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Her Colorado Pleasures [Spirit, Colorado 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Lara Valentine

  She peeked up and almost died of embarrassment. Looking down at her with concerned expressions were the two men from the store the day before. The two incredibly handsome men, who less than twenty-four hours ago had been checking out her ass. They now had a fine view of it. Draped over the now-destroyed fortress, it stuck up in the air as if in invitation.

  “Are you okay?” The dark-haired man knelt next to her. “Don’t move. You might have broken something.”

  “Only my pride. I don’t suppose you could help me up?”

  “Of course we will.” This time it was the blond giant who spoke. He leaned over and literally lifted her up and set her on her feet. He acted like he had picked up a feather. Her eyes wandered over his incredibly wide shoulders, bulging biceps, and trim waist. Her gaze moved back up to his beautifully handsome face. His blond hair was short, with just a few longer wisps that hung on his forehead. His eyes were a soft chocolate brown. His chin had a sexy dimple in it. She suddenly had the urge to nibble on that sculpted chin.

  Holy hot damn. I didn’t notice this yesterday.

  She looked to her left, and the other man was just as handsome and sexy. Not quite as tall as the blond but still at least six feet. His shoulders were just as wide, his stomach just as flat. He looked like Superman, with his dark hair, stunning blue eyes, and square jaw.

  I must have hit my head really hard.

  Both men had worried expressions. The dark-haired one brushed her hair back from her face. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little stunned.”

  “I think I might have hit my head.”

  Did I say that out loud?

  Before she knew it, the blond scooped her up in his arms and headed for one of the comfortable chairs by the fire. Lorna appeared out of the back room with Casey’s hot chocolate as Sin settled her into a wingback chair.

  “Oh my goodness! What happened?”

  Lorna bustled over to Casey.

  “She thinks she hit her head, Lorna. Maybe we should call a doctor.” It was the dark-haired man that spoke.

  Casey held up her hand. “Stop. I’m fine. I don’t think I hit my head after all. I’m okay. Thank you for helping me up.”

  Lorna gave her an appraising look. “If you say so. What happened anyway?”

  Casey rolled her eyes. “I was cleaning the shelves and the bell on the door startled me. I turned and lost my balance. I’m not known for being graceful. I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time.”

  The dark-haired man gave her a wicked grin. “She fell right at our feet, Lorna. And into a pile of sex toys, too. That’s gotta be a first for us.”

  Casey could feel her face get warm. She could only imagine the picture she made, ass in the air, surrounded by mechanical cocks of all shapes, colors, and sizes.


  Lorna handed her the hot chocolate. “Well, it seems you’re okay. Why don’t you sit for a few minutes? You can tell Evan and Sin what renovations you want done to the store. I’ll be in the back room sorting through new inventory if anyone needs me.”

  Casey closed her eyes as a horrible thought bloomed in her mind. “You’re the carpenters Lorna told me about?”

  Outstanding. She couldn’t possibly have these two men around, day in and day out. They were too good looking, too sexy, and far too dangerous to her equilibrium. Plus, they had witnessed her going head first into a pile of vibrators.

  The dark-haired one sat opposite her while the blond leaned casually against the counter, his long legs crossed in front of him.

  “I’m Evan Parker, and that’s Sin Parker.” Apparently, Evan did all the talking. With the exception of one short sentence, Sin hadn’t said a word.

  She looked up at the blond. “Sin is an interesting name. Is it a nickname? Did you get it in college or something?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  Casey waited for him to say something else, but he didn’t. He just continued to lean against the counter with an unreadable expression.


  “It’s short for Sinclair.” Evan, again. “Why don’t you tell us what you want done to the store? We have some ideas, too.”

  Casey nodded and launched into her plans. She wanted the store to be amazing.

  * * * *

  Sin leaned back against the counter and studied the new owner of the Emporium. She was pretty, that was for sure. And tiny. She couldn’t be much over five feet tall. He was six four and knew she wouldn’t even reach his shoulder. Her hair was as dark as midnight and hung down to the middle of her back. Sin could imagine her on all fours while he fucked her from behind, his hand tangled in that hair.

  She and Evan were drawing out the new shelves and display cases she wanted built. So far, it didn’t look like anything complicated. Her eyes were lit up with excitement as she pointed to the back of the store and described her vision. Her tongue snaked out and wet her lips. Sin felt the tightening in his groin. He wanted this woman more than he could remember wanting someone for a long time. The only question was, would she be up for both him and Evan?

  Evan drew a tall structure on the paper and turned it so she could see. “Sin had an idea for the back area. Take a look at this.”

  Casey leaned forward and studied the drawing before looking at him with those amazing blue eyes. “This is a great idea. I never would have thought of anything so clever. The side for hanging the costumes is perfect, and the toys can go on the shelves next to it. I like your idea of combining merchandise by theme. I think it could help sales.”

  Sin felt a warmth in his chest at her praise. He hadn’t received a lot in his life.

  He shrugged. He wasn’t good at talking to people. “Good.”

  Casey looked a little nervous as she chewed on her full, sensuous lips. “So, can you give me an estimate as to how much you would charge? Then I will know how much I can actually ask you to do.”

  Evan started doing some figures on the paper. Sin wanted to do this job. He wanted to be close to the little Casey Charles and get to know her better. A whole lot better. There was something about her that fascinated him.

  Evan showed him a figure on the paper. Before Evan could tell her the quote, Sin beat him to it, cutting the total in half.

  Casey exhaled in what appeared to be relief and started to smile. Sin felt her smile go straight to his heart.

  “That’s it? That’s wonderful! I can definitely afford that. Wow, things must be much less expensive here in Colorado than Florida. When can you start?”

  This time Evan beat him to the punch. “First thing in the morning. We just need this afternoon to get the supplies. Can we say half down and half on completion?”

  “Of course, I’ll just run upstairs and get my checkbook. This is great.”

  Casey skipped up the stairs, leaving Evan and Sin alone. Evan gave him a grin.

  “Was that the good-neighbor discount you gave her? Or the I-want-to-get-laid discount?”

  Sin smiled lazily. “She was worried about the price. I could tell. We don’t need the damn money, anyway. And yes, I do want to get laid. Tell me you don’t.”

  “Yeah, I want to get laid, too. She seems awful skittish, though.”

  Sin stared at the stairs that led to the apartment above the store. “We got plenty of time to work our charm on Casey. She’ll be in our bed before we finish the large display case.”

  Chapter 4

  Casey tried to keep her eyes on the display case in front of her. It was almost impossible. Since Evan and Sin had shown up this morning, she hadn’t been able to stop watching them. Both of them were dressed in worn blue jeans that cupped their gorgeous asses and defined their muscular thighs. Their T-shirts were stretched over massive chests, flat abs, and bulging biceps. Casey couldn’t help but watch, fascinated, as their muscles bunched and moved under their clothes as they worked. Suddenly, suits, ties, and briefcases seemed very unattractive and completely unsexy.

  “And this is our selection of cosmetic vibrators. T
hey look like innocent cosmetics that you might keep in your purse but are actually small vibrators.”

  Lorna was teaching Casey the inventory. The men appeared amused, as if her tutorial was a floor show for their entertainment.

  Casey picked up what appeared to be a tube of mascara. It had a discreet switch on the bottom that when pressed brought the tube to life.

  “Ingenious. It really looks like a tube of mascara until you look closely.”

  “It’s meant to. Now let’s move on to this next section.”

  Casey snuck a look at the men under her lashes. Sin was pulling down the old shelves in the dungeon section and stacking up the inventory. She felt her panties getting wet at the thought of him wielding some of those implements. His strong arms flexing as he lifted a paddle or a flogger. She squirmed at the tingling in her pussy.

  “This is our most popular vibrator. It’s eight inches long, with these butterfly wings for clit stimulation. The ball bearings inside stimulate the G-spot.”

  Casey frowned. “I thought the G-spot was just a myth? It doesn’t really exist, does it?”

  Lorna gave her a mysterious smile. “What are those men in Tampa thinking? It’s a good thing you came out west, dear.”

  Evan bent over to pick up a board, pulling his jeans snug, and Casey’s mouth went dry.

  “You’re absolutely right, Lorna. Thank goodness I came here.”

  * * * *

  Evan hid a grin as he elbowed Sin in the ribs. He deliberately kept his voice down.

  “Did you hear that? She doesn’t think the G-spot exists. It’s like she knew we were listening and threw down the gauntlet. Damn, I’m hard just thinking about how she’s going to react when we rub that sweet spot.”

  Sin glanced over his shoulder at the tiny woman who had taken over their fantasies. “I’ve been hard since we saw her in Martin’s. Fuck, there’s just something about her. It doesn’t help that we’re in a store filled with sex toys. All I can think about is taking her to bed, for fuck’s sake.”

  Evan nodded. “We need a plan to spend time with her—outside of this tormenting shop. Get to know her. She doesn’t seem the type to just jump into bed with a guy.”

  Normally, a woman would have come on to him and Sin by now. They’d had more than their share of luck with women. Women seemed to buzz around them like bees on honey. The fact that little Miss Casey had barely given them the time of day told him she wasn’t used to sleeping around. Couple that with the G-spot comment, and it made Evan wonder just how much sexual experience she actually had. She wasn’t a kid but probably wasn’t yet thirty. She looked a little younger than his own age of twenty-seven.

  “No, she’s different.” Sin looked thoughtful. Evan had never seen a look like that on Sin’s face before. Sin was falling hard for their new employer.

  Sin never said much, except to Evan. Sin let his actions speak for him. But Evan knew that feelings ran deep inside Sin. Sin had been there for Evan as they were passed from foster home to foster home. They were now closer than any biological brothers could be.

  Evan had remained relatively unscathed, psychologically speaking, from their years in the system. Sin, who had seen more horror than any human should ever have to, suffered more. He had issues talking to people he didn’t know well or showing any emotion. Evan was Sin’s conduit to the world, and it was just fine with him. He owed Sin from those years in foster care. He would have been pounded by bullies if it weren’t for Sin.

  “I’ll ask her to dinner or something. We’ll take her someplace we can talk and get to know her.”

  Sin nodded in agreement. “Someplace nice. She’s got class.”

  “We’ll take her to the Inn. They’ve got a great steak. She could use some meat on her bones.”

  Sin looked over his shoulder again and shook his head. “I want her, Evan. There’s something about her that I can’t put my finger on. Maybe it’s that sad little expression she wears when no one is looking, but I want her. I want to make her smile.”

  Evan did, too. They just needed a small bit of cooperation from Casey.

  * * * *

  Casey flipped the sign on the door to Closed. It had been a long day, but she had learned as much as her brain could absorb about the myriad of sex toys the store carried. She now knew the difference between a vibrator and a dildo. She also knew the difference between clitoral stimulators and G-spot stimulators. She was surprised to find she had enjoyed her day as the new proprietor of a sex toy shop. She liked learning about the inventory and the customers were extremely friendly. She had been determined not to let any shyness stop her from helping her clientele. She had stumbled a few times when asked for some of the more daring items, but all in all, she felt she had done well today.

  Now she was exhausted. Her brain was filled with more information about sex than she thought she could digest in one day. Her mind was officially boggled. The masculine eye candy she’d been treated to all day certainly hadn’t helped matters. She would be dreaming about nipple clamps and Evan and Sin’s buff bodies tonight.

  “Hungry, honey?”

  Casey turned at the sound of Evan’s deep, husky voice. Her stomach flipped in arousal and then growled loudly. A grin split his handsome face.

  “Sounds like a yes. How about me and Sin treat you to a steak over at the Inn?”

  Her stomach rumbled again before she could politely turn him down. Her nerves had been stretched to their breaking point all day long with their yummy, masculine bodies on display. She wasn’t sure she could stand too much more without completely embarrassing herself and humping their legs. They were just so damn sexy.

  Evan chuckled. “A definite yes. Go on upstairs and get your coat. Sin and I will finish cleaning up down here.”

  Casey was starving, and she had precious little to eat in the apartment upstairs. She hesitated as she looked back at Lorna. Lorna and Casey had shared dinner last night. She didn’t want to be rude and just leave her. It was Sin, surprisingly, that interpreted her look. He gave Lorna a dazzling smile that completely transformed his normally stoic features. Casey almost staggered back at his sheer male beauty. If he smiled all the time, she would be at his feet in a female puddle.

  “Lorna, dear, how about a steak with Ev, Casey, and me? We’re headed to the Inn.”

  Lorna laughed and grabbed her coat. “Not tonight, Sin. I have a date. Bill Studder asked me to have dinner with him. You’ll have to take a number.”

  Casey frowned for a moment as she remembered Lorna’s wedding band. She must be a widow. Good for her, starting to date again.

  Sin grinned and helped her on with her coat. “Just my luck. The lady’s always spoken for. You make sure he acts like a gentleman tonight or I’ll kick his ass. I don’t care if he owns the only gas station in town.”

  Lorna bustled out of the front door with a wave. “I’ll be sure to tell him, Sin. You’d scare the dickens out of most grown men.”

  Sin turned to Casey, his expression growing remote again. “Ready?”

  Casey had watched his exchange with Lorna in fascination. He had acted so charming and gentlemanly. She felt a tiny give in her heart she absolutely couldn’t afford right now.

  “I need my coat.”

  Casey flew up the stairs and away from her confusing feelings for these two men. It had to be hunger and the altitude messing with her.

  * * * *

  Casey sat back in her chair with a contented sigh. The High Country Inn certainly knew how to grill a steak. She had practically licked her plate clean. Both men had put away steaks twice the size of hers, but then they were bigger and worked physical labor all day. Even now, she could remember the play of muscles underneath their shirts as they worked.

  “How about dessert? The Inn has an incredible chocolate mousse.”

  Evan gave her a charming smile. He had been charming all evening as they chatted about Spirit. She had learned a great deal about the town, including that some of the relationships were of the ména
ge variety. There had been a gleam in Evan’s eyes when he said it. She was pretty sure that he and Sin shared.

  She had seen ménage relationships before in the communes she had lived in, so she wasn’t shocked. The people had seemed pretty normal, living normal lives, except they had fallen in love with two people. She wasn’t sure she was really the ménage type, but she wouldn’t judge others for it.

  It was intriguing and kind of cool to live in a town where no one thought this was strange. Casey had assumed anyone in a ménage would have to hide away in a hippie commune somewhere away from people. Hiding away from life had never appealed to her. She was too much like Aunt Melanie, and not much like her parents. She liked to face life head-on—the good and the bad.

  Right now, it was all good. She felt the warmth of Sin and Evan’s bodies on either side of her and her mind drifted to a fantasy with the three of them in a large bed, their limbs in a tangle. The thought of being sandwiched between their hard bodies sent a shiver down her spine and straight between her legs. She had to force herself to concentrate on her conversation with Evan, his voice warm and low, almost caressing.

  Sin, on the other hand, had barely spoken. He had, however, listened intently to every word she said. It was strange to have that kind of attention focused on her, but it wasn’t unpleasant. She wasn’t used to a man giving her his undivided attention. At no time during the meal did either one of them flirt with the waitress or even check their cell phones. It was nothing short of miraculous.

  “I’m not sure I have room for chocolate mousse. It sounds delicious, though. The food here is really good.”

  Evan put his hand over hers and gave it a squeeze. “We’ll share one, then. You could use some meat on your bones.”

  Casey looked down at herself in amazement. No man had ever said that before. In Tampa, land of bikinis year round, she had been considered a little plump.

  “You’re kidding, right? No one has ever said I needed to gain weight. In Tampa, I’m downright fat.”


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