had brought. It seemed strange that so much had happened in such a short amount of time, but as he pressed me against him, it felt like I had known him forever and his lips knew me as well. There was no denying the same need I had felt the last time he had touched me.

  When he pulled away, my eyes were still closed and I waited for more. As he pulled me to straddle his form, I gasped slightly as I felt his need underneath me twitch as I settled on top of him. It was much different than riding with him had affected me. In this way, my hot core was pressed in against and his hips rose to make the pressure even harder to handle. I was ready, needy and his touch drove me crazy. My eyes held his as I moved my hips around slowly, my hands gripping his shoulders. He tried to pull me down to his lips, but I resisted. “We shouldn’t do this Caspien. We hardly know each other.”

  He yanked me down hard and I fell against his chest. It wasn’t what he wanted to hear and as his lips moved to my neck, I knew that his idea was to make me forget the word no. It was happening, very quickly, I was ready to forget everything if he would just continue to touch me as he was. The hips below me rising and grinding against me were rhythmic and soon I was pressing back down. I was so close, the constant rubbing on my swollen clit all I needed to start tensing up in preparation. My breath hitched in my throat and Caspien most have known.

  As soon as I thought I would lose it, he stopped and left me whining. “Please don’t stop.”

  Caspien did stop though, my core throbbing with unsatisfied need that was so close to the surface. I needed him to just touch me once or twice more. “Please Caspien.”

  He pulled me off of him and rolled over onto me. I looked up into his blue stormy eyes and sighed as I felt his thickness pressed against me. He was still too dressed, I was still dressed and I whimpered when there was still clothing in our way. My hands moved down to his pants, trying to unbutton them while his hips moved slowly against me. After a moment, I forgot that I was trying to do something and became far more worried about the next descent of his hips and length against me. The man was driving me crazy, he had to know that.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He kind of chuckled, obviously liking the answer and I was left panting underneath him as he sat back and started to pull my pants off. His hands were quick, jerking the garment off and then pressing me back down to the bed. Caspien’s hands went between our bodies and then I felt something hot and hard against me. Only my panties stood in the way of him, but he pressed in anyways like they weren’t there. When they didn’t succumb to his demanding pressure, he pulled back and then pushed my undies to the side.

  When Caspien came back down over me, it was pointing and pressing before his lips met mine to cover the cry as he slammed the rest of the way in. My fingers gripped his shoulders and I closed my eyes to the pleasure. His tongue moved in my mouth as his manhood moved inside of my quim, agonizingly slow. It was the delicate touch I had heard so much about, but now I wanted that hard finish I remembered him telling me that I needed. He was right, I wanted him to take me hard and fast the way I needed it.

  I tried to hint it with my hips, taking my body out of rhythm to make him go faster. When that didn’t work I asked for it and before I could breathe out, he was giving me exactly what I begged for. Everything exploded and I cried out loudly, his name on my lips as he pounded into me over and over again. My hands pushed back, but that just made him sit back and dragged me to him. He was able to move more freely, filling me full while his hand played at my engorged nub. Pressing hard, I came again. The fluid only made him go faster until I felt him explode inside of me.


  He was beside me when I opened my eyes and his were closed. Looking down his bare body, I finally saw all of the tattoos covering him. Each one had a reason, but a few stuck out to me. There was one over his chest where I laid my head that said ‘widow maker’. I didn’t ask what it meant, I just didn’t care. Whoever he was when he was out there didn’t matter. The way he touched me and talked to me, kept me safe, that was all that I was worried about.

  “Is that all I get is a wow?”

  “What do you want?”

  “How about that you weren’t meant from me.”

  I liked the sound of it and as I leaned in to kiss him, he pulled me on top of him. “I am starting to think that it is the other way around.”

  He liked that answer and he moved me only slightly to slip back inside. Every inch was full and he felt perfect down deep, like he was meant to be there the whole time. Maybe it was that simple. It was just fate.


  A Motorcycle Club Romance

  By: Tia Parker

  Chapter 1



  I turned around and looked at Fungi. He didn’t have a real name or not one that I had ever heard of, but he
was useful. The man could stay in one position, waiting and listening for hours. He was not birthed, but spawned from spores and that day, he looked every bit of his name. His dark brown hair was straggly and his face was spongy, eyes dead to the world.

  “What is it?”

  “Ronnie just got picked up off of Lancaster.”

  I looked back down at the bags in my hands. Ronnie was a new runner, just out of high school with no hope of a job. I thought that he would do good with deliveries. He hadn’t even been with me a week and it was the second time he was giving me trouble.

  The first time he was robbed and lost an ounce of snow. Now he was picked up and would cost me at least a couple thousand to bail out. I wouldn’t leave him in there, though he probably deserved it for being over on that side of town as it is. He really should have known better.

  “With what?”

  “Ten bags. He just called me and told me that were about to arraign him. Do you want me to go down there and get him out?”

  I set down the scales and sat back. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with him. I should make him sit in there, test his loyalty, but I was on my way to that side of town anyways. “No, don’t worry about it. Let him sit for a while and I will go get him in a bit.”

  Fungi waited, wanting something for his information and since it was worth it to always have an extra set of eyes on the street, I threw him a small dime bag. He smiled at me, showing off several teeth that were starting to rot. While he may look like he was falling apart, he was one of the better men that worked for me. In this line of work, it wasn’t what a person looked like or said, but loyalty and Fungi had never been short on that part of it.

  I went back to weighing out the last few bags for Darren. He was supposed to already be here to pick up his product, but like always, he was late. It seemed as though the world was trying my patience and they were running out the longer I waited. When he finally did arrive, I threw him the duffel bag after he gave me the cut from the last batch. It felt short and when I asked about it, he started to looked down and stutter. He never could look me in my eyes when he was lying.


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