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Little Pumpkin

Page 9

by Jamie Knight

  Reece turned me over so I was in doggy position and stroked his cock against the outside of my pussy before pushing it all the way in. I moaned loudly as Reece filled my recently deflowered pussy with his massive cock.

  Taking me firmly by the hips, he started to move, making me moan with each thrust. Slowly, he picked up speed and it was all I could do not to scream as he slammed inside me, hitting me in all the right places, my pussy lips holding on to his cock as he fucked me.

  He lovingly covered my mouth with his hand, allowing me to scream with abandonment. I really had no idea I would be so loud. I had heard of women who made almost no noise when they were fucked, no matter how good it felt. Others could alert the police with their banshee-like wails of pleasure. Turns out I was a screamer. Something Reece seemed to understand and accept.

  He filled my pussy with his thick, hot cum, giving me a few more shallow thrusts for good measure, kissing the back of my neck. Pulling out of me, Reece lay down on his back. Without a moment's hesitation, I jumped up on top of him, taking him by the cock. Holding it steady by the base, I lowered myself down onto the shaft, getting almost all the way down before it started to hurt.

  I eased off a bit and tried a few practice bounces to get a feeling for the balance. Then, putting my hands on his chest for support, I started to ride him, pumping his huge cock in and out of my wet, tender pussy. Soft and slow at first and then faster until I was pounding myself with his beautiful cock, jack-hammering away on top of him.

  We came at the same time. Reece grabbed me by my hips as I leaned back to keep me from falling over, while he filled my pussy with his cum. It felt so good inside. I collapsed on him, panting from the effort. He held me and kissed me as I recovered, his cock still deep inside me.

  When I was ready, I straightened up again and tried to move his cock from my pussy to my asshole, but it wouldn't go in.

  "You're not prepared," he said.

  "Will you prepare me?"


  I leaned back down, putting my head against his chest and opening my ass up for him. He reached over and pulled out a drawer in the nightstand and took out a bottle of lube. I wondered how it was always there— on Halloween and then now. I guessed he had come prepared both days, and it had paid off.

  He put some lube on his finger and gently massaged my asshole. It was a bit cold at first, but I soon got used to it, actually humming with pleasure, as I stroked his cock to try and keep him hard. I had nearly forgotten how good ass play could feel. I almost regretted leaving it so long but was determined to try and make up for lost time now that we were doing this again.

  When my ass was ready, I moved back onto his cock, easing myself down onto it, working his cock into my ass inch by inch.

  "That's it, baby," he said, "just as far as you are comfortable."

  I got as much of his cock into my asshole as I could without pain. Then, after a deep breath of courage, I started to move, covering my own mouth to muffle the screams of pleasure or pain, which ever came first. I was rather relieved that it was pleasure, only pleasure, as I worked Reece's cock in and out of my tight little asshole, the lube working wonders to ease the way.

  I was so tight, and he was so big that it wasn't long until we both came, me screaming mutely into my hand and Reece flooding my ass with cum.

  Easing myself off his cock, I lay down next to him. Reece reached over and lovingly massaged my stretched-out asshole as he kissed me. I fought the urge to kiss him back although a big part of me wanted to.

  It was supposed to be just sex.

  A fling.

  Something we did for fun.

  No guilt, no emotion.

  But that wasn't what I saw as Reece looked at me. If I didn't know any better, I would have sworn it was love. Or at least the beginnings of it.

  I got up off the bed, which turned out to be a mistake. I winced and grabbed onto the edge to keep from going down.

  "Careful," Reece said, taking me from behind.

  I let him sit me down on the edge of the bed. My asshole was still tender, but I could stand it. With Reece's help I got my clothes back on.

  "Can you drive?" he asked.

  "I'm gonna try; I can't afford a cab," I said.

  "I'll drive you," he said.

  I was going to object but decided it would be better than taking a taxi or trying to drive home in the condition I was in. I wasn't in pain, but it wasn't super comfortable to sit down, especially in the alert way I would have to in order to drive at night.

  "Okay," I said quietly.

  Reece helped me down the stairs. I only hoped Maya didn't come out. I wasn't really ashamed of what Reece and I had done. I just didn't want Maya to see me in that state and assume the worst. Not least because of what it might do her relationship with him.

  The drive back to my place was pretty quiet. I didn't really feel like talking and Reece didn't push me to. I appreciated that. Most people couldn't stand silence and tried to fill it, even when it wasn't necessary or even appropriate to do so.

  I looked at Reece, his serious face illuminated by the lights on the console as he drove us through the dark. I really didn't know what to make of him. He had first struck me as a pretty boy jock, the kind of guy I had never before been interested in. But now he seemed more tender and real.

  Reece reached over and turned on the radio, bringing on the hiss of static. It could be hard to get a clear signal in the tunnel. We came out the other end and the static cleared, giving way to "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne.

  I smiled to myself and started to sing along softly in the back seat, my face pressed against the soft faux leather, as Reece held my hand and smiled.

  Chapter Twelve


  I never really appreciated Avril Lavine until that moment. I think she might have gotten song writers later but the first album, as far as I remembered, was all her. If so she had a lot of depth and insight for a then-eighteen-year-old. It reminded me a bit of the British singer-songwriter Laura Marling who wrote possibly the saddest song I'd ever heard, “New Romatic”, when she was eighteen. For some reason, the song that soundtrack my relationship with Gia for me was "It's A Sin." The more literal, heavy metal version done by Ghost. Probably because I felt somewhat guilty. Partly because of her age, the last thing I wanted to do was take advantage of her but also the nagging feeling that there was some kind of dishonesty between us. Something that if she found out, or I did, it would be the end of everything. I couldn't really imagine what skeletons she had in the closet but knew that I had a few. I wondered what it is that I did, or didn't do, that made me feel mildly evil when we fucked. Not like I was exploiting her. Nothing that bad. Just like I was getting away with something. Like there was something I knew that she didn't

  The feeling was still the next day, after I had dropped her and her car off safely at her house in the 'burbs and returned to the big scary city and my empty, lonely house. I was glad we had gotten to have sex again and I wanted to do it more. A lot more. She was honestly the best fuck I'd ever had that that was saying something. I also felt a connection because I had been her first. I knew that wasn't supposed to matter now but it did to me and I think it did to her too. It also wasn't just physical. I wasn't just after a good lay. There was something about Gia herself. Something that made me feel good just to be around her. Maybe it was at least partly because she would call me on my bullshit and keep me from getting too full of myself. I may have been rich but I didn't want to be an asshole like so many were. Swaggering show boats in their five-thousand dollar suits with their hand-tooled Italian leather briefcases. I owned a similar suit myself but it was more a matter of custom and my files tended to be carried in a canvas backpack. I just found that it distributed the weight better. There were some fashion fascist who insisted that adults shouldn't carry backpacks. That it was in fact wrong to do so. They could shove it up their Funk & Wagnall's as fare as I was concerned. If it was wrong to avoid a potentially serious back i
njury then I didn't want to be right. Besides which I actually did believe, philosophically, in the right to be wrong. To go against what the self-appointed arbiters of society randomly deemed to be appropriate as according to their whim at the time.

  I wanted Gia and I knew it. Not only as a fuck buddy but as an actual, steady girlfriend. I wanted her in my life and to take things to the next level. I got out my phone and started tapping.

  A had a great time last night. Want to see you again. Real date.

  Papa Gino's Pizza. Friday @ 8:00.

  Not playing.

  I started at the phone for several minutes. I had actually just basically ordered Gia to go out with me. It really only dawned on me how commanding I had been. I could only hope that she didn't mind the direct approach.

  The siren sounded as the light on the back of the net lit up. The Ranger's taking sweet victory against Montreal. Apparently they had just been off before because now they were leading the visitors 4-2. The crowd burst with activity, the chants of Let's Go Rangers echoing off the high ceilings of Madison Square Garden, like the cries of hallelujah during the temperance rallies held there in the days of prohibition. Mike, Aaron and Derek were among the loudest. Simon and I looked on in quiet amusement.We like the Rangers as much as the next guy, in New York at least, but didn't carry the fervor of some. I had gotten season tickets for the five of us. Had done since I had gotten rich. I had known the guys since high school and liked to treat them. They seemed to appreciate it. As soon as they sat down my phone dinged as if on cue. There was a new message. I tapped on the icon expecting it to be work related or something from Maya. She usually texted me a few times a week. She was really more like my little sister than my first cousin.


  It was from Gia. She had just agreed to meet me for a date. An actual date. I felt happy as a school boy. I wondered what had gotten into me exactly. No woman had ever had this kind of affect on me. I wanted to see her. I wanted to be with her. Not just for fucking but just to be there. It was all rather new and pretty exciting.

  "What are yo grinning about?" Simon asked.

  "The goal of course," I said, stashing my phone.

  "I don't think so, I've seen you're goal smile, that was something beyond mere victory."

  "I-I got a text."

  "And it made you smile like that?" Simon asked.

  "It was from a girl."

  "She fuckable?" Derek asked. Mike smacked him upside the head on my behalf.

  "Thank you, Michael," I said.

  "You're welcome, Reece," Mike said, still staring daggers at Derek.

  "What? I was just askin' if the bitch was hot!" Derek protested. I hit him myself that time. No one talk about Gia like that and got away with it.

  "Wow you must really like her," Simon said.

  "Hey?" I asked.

  "Derek's eyes almost came out of his head," Aaron pointed out.

  "That was a blow to defend thine lady's honor," Simon said.

  "Shit, sorry man," I said to Derek who was still rubbing the back of his head, groaning.

  "Is she pretty?" Mike asked, putting the question more delicately.

  "Oh yeah," I said.

  "Got it bad, huh?" Mike asked.


  "Holy shit, you slept with her. Literally," Mike said.

  "Well, yes -"

  "So, when's the wedding?" Aaron asked.

  "Come on, I-"

  "Do you have any baby names picked out?" Mike asked.

  "Yeah, Anathema Jezebel Lilith Scott for a girl and Anton Damien Lucifer Scott for a boy."

  "Now you're just taking the piss," Mike said.

  "You started it," I pointed out.

  "Fair enough."

  "So, what's her name?" Simon asked.

  "For real?"

  "For real," Simon confirmed.


  "How sad," Simon said.

  "Worse than Reece?"

  "A bit, yeah."

  Chapter Thirteen


  I was literally shaking. I paced the hardwood floor of my childhood bedroom, the boy band posters still on the wall, the stuffed unicorns still on the bed, and I vibrated with excitement, anticipation and fear. I was going to see Reece officially. Like we had planned it. Mostly because he actually had. Planned it that is. I really didn't know what was going to happen or even what I wanted to happen, a million different thoughts and emotions crashing like a sea storm in my head. My heart and my pussy once again locked in violent disagreement. I got out my phone.


  "Hey," I sighed, relived to hear Sally's voice.

  "Hey G. what's up?"

  "My heart rate," I said honestly.

  "Good or bad?"

  "Good I think."

  "You think?"

  "Reece asked me on a date. An actual date. Specific place specific time, he's even picking me up. At my house! Well, my parent's house, which makes it seem even more authentic somehow."

  "You didn't really date in high school did you?" Sally asked.

  "Not really. I went to a few house parties but guys either mostly ignored me or wanted to get into my pants."

  "And you think Reece is different," she said, meaning it as a statement.

  "Starting to," I admitted.

  "You sound hesitant," Sally said.

  "I guess I'm still not sure, part of the reason I said yes was that my parents are out of town so I won't have to worry about explaining that."

  "Explaining what?"

  "Why I live with my parents."

  "You're not the only one, darling."

  "True, though not usually because they lost their job for punching their manager and took a huge risk on a start-up business," I pointed out.

  `"Oh, you'd be surprised," Sally said.

  "Still, though, it is a bit embarrassing. Hopefully it will just be temporary."

  "You could have stayed with me you know," Sally said.

  "No, I didn't, though it wouldn't have been a good idea. I need to save everything I have and couldn't have paid rent."

  "You're not spending anything?"

  "Not really. I thought about getting a vibrator but couldn't really justify it."

  "And it may not be needed, if things work out with Reece," Sally said.

  "Yeah," I said, once again considering this possibility.

  "That's a good thing right?"

  "I think so," I said, still trying to figure that out for myself, "he does fuck amazingly and seems to want it as much as I do."

  "Both good things," Sally said.

  "You're right."

  "Most of the time," Sally said.

  "And so very humble."

  "Stop, you're making me blush."

  "That's a first," I joked.

  "Not quite but almost," Sally said.

  It took me a minute to get her implication, remembering how warm I had gotten when I was with Reece. Particularly my face and chest.

  "Naughty!" I teased.

  "That's me," she almost sang.

  "And I'm happier for it."

  "So, where is he taking you?" Sally asked.

  "A pizza place. I think it's called Papa Gino's."

  "That's adorable! When is he picking you up? No, no, let me guess! He's picking you up at seven right?"

  "Six," I said, "it can be a long drive. I think he might have a reservation."

  "At a pizza joint?"


  "That's actually kind of charming in an obsessive sort of way."

  "I never really thought about it that way," I said.

  "All it needs is a malt shop and a sock hop and it would be prefect."

  "You think?"

  "Oh hell yeah, he wants you bad, babe. And I don't just mean for a quick fuck. I thinks he wants to be your boyfriend."

  "Oh," I said quietly.

  "A bit scary, huh?"

  "More overwhelming," I said.

  "As new things often are," Sally said.

sp; "Yeah. W-what should I do?"

  "I would say something like keep your legs crossed and act like a lady but that ship has sailed I think. It also isn't 1962 anymore."

  "Fair point," I said.

  "So I would say be yourself and don't do anything you don't want to do," Sally said.

  "Right," I said.

  She obviously didn't know that this was easier said than done for me but it was still sound advice that I tried to take to heart. I hoped it would help calm the storm to remember this. I has nothing to prove and no one to impress. I was just going to be myself and go with my gut. If it worked out, great. If it all fell apart, at least I would know and I would have been true to myself. It would have hurt but I would get over it eventually. I just hoped it wouldn't come to that. Like my grandma used to say, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. That way you're never disappointed.

  Reece was right on time. I figured he might be and did my best to be ready to go when he pulled up. I had debated quite a bit about what to wear. Casual? Conservative? Cozy? Sexy? I really didn't know what kind of signal wanted to give. In the end I chose at random, ending up in my boots, a pair of black velvet pants I had't worn since high school, a plaid shirt that parted at the fourth button because of my tits and an army overcoat I had gotten at the thrift store. It still had the German flag patches sewn to the shoulders.

  Reece was waiting for me when I came out, leaning casually against the front of his car, hands in his pockets like James Dean. He wasn't wearing the suit anymore. Instead he wore a fetching slacks and vest set with a crisp white shirt and a dress overcoat that looked like it cost as much as my car.

  "Ready?" he asked, flashing his bedevilling smile.

  I replied by standing on my tip toes and kissing him. I think it was the first time I had done that without him kissing me first. It was nice to be the instigator for a change. It was something I felt like I wanted to do so I gave it a try, just to see how I would feel about it. It felt fucking amazing.

  Suddenly, I remembered this was just supposed to be a fling. Nothing serious nothing romantics and the kiss was defiantly romantic. The butterflies in my tummy fluttered their tiny wings in agreement.


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