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Her Colorado Pleasures [Spirit, Colorado 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Lara Valentine

  Spirit, Colorado 5

  Her Colorado Pleasures

  Five friends. One basket of sex toys. How to win? Tell the best sex story of all time.

  Casey Charles inherited the town’s sex toy store from her aunt in Spirit. If she sells it, she can start her own business back in Florida. But to sell, she needs to make some improvements. She hires hunky carpenters Sin and Evan Parker to renovate the store. Just watching their rippling muscles has her hot and bothered even in Colorado’s cold temperatures.

  Sin and Evan grew up together in foster homes and bear the inner scars. They’ve never found a woman who could understand their damaged souls and hearts. One evening with Casey convinces them this woman is one to cherish.

  When Casey’s dreams start to come true, can Sin and Evan hold on to her, or will she leave her men and Spirit behind? They’ll try to convince her to stay, one sex toy at a time.

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Note: The books in this series share an external story arc. Though not mandatory, we highly recommend reading the books in sequential order.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 39,197 words


  Spirit, Colorado 5

  Lara Valentine


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Lara Valentine

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-956-2

  First E-book Publication: December 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my friends and fellow authors—Melody Snow Monroe, Peyton Elizabeth, Alicia White, and Zara Chase. You rock!


  Spirit, Colorado 5


  Copyright © 2012


  “Nice job, Ellie. I’ve got to say your hot tub scene was, well, hot.”

  Casey Charles leaned back in her seat and smiled. Ellie Kirkwood finished telling her story about the hot sex she’d had with her handsome men, Josh and Rex, in an attempt to win the basket of goodies Casey had brought for the best and hottest sex story. Lana, Hannah, and Selena all nodded in agreement. The story was erotic and steamy. It was just the kind of story that could win.

  She waved a hand at her Thursday-night gal pals. “All of those stories are certainly sexy. Any one of them is worthy of a basket of smoking-hot sex toys. But—”

  Lana gave a coy smile. “But yours is better? No way. My men are the hottest in Spirit.”

  Hannah giggled. “Mine are the hottest in Colorado, no, make that the entire West.”

  Ellie shook her head. “My men would dominate your men. Hands down. No contest.”

  Selena’s coordination was definitely off, and it took her two attempts to lean her elbow on the table and rest her head in her splayed hand. “You have no idea what I made my guys do to me on the back of that little display at the auction, Ellie,” she said dreamily. “It still gets talked about in our household.”

  “Details!” four voices demanded.

  “Nope.” Selena adopted a smug expression. “Some things are simply too good to share.”

  “Auctioning the guys off was an inspired move,” Hannah conceded. “Those pictures you took of them, Ellie. You could probably sell them to…well, to someone.” She flapped her hands like it ought to be obvious. “Say, perhaps we should get a group shot of all our men together, half-naked.”

  “They’d never go for it,” Lana said.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Casey canted her head, a wicked smile playing about her lips. “We have ways of making them do what we want.” She nodded toward the basket of toys, and all the girls laughed.

  “So, ladies, I must be the winner.” Ellie had consumed several glasses of wine while she told her story. The booze seemed to have helped to dispel her few remaining inhibitions. “Goodie!”

  Lana banged on the table. “Hold on. Casey hasn’t told us her story yet.”

  Casey shook her head. “The beginning of the story wasn’t one of the more stellar moments in my life. It’s kind of embarrassing, but you’re my friends.”

  Ellie nodded. “We’re dying to hear how you met Sin and Evan. Spill it.”

  Casey smiled. “Well, it started the day my boyfriend dumped me.”

  There was a collective gasp from the group.

  “Yep, dumped. The old heave-ho. It was quite a day.”

  Chapter 1

  “How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me?”

  Casey Charles was standing in her office, staring at her boyfriend and coworker in utter disbelief. He had just told her he was getting married. To someone else.

  Not that she wanted to marry Brett Simmons. He was good looking
enough, charming enough, and smart enough, she supposed. He was husband material, that was for sure, or she wouldn’t have bothered dating him for the last four months. He came from a good family, had an Ivy League education, spoke three languages, and knew what wine to drink with fish. He was everything she wasn’t.

  She wasn’t head over heels in love with him, although she had tried hard to be. He had been pleasant and polite, especially in bed. He understood her drive to get the coveted corner office. He supported that drive and had plenty of ambitions of his own. Clearly, he had decided the hard work to get there was overrated. He was marrying the CEO’s daughter.

  Brett shook his head with a small smile. “C.C., I never loved you, and you most certainly never loved me. I’m not even sure you liked me all that much. I do, however, like you, and I respect your work. Now that I’m marrying Caroline, I can help you with your career. Aren’t you tired of working eighty or ninety hours a week? I am.”

  “I did like you,” Casey said defensively. Apparently, Brett had been aware of her lukewarm feelings all along. “I thought we were a good team. And, no, I’m not tired of working. I love to work.”

  Brett plopped into the guest chair in her office. “Correction. You live to work. It’s like you’re driven by demons. When was the last time you cut loose and had some fun? And we were a good team—at the office. Elsewhere? C’mon, C.C., you can’t say we had some grand passion for each other. You barely tolerated sex with me. Did you ever come once? Caroline, on the other hand, has her hands all over my cock all the time.”

  Casey felt her face get warm. “I don’t want to fucking hear about your sex life with another woman. A woman you were dating while you were dating me, you asshole.”

  Casey drew herself up to her entire five-foot-two-inch height, plus four-inch heels. “And if I didn’t come, whose fault is that? Yours!”

  She waved him off before he could answer then leaned over and poked him in the chest. “You’re a selfish lover, Brett. You never asked me what I needed.”

  Brett stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking straight into her eyes. “And you never told me, C.C. Think about that with the next guy. We’re not psychics.”

  His hands fell away and he headed for her office door. “Since I’m an asshole and a selfish dick in bed, it sounds like you’re well rid of me. You had a lucky escape, it seems to me.” He grinned lazily. “But lucky for you, I think you’re amazing at your job. I’m still going to help you with your career, too. You deserve it for putting up with a selfish asshole like me.”

  Brett ducked out just before her cerulean-blue Jimmy Choo pump smacked into her door where his head had been seconds before.

  She sighed and went to retrieve one half of her favorite pair of shoes. It would be just her luck if she broke the heel throwing it at the head of her now ex-boyfriend.

  She sat down in her desk chair with a grimace and inspected her shoe. It wasn’t broken, thank goodness. She couldn’t afford to ruin a pair of shoes this expensive. She was trying to save her money to someday start her own PR firm. At the rate she was going, it would be another five to ten years.

  Casey stared out the window of her fifth-floor office. Although her office was small, she had an amazing view of Tampa Bay. She could see boats on the water and an occasional seagull from her vantage point. It was a sunny spring day in Tampa, with the temperature already warming to eighty most days. Normally, she loved working, but today she would rather be on one of those boats, skimming across the smooth water.

  She couldn’t really work up any feelings of being heartbroken or even much sadness. Brett had been the man she thought she should fall in love with. She hadn’t, of course. Still, he had been very cruel telling her the news here at work. What if she had been desperately in love with him and cried? She never, ever cried at the office. Criers don’t get corner offices.

  She pushed her foot back in her shoe and picked up a stack of papers, shoving them in her briefcase. For the first time in months, she was going to leave the office before lunch. Maybe she would join those boaters out on the bay. Or maybe she would hit the gym before the after-work crowd. It didn’t matter what she did, as long as she wasn’t here.

  * * * *

  Casey pushed open the front door of her apartment, tossing her purse on the end table, along with the mail. She had just spent the last hour and a half at the gym, punishing her body to get her conversation with Brett this morning out of her mind. She wasn’t fuming at Brett any longer, and she couldn’t really blame him. She hadn’t been the most devoted girlfriend. In fact, she had been decidedly chilly to him the last month or so. He just shouldn’t have lied about it. Dickhead.

  She fell back into the cushions of the couch and kicked off her shoes. It was going to be difficult seeing Brett, day in and day out, at the office. Her pride, not love, would be the issue. Maybe she should start looking for another job. She had been at Jenrette Public Relations for three years. It was a good firm, but she was finding it hard to advance as quickly as she wanted. A new job might be just what she needed.

  Casey picked up her mail and sifted through the familiar envelopes. Power bill. Phone bill. Credit card offer. On the bottom was a thick, cream-colored envelope, bearing the return address of a law firm in Colorado. Great. She was probably being sued. That would be the icing on the cake today.

  She ripped open the envelope and pulled the sheaf of papers out to read through them. There was no sound in her apartment except the faint sounds of traffic outside her windows. She lived near a particularly busy street in the Rocky Point area. By the time she had finished reading the documents twice, she was shocked. Her Aunt Melanie, in Spirit, Colorado, had passed away. Casey felt sad as she remembered her fun-loving aunt. She had only been a child the last time she had visited Spirit, but the memories were still vivid. The year she had spent in Spirit was one of the happiest in her childhood.

  Aunt Mel had seemed to understand Casey’s frustration with her nomadic and flighty parents. She would call them hippies, but they were too young to have been at Haight-Ashbury in 1968. They had dragged Casey and her sister around the country in a dinged-up station wagon most of her childhood. They were always following something or other that caught their fancy. Sometimes it was spiritual enlightenment, other times it was about communing with nature or saving an endangered animal. What it usually meant was her parents worked very little and the family had even less.

  How Aunt Mel had talked her parents into leaving her in Spirit, Casey never knew. But her twelve-year-old self was eternally grateful. Mel had taught Casey to cook and sew, can foods and giggle. She had encouraged Casey’s love of learning. She had been the one to teach Casey how to dress in those hand-me-downs and handle the mean girls at school. She had taught Casey what horny teenage boys would say to get in to your pants, or at the very least your bra. In short, she had been the mother Casey always wanted.

  When her parents came for her, Casey had cried and clung to Mel. Mel had soothed her, hugged her, but in the end had told Casey she had to go with her mom and dad. She and Aunt Mel wrote as often as they could over the years. It was Mel who, again, intervened on Casey’s behalf to entreat her parents to let her live with a friend in Clearwater, Florida, so Casey could finish high school. It was Mel who had helped Casey fill out college applications and grant applications. It was Mel who sent Casey spending money during college. It was Aunt Mel who had showed up at her college graduation. It was Aunt Mel who came to visit her every January, saying she needed a break from the Colorado winters.

  Casey was sick to her stomach when she realized that she hadn’t heard from her aunt in over a month. The last time she had talked to her, she sounded fine, so it was shocking to hear Aunt Melanie had suffered a heart attack. She always seemed full of life and love. Full of vinegar, her aunt would have said. Her aunt had also told her that Brett didn’t sound good enough for her. How right she was.

  Casey brushed away the tears sliding down her cheeks. Aunt Mel
anie had been thinking of her at the very end. According to the papers, she had inherited Aunt Melanie’s store—Miss Melanie’s Spirit Emporium. Casey knitted her brow and tried to remember her aunt ever mentioning her store except in passing. Funny how she never had. She just would say she needed to get back to the store or Lorna, her employee, was watching the store. Now the store belonged to Casey. All she had to do was sign some papers.

  Casey reached for her cell phone to call the attorney in Colorado. It was time to do something she should have done long ago. She was going to Spirit, Colorado.

  Chapter 2

  Casey pulled into a parking spot on High Country Boulevard, the main road through Spirit. It was hard to believe that it was less than two weeks since she had received the news of her aunt’s death that had set in motion the recent chain of events.

  She had gone in to work the morning after receiving the news about her aunt and slapped her resignation on her shocked boss’s desk. She had no idea how long she would be in Spirit, and her firm was not the kind to give her a leave of absence. In fact, they had the nerve to tell her she wasn’t resigning at a convenient time. She then sublet her apartment to a friend who was separating from her husband. With those items taken care of, all that was left was to pack her bags and drive across the country. It had taken her three days, but she was finally here.

  The town had changed very little from what she could see. It was still a small, but charming, ski town. The greatest difference was that the pedestrians walked down the street with cell phones, although they still looked up to greet each other.


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